May 1998, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 113-144 Labour market transitions and unemployment duration: Evidence from Bulgarian and Polish micro‐data1
by Sandrine Cazes & Stefano Scarpetta - 145-162 Labour market characteristics and profitability: An econometric analysis of Hugarian exporting firms, 1986‐951
by László Halpern & Gábor Körösi - 163-171 The Polish model of transformation and growth
by Stanislaw Gomulka - 173-181 Altered bank and exchange volatility
by Evžen Kočenda - 183-196 Russian commodity exchanges: A case study of organized markets in the transition process, 1990‐96
by Jerome D. Davis - 197-209 Housing demand in Russia: Rationing and reform1
by Robert M. Buckley & Eugene N. Gurenko - 211-227 Voucher privatization: implications for macroeconomic policy1
by Chris Allen & Katerina Smidkova - 241-247 Statistical review
by Martin Raiser & Peter Sanfey
November 1997, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 271-287 Employment and wage behaviour of industrial enterprises in transition economies: The cases of Poland and Czechoslovakia1
by Swati Basu & Saul Estrin & Jan Svejnar - 289-304 The impact of Czech privatization methods on enterprise performance incorporating initial selection‐bias correction1
by Anton Marcinèin & Sweder van Wijnbergen - 305-322 State enterprise performance and soft budget constraints: The case of Bulgaria
by Stijn Claessens & R. Kyle Peters - 323-338 Non‐standard methods in the privatization strategies of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland1
by Morris Bornstein - 339-366 Opening up for foreign banks: How Central and Eastern Europe can benefit1
by Cludia M. Buch - 367-393 Restructuring financial systems in transition and developing economies: an approach based on the French financial system
by Elisabetta Bertero - 395-426 The welfare of pensioners during economic transition: an analysis of Hungarian survey data1
by Ruth Hancock & Stephen Pudney - 427-451 Welfare change and the elimination of the shortage economy in Russia: some representative‐household results1
by Bryan W. Roberts - 453-484 A net impact analysis of active labour programmes in Hungary
by Christopher J. O'Leary - 485-497 The volatile relationship between deficits and inflation in Ukraine, 1992‐1996
by Georges de Ménil - 499-504 Round table on income distribution in the course of transition: The impact of transition on inequality
by Simon Commander - 505-509 Poverty, inequalities and social policies in the Visegrad countries
by Michael F. Förster & Istvàn György Tòth - 510-514 Income distribution and the dynamics of reforms
by Fabrizio Coricelli - 521-529 Statistical review
by Martin Raiser
May 1997, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-24 Enterprise restructuring and social benefits
by Simon Commander & Mark Schankerman - 25-44 Bank‐led restructuring in Poland (II): bankruptcy and its alternatives
by Cheryl W. Gray & Arnold Holle - 45-62 Industrial restructuring in Russia: early reactions fo firms to the shock of liberalization1
by Esther Duflo & Claudia Senik‐Leygonie - 63-96 A portfolio approach to a cross‐sectoral and cross‐national investment strategy in transition economies
by Willem H. Buiter & Ricardo Lago & Hélène Rey - 97-112 Industrialization and spatial income inequality in rural China, 1986‐921
by Shujie Yao - 113-130 Output decline and recovery in the transiton economies: causes and social consequences1
by Paul Brenton & Daniel Gros & Guy Vanadille - 131-146 Old and new problems in the estimation of national accounts in transiton economies1
by Kasper Bartholdy - 147-170 The paradox in the privatization of Hungary's public housinhg: a national gift or a bad bargain?1
by Zsuzsa Dániel - 171-183 Stock markets in transition: the Warsaw experiment1
by Jean‐François Nivet - 185-193 The influence of owners on voucher provatized firms in the Czech Republic
by Peter Kenway & Jiří Chlumský - 195-213 Inflation dynamics in Kazakhstan1
by Mark De Broeck & Paula De Masi & Vincent Koen - 215-223 Integration of FSU/economies in transition into the World Trade Organization1
by Peter Milthorp - 225-231 Round table on Russia
by Michael D. Intriligator - 232-237 The legacy of a superpower
by John Lloyd
