January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 98-109 Moral imaginings of the market and the state in contemporary China
by Erika Kuever - 110-122 Tracing indium production to the mines of the Cerro Rico de Potosí
by Kirsten Francescone - 123-134 Crypto‐miners: Digital labor and the power of blockchain technology
by Filipe Calvão - 135-146 From “good credit” to “bad debt”: Comparative reflections on the student debt experience of young professionals in Santiago, Chile, and Montreal, Canada
by Lorena Pérez‐Roa - 147-149 The anthropology of economic regeneration
by Rudi Colloredo‐Mansfeld - 150-152 Analyzing economic regeneration
by Michael Chibnik - 153-156 Rituals and economics of regeneration
by Akinwumi Ogundiran - 157-159 The Anthropocene goes green?
by Susan Falls - 160-162 Now is the time of monsters: Economic anthropology and the post‐neoliberal political economy
by Edward F. Fischer
June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 157-171 Finance beyond function: Three causal explanations for financialization
by Aaron Z. Pitluck & Fabio Mattioli & Daniel Souleles - 172-184 Frontier financialization: Urban infrastructure in the United Kingdom
by Paul Langley - 185-197 Capital market development in Southeast Asia: From speculative crisis to spectacles of financialization
by Lena Rethel - 198-209 Market efficiency as a revolution in data analysis
by Simone Polillo - 210-223 Making money in Mesoamerica: Currency production and procurement in the Classic Maya financial system
by Joanne P. Baron - 224-234 Nationalizing gold: The Vietnamese SJC gold bar and the Indian Gold Coin
by Allison Truitt - 235-246 Of loans and livelihoods: Gendered “social work†in urban India
by Smitha Radhakrishnan - 247-260 “It is easy for women to ask!†: Gender and digital finance in Kenya
by Sibel Kusimba - 261-273 Gendered redistribution and family debt: The ambiguities of a cash transfer program in Brazil
by Ana Flavia Badue & Florbela Ribeiro - 274-285 Financialization of work, value, and social organization among transnational soy farmers in the Brazilian Cerrado
by Andrew L. Ofstehage
January 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 6-6 Editor's note to Economic Anthropology readers
by Brandon D. Lundy - 7-19 Collaborative and competitive strategies in the variability and resiliency of large†scale societies in Mesoamerica
by Gary M. Feinman & David M. Carballo - 20-31 Sucre indigène and sucre colonial: Reconsidering the splitting of the French national sugar market, 1800–1860
by Jonna M. Yarrington - 32-44 Petit capitalisms in disaster, or the limits of neoliberal imagination: Displacement, recovery, and opportunism in highland Ecuador
by A. J. Faas - 45-58 Oil in Sicily: Petrocapitalist imaginaries in the shadow of old smokestacks
by Mara Benadusi - 59-70 The Bumipreneur dilemma and Malaysia's technology start†up ecosystem
by Sarah Kelman - 71-82 “Once you support, you are supported†: Entrepreneurship and reintegration among ex†prisoners in Gulu, northern Uganda
by Hannah Jane Marshall - 83-95 Naming Brazil's previously poor: “New middle class†as an economic, political, and experiential category
by Charles H. Klein & Sean T. Mitchell & Benjamin Junge - 96-109 “Never had the hand†: Distribution and inequality in the diverse economy of a refugee camp
by Micah M. Trapp - 110-122 Economic adversities and cultural coping strategies: Impacts on identity boundaries among Druzes in Lebanon
by Chad K. Radwan - 123-134 Production for consumption: Prosumer, citizen†consumer, and ethical consumption in a postgrowth context
by Elisabeth Kosnik - 135-137 A note on populism and global systemic crisis
by Jonathan Friedman - 138-140 Resisting the alternate realities of global populism
by Paul Stoller - 141-143 Populism is not the problem—capitalism is
by Ruth Gomberg†Muñoz - 144-147 Out†trumping economic consequences in populist voting
by Peter Hervik - 148-150 Markets, myths, and misrecognitions: Economic populism in the age of financialization and hyperinequality
by Karen Ho
June 2017, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 161-172 What does economic anthropology have to contribute to studies of risk and resilience?
