October 2013, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 607-630 Evaluating The Welfare Effects Of School Quality Improvements: A Residential Sorting Approach
by Constant I. Tra & Anna Lukemeyer & Helen Neill - 631-655 Globalizing Knowledge: How Technological Openness Affects Output, Spatial Inequality, And Welfare Levels
by Giulio Bottazzi & Pietro Dindo - 656-671 A Note On The Differential Regional Effects Of Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence Using U.S. County-Level Data
by Bebonchu Atems - 672-689 The Spatiotemporal Evolution Of U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Stylized Facts And Implications For Climate Policy
by James G. Baldwin & Ian Sue Wing - 690-711 Migration As A Way To Diversify: Evidence From Rural To Urban Migration In The U.S
by Mohammad Arzaghi & Anil Rupasingha - 712-723 Spatial Scope Of A Modern Transport Technology
by Armando J. Garcia Pires & José Pedro Pontes - 724-727 Complexity and Planning: Systems, Assemblages and Simulations , edited by Gert de Roo , Jean Hillier , and Joris van Wezemael . 2012 . Farnham, U.K. and Burlington, Vermont : Ashgate Publishing . 443 + xviii. ISBN 978-1409403470. $124.95
by Michael Batty - 727-728 The Visualization of Spatial Social Structure , by Danny Dorling , 2012 . Series: Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social Science. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley . 331 + xlix. ISBN 978-1-119-96293-9, $45
by André Skupin - 728-730 The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty , edited by Philip N. Jefferson . 2012 . New York : Oxford University Press . 849 + xiii. ISBN 978-0-19-539378-1, $150
by Timothy J. Bartik - 730-731 European Cities and Global Competitiveness , edited by Peter K. Kresl and Daniele Ietri . 2012 . Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar . 317 + viii. ISBN: 978-0-85793-828-2, $126.00
by Giorgio Fazio - 732-734 Globalization Trends and Regional Development: Dynamics of FDI and Human Capital Flows , edited by Roberta Capello and Tomaz Ponce Dentinho . 2012 . Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar . 285 + x. ISBN: 978-1-78100-303-9, $130.50 (cloth); ISBN: 978-1-78100-304-6, $130.50 (ebook)
by Hans Lööf - 734-736 The Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning , edited by Rachel Weber and Randall Crane . 2012 . New York, New York : Oxford University Press . 864 + xi. ISBN 978–0195374995. $175
by Eric J. Heikkila - 736-737 The City as an Entertainment Machine , edited by Terry N. Clark . 2011 . Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books . 283 + vii. ISBN: 978-0-7391-2422-2. $32.95
by John I. Carruthers - 737-738 The Immigration and Settlement of Asian Indians in Phoenix, Arizona, 1965–2011: Ethnic Pride vs. Racial Discrimination in the Suburbs , by Emily Skop . 2012 . Lewiston, New York : Edwin Mellen Press . 338 . ISBN 978–0–7734–2632–0, cloth, $169.95; ISBN 978–0–7734–2632–9, paper, $49.95
by Christabel Devadoss & David H. Kaplan - 739-740 Diálogos: Placemaking in Latino Communities , edited by Michael Rios and Leonardo Vazquez , with Lucrezia Miranda . 2012 . New York : Routledge . 213 + xxii. ISBN 978-0-415-67900-8, cloth, $165; ISBN 0-415-67901-5, paper, $39.95
by Luis Leobardo Arroyo - 741-742 Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously: Economic Development, the Environment, and Quality of Life in American Cities ( 2nd edition ), by Kent E. Portney . 2013 . Cambridge, Massachusetts and London : The MIT Press . 382 + xvi. ISBN: 9780262518277, $29.00
by Matthias Ruth
August 2013, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 369-391 Skyscrapers And Skylines: New York And Chicago, 1885–2007
