December 2015, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 293-331 The Importance of the Thin Conception of the Rule of Law for International Development: A Decision-Theoretic Account
by Boom Christopher D. - 333-360 Tracking the Law and Development Continuum through Multiple Intersections
by Ordor Ada - 361-388 The World Bank’s Sustainable Development Approach and the Need for a Unified Field of Law and Development Studies in Argentina
by de Moerloose Stéphanie - 389-432 Policy Space and Policy Autonomy under the WTO: A Comparison of Post-Crisis Industrial Policies in Brazil and the US
by Bogliolo Piancastelli Siqueira Ada & Cadaval Martins Julia - 433-466 Toward an Elaboration of a More Pluralistic Legal Landscape for Developing West African Countries: Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) and Law and Development
by Hiez David & Menétrey Séverine - 467-502 Conceptualizing the Developmental State in Resource-Rich Sub-Saharan Africa
by Ghebremusse Sara - 503-521 Trade, Development and Child Labor: Regulation and Law in the Case of Child Labor in the Cocoa Industry
by Bertrand William & de Buhr Elke
June 2015, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-67 Call for a New Analytical Model for Law and Development
by Lee Yong-Shik - 69-97 Patents for Drugs and the Right to Development in International Law
by Owoeye Olasupo Ayodeji - 99-121 Regulatory Impact Assessment in Mexico: A Story of Interest Groups Pressure
by Reyes Renny & Romano Alessandro & Sottilotta Cecilia Emma - 123-145 On Heaven’s Lathe: State, Rule of Law, and Economic Development
by Chen Ding & Deakin Simon - 147-186 Revising the Role of Contract in Development Cooperation
by Spencer Elizabeth Crawford - 187-216 Defining the “Local” in Local Content Requirements in the Oil and Gas and Mining Sectors in Developing Countries
by Nwapi Chilenye - 217-233 Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Commitment Problems and International Law
by Diergarten Yorck & Krieger Tim - 235-236 David A. Gantz: Liberalizing International Trade after Doha: Multilateral, Plurilateral, Regional, and Unilateral Initiatives
by Malkawi Bashar
December 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 187-205 Law and Development Implications of Transnational Land Acquisitions: Introduction
by Neef Andreas - 207-242 The Law and Land Grabbing: Friend or Foe?
by Alden Wily Liz - 243-274 Arab Acquisitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Partners in Development?
by Farrar Salim - 275-312 The Media Discourse of Land Grabbing and Resistance During Myanmar’s Legal Reformation: The Monywa Copper Mine
by Zerrouk Emel & Neef Andreas - 313-327 International Adjudication of Land Disputes: For Development and Transnationalism
by Bechky Perry S. - 329-367 Managing Foreign Investment in Agricultural Land in Africa: The Role of Bilateral Investment Treaties and International Investment Contracts
by Ewelukwa Ofodile Uche - 369-400 Regulations of Large-Scale Acquisitions of Land: The Case of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forests
by Paoloni Lorenza & Onorati Antonio - 401-431 Questioning the “Regulatory Approach” to Large-Scale Agricultural Land Transfers in Ethiopia: A Legal Pluralistic Perspective
by Mulleta Fantu F. & Merlet Pierre & Bastiaensen Johan - 433-471 What Can Be Expected from International Frameworks to Regulate Large-Scale Land and Water Acquisitions in Sub-Saharan Africa?
by Brüntrup Michael & Scheumann Waltina & Berger Axel & Christmann Lidija & Brandi Clara
October 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Legal Origin of Income Inequality
by Maggio Giuseppe & Romano Alessandro & Troisi Angela - 23-47 Enhancing the Effectiveness of Transparency in Extractive Resource Governance: A Nigerian Case Study
by Nwapi Chilenye - 49-77 Reversing Land Grabs or Aggravating Tenure Insecurity? Competing Perspectives on Economic Land Concessions and Land Titling in Cambodia
by Oldenburg Christoph & Neef Andreas - 79-105 Public Administration, Law and Development in Brazil: Building Legally Sustainable Public Policies for an Inclusionary State
by Guimarães Guilherme C. - 107-129 Harmonizing International Trade and Climate Change Institutions: Legal and Theoretical Basis for Systemic Integration
by Olawuyi Damilola S. - 131-163 International Law, the International Development Legal Regime and Developing Countries
by Ikejiaku Brian-Vincent - 165-185 Solar and Wind Power as Natural Resource: Legal Theory and Practice of Use of Renewable Energy Sources (View from Russia)
by Anisimov Aleksey Pavlovich & Ryzhenkov Anatoly Jakovlevich
November 2013, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-2 Integrating Africa into the World Economy through International Economic Law: An Introduction
by Gathii James Thuo & Broude Tomer & Boulle Laurence
August 2013, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 3-27 The Dilemma of Public–Private Partnerships as a Vehicle for the Provision of Regional Transport Infrastructure Development in Africa
by Akinkugbe Olabisi Delebayo - 29-46 The Missed and Missing Benefits to Africa in the Absence of Harmonized International Regulation of Traditional Medicinal Knowledge
by Andemariam Senai W. - 47-66 Making WTO Dispute Settlement Work for African Countries: An Evaluation of Current Proposals for Reforming the DSU
by Bartels Lorand - 111-153 Assessing the Organisation pour l’harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires’s Contributions to Poverty Reduction in Africa: A Grounded Outlook
by Deschamps Isabelle - 155-179 Revisiting African States Participation in the WTO Dispute Settlement through Intra-Africa RTA Dispute Settlement
by Forere Malebakeng - 181-215 Increasing Africa’s Share of Vertical Investments through Single Window Systems
by Ndonga Dennis
September 2013, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 67-110 When Investment Arbitration Curbs Domestic Regulatory Space: Consistent Solutions through Amicus Curiae Submissions by Regional Organisations
by Cross Ciaran & Schliemann-Radbruch Christian - 217-253 Capitalism, International Investment Law and the Development Conundrum
by Schwartz Priscilla - 255-297 Integrating African Markets into the Global Exchange of Services: A Central African Perspective
by Simo Regis Y.
