- S459039 HFUL_HLIM: Stata module for heteroskedasticity-robust version of the Fuller estimator and jackknife version of the limited-information maximum likelihood estimator
by Xiduo Chen & Tiemen Wouterson & Pierangelo De Pace & John Chao - S459038 STIPW: Stata module to estimate inverse probability weighted parametric survival models with variance obtained via M-estimation
by Micki Hill - S459037 INFLATE: Stata module to inflate variables to real dollars using the CPI-U series
by Sean McCulloch - S459036 TESTOUT: Stata module to execute diagnostic testing of outliers
by Yuya Sasaki & Yulong Wang - S459035 ESTETA: Stata module to estimate long-run effects using historical instruments
by Gregory Casey & Marc Klemp - S459034 PANELVIEW: Stata module to visualize panel data
by Hongyu Mou & Yiqing Xu - P00002 PMCT2ES: Python Module for Cointegration Tests with Two Endogenous Structural Shifts
by Alan Mustafa & Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
- S459041 CNEVENT: Stata module to carry out an event study with Chinese publicly listed firms
by Chuntao Li & Yizhuo Fang - S459033 INSHELL: Stata module to send commands to the shell as well as capture and print their standard output, standard error, and native shell return codes
by Matthew Bryant Hall - S459032 RANDCMDCI: Stata module to produce robust randomization-t p-values and confidence intervals for regression coefficients
by Alwyn Young - S459031 IVPERMUTE: Stata module to estimate nearly collinear robust instrumental variables regression
by Alwyn Young - S459030 EDFREG: Stata module to make corrections for statistical inference with robust or clustered covariance matrices
by Alwyn Young - S459029 QUAIDSCE: Stata module to estimate censored almost-ideal demand systems
by Juan C. Caro & Grace Melo & José Alberto Molina & Juan Carlos Salgado - S459028 ROBIT: Stata module to estimate robit regression for binary outcomes
by Roger Newson & Milena Falcaro - S459027 STACKEDEV: Stata module to implement stacked event study estimator
by Joshua Bleiberg - S459026 TTESTEX: Stata module to perform t-tests and export the results to excel for multiple dependent and by multiple binary variables/across sub-samples
by Annina Hittmeyer - S459025 RAS: Stata module to implement biproportional scaling (RAS) method
by P.S. Xia - S459024 ADOINSTALL: Stata module to install Stata packages in a specified path
by Gustavo Iglésias - S459023 WHICHLIST: Stata module to input list of package file items and output lists of present and absent items
by Roger Newson - S459022 SYSPORT: Stata module to zip system directories for porting to another machine
by Roger Newson - S459021 TWOSTEP: Stata module to perform twostep multilevel analysis
by Ulrich Kohler & Johannes Giesecke - S459020 PROBGENEXTVAL: Stata module to Estimate Binary Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) Models
by Diallo Ibrahima Amadou - S459019 VBKW: Stata module to perform Vector-Based Kernel Weighting
by Jessica Lum & Melissa M. Garrido - S459018 ITPSCORE: Stata module to implement Iterative Propensity Score Logistic Regression Model Search Procedure
by Ravaris Moore & Jennie E. Brand & Tanvi Shinkre - S459017 SYNTH2: Stata module to implement synthetic control method (SCM) with placebo tests, robustness test and visualization
by Guanpeng Yan & Qiang Chen - S459016 SSCPAX: Stata module to describe, install, or uninstall a list of SSC packages
by Roger Newson - S459015 TESTEX: Stata module for a statistical test of the exclusion restriction of an instrumental variable (IV)
by Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Stefan Hoderlein & Yuya Sasaki - S459014 RMCLASS: Stata module to compute classification statistics for data with repeated measures
by Ariel Linden - S459013 IVOLSDEC: Stata module to produce decomposition of the IV-OLS coefficient gap
by Shoya Ishimaru - S459012 SCHEMEPACK: Stata module providing ready-to-use graph schemes
by Asjad Naqvi - S459011 DOIPLOT: Stata module for visualization of asymmetry and heterogeneity in meta-analysis
by Chang Xu & Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Suhail A.R. Doi - S459010 XTBREAK: Stata module for detecting and dating multiple structural breaks in time series and panel data