by Jason Barr - 392-417 Absorptive Capacity, Knowledge Flows, And Innovation In U.S. Metropolitan Areas
by Nivedita Mukherji & Jonathan Silberman - 418-442 Productivity Growth In The Old And New Europe: The Role Of Agglomeration Externalities
by Emanuela Marrocu & Raffaele Paci & Stefano Usai - 443-463 The Effects Of Agglomeration On Wages: Evidence From The Micro-Level
by Bernard Fingleton & Simonetta Longhi - 464-480 Spread And Backwash Effects For Nonmetropolitan Communities In The U.S
by Joanna P. Ganning & Kathy Baylis & Bumsoo Lee - 481-510 On The Population Density Distribution Across Space: A Probabilistic Approach
by Ilenia Epifani & Rosella Nicolini - 511-534 Homeowners Associations And The Demand For Local Land Use Regulation
by Ron Cheung & Rachel Meltzer - 535-539 The Oxford Handbook of Urban Economics and Planning , edited by Nancy Brooks , Kieran Donaghy , and Gerrit-Jan Knaap . 2012 . New York : Oxford University Press . 1006 + xx. ISBN 978-0-19-538062-0, $175
by Roger Bolton - 539-540 Not So Golden After All: The Rise and Fall of California , by Larry N. Gerston . 2012 . Boca Raton, Florida : CRC Press . 320 + xxi. ISBN 978-1-43-988012-8, $59.95
by Michael B. Teitz - 541-542 Struggling Giants: City-Region Governance in London, New York, Paris, and Tokyo , by Paul Kantor , Christian Lefèvre , Asato Saito , H. V. Savitch , and Andy Thornley . 2012 . Series: Globalization and Community, No. 20. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press . 333 + xi. ISBN 978-0-8166-7742-9, $90 (cloth); ISBN 978-0-8166-7743-6, $30 (paper)
by John Harrison - 542-544 Globalization and Regional Growth in Europe: Past Trends and Future Scenarios , by Roberta Capello , Ugo Fratesi , and Laura Resmini . 2011 . Series: Advances in Spatial Science: The Regional Science Series. Berlin and Heidelberg : Springer . 339 + xxii. ISBN 978-3-642-19250-0, $139
by Wolfgang Polasek - 544-545 Reshaping Regional Policy , edited by Harry W. Richardson , Chang-Hee Christine Bae , and Sang-Chuel Choe . 2011 . Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar . 372 + x. ISBN 978-1-84980 280-2, $135.00 (cloth); ISBN 978-0-85793-592-2, $44.00 (paper)
by Daisuke Nakamura - 546-547 Making Capitalism in Rural China , by Michael Webber . 2012 . Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar . 324 + x. ISBN 978-0-85793-409-3, $150
by C. Cindy Fan - 547-548 Housing Markets and the Global Financial Crisis: The Uneven Impact on Households , edited by Ray Forrest and Ngai-Ming Yip . 2011 . Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar . 260 + xiii. ISBN 978-1-84980-375-5, $103.50 (cloth); ISBN 978-0-85793-591-5, $31.96 (paper)
by Andy Krause - 549-550 Innovation and Regional Growth in the European Union , by Riccardo Crescenzi and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose . 2011 . Series: Advances in Spatial Science. Berlin and Heidelberg : Springer . 215 + x. ISBN 978-3-642-17760-6, €99.95, $139
by Zoltan J. Acs - 550-551 The Geography of Creativity , by Gunnar Törnqvist . 2012 . Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar . 215 + xi. ISBN 978-1781001509. $110
by Melanie Fasche - 552-553 The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Economy , edited by Chetan Ghate . 2012 . New York : Oxford University Press . 958 + xii. ISBN 978-0-19-973458-0, $175
by Kavita Pandit - 553-555 Global Environmental Commons: Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms , edited by Eric Brousseau , Tom Dedeurwaerdere , Pierre-André Jouvet , and Marc Willinger . 2012 . New York : Oxford University Press . 435 + xxiii. ISBN 978-0-19-965620-2, $110
by Sarah Burch
May 2013, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 220-255 What Do Business Climate Indexes Teach Us About State Policy And Economic Growth?