July 2013, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 117-142 Property Rights, Law, and Economic Development
by Xu Guangdong - 143-223 Is There a Linkage Between Sustainable Development and Market Access of LDCs?
by Tania Sharmin Jahan - 225-253 Institutional Capacity Building and Legal Reform in Iraq: Toward Innovation and Public Administration Modernization
by Hendrix Steven E.
June 2013, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 61-115 Economic Development and the Legal Foundations of Regulation in Brazil
by de Castro Marcus F.
October 2013, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-24 Legal Issues in the Promotion of Microtrade: From the Perspective of International Economic Law
by Lee Jaemin & Lee Y.S.
November 2013, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 25-59 Accounting for Legal Pluralism: The Impact of Pre-colonial Institutions on Crime
by Larcom Shaun
December 2012, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-1 Introduction
by Lee Yong-Shik - 2-26 Least-Developed Countries, Climate Change and Trade
by Irish Maureen F. - 27-55 Combating Food Shortages in Least Developed Countries: Current Development Assistance Approaches
by Tomkins Alan J. - 56-82 Mode 4 of WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services: Can it spur Cross-Border Labor Mobility from Developing Countries?
by Dowlah Caf - 83-127 Resolution of Investor-State Controversies in Developing Countries
by Gantz David A. - 128-154 Proposing the Bonding Requirements for Investment in Africa: A Tripartite Solution for the Environmental Protection
by Liu Deming - 155-166 Researchers and Small-scale Entrepreneurship
by Garcia-Padilla Antonio - 167-193 Aid-effectiveness and Donor Coordination from Paris to Busan: A Cambodian Case Study
by Cameron Camille & Low Sally
June 2012, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 129-152 Microtrade and Public Procurement: Facilitating "Aid for Trade" through Government Purchasing
by Kim Dae-in & Yoo Joon Koo
May 2012, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Lee Yong-Shik - 3-28 International Microtrade Regime - Structure and Financing
by Gupta Arpita - 29-49 Virtual Bazaar: A Means of Supporting Microtrade in the Least Developed Countries
by Shirazi Fraid - 50-79 Microtrade and the Fair Trade Movement
by Khumon Prapanpong - 80-100 Community-Based Microtrade in Support of Small-Scale Farmers in Thailand and Tanzania
by Neef Andreas & Mizuno Kei & Schad Iven & Williams Pakakrong M. & Rwezimula Franklin - 101-128 A Legal Cultural Analysis of Microtrade
by Picker Colin B.
December 2011, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 281-310 Combating the Bribery of Foreign Public Officials: The Impact of the UK Bribery Act 2010
by Hatchard John - 311-370 The Oil Industry and Africa: The Expanding Reach of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
by Deming Stuart H.
September 2011, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-1 Introduction
by Ocheje Paul D. - 2-26 The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and the Accountability of Corrupt Foreign Actors in Nigeria
by Okafor Obiora C. & Olugbuo Benson - 27-58 Corruption and Political Culture in Africa: History, Meaning, and the Problem of Naming
by Ochonu Moses E. - 59-87 The Pathology of Judicialization: Politics, Corruption and the Courts in Nigeria
by Ugochukwu Basil - 88-129 International Investment Arbitration and Corruption Claims: An Analysis of World Duty Free v. Kenya
by Odumosu Ibironke T. - 130-174 Canada's AntiForeign Bribery Regime Requires a Balancing Act
by Todgham Cherniak Cyndee D. - 184-237 Kenya's Long Anti-Corruption Agenda--1952-2010: Prospects and Challenges of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission under the 2010 Constitution
by Gathii James Thuo - 238-280 When Law Fails: A Theory of Self-Enforcing Anti-Corruption Legislation in Africa
by Ocheje Paul D.