by Jan Ditzen & Yiannis Karavias & Joakim Westerlund - S459009 TOLERANCE: Stata module to calculate tolerance intervals (normal distribution)
by Mark Chatfield - S459008 GETCENSUS: Stata module to load American Community Survey data from the U.S. Census Bureau API into Stata
by Claire Zippel & Matt Saenz & Raheem Chaudhry & Vincent Palacios - S459007 EBREG: Stata module to compute Robust Empirical Bayes Confidence Intervals
by Timothy Armstrong & Michal Kolesár & Mikkel Plagborg-Møller & Luther Yap - S459006 ORDCATSAMPSI: Stata module to compute power and sample size for ordered categorical outcomes
by Ariel Linden - S459005 EVI: Stata module to compute Epidemic Volatility Index (EVI) for detecting epidemic waves
by Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Polychronis Kostoulas - S459004 DOCXTAB: Stata module to list variables to a Word table with head or foot rows from characteristics
by Roger Newson - S459002 SIVQR: Stata module to perform smoothed IV quantile regression
by David M. Kaplan - S459001 DISTCOMP: Stata module to compare distributions
by David M. Kaplan - S459000 PATHMAKER: Stata module to set global path variables using subfolder names
by Iain Snoddy - S458999 RQR: Stata module to estimate the residualized quantile regression model
by Nicolai T. Borgen & Andreas Haupt & Øyvind Wiborg - S458998 MADOT: Stata module to create dot plot for summarizing pooled estimates of multiple outcomes from meta-analysis
by Yun Yu & Rongwei Fu & Jesse Wagner & Azrah Ahmed & Connor Smith & Roger Chou - S458997 AUTOFILL: Stata module to fill missing values with existing values
by Xia P.S. - S458996 XLINK: Stata module to provide extra link functions for use with glm
by Roger Newson - S458995 IPWBREG: Stata module to compute inverse propensity weights from Bernoulli regression
by Roger Newson - S458994 AIC_MODEL_SELECTION: Stata module to perform Forward Model Selection using AIC or BIC
by Matthias Schonlau - S458993 POWER_SWGEE: Stata module to compute power (under both a Z and t distribution) for cluster randomized stepped wedge designs
by John A. Gallis & Xueqi Wang & Paul J. Rathouz & John S. Preisser & Fan Li & Elizabeth L. Turner - S458992 VAR_NR: Stata module to estimate set identified SVARS
by Abigail Kuchek & Jonah Danziger & Chris Koch - S458991 STANDSURV: Stata module to compute standardized (marginal) survival and related functions
by Paul Lambert - S458990 XTMORAN: Stata module to calculate Moran's I and Moran's Ii statistics for panel data and displaying a Moran scatterplot
by Chen Zihou & Liu Xiangge & Xu Jiahui - S458989 LOASAMPSI: Stata module to compute power and sample size for limits of agreement (LOA) analysis
by Ariel Linden - S458988 SRSLOGIT: Stata module to perform Logit regression with secondary ridit splines
by Roger Newson - S458987 XTEVENT: Stata module to estimate and visualize linear panel event-study models
by Simon Freyaldenhoven & Christian Hansen & Jorge Eduardo Perez Perez & Jesse Shapiro - S458986 SSCI: Stata module to compute Short and Simple Confidence Interval
by Chad Brown & Philipp Ketz & Adam McCloskey - S458985 EXCELOUTPUT: Stata module to output regression results directly to specific cells in excel file
by Max Sacher - S458984 WINRATIOTEST: Stata module to calculate the unmatched Win Ratio for prioritised outcomes
by John Gregson & Tim Collier - S458983 MACROF: Stata module to compute the macroF evaluation criterion for multi-class outcomes
by Matthias Schonlau - S458982 RCM: Stata module to implement regression control method / panel data approach to program evaluation
by Guanpeng Yan & Qiang Chen - S458981 MORANPLOT: Stata module to produce Moran scatter plots
by Zhenhuan Chen - S458980 RMLOA: Stata module to compute limits of agreement for data with repeated measures
by Ariel Linden - S458979 MLAD: Stata module to perform maximum likelihood using automatic differentiation
by Paul Lambert - S458978 EVENTSTUDYINTERACT: Stata module to implement the interaction weighted estimator for an event study
by Liyang Sun - S458977 DRDID: Stata module for the estimation of Doubly Robust Difference-in-Difference models
by Fernando Rios-Avila & Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna & Asjad Naqvi - S458976 CSDID: Stata module for the estimation of Difference-in-Difference models with multiple time periods