by Jed Kolko & David Neumark & Marisol Cuellar Mejia - 256-273 Population Dispersion Vs. Concentration In A Two-Region Migration Model With Endogenous Natural Amenities
by Yong Chen & Elena G. Irwin & Ciriyam Jayaprakash - 274-291 Have Dutch Municipalities Become More Efficient In Managing The Costs Of Social Assistance Dependency?
by Lourens Broersma & Arjen J.E. Edzes & Jouke van Dijk - 292-303 The Happiness-Reducing Costs Of Noise Pollution
by Diana Weinhold - 304-331 Shipping Costs, Information Costs, And The Sources Of Industrial Coagglomeration
by Ryan M. Gallagher - 332-348 Urban Growth Externalities And Neighborhood Incentives: Another Cause Of Urban Sprawl?
by Matthias Cinyabuguma & Virginia McConnell - 349-351 Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future, by Ian Goldin, Geoffrey Cameron, and Meera Balarajan
by James Raymer - 351-353 Brain Drain and Brain Gain: The Global Competition to Attract High-Skilled Migrants, edited by Tito Boeri, Herbert Brücker, Frédéric Docquier, and Hillel Rapoport
by David Emanuel Andersson - 353-355 Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect, by Robert J. Sampson
by John R. Logan - 355-357 The Relational Economy: Geographies of Knowing and Learning, by Harald Bathelt and Johannes Glückler
by Roger Bolton - 357-359 Urbanization and Development in Asia: Multidimensional Perspectives, edited by Jo Beall, Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, and Ravi Kanbur
by Ralph B. McLaughlin - 359-360 New Economic Spaces in Asian Cities: From Industrial Restructuring to the Cultural Turn, edited by Peter W. Daniels, K. C. Ho, and Thomas A. Hutton
by Jaewon Lim - 361-362 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Second Tier Regions, by Heike Mayer
by Maryann P. Feldman & Jongmin Choi - 362-364 Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: National and Regional Perspectives, by Michael Fritsch
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés - 364-366 The Evolution of a Nation: How Geography and Law Shaped the American States, by Daniel Berkowitz and Karen B. Clay
by Thomas Oatley
February 2013, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-7 New Frontiers Of Immigration Research: Cities And Firms
by Gianmarco Ottaviano & Giovanni Peri - 8-36 Economic Impacts Of Cultural Diversity In The Netherlands: Productivity, Utility, And Sorting
by Jessie Bakens & Peter Mulder & Peter Nijkamp - 37-59 Immigration And Housing Booms: Evidence From Spain
by Libertad Gonzalez & Francesc Ortega - 60-90 Public And Subsidized Housing As A Platform For Becoming A United States Citizen
by John I. Carruthers & Natasha T. Duncan & Brigitte S. Waldorf - 91-117 The Minority Homeownership Gap, Home Foreclosure, And Nativity: Evidence From Miami-Dade County
by Meagan E. Cahill & Rachel S. Franklin - 118-141 Immigrant Enclaves And Crime
by Brian Bell & Stephen Machin - 142-157 Immigration And Firm Expansion
by William W. Olney - 158-170 Does Employing Undocumented Workers Give Firms A Competitive Advantage?