October 1996, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 295-318 Regulatory reform in telecommunications in Central and Eastern Europe
by Mark Armstrong & John Vickers - 319-329 Complementarities in economic reform
by Eric J. Friedman & Simon Johnson - 331-347 Foreign direct investment in economic transition: the changing pattern of investments
by Hans‐Peter Lankes & A. J. Venables - 349-370 Bank‐led restructuring in Poland: the conciliation process in action1
by Cheryl W. Gray & Arnold Holle - 371-388 Restructuring outcomes and the evolution of ownership patterns in Central and Eastern Europe
by Wendy Carlin & Philippe Aghion - 389-410 Enterprise restructuring and adjustment in the transition to market economy: lessons from the experience of Central and Eastern Europe
by Rumen Dobrinsky - 411-425 The Chenery hypothesis and structural change in Eastern Europe
by Roland Dohrn & Ullrich Heilemann - 427-447 Enterprise reform in China: agency problems and political control
by Yingyi Qian - 449-457 Reasons for the low valuation of Russian shares
by Dirk Wilier & Roland Nash - 459-469 Uncertain recovery prospects in Russia
by Peter Havlik - 471-490 Job creation and temporary emigration: the Albanian experience1
by Ahmet Mancellari & Harry Papapanagos & Peter Sanfey - 491-495 Industrial demonopolization and competition policy in Poland and Hungary’: a comment
by Russell Pittman - 497-502 Round table on eastwards enlargement of the EU
by Vanessa Glasmacher & Nicholas Stern - 503-511 European Community response to the transition: aid, trade access, enlargement1
by D. Mario Nuti - 512-514 Progressive economic integration: making the magic work again
by Richard E. Baldwin - 515-520 EU accession and transition
by Ian Goldin - 527-537 Statistical review
by Kasper Bartholdy
May 1996, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-30 Transition as a process of large‐scale institutional change
by Mathias Dewatripont & Gérard Roland - 31-42 Complementarities and the managerial challenges of state enterprise restructuring: evidence from two shipyards
by Simon Johnson & David Kotchen & Gary W. Loveman - 43-66 Township‐village enterprises, local governments and rural communities: the Chinese village as a firm during economic transition1
by Xiaolin Pei - 67-88 Buy‐outs in Hungary, Poland and Russia: governance and finance issues1
by Igor Filatotchev & Irena Grosfeld & Judit Karsai & Mike Wright & Trevor Buck - 89-112 High skills pay off: the changing wage structure during economic transition in Poland
by Jan Rutkowski - 113-134 Health system reform in Russia: the finance and organization perspectives
by D. Chernichovsky & H. Barnum & E. Potapchik - 135-136 Convertibility and exchange rate policy
by Richard Portes - 137-158 Inflation, interest and exchange rates in the transition1
by Domenico Mario Nuti - 159-184 Exchange rate policies during transition from plan to market
by Dariusz Rosati - 185-210 Monetary policy, macroeconomic adjustment and currency speculation under floating exchange rates: the case of Bulgaria
by Rumen Dobrinsky - 211-228 Real exchange rate and exchange rate policy in Hungary
by László Halpern - 229-248 Stabilization and exchange rate policy in Romania
by Daniel Daianu - 270-281 Statistical Review
by Kasper Bartholdy
December 1995, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 403-426 Staggering along: wages policy and investment support in East Germany
by Hans‐Werner Sinn - 427-458 Enterprise restructuring in early transition: the case study evidence from Central and Eastern Europe1
by Wendy Carlin & John Van Reenen & Toby Wolfe - 459-478 Science and technology capabilities in economies in transition: effects and prospects1
by Slavo Radosevic - 479-504 Industrial demonopolization and competition policy in Poland and Hungary1
by Ben Slay - 519-524 Statistical review
by Kasper Bartholdy
September 1995, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 289-299 Industrial planning and the transition to a market economy
by Jeffrey B. Miller - 301-320 Foreign direct investment in the early years of economic transition: a survey
by Klaus E. Meyer - 321-331 Production bottlenecks and resource allocation during the transition to a market economy
by Joshua Aizenman & Peter Isard - 333-353 Preparations of the Visegrad Group countries for admission to the European Union: monetary policy aspects