by Fernando Rios-Avila & Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna & Brantly Callaway - S458975 EBALFIT: Stata module to perform entropy balancing
by Ben Jann - S458974 SBLSF: Stata module to easily browse and access the posts of The Stata Forum
by Song Bolin - S458973 GRPVARS: Stata module to create and manage variable groups
by Gorkem Aksaray - S458972 FLEXMAT: Stata module to create flexible matrices / tables of text, numbers or both
by Attaullah Shah - S458971 RMCORR: Stata module to compute a correlation for data with repeated measures
by Ariel Linden - S458970 RWOLF2: Stata module to calculate Romano-Wolf stepdown p-values for multiple hypothesis testing
by Damian Clarke - S458969 MFELOGIT: Stata module to estimate marginal effects (AME) and average treatment effects (ATE) in fixed effect logit models
by Laurent Davezies & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Christophe Gaillac & Louise Laage - S458968 MVDCMP: Stata module to compute multivariate decomposition for nonlinear response models
by Daniel A. Powers & Hirotoshi Yoshioka & Myeong-Su Yun - S458967 IVBOUNDS: Stata module providing instrumental variable method to bound treatment-effects estimates with potentially misreported and endogenous program participation
by Andy Lin & Denni Tommasi & Lina Zhang - S458966 RDBALANCE: Stata module to compute covariate balance statistics with formatted table output in treatment effect analysis and RDD
by Yongli Chen & Yujun Lian - S458965 IHELP: Stata module to display the help documents in PDF format using the default browser
by Yujun Lian & Yongli Chen - S458964 INSTALLPKG: Stata module to install Stata packages by specifying zipfile/pkgfile or local directory
by Kerry Du - S458963 GITEE: Stata module to install and uninstall Stata packages from Gitee website
by Kerry Du - S458962 IMUSIC: Stata module to find music and enjoy while working on Stata
by Zheng Jingyi & Yujun Lian - S458961 LXHUSE: Stata module to access Stata datasets of blogs
by Yujun Lian - S458960 READWIND: Stata module to read the data downloaded from the Wind into Stata in a long form
by Yujun Lian - S458959 KY_FIT: Stata module to fit mixture models of the Kapteyn-Ypma type to linked survey and administrative data
by Fernando Rios-Avila & Stephen P. Jenkins - S458958 EVENT_PLOT: Stata module to plot the staggered-adoption diff-in-diff ("event study") estimates
by Kirill Borusyak - S458957 DID_IMPUTATION: Stata module to perform treatment effect estimation and pre-trend testing in event studies
by Kirill Borusyak - S458956 CNSSC: Stata module to mirror SSC Archive in China
by Yujun Lian - S458955 XTBUNITROOT: Stata module to perform unit root tests for panel data with structural breaks
by Pengyu Chen & Yiannis Karavias - S458954 EDUCATIONDATA: Stata module to download data from the Urban Institute Education Data Portal
by Graham MacDonald - S458953 SBLDO: Stata module to access Stata do-files of songbl command
by Song Bolin - S458952 FLOATPLOT: Stata module to draw Floating or sliding stacked bar plot
by Nicholas J. Cox - S458951 DID2S: Stata module to estimate a TWFE model using the two-stage difference-in-differences approach
by Kyle Butts - S458950 CONJOINT: Stata module to analyse and visualise conjoint (factorial) experiments
by Michael J. Frith - S458949 CAUSALDATA: Stata module providing datasets used in causal analysis
by Nick Huntington-Klein - S458948 QPAIR: Stata module to perform Q-analysis on paired Q-sorts using different factor extraction and factor rotation techniques
by Noori Akhtar-Danesh - S458947 LEEDTWOWAY: Stata module to solve two way labor models
by Thibaut Lamadon - S458946 FINDREGEX: Stata module to find variable names matching a regular expression pattern
by Leonardo Guizzetti - S458945 CLARIFY: Stata module for Interpreting and Presenting Statistical Results
by Michael Tomz & Gary King & Jason Wittenberg - S458944 META_ANALYSIS: Stata module to perform subgroup and regression-type fixed- and random-effects meta-analyses
by David B. Wilson - S458943 EVENTCOEFPLOT: Stata module to produce advanced event-study graphical analysis
by Matteo Pinna - S458942 MULTICOEFPLOT: Stata module to produce advanced repeated cross-section graphical analysis