by J. David Brown & Julie L. Hotchkiss & Myriam Quispe-Agnoli - 171-197 Wage And Mobility Effects Of Legalization: Evidence From The New Immigrant Survey
by Magnus Lofstrom & Laura Hill & Joseph Hayes - 198-199 Foundations of Location Analysis, edited by H. A. Eiselt and Vladimir Marianov
by Alan Wilson - 199-201 Economic Geography and the Unequal Development of Regions, by Jean-Claude Prager and Jacques-François Thisse
by Todd Gabe - 201-203 Climate Change and Common Sense: Essays in Honour of Tom Schelling, edited by Robert W. Hahn and Alastair Ulph
by Joseph E. Aldy - 203-204 Networked: The New Social Operating System, by Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman
by Ate Poorthuis - 205-206 The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, edited by Martin Peitz and Joel Waldfogel
by James Baginski & Edward J. Malecki - 206-209 Inverse Infrastructures: Disrupting Networks from Below, edited by Tineke Egyedi and Donna C. Mehos
by Stéphane Straub - 209-211 Global Downtowns, edited by Marina Peterson and Gary W. McDonogh
by Tom Hutton - 211-213 International Migration and Economic Integration: Understanding the Immigrant-Trade Link, by Roger White and Bedassa Tadesse
by James A. Dunlevy - 213-215 Towards Sustainable Rural Regions in Europe: Exploring Inter-Relationships Between Rural Policies, Farming, Environment, Demographics, Regional Economies and Quality of Life Using System Dynamics, edited by John M. Bryden, Sophia Efstratoglou, Tibor Ferenczi, Tom Johnson, Karlheinz Knickel, Karen Refsgaard, and Kenneth J. Thomson
by Tony Sorensen - 215-217 Geography of Growth: Spatial Economics and Competitiveness, by Raj Nallari, Breda Griffith, and Shahid Yusuf
by Nelly Exbrayat
December 2012, Volume 52, Issue 5
- 733-761 The Impact Of Mixed Land Use On Residential Property Values
by Hans R.A. Koster & Jan Rouwendal - 762-786 Is Productivity Higher In British Cities?
by Richard Harris & John Moffat - 787-808 Human Capital Location Choice: Accounting For Amenities And Thick Labor Markets
by W. Mark Brown & Darren M. Scott - 809-818 Household Location And Race: A 20-Year Retrospective
by Stuart A. Gabriel & Gary D. Painter - 819-856 Gravity And Spatial Structure: The Case Of Interstate Migration In Mexico
by Ludo Peeters - 857-873 Spatial Convergence Of Regions Revisited: A Spatial Maximum Likelihood Panel Approach
by Michael Pfaffermayr - 874-875 Venture Labor: Work and the Burden of Risk in Innovative Industries by Gina Neff
by Hans Westlund - 876-879 A Handbook of Transport Economics edited by André De Palma, Robin Lindsey, Emile Quinet, and Roger Vickerman
by Jia Yan - 879-882 Geography Speaks: Performative Aspects of Geography by Rob Sullivan
by Wen Lin - 882-883 Fairness and Freedom: A History of Two Open Societies: New Zealand and the United States by David Hackett Fischer
by Gordon F. Mulligan - 884-885 The City and the Coming Climate: Climate Change in the Places We Live by Brian Stone, Jr
by Nathan Chan - 885-887 Cities and Flooding: A Guide to Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management for the 21st Century by Abhas Jha, Robin Bloch, Jessica Lamond, and other contributors
by Mark Stevens - 887-888 The New Asian City: Three-Dimensional Fictions of Space and Urban Form by Jini Kim Watson
by David W. Edgington - 888-889 Media Clusters: Spatial Agglomeration and Content Capabilities edited by Charlie Karlsson and Robert G. Picard
by Doreen Jakob - 890-891 Second Cities: Globalization and Local Politics in Manchester and Philadelphia by Jerome I. Hodos
by Eric Fure-Slocum - 891-893 American Urban Form: A Representative History by Sam Bass Warner and Andrew H. Whittemore
by Edward K. Muller - 893-895 Interregional Migration and Public Policy in Canada by Kathleen M. Day and Stanley L. Winer
by Rafael Gomez - 895-897 Migration and Culture edited by Robin Cohen and Gunvor Jónsson
by Robert L. Boyd - 897-899 Cities for People, Not for Profit: Critical Urban Theory and the Right to the City edited by Neil Brenner, Peter Marcuse, and Margit Mayer
by Lakshman Yapa
October 2012, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 535-561 Do Local Amenities Affect The Appeal Of Regions In Europe For Migrants?