by Lucjan T. Orlowski - 355-371 Changing earnings distribution in the Czech republic: survey evidence from 1988–1994
by Jiři Večerník - 373-382 Round table on Russia as an economic power in the Pacific
by Anna Shkuropat
June 1995, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 149-168 Eliminating the shortage economy: a general analysis and examination of the dévelopments in Hungary: Part
by János Kornai & Collegium Budapést - 169-195 Finance, economic development and the transition: the East German case
by Wendy Carlin & Peter Richthofen - 197-214 Housing privatization in urban Russia
by Raymond J. Struyk & Jennifer Daniell - 215-246 “Transition is a bridge, therefore do not dwell upon it”1
by Martin Raiser - 247-250 Round table on “Divestiture of social services from state‐owned enterprises”
by Mark E. Schaffer - 251-255 Efficiency Considerations in Enterprise Provision of Social Benefits
by Richard Jackman - 255-260 The transformation of employee benefits in Hungary
by Gáspár Fajth & Judit Lakatos - 260-266 Social Assets, Privatization and Industrial Restructuring in Ukraine
by Martin Rein & Irina Tratch & Andreas Woergoetter - 272-288 Statistical review
by Kasper Bartholdy
March 1995, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 Privatization and the separation of ownership and control: lessons from Chinese enterprise reform
by Patrick Bolton - 13-37 Eliminating the shortage economy: a general anaysis and examination of the developments in Hungary
by Janos Kornai - 39-58 How much unemployment is needed for restructing: the Russian experience
by Richard Layard & Andrea Richter - 59-74 Transition and the fiscal crisis in Central Europe
by Luca Barbone & Domenico Marchetti - 75-106 Income distribution and the reform of public housing in Hungary
by Stephen Pudney - 107-111 Round table: Obstacles to the establishment of a market for corporate control
by Roman Frydman & Katherina Pistor & Andrzej Rapaczynski - 111-115 Alternative ownership forms: the impact on restructuring
by John S. Earle & Saul Estrin - 115-121 Enterprise Restructuring and Control in Transition Economies
by Steven M. Fries - 129-148 Statistical Review
by Andrew Tyiie
December 1994, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 419-441 Output decline during transition from plan to market: a reconsideration
by Dariusz K. Rosati - 443-465 Financing the storm: macroeconomic crisis in Russia
by William Easterly & Paulo Vieira da Cunha - 467-486 The pivotal role of services in transitional economies: lessons from the West
by Kolleen J. Rask & Kevin N. Rask - 487-499 The real balance effects of price liberalization in Poland
by Antoni Chawluk & Rod Cross - 501-509 Emerging land markets in Eastern Europe
by Vincent Renard - 513-524 Statistical tables
by Kasper Bartholdy
September 1994, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 291-316 Restructuring and privatizing electric utilities in Eastern Europe
by David M. Newbery - 317-343 Competition policy for natural monopolies in a developing market economy1
by Janusz A. Ordover & Russell W. Pittman & Paul Clyde - 345-371 Domestic and trade policy for Central and East European agriculture1
by Larry Karp & Spiro Stefanou - 373-390 Institutional transformation in Russia: a transaction costs approach1
by Yuri Kochevrin & Igor Filatochev & Roy Bradshaw - 391-398 Economic regulation in Central and Eastern Europe1
by Jon Stern - 401-417 Recent Economic Developments
by Kasper Bartholdy
June 1994, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 129-150 Western prudential regulation: assessment, and reflections on its application to Central and Eastern Europe1
by Jean Tirole - 151-188 Government financial transfers and enterprise adjustments in Russia, with comparisons to Central and Eastern Europe
by Qimiao Fan & Mark E. Schaffer - 189-208 The financial situation of enterprises and its impact on monetary and fiscal policies, Poland 1992–93
by Stanislaw Gomulka - 209-232 How does the Hungarian unemployment insurance system really work?
by John Micklewright & Gyula Nagy - 233-254 Slavic (dis)union: consequences for Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
by Helen Boss & Peter Havlik - 255-259 What's going on in Russia?