by Matteo Pinna - S458941 DOCD: Stata module to change the working directory before executing a do-file
by Hendri Adriaens - S458940 VC_PACK: Stata module for the estimation of smooth varying coefficient models
by Fernando Rios-Avila - S458939 MINMSE: Stata module to create balanced groups for treatment in experiments with one or several treatment arms
by Sebastian O. Schneider - S458938 SUREGR: Stata module to calculate robust, or cluster-robust variance after sureg
by Gueorgui I. Kolev - S458937 XTROBREG: Stata module providing pairwise-differences and first-differences robust regression estimators
by Ben Jann & Vincenzo Verardi - S458936 RELOGIT: Stata module to perform Rare Event Logistic Regression
by Michael Tomz & Gary King & Langche Zeng - S458935 XTGLSR: Stata module to calculate robust, or cluster-robust variance after xtgls
by Gueorgui I. Kolev - S458934 XTGRANGERT: Stata module for improved Granger non-causality testing in heterogeneous and homogeneous panel data
by Jiaqi Xiao & Yiannis Karavias & Vasilis Sarafidis & Arturas Juodis & Jan Ditzen - S458933 SUSOAPI: Stata module to provide Survey Solutions API client class for Stata
by Sergiy Radyakin - S458932 OUTDETECT: Stata module to perform Outlier Detection for Inequality and Poverty Analysis
by Federico Belotti & Giulia Mancini & Giovanni Vecchi - S458930 ROBREG: Stata module providing robust regression estimators
by Ben Jann - S458930 ROBUSTATE: Stata module for estimation and inference for the average treatment effect (ATE) robustly against the limited overlap
by Yuya Sasaki & Takuya Ura - S458928 _GWMEAN: Stata module to compute optionally weighted means
by Gueorgui I. Kolev - S458927 MULTIVRS: Stata module to conduct multiverse analysis
by Cristobal Young & Katherine Holsteen - S458926 HETSAR: Stata module to estimate spatial autoregressive models with heterogeneous coefficients
by Federico Belotti - S458925 ODKEXPORT: Stata module to export xlsForms to readable docx or xlsx files
by Anna Reuter - S458924 MYAXIS: Stata module to reorder categorical variable by specified sort criterion
by Nicholas J. Cox - S458923 XFRAMEAPPEND: Stata module to append data frames to the end of the current data frame
by Roger Newson - S458922 CIRCULARKDE: Stata module to perform kernel density estimation for circular data
by Isaias Hazarmabeth Salgado-Ugarte & Verónica Mitsui Saito-Quezada & Marco Aurelio Pérez-Hernández - S458921 COUNTVALUES: Stata module to list counts of integer values across variables
by Nicholas J. Cox - S458920 INLIST2: Stata module to create an inlist() dummy, without the inlist() limitations
by Matteo Pinna - S458919 SONGBL: Stata module to search and share Stata resources and blogs
by Song Bolin - S458918 MIMPT: Stata module to impute missing values and persist in case of non-convergence
by Daniel Klein - S458917 QREGPLOT: Stata module for plotting coefficients of a Quantile Regression
by Fernando Rios-Avila - S458916 TVGC: Stata module to perform Time-Varying Granger Causality tests
by Jesús Otero & Christopher F Baum & Stan Hurn - S458915 XTIVDFREG: Stata module to perform defactored instrumental variables estimation of large panel data models
by Sebastian Kripfganz & Vasilis Sarafidis - S458914 LMTEST: Stata module to perform Lagrange multiplier test after constrained maximum likelihood estimation
by Harald Tauchmann - S458913 STACKREG: Stata module to perform stacked linear regression analysis to facilitate testing of multiple hypotheses
by Harald Tauchmann & Michael Oberfichtner - S458912 SWINDEX: Stata module to create a standardized weighted index of multiple indicator variables
by Benjamin Schwab & Sarah Janzen & Nicholas P. Magnan & William M. Thompson - S458911 CNGDF: Stata module to calculate any base period GDP deflator for China
by Song Bolin - S458910 DUBOIS: Stata module to provide Du Bois graphic scheme
by Charlie Eaton & Jay Colond & Ruben Gonzalez & Waleed Rajabally - S458909 TWFEM: Stata module to efficiently estimate a two-way fixed effects model based on Somaini and Wolak (2015)
by Paulo Somaini & Frank A. Wolak - S458908 PCDID: Stata module to perform principal components difference-in-differences