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Tobias D. Ketterer - 562-586 Productivity And The Density Of Human Capital
by Jaison R. Abel & Ishita Dey & Todd M. Gabe - 587-605 Migration Of The Highly Educated: Evidence From Residence Spells Of University Graduates
by Mika Haapanen & Hannu Tervo - 606-634 Explaining The Variation In The Empirical Estimates Of Academic Knowledge Spillovers
by Mauro L. Ghinamo - 635-647 Spatial Hedonics And The Willingness To Pay For Residential Amenities
by Kenneth A. Small & Seiji S.C. Steimetz - 648-675 The Effect Of Land-Use Controls On The Spatial Size Of U.S. Urbanized Areas
by Marin V. Geshkov & Joseph S. DeSalvo - 676-699 Uniform Spatial Pricing
by Phillip J. Lederer - 701-702 Property in Land and Other Resources edited by Daniel H. Cole and Elinor Ostrom
by Amy W. Ando - 703-704 Inequality and Instability: A Study of the World Economy Just Before the Great Crisis by James K. Galbraith
by Gordon F. Mulligan - 704-706 Inventive City-Regions: Path Dependence and Creative Knowledge Strategies by Marco Bontje, Sako Musterd, and Peter Pelzer
by Oliver Falck & William Kerr - 706-709 Handbook of Quantitative Criminology edited by Alex R. Piquero and David Weisburd
by James L. LeBeau - 709-712 The Ashgate Research Companion to Planning Theory: Conceptual Challenges for Spatial Planning edited by Jean Hillier and Patsy Healey
by Thomas L. Harper - 712-714 The Localization Reader: Adapting to the Coming Downshift edited by Raymond De Young and Thomas Princen
by Phil Thompson & Hart Hodges - 714-715 Urban and Regional Policy and Its Effects, Vol. 4: Building Resilient Regions edited by Margaret Weir, Nancy Pindus, Howard Wial, and Harold Wolman
by Andrew Perumal - 715-717 Resilient Coastal City Regions: Planning for Climate Change in the United States and Australia edited by Edward Blakely and Armando Carbonell
by Jennifer Brewer - 717-719 Companion to Urban Design edited by Tridib Banerjee and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
by Anthony M. Sease - 719-720 Urban Ecological Design: A Process for Regenerative Places by Danilo Palazzo and Frederick Steiner
by Stephen M. Wheeler - 720-724 Justice and the American Metropolis edited by Clarissa Rile Hayward and Todd Swanstrom Searching for the Just City: Debates in Urban Theory and Practice edited by Peter Marcuse, James Connolly, Johannes Novy, Ingrid Olivo, Cuz Potter, and Justin Steil
by Mark D. Bjelland - 724-726 Main Street to Mainframes: Landscape and Social Change in Poughkeepsie by Harvey K. Flad and Clyde Griffen
by Jerome Hodos - 726-728 Southern Society and Its Transformations, 1790–1860 edited by Susanna Delfino, Michele Gillespie, and Louis M. Kyriakoudes
by G. Rebecca Dobbs - 728-729 Harnessing Production Networks: Impacts and Policy Implications from Thailand's Manufacturing Industries by Aekapol Chongvilaivan
by Michael T. Rock - 729-731 The Road to Academic Excellence: The Making of World-Class Research Universities edited by Philip G. Altbach and Jamil Salmi
by Terhi Nokkala
August 2012, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 397-419 The Max-P-Regions Problem
by Juan C. Duque & Luc Anselin & Sergio J. Rey - 420-432 Locating Outside A Linear City Can Benefit Consumers
by Toshihiro Matsumura & Noriaki Matsushima - 433-450 Social Policy As Regional Policy: Market And Nonmarket Factors Determining Regional Inequality
by Raul M. Silveira-Neto & Carlos R. Azzoni - 451-468 Understanding The Unique Impacts Of Economic Growth Variables
by Perry Burnett & Harvey Cutler & Stephen Davies - 469-485 Optimal Housing Cost Estimates For 177 U.S. Metropolitan Areas