by Jacques Sapir - 259-262 Economic transformation in Russia
by Daniell Cohen - 269-290 Are the economies in Central‐Eastern Europe growing? Do production and expenditure estimates give different answers?1
by Kasper Bartholdy
March 1994, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-25 “Transitional” unemployment
by Tito Boeri - 27-41 The role of political constraints in transition strategies
by Gerard Roland - 43-69 Using vouchers to privatize an economy: the Czech and Slovak case
by Jan Svejnar & Miroslav Singer - 71-81 A taxonomy of post‐socialist financial systems: decentralized enforcement and the creation of inside money
by Enrico C Perotti - 83-94 A constitution for privatizing large Eastern enterprises
by Zoltan Acs & Felix FitzRoy - 95-101 How the Hungarian households fared during the first period of transition
by Tamá Révész - 101-106 Earnings inequality in Hungary since 19881
by Stephen Pudney - 111-127 Are the economies in Eastern Europe growing? Do demand and supply estimates give different answers?1
by Kasper Bartholdy
December 1993, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 383-400 Eastern Germany since unification: wage subsidies remain a better way
by David Begg & Richard Portes - 401-435 Can communist economies transform incrementally? The experience of China
by Alan Gelb & Gary Jefferson & Inderjit Singh - 437-470 Barriers to innovation: Economic impact of perestroika
by Susan J. Linz - 471-488 Global strategies in the transition
by Carol Holmes - 489-493 Restructuring of the agricultural sector in Eastern Europe
by Anne Bosch‐Lenoir - 493-498 Agriculture in the former centrally‐planned economies in transition
by Timothy N. Ash - 498-502 Land reform developmens in Russia
by Andrel Siszov - 508-521 Recent economic developments in the former Soviet Union
by Kasper Bartholdy & Ivan Szegvari
September 1993, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 299-316 Constraints on the development of private manufacturing in St. Petersburg
by Joshua Charap & Leila Webster - 317-344 Income transfers in Russia: Problems and some policy directions1
by Nicholas Barr - 345-355 Perverse effect of fiscal adjustment in transition economies
by Grzegorz W. Kolodko - 357-362 The future of the Russian reform1
by Richard Layard - 362-364 Fiscal rectitude and financial discipline: a misconception
by John Flemming - 364-365 Trade and foreign investment in the Community's regions: the impact of economic reform in Central and Eastern Europe
by Cert - 366-382 Economic developments and prospects in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
by Kasper Bartholdy & John Flemming
June 1993, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 135-170 Why China's economic reforms differ: the M‐form hierarchy and entry/expansion of the non‐state sector
by Yingyi Qian & Chenggang Xu - 171-207 Needed mechanisms of corporate governance and finance in Eastern Europe1
by Roman Frydman & Edmund S. Phelps & Andrzej Rapaczynski & Andrei Shleifer - 209-243 Yugoslavia: Was it a winner's curse?
by Daniel Ottolenghi & Alfred Steinherr - 245-272 Tax and expenditure policies in Hungary
by David M Newbery - 273-274 On the dynamics of transition and restructuring
by Olivier Jean Blanchard - 275-277 Structural adjustment
by Gerard Roland - 285-298 Recent economic developments in Eastern Europe
by Kasper Bartholdy & Ivan Szegvári
January 1993, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 2-2 Introduction by the President of the European Bank
by Jacques Attali - 3-4 Editors' Introduction
by Philippe Aghion & Paul Hare - 5-19 Stabilization and the macroeconomics of transition ‐ How different is Eastern Europe?
by Michael Bruno - 21-38 Enterprise reform in Eastern Europe
by Sweder van Wijnbergen - 39-59 Insiders and the state: overview of responses to agency problems in East European privatizations
by Roman Frydman & Andrzej Rapaczynski - 61-87 The Role of the State, Ownership and Taxation in Transitional Economies
by Athar Hussain & Nicholas Stern - 89-109 The EC and Central Europe: The missed rendez‐vous of 1992?
by Patrick A. Messerlin - 111-112 The bad debt problem in Easter Europe
by David Hexter - 112-115 Dealing with enterprises' bad loans
by Fabrizio Coricelli & Alfredo Thorne - 116-117 Enterprise debt and economic transformation (Financial restructuring of the state sector in Central and Eastern Europe)
by David Begg & Richard Portes - 117-121 Financial aspects of enterprise reform
by Sweder van Wijnbergen - 123-134 Statistical Review
by Kasper Bartholdy