by Marc Chan & Simon Kwok - S458907 MCWR: Stata module to compute Markov chain with rewards calculations
by Daniel C. Schneider & Mikko Myrskylä & Alyson van Raalte - S458906 MKPROJECT: Stata module to create a project folder with some boilerplate code and research log
by Maarten L. Buis - S458905 ITVALPCTILE: Stata module for estimation of interval-valued percentiles (quantiles) for interval-valued data
by Arie Beresteanu & Yuya Sasaki - S458904 EEFANALYTICS: Stata module for Evaluating Educational Interventions using Randomised Controlled Trial Designs
by Dimitris Vallis & Akansha Singh & Germaine Uwimpuhwe & Steve Higgins & ZhiMin Xiao & Ewoud De Troyer & Adetayo Kasim - S458903 XTITSA: Stata module for performing interrupted time-series analysis for panel data
by Ariel Linden - S458902 PERSUASIO: Stata module to estimate the effect of persuasion and conduct inference
by Sung Jae Jun & Sokbae Lee - S458901 XTBALANCE2: Stata module to create a balanced subsample from unbalanced panel data
by Jan Ditzen - S458900 DEPENDENCIES: Stata module to manage required user-written commands (ado version freeze)
by Diana Goldemberg - S458899 RIOC: Stata module to compute Relative improvement over chance (RIOC)
by Daniel Klein - S458898 CSRANKS: Stata module to construct uniformly asymptotically valid confidence sets on ranks
by Evan Soltas - S458897 KOTLARSKI: Stata module to execute deconvolution kernel density estimation and produce a robust construction of its uniform confidence band
by Kengo Kato & Yuya Sasaki & Takuya Ura - S458896 TESENSITIVITY: Stata module for assessing sensitivity to the unconfoundedness assumption
by Linqi Zhang & Paul Diegert & Matthew A. Masten & Alexandre Poirier - S458895 ROBMV: Stata module for robust multivariate estimation of location and covariance
by Ben Jann & Vincenzo Verardi & Catherine Vermandele - S458894 WHITTLE: Stata module to compute long-memory parameter via Whittle method
by Christopher F Baum & Stan Hurn & Kenneth Lindsay - S458893 RECOCL: Stata module to recode municipal codes for Chile (CL)
by Daniel Pailañir Vargas - S458892 PYCONVERTU: Stata module to convert a string variable into a classification from the default or user-provided JSON file with the help of Python 3
by Ilya Bolotov - G00019 MODELSEL: GAUSS module for Model Selection in Time Series Analysis
by Scott Hacker & Abdulnasser Hatemi-J - G00018 OPTVTAM: GAUSS module for Option Pricing via Two Alternative Methods
by Abdulnasser Hatemi-J & Alan Mustafa - P00001 PYEOCPS: Python Module for the Evaluation of Options and Calculation of the Price Sensitivities
by Abdulnasser Hatemi-J & Alan Mustafa - D00001 DASCT01: Gauss Module for estimating Dynamic Asymmetric and Symmetric Causality Tests
by Abdulnasser Hatemi-J & Alan Mustafa
- T7415019 ANNINPTSIGTEST: MATLAB function to test the statistical significance of inputs
by Shapour Mohammadi - T7415018 HARMMULTICOLINTST: MATLAB function to analyze collinearity
by Shapour Mohammadi - T7415017 ANNNONLINTST: MATLAB function to perform nonlinearity test for univariate and multivariate time series
by Shapour Mohammadi - T7415016 NONLINTSTMLTVAR: MATLAB function to perform nonlinearity tests for multivariate time series
by Shapour Mohammadi - T7415015 NONLINTST: MATLAB function to perform nonlinearity tests for univariate time series
by Shapour Mohammadi - T7415014 ANNEARLY: MATLAB function to forecast univariate time series
by Shapour Mohammadi - S459210 DIRTREE: Stata module to display the content of a directory as a tree
by Maarten L. Buis - S458929 TRY: Stata module to call a Stata command repeatedly until it succeeds
by Rafal Raciborski - S458891 MRSPREP: Stata module to estimate marginal relative survival models
by Paul Lambert - S458890 ARHOMME: Stata module to estimate Arellano and Bonhomme quantile selection model
by Martin Biewen & Pascal Erhardt - S458889 ACREG: Stata module to perform Arbitrary Correlation Regression
by Fabrizio Colella & Rafael Lalive & Seyhun Sakalli & Mathias Thoenig - S458888 SHAKESPEARE: Stata module to randomly generate quotes from the Bard of Avon
by Kevin Denny - S458887 RKQTE: Stata module for estimation and robust inference for quantile treatment effects (QTE) in regression kink designs (RKD)