by Todd Easton - 486-502 Analyzing The Impact Of Public Capital Stock Using The Neg Wage Equation: A Spatial Panel Data Approach
by Miguel Gómez-Antonio & Bernard Fingleton - 503-506 Systems Thinking and Decision Making in Urban and Environmental Planning by Anastássios Perdicoúlis
by Tridib Banerjee - 506-507 Complexity, Cognition and the City by Juval Portugali
by Cristian Suteanu - 508-509 GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place edited by Michael Dear, Jim Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Douglas Richardson
by Harvey K. Flad - 510-512 Lectures on Urban Economics by Jan K. Brueckner
by David Albouy - 512-513 Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data by Noel Cressie and Christopher K. Wikle
by Jeff Mills - 513-515 Regional and Urban Policy and Planning on the Korean Peninsula by Chang-Hee Christine Bae and Harry Richardson, with contributions by Eric J. Heikkila, Myung-Jin Jun, Won Bae Kim, Suk Lee, Curtis Melvin, and Jiyoung Park
by Sam Ock Park - 516-517 Demography at the Edge: Remote Human Populations in Developed Nations by Dean Carson, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Prescott Ensign, Lee Huskey, and Andrew Taylor
by Brian Thiede - 517-519 Contemporary Migration to South Africa: A Regional Development Issue edited by Aurelia Segatti and Loren B. Landau
by Emily Skop - 519-521 Enclosing Water: Nature and Political Economy in a Mediterranean Valley, 1796–1916 by Stefania Barca
by Jamie Linton - 521-523 Urban Wildscapes edited by Anna Jorgensen and Richard Keenan
by Cecil C. Konijnendijk - 523-525 The Workforce Investment Act: Implementation Experiences and Evaluation Findings edited by Douglas J. Besharov and Phoebe H. Cottingham
by Robert J. LaLonde - 525-527 Regional Planning for a Sustainable America: How Creative Programs are Promoting Prosperity and Saving the Environment edited by Carleton K. Montgomery
by Daniel J. Marcucci - 527-528 Perverse Cities: Hidden Subsidies, Wonky Policy, and Urban Sprawl by Pamela Blais
by Timothy F. Welch & Gerrit Jan Knaap - 528-530 International Handbook of Urban Policy, Volume 3: Issues in the Developing World edited by H. S. Geyer
by Aprodicio Laquian - 530-532 The Evolution of Great World Cities: Urban Wealth and Economic Growth by Christopher Kennedy
by Robert C.H. Sweeny
May 2012, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 167-171 Introduction: Whither Spatial Econometrics?
by Mark D. Partridge & Marlon Boarnet & Steven Brakman & Gianmarco Ottaviano - 172-191 Mostly Pointless Spatial Econometrics?
by Stephen Gibbons & Henry G. Overman - 192-209 Perspectives On Spatial Econometrics: Linear Smoothing With Structured Models
by Daniel P. McMillen - 210-239 Where Is The Economics In Spatial Econometrics?
by Luisa Corrado & Bernard Fingleton - 240-255 Knowledge Matters: The Long‐Run Determinants Of State Income Growth
by Paul W. Bauer & Mark E. Schweitzer & Scott A. Shane - 256-284 Determinants Of Knowledge Production And Their Effects On Regional Economic Growth
by Olivier Parent & James P. LeSage - 285-299 Antiagglomeration Subsidies With Heterogeneous Firms
by Toshihiro Okubo - 300-323 Persistence Of Regional Unemployment: Application Of A Spatial Filtering Approach To Local Labor Markets In Germany
by Roberto Patuelli & Norbert Schanne & Daniel A. Griffith & Peter Nijkamp - 324-360 Agglomeration And Growth With Endogenous Expenditure Shares
by Fabio Cerina & Francesco Mureddu - 361-374 The Effects Of Zoning In Spatial Competition
by Hamid Hamoudi & Marta Risueño - 375-378 How Many Languages Do We Need? The Economics of Linguistic Diversity, by Victor Ginsburgh and Shlomo Weber
