1989, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 325-343 Intra-firm Trade
by Gilroy, Bernard Michael - 345-351 A Review of the Forecasting Package Stamp
by Snyder, Ralph D - 353-374 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
by Sayer, Stuart
1989, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 199-211 The Economics of Voluntary Export Restraint Agreements
by Pomfret, Richard - 213-233 Strategic Entry Deterrence: Recent Developments in the Economics of Industry
by Neven, Damien J - 235-252 Valuing Non-market Goods Using Contingent Valuation
by Hanley, N D - 253-260 RATS: An Econometric Package for Microcomputers
by McCain, Roger A & Sullivan, Edward J - 261-276 New Directions in Radical Political Economy
by Wickham-Jones, Mark
1989, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 107-136 Neoclassical Political Economy: An Application to Trade Policies
by Quibria, M G - 137-158 Chinese Experience in the Introduction of a Market Mechanism into a Planned Economy: The Role of Pricing
by Yushi, Mao & Hare, Paul - 161-170 Meta-Regression Analysis: A Quantitative Method of Literature Survey s
by Stanley, T D & Jarrell, Stephen B - 171-178 MacroSolve
by Silverstone, Brian - 179-198 Information, Rational Expectations and Macroeconomic Modelling
by Snell, Andy
1989, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 3-41 Bubbles and Fads in Asset Prices
by Camerer, Colin - 43-57 The Theory of Warranty Contracts
by Emons, Winand - 59-81 Option Pricing and Implicit Volatilities
by Jarrow, Robert A & Wiggins, James B - 83-95 Software for Solving Equations: EUREKA: THE SOLVER, TK SOLVER PLUS and MathCAD
by Shone, Ronald - 97-105 Choice under Uncertainty
by Jeffcoat, Colin
1988, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 295-333 The Transformation Problem
by Desai, Meghnad - 335-366 The Term Structure of Interest Rates: Evidence and Theory
by Melino, Angelo - 367-371 Economics in Action
by Scott, Alex - 373-375 Theory, Policy and Arrow
by George, Donald A R
1988, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 187-208 Disequilibrium Buffer Stock Models: A Survey
by Milbourne, Ross - 209-243 Capitalization and the Theory of Local Public Finance: An Interpretive Essay
by Chaudry-Shah, Anwar - 245-264 Arthur M. Okun: Economics for Policymaking
by Lodewijks, John - 265-272 Data-FIT
by Byers, David
1988, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 103-133 Chaotic Dynamics in Economic Time-Series
by Frank, Murray Z & Stengos, Thanasis - 135-167 Price Discrimination: A Survey of the Theory
by Phlips, Louis - 169-176 Quattro: The Professional Spreadsheet
by Judge, Guy
1988, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-27 Detecting and Removing Discrimination under Equal Opportunities Policies
by Dex, S & Sloane, P J - 29-45 Theories of Non-profit Institutions
by Holtmann, A G - 47-76 Theories of Monopoly Capitalism
by Sawyer, Malcolm C - 77-95 A New Breed of Software? GAUSS, MATLAB and PC-ISP: A Comparative Review
by Dolton, Peter J
1987, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 113-148 Macroeconomic Policy Evaluation and Optimal Control Theory: A Critical Review of Some Recent Developments
by Blackburn, Keith - 149-172 Recent Advances in Oligopoly Theory from a Game Theory Perspective
by Ulph, Alistair - 173-180 STATA: The Data Tool
by Birchenhall, Chris
1987, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-24 Three Econometric Methodologies: A Critical Appraisal
by Pagan, Adrian - 25-58 Economic Reform in Eastern Europe
by Hare, Paul - 59-80 Recent Developments in the Theory of Natural Monopoly
by Waterson, Michael - 81-91 Cross-Section Econometrics Software: LIMDEP and SST
by Walker, Ian - 92-96 PC GIVE $ David Hendry Version 4.1 July 1986
by Turner, Paul & Podivinsky, Jan