by Heng Chen & Harold. D. Chiang & Yuya Sasaki - S458886 LOGITTORISK: Stata module for conversion of logistic regression output to differences and ratios of risk
by Luis Furuya-Kanamori & Suhail AR Doi - S458885 IPABCSTATS: Stata module to compare survey and back check data, producing an Excel output of comparisons and error rates
by Ishmail Azindoo Baako & Rosemarie Sandino - S458884 FLEXPANELDID: Stata module to perform causal analysis of treatments with varying start dates and durations
by Eva Dettmann & Alexander Giebler & Antje Weyh - S458882 RRR: Stata module to perform Reduced rank regression
by Bang Zheng & Canqing Yu - S458881 XTMIPOLATEU: Stata module to replace missing values in a time series, two- or multidimensional varlist with interpolated (extrapolated) ones
by Ilya Bolotov - S458880 XTIMPORTU: Stata module to import monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly time series and panel data as panelvar timevar valuevar from a supported file format to memory or a file
by Ilya Bolotov - S458879 DICHOCT: Stata module to dichotomizes a variable at a specified centile and generates a new variable containing the dichotomized values
by Dirk Enzmann - S458878 LIANXH: Stata module to Search and share Stata resources and blogs within Stata Command Window
by Yujun Lian & Junjie Kang & Qingqing Liu - S458877 TTABLE3: Stata module to perform Mean or Median Comparison
by Yujun Lian - S458876 REGFIT: Stata module to Output The Equation of a Regression
by Liu Wei & Yujun Lian - S458875 CHOWTEST: Stata module to perform Chow test for structural break
by Qunyong Wang - S458874 DSTAT: Stata module to compute summary statistics and distribution functions including standard errors and optional covariate balancing
by Ben Jann - S458873 HAIKU: Stata module to randomly produce haikus
by Prashansa Srivastava - S458872 SPATIAL_HAC_IV: Stata module to estimate an instrumental variable regression, adjusting standard errors for spatial correlation, heteroskedasticity, and autocorrelation
by Tim Foreman - S458871 TESTJFE: Stata module to perform test for instrument validity in the Judge fixed effects design
by Brigham Frandsen - S458870 SUMMARIZEBY: Stata module to use statsby functionality with summarize
by Ilya Bolotov - S458869 VALLABFRAME: Stata module to convert a list of value labels to variables in a new data frame
by Roger Newson - S458868 MOTIVATEDOLLY: Stata module to provide quotes, lyrics and links to motivational songs from Dolly Parton
by Bailey Palmer - S458867 IPDFC: Stata module to reconstruct individual participant data from a published Kaplan-Meier curve
by Yinghui Wei & Patrick Royston - S458866 ISCOIL: Stata module to recode Israeli CBS occupation standard classification into ISCO-08 occupational classification
by Eyal Bar-Haim - S458865 REG2LOGIT: Stata module to approximate logistic regression parameters using OLS linear regression
by Paul T. von Hippel & Richard Williams & Paul Allison - S458864 YALESCHEME: Stata module providing a modern Stata scheme for Yale University-branded data visualizations
by Aaron Wolf - S458863 WCBREGRESS: Stata module to estimate a Linear Regression Model with Clustered Errors Using the Wild Cluster Bootstrap Standard Errors
by Zizhong Yan & Bingkun Lin - S458862 ENCODELABEL: Stata module to encode string variable into categorical variable
by Daniel Klein - S458861 OMEGACOEF: Stata module to calculate the omega reliability coefficient
by Brian Shaw - S458860 CROSSVALIDATE: Stata module to perform k-fold crossvalidation
by Matthias Schonlau - S458859 GRIDSEARCH: Stata module to optimize tuning parameter levels with a grid search
by Matthias Schonlau - S458858 MTAB: Stata module to store results in a matrix
by Chunsen Wu - S458857 PSREG: Stata module for blocking with regression adjustments
by Martina Bazzoli & Silvia De Poli & Daniela Piazzalunga - S458856 GHAZAL_GUZZLER: Stata module for ghazal guzzling Stata users
by Prashansa Srivastava - S458855 BINSCATTERHIST: Stata module to produce binned scatterplot with marginal histograms
by Matteo Pinna - S458854 SXPOSE2: Stata module to transpose string and numeric variable dataset including variable names and labels
by Stephan Huber - S458853 MHTREG: Stata module for multiple hypothesis testing controlling for FWER
by Andreas Steinmayr