February 2011, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-2 Introduction
by Lee Yong-Shik - 3-27 Export Promotion Policies, Export Composition and Economic Development of Korea
by Mah Jai S. - 28-42 WTO Rules and Agricultural Development Cooperation between Developed and Developing Countries
by Choi Won-Mog - 43-71 International Trade and Development Law: A Legal Cultural Critique
by Picker Colin - 72-98 Special and Differential Treatment, Trade and Sustainable Development
by Irish Maureen - 99-114 International Development Disputes
by Broude Tomer - 115-127 Law and Development in the Islamic World: New Possibilities
by Farrar Salim
August 2011, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 32-65 The Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Project--Assessing the World Bank's Failed Experiment to Direct Oil Revenues towards the Poor
by Clausen Fabian & Attaran Amir - 66-140 Agency and Accountability in Multilateral Development Finance: An Agenda for Change
by Smyth Sophie E. - 141-167 Law of the Landless: The Dalit Bid for Land Redistribution in Gujarat, India
by McDougal Topher
January 2011, Volume 4, Issue 1
September 2011, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 168-217 Chinese Investment in Africa
by Klaver Mark & Trebilcock Michael
October 2011, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 218-246 An Empirical Study of China's Participation in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: 2001-2010
by Zhuang Wei - 247-268 Challenges Facing the Use of Human Rights to Address Negative Impacts of Development: The Case of Indonesia
by Hadiprayitno Irene I.
May 2010, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-2 Introduction
by Chimni Bhupinder & Trubek David - 3-40 Linking Promises to Policies: Law and Development in an Unequal Brazil
by Coutinho Diogo R. - 41-77 The Persistence of Formalism: Towards a Situated Critique beyond the Classic Separation of Powers
by Rodriguez Jose R. - 78-121 Development Bank, Law and Innovation Financing in a New Brazilian Economy
by Schapiro Mario - 122-140 John Rawls' Justice as Fairness and the WTO: A Critical Analysis on the Initial Position of the Multilateral Agricultural Negotiation
by Cedro Rafael Rosa & Vieira Bruno Furtado - 141-197 Turning Trips on Its Head: An "IP Cross Retaliation" Model for Developing Countries
by Basheer Shamnad - 198-240 Exceptions and Limitations in Indian Copyright Law for Education: An Assessment
by Liang Lawrence - 241-270 The Indian Competition Act: A Historical and Developmental Perspective
by Mazhuvanchery Shiju Varghese - 271-305 Transit and Trade Barriers in South Asia: Multilateral Obligations and Development Perspective
by De Prabir - 306-325 Stock Market and Shareholder Protection: Are They Important for Economic Growth?
by Rathinam Francis Xavier & Raja A. V. - 326-368 Product Patents and Access to Medicines in India: A Critical Review of the Implementation of TRIPS Patent Regime
by M. Gopakumar K
November 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 135-155 Economic Development of North Korea: International Trade Based Development Policy and Legal Reform
by Lee Y.S. & Kim Young-Ok & Mun Hye Seong
April 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-39 EU and U.S. Non-Reciprocal Preferences: Maintaining the Acquis
by Kelly Ruth
May 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 40-63 When Is Corruption a Substitute for Economic Freedom?
by Carden Art & Verdon Lisa
September 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1
December 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 156-207 A Delicate Balance: Building Complementary Customary and State Legal Systems
by Toomey Leigh T
December 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
October 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 225-256 The Twin Failures of the CDM: Recommendations for the "Copenhagen Protocol"
by Kneteman Christie & Green Andrew
September 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 151-191 Suturing the Open Veins of Ecuador: Debt, Default and Democracy
by Mansell Wade & Openshaw Karen - 192-224 From Nominal to Substantive Democracy: The Role and Design of Election Management Bodies
by Trebilcock Michael & Chitalkar Poorvi
August 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 97-115 Law in Asia: The Key Role of Law as a Productive Force for Development
by Ziegert Klaus A. - 116-150 Competition Law as Development Policy: Evidence from Poland
by Rajabiun Reza
January 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-27 Developing Countries in the 21st Century WTO: New Contours of India's Global Engagement
by Karmakar Suparna - 28-52 To What Extent Should Labor and Environmental Standards Be Linked to Trade?
by Shahin Magda
June 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 53-76 Debt-for-development Exchanges: The Origins of a Financial Technique
by Buckley Ross
November 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 257-282 Revisiting the Tobin Tax, in the Context of Development and the Financial Crisis
by Yates Nicholas A
July 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 77-96 Anarchy and Development: An Application of the Theory of Second Best
by Leeson Peter T. & Williamson Claudia R.
December 2008, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Foreword
by Editors The - 3-22 The Sen Conception of Development and Contemporary International Law Discourse: Some Parallels
by Chimni Bhupinder - 23-50 Proliferation of Free Trade Agreements and Some Systemic Issues - In Relation to the WTO Disciplines and Development Perspectives
by Matsushita Mitsuo & Lee Y.S. - 51-73 Rediscovering the Role of Developing Countries in GATT before the Doha Round
by Ismail Faizel - 74-97 The Generalized System of Preferences of the United States: Does It Promote Industrialization and Economic Growth in Least Developed Countries?
by Dowlah Caf - 98-123 EU Sanitary Standards and Sub-Saharan African Agricultural Exports: A Case Study of the Livestock Sector in East Africa
by Desta Melaku Geboye - 124-153 Who Are the Developing Countries in the WTO?
by Cui Fan