by Bram Tucker & Donald R. Nelson - 173-185 Risks and strategies of Amazonian households: Retail sales and mass-market consumption among caboclo women
by Jessica Andrea Chelekis - 186-199 “Even our Dairy Queen shut down”: Risk and resilience in bioenergy development in forest-dependent communities in the US South
by Sarah Hitchner & John Schelhas & J. Peter Brosius - 200-212 Risky resources: Household production, food contamination, and perceptions of aflatoxin exposure among Zambian female farmers
by Alyson G. Young - 213-224 The social life of health behaviors: The political economy and cultural context of health practices
by Rebecca Adkins Fletcher - 225-238 Trading on risk: The moral logics and economic reasoning of North Carolina farmers in water quality trading markets
by Caela O'Connell & Marzieh Motallebi & Deanna L. Osmond & Dana L. K. Hoag - 239-250 Translating to risk: The legibility of climate change and nature in the green bond market
by Aneil Tripathy - 251-262 Willful times: Unpredictability, planning, and presentism among entrepreneurs in a central Chinese city
by Megan Steffen - 263-275 Debt as a double-edged risk: A historical case from Nahua (Aztec) Mexico
by John K. Millhauser - 276-287 Existential economics: Mexican-American dream strategies to predict and understand business outcomes
by Peter Wogan
January 2017, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 6-6 Editor's note to Economic Anthropology readers
by Katherine E. Browne - 7-21 Roads, value, and dispossession in Baja California Sur, Mexico
by Ryan Anderson - 22-36 The hidden labor of repayment: Women, credit, and strategies of microenterprise in northern Honduras
by Lauren A. Hayes - 37-49 Space, female economies, and autonomy in the shotgun neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince, Haiti
by Vincent Joos - 50-64 Oil territorialities, social life, and legitimacy in the Peruvian Amazon
by Peter Bille Larsen - 65-81 Drivers and deterrents of entrepreneurial enterprise in the risk-prone Global South
by Brandon D. Lundy & Mark Patterson & Alex O'Neill - 82-93 The semiotics of carbon: Atmospheric space, fungibility, and the production of scarcity
by Raquel Machaqueiro - 94-106 A subtle economy of time: Social media and the transformation of Indonesia's Islamic preacher economy
by Martin Slama - 107-119 Don't mix Paxil, Viagra, and Xanax: What financiers' jokes say about inequality
by Daniel Souleles - 120-131 A space for secondhand goods: Trading the remnants of material life in Hong Kong
by Trang X. Ta - 132-143 From externality in economics to leakage in carbon markets: An anthropological approach to market making
by Shaozeng Zhang - 144-147 THE SYMPOSIUM: How can economic anthropology contribute to a more just world?
by Jane I. Guyer - 147-148 THE SYMPOSIUM: How can economic anthropology contribute to a more just world?
by Keith Hart - 149-151 THE SYMPOSIUM: How can economic anthropology contribute to a more just world?
by Alf Hornborg - 151-153 THE SYMPOSIUM: How can economic anthropology contribute to a more just world?
by Gillian Tett - 153-155 THE SYMPOSIUM: How can economic anthropology contribute to a more just world?
by Richard Wilk
June 2016, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 191-202 Introduction: Technologies and the transformation of economies
by Hsain Ilahiane & Marcie L. Venter - 203-215 Migration, skill, and the transformation of social networks in the pre-Hispanic Southwest
by Barbara J. Mills & Jeffery J. Clark & Matthew A. Peeples - 216-227 Living life forward: Technology, time, and society in a Sri Lankan potter community
by Deborah Winslow - 228-239 Transformations, economics, and bitter outcomes: Archaeological investigations at Betty's Hope Plantation—a case study reflecting 300 years of Caribbean sugar production
by Georgia L. Fox - 240-253 Political economy in Late and Terminal Classic Southeastern Mesoamerica: Putting the El Coyote copper smelting workshop in its regional context
by Patricia Urban - 254-265 “Phones mean lies”: Secrets, sexuality, and the subjectivity of mobile phones in Tanzania
by Erin Kenny - 266-279 Hearthholds of mobile money in western Kenya
by Sibel Kusimba & Yang Yang & Nitesh Chawla - 280-292 Re-creating economic and cultural values in Bulgaria's wine industry: From an economy of quantity to an economy of quality?