by Enrico Spolaore - 378-379 Why People Cooperate: The Role of Social Motivations, by Tom R. Tyler
by Timothy R. Wojan - 379-381 Local Redistribution and Local Democracy: Interest Groups and the Courts, by Clayton P. Gillette
by Timothy J. Goodspeed - 381-382 Beyond Privatopia: Rethinking Residential Private Government, by Evan McKenzie
by Paula A. Franzese - 382-384 Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Research, edited by Robert W. Marans and Robert J. Stimson
by Michael Pacione - 384-385 Reflections of a Pragmatic Economist: My Intellectual Journey, by Emery N. Castle
by Riley Moore - 386-386 Toward One Oregon: Rural‐Urban Interdependence and the Evolution of a State, edited by Michael Hibbard, Ethan Seltzer, Bruce Weber, and Beth Emshoff
by Lizbeth Martin‐Mahar - 386-388 Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis: Software Tools, Methods and Applications edited by Manfred M. Fischer and Arthur Getis
by Changshan Wu - 388-390 The City Revisited: Urban Theory from Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York, edited by Dennis R. Judd and Dick Simpson
by Eric Sandweiss - 390-392 Envisioning Landscapes, Making Worlds: Geography and the Humanities, edited by Stephen Daniels, Dydia DeLyser, J. Nicholas Entrikin, and Douglas Richardson
by George F. Roberson & Richard W. Wilkie - 392-394 The Exposed City: Mapping the Urban Invisibles, by Nadia Amoroso
by Nikhil Kaza
February 2012, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-9 Introduction: Processes Of Change In Urban Systems
by Michael Storper & Charles van Marrewijk & Frank G. van Oort - 10-39 History, Institutions, And Cities: A View From The Americas
by Sukkoo Kim & Marc T. Law - 40-59 The Border Population Effects Of Eu Integration
by Steven Brakman & Harry Garretsen & Charles van Marrewijk & Abdella Oumer - 60-84 Regional Population–Employment Dynamics Across Different Sectors Of The Economy
by Thomas de Graaff & Frank G. van Oort & Raymond J.G.M. Florax - 85-108 The Sources Of Urban Development: Wages, Housing, And Amenity Gaps Across American Cities
by Thomas Kemeny & Michael Storper - 109-133 Recessionary Shocks And Regional Employment: Evidence On The Resilience Of U.K. Regions
by Bernard Fingleton & Harry Garretsen & Ron Martin - 134-152 The Case For Regional Development Intervention: Place‐Based Versus Place‐Neutral Approaches
by Fabrizio Barca & Philip McCann & Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose - 153-154 Triumph of the City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier, by Edward Glaeser
by Helen Couclelis - 155-157 Quagmire: Nation‐Building and Nature in the Mekong Delta, by David Biggs
by James C. Scott - 157-158 The Tuning of Place: Sociable Spaces and Pervasive Digital Media, by Richard Coyne
by Stuart Aitken - 158-160 A Planner's Encounter with Complexity, edited by Gert de Roo and Elisabete A. Silva
by David Byrne - 160-161 The Territorial Organization of Variety: Cooperation and Competition in Bordeaux, Napa and Chianti Classico, by Jerry Patchell
by Walter C. Labys - 161-162 Entrepreneurship and Innovations in Functional Regions, edited by Charlie Karlsson, Roger R. Stough, and Börje Johansson
by Torben Klarl - 163-164 The Borders of Inequality: Where Wealth and Poverty Collide, by Íñigo Moré
by Thomas M. Fullerton Jr. - 164-165 Climate Change and Land Policies, edited by Gregory K. Ingram and Yu‐Hung Hong
by George Pomeroy
December 2011, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 863-879 Population Growth In High‐Amenity Nonmetropolitan Areas: What'S The Prognosis?
by Dan S. Rickman & Shane D. Rickman - 880-896 Inference Based On Alternative Bootstrapping Methods In Spatial Models With An Application To County Income Growth In The United States
by Daniel C. Monchuk & Dermot J. Hayes & John A. Miranowski & Dayton M. Lambert - 897-930 Disentangling Agglomeration Economies: Agents, Sources, And Spatial Dependence
by In Kwon Park & Burkhard von Rabenau - 931-947 Decomposing Regional Efficiency
by Axel Schaffer & Léopold Simar & Jan Rauland - 948-966 The Determinants Of The Recent Interregional Migration Flows In Italy: A Panel Data Analysis
by Ivan Etzo - 967-986 A Spatial Hedonic Approach On Land Use Change Anticipations
by Ghislain Geniaux & Jean‐Sauveur Ay & Claude Napoléone - 987-1013 Neighborhood Effects And Parental Involvement In The Intergenerational Transmission Of Education
by Eleonora Patacchini & Yves Zenou - 1014-1016 Investing in Kids: Early Childhood Programs and Local Economic Development by Timothy J. Bartik
by Sammis B. White - 1016-1017 Rural Housing, Exurbanization, and Amenity‐Driven Development: Contrasting the “Haves” and the “Have Nots,” edited by David Marcouiller, Mark Lapping, and Owen Furuseth
by Jessica Kropczynski - 1017-1018 Understanding Community: Politics, Policy and Practice by Peter Somerville
by Allan Cochrane - 1019-1020 Remaking Boston: An Environmental History of the City and Its Surroundings edited by Anthony N. Penna and Conrad Edick Wright
by Elizabeth Titus - 1020-1022 Tool Kits in Regional Science: Theory, Models, and Estimation edited by Michael Sonis and Geoffrey J. D. Hewings
by Roger Bolton - 1022-1024 Endogenous Regional Development: Perspectives, Measurement and Empirical Investigation edited by Robert Stimson, Roger R. Stough, and Peter Nijkamp
by Felicity Wray - 1024-1026 Regional Planning in America: Practice and Prospect edited by Ethan Seltzer and Armando Carbonell
by Matthew P. Drennan - 1026-1028 Global Urbanization edited by Eugenie L. Birch and Susan M. Wachter
by Brian J. Godfrey - 1028-1030 Economic Growth in Europe: A Comparative Industry Perspective by Marcel P. Timmer, Robert Inklaar, Mary O’Mahony, and Bart van Ark
by Peter Mayerhofer & Michael Peneder - 1030-1031 Managing the Mountains: Land Use Planning, the New Deal, and the Creation of a Federal Landscape in Appalachia by Sara M. Gregg
by Cheryl Morse
October 2011, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 653-677 Are Eu Countries Less Integrated Than U.S. States? Theory And Evidence
by Harry P. Bowen & Haris Munandar & Jean‐Marie Viaene - 678-693 Accounting For Neighboring Effects In Measures Of Spatial Concentration
by Paulo Guimarães & Octávio Figueiredo & Douglas Woodward - 694-731 An Industrial Agglomeration Approach To Central Place And City Size Regularities
by Tomoya Mori & Tony E. Smith - 732-750 A Spatial And Temporal Autoregressive Local Estimation For The Paris Housing Market
by Ingrid Nappi‐Choulet & Tristan‐Pierre Maury - 751-767 Measuring The Impact Of Sea‐Level Rise On Coastal Real Estate: A Hedonic Property Model Approach
by Okmyung Bin & Ben Poulter & Christopher F. Dumas & John C. Whitehead - 768-783 The Effects Of Collateralizable Income And Debt Overhang On Entrepreneurial Investment In An Open Regional Economy
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal & Hamid Beladi - 784-803 Economic Geography Of Firms And Skilled Labor
by Hajime Takatsuka - 804-820 Local Economic Impacts Of Natural Disasters
by Yu Xiao - 821-835 A Theoretical Exposition Of Migration Enforcement On Existing Migrant And Domestic Households
by Salvador Contreras - 836-838 The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia by James C. Scott
by Nicola Tannenbaum - 838-840 The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography edited by Ron Boschma and Ron Martin
by James T. Murphy - 840-843 The Evolution of Path Dependence edited by Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottosson
by Gunnar Eliasson - 843-844 Economic Analysis for Ecosystem‐Based Management by Daniel S. Holland, James N. Sanchirico, Robert J. Johnson, and Deepak Joglekar
by William K. Jaeger - 844-846 Manufacturing in the New Urban Economy by Willem van Winden, Leo van den Berg, Luis Carvalho, and Erwin van Tuijl
by James M. Rubenstein - 846-849 Housing Markets and the Economy: Risk, Regulation, and Policy, Essays in Honor of Karl E. Case edited by Edward L. Glaeser and John M. Quigley
by Roger Bolton