by Yuson Jung - 293-303 Asymmetrical indications: Negotiating creativity through Geographical Indications in north India
by Alicia Ory DeNicola - 304-314 Alternative economic strategies and the technology treadmill: Beginning vegetable farmers in Iowa
by Andrea Rissing - 315-328 Unearthing human progress? Ecomodernism and contrasting definitions of technological progress in the Anthropocene
by Cindy Isenhour
January 2016, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 6-16 Energy and economy: Recognizing high-energy modernity as a historical period
by Thomas Love & Cindy Isenhour - 17-30 Neither counterfeit nor paradise: The carrying capacity of pre-Columbian ecosystems in Brazil
by Justin R. Bucciferro - 31-42 The crown joules: Resource peaks and monetary hegemony
by Jalel Sager - 43-56 Inside the halo zone: Geology, finance, and the corporate performance of profit in a deep tight oil formation
by Caura L. Wood - 57-67 The role of corporate oil and energy debt in creating the neoliberal era
by Sandy Smith-Nonini - 68-80 The infrastructure of markets: From electric power to electronic data
by Canay Özden-Schilling - 81-93 “The most eastern of the West, the most western of the East”: Energy-transport infrastructures and regional politics of the periphery in Turkey
by Bilge Firat - 94-105 District heating as heterotopia: Tracing the social contract through domestic energy infrastructure in Pimlico, London
by Charlotte Johnson - 106-118 Circuits and currents: Dynamics of disruption in New York City blackouts
by Stephanie Rupp - 119-132 Women, nature, and development in sites of Ecuador's petroleum circuit
by Cristina Cielo & Lisset Coba & Ivette Vallejo - 133-144 Communities of energy
by Ben Campbell & Jon Cloke & Ed Brown - 145-160 Citizens of a hydropower nation: Territory and agency at the frontiers of hydropower development in Nepal
by Austin Lord - 161-173 Offshore wind power development in Maine: A rational choice perspective
by James M. Acheson & Ann W. Acheson - 174-185 Electric activism: Analysis, alliances, and interventions
by Davida Wood
June 2015, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 241-249 Inequality in our midst
by Carolyn Lesorogol - 250-263 Addressing global economic inequalities in local ways in Senegal's artisanal workshops
by Laura L. Cochrane - 264-277 Unequal sustainabilities: The role of social inequalities in conservation and development projects
by Nicole D. Peterson - 278-294 Inequality of rights: Rural industrial workers' access to the law in Guatemala
by Liliana Goldín & Courtney Dowdall - 295-309 Making Africa middle class: From poverty reduction to the production of inequality in Tanzania
by Maia Green - 310-325 “Not what it used to be”: Schemas of class and contradiction in the Great Recession
by Anna Jefferson - 326-342 Inequalities beyond the Gini: Subsistence, social structure, gender, and markets in southwestern Madagascar
by Bram Tucker & Elaina Lill & Tsiazonera & Jaovola Tombo & Rolland Lahiniriko & Louinaise Rasoanomenjanahary & Pirette Miza Razafindravelo & Jean Roger Tsikengo - 343-358 Eldercare, immigration, and health care in Italy: How the Italian state creates and mitigates inequality
by Patti Meyer - 359-370 Accession and association: The effects of European integration and neoliberalism on rising inequality and kin-neighbor reciprocity in the Republic of Macedonia
by Justin M. Otten - 371-384 Shifting social dynamics and economic inequality in the post-Soviet space: Networking and participation in toi among the novyi Kyrgyz
by René Provis - 385-404 Postdisaster reciprocity and the development of inequality in personal networks
by Eric C. Jones & Arthur D. Murphy & A. J. Faas & Graham A. Tobin & Christopher McCarty & Linda M. Whiteford
January 2015, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Contributions of Economic Anthropology to the Political Economy of Cities
by Dolores Koenig & Ty Matejowsky - 22-41 Unsettling Urban Marketplace Redevelopment in Baguio City, Philippines
by B. Lynne Milgram - 42-62 Urban Economies and Spatial Governmentalities in the World Heritage City of Antigua, Guatemala
by Walter E. Little - 63-83 A Model Socialist Steel Town Enters the Neoliberal Age: The Changing Political Economy of Nowa Huta, Poland
by Kinga Pozniak - 84-96 The Urban System in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca
by Arthur D. Murphy & Ignacio R. Silva & Rafael R. Morales & Jose L. B. Gil & Jesus J. F. Segura - 97-119 Teotihuacan: Ritual Economy, Exchange, and Urbanization Processes in Classic Period Mesoamerica
by Agapi Filini - 120-144 Residential Design Guidelines, Aesthetic Governmentality, and Contested Notions of Southern California Suburban Places
by Denise Lawrence-Zúñiga - 145-164 Design Standards as Urban Planning: From Technical Specification to Community “Look” in Northeast Illinois Suburbs
by Robert Rotenberg - 165-184 The Conflation of Participatory Budgeting and Public–Private Partnerships in Porto Alegre, Brazil: The Construction of a Working-Class Mall for Street Hawkers
by Ana Paula Pimentel Walker - 185-204 The Paved and the Unpaved: Toward a Political Economy of Infrastructure, Mobility, and Urbanization in Haiti
by Landon Yarrington - 205-223 Political Economy of Control: Urban Refugees and the Regulation of Space in Lusaka, Zambia
by Rebecca Frischkorn - 224-240 From Informal Settlements to Formality: A Resettlement Group's Adaptation to a Newly Planned Community in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
by Tiwanna DeMoss-Norman
January 2014, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-16 Introducing an Inquiry into the Social Economies of Greed and Excess
by Rahul Oka & Ian Kuijt - 17-29 System Failure: Institutions, Incentives, and Collective Folly
by James Surowiecki - 30-48 Greed Is Bad, Neutral, and Good: A Historical Perspective on Excessive Accumulation and Consumption
by Rahul Oka & Ian Kuijt - 49-65 Land, Labor, and Things: Surplus in a New West Indian Colony (1763–1807)
by Mark W. Hauser - 66-79 Poverty and Excess in Binge Economies
by Richard Wilk - 80-87 The Social and Economic Production of Greed, Cooperation, and Taste in an Ohio Food Auction
by Jeffrey H. Cohen & Susan M. Klemetti - 88-103 Greed in a “Tribal” Economy? Acquisitiveness and Reciprocity in Lisu Society
by E. Paul Durrenberger & Kathleen Gillogly - 104-123 Booms and Busts: Asset Dynamics, Disaster, and the Politics of Wealth in Rural Mongolia
by Daniel J. Murphy - 124-138 Risk-Seeking Peasants, Excessive Artisans: Speculation in the Northern Andes
by Jason Antrosio & Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld - 139-153 Loci of Greed in a Caribbean Paradise: Land Conflicts in Bocas del Toro, Panama
by Gayatri Thampy - 154-166 The Potentiality and the Consequences of Surplus: Agricultural Production and Institutional Transformation in the Northern Basin of Mexico
by Christopher Morehart - 167-185 The Problem of Greed in Economic Anthropology: Sumptuary Laws and New Consumerism in China
by Joseph Bosco - 186-192 Folk and Scientific Concepts in the Study of Greed
by Robert C. Hunt - 193-199 The Rich Possibilities of Greed and Excess
by Virginia R. Dominguez