June 2014, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 139-159 Inflation Targeting and the Pass-through Rate in East Asian Economies
by Hiroyuki Taguchi & Woong-Ki Sohn - 161-180 Testing Oil Refiners' Conduct in Korea: A Differentiated Product Approach
by Yangsoo Jin - 181-199 Vertical and Horizontal Educational Mismatches of Female Graduates in Taiwan
by Hung-Lin Tao & Chia-Yu Hung - 201-215 Revisiting Cash Endowment and House Money Effects in an Experimental Auction of a Novel Agri-food Product in the Philippines
by Dinah Pura T. Depositario & Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr & Yu Yvette Zhang & Robert Dominick E. Mariano
March 2014, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-17 Does East Asia Have a Working Financial Safety Net?
by Jayant Menon & Hal Hill - 19-39 Lending Rate Spread Shock and Monetary Policy Arrangements: A Small Open Economy Model for ASEAN Countries
by Taiyo Yoshimi - 41-62 Intergenerational Transfers and Asset Inequality in Japan: Empirical Evidence from New Survey Data
by Junya Hamaaki & Masahiro Hori & Keiko Murata - 63-79 Effects of Knowledge Spillovers on Knowledge Production and Productivity Growth in Korean Manufacturing Firms
by Taegi Kim & Keith Maskus & Keun-Yeob Oh - 81-104 Socioeconomic Determinants of Child Health: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia
by Subha Mani
December 2013, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 323-339 Influence of a Wife's Working Status on Her Husband's Accumulation of Human Capital
by Yukichi Mano & Eiji Yamamura - 341-367 Credit Contagion and Trade Credit: Evidence from Small Business Data in Japan
by Daisuke Tsuruta - 369-389 Quantifying Foreign Direct Investment Productivity Spillovers in China: A Computable General Equilibrium Model
by Ziliang Deng & Rod Falvey & Adam Blake - 391-408 Role of Information on Consumers’ Willingness-to-pay for Genetically-modified Rice with Health Benefits: An Application to China
by Hans D. Steur & Jeroen Buysse & Shuyi Feng & Xavier Gellynck - 409-428 Capital Stock Estimates by Province and Interprovincial Distribution in Indonesia
by Mitsuhiko Kataoka
September 2013, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 219-243 Sovereign Spreads and Contagion Risks in Asia
by Carlos Caceres & D. Filiz Unsal - 245-264 Who Uses Free Trade Agreements?
by Kazunobu Hayakawa & Daisuke Hiratsuka & Kohei Shiino & Seiya Sukegawa - 265-284 Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Financial Development: Evidence from Emerging Asia
by Juthathip Jongwanich & Douglas H. Brooks & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 285-306 Evolution of Urban–rural Living Standards Inequality in Thailand: 1990–2006
by Zheng Fang & Chris Sakellariou - 307-321 Enter the Dragon: Have Imports from China Hurt Wages in Manufacturing?
by Alberto Posso
June 2013, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 105-123 Vertical Trade Maps
by Benno Ferrarini - 125-143 Effects of Imported Intermediate Varieties on Plant Total Factor Productivity and Product Switching: Evidence from Korean Manufacturing
by Yong-Seok Choi & Chin Hee Hahn - 145-161 Wage Effects of Employment Protection Legislation in Taiwan
by Yen-Ling Lin - 163-183 Impact of Foreign Maids on Female Labor Force Participation in Malaysia
by Peck-Leong Tan & John Gibson - 185-207 Effect of Interest Rate Subsidies on Firm Performance and Investment Behavior during Economic Recession: Evidence from Vietnam
by Tuan-Minh Dinh & Edmund Malesky & Trung-Thanh To & Duc-Thanh Nguyen
March 2013, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-16 Multinationals, Institutions and Economic Growth in China
by Yi Che & Danny T. Wang - 17-38 Impact of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic R&D Activity: Evidence from Taiwan's Multinational Enterprises in Low-wage Countries
by Kun-Ming Chen & Shu-Fei Yang - 39-57 Reputational Penalties in Japan: Evidence from Corporate Scandals
by Joseph K. Tanimura & M. Gary Okamoto - 59-83 Do Private Tutoring Expenditures Raise Academic Performance? Evidence from Middle School Students in South Korea
by Deockhyun Ryu & Changhui Kang - 85-104 Alternative Poverty Lines for Malaysia
by Thaiyoong Penny Mok & Gillis Maclean & Paul Dalziel
December 2012, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 289-311 Employment Effects of Offshoring across Sectors and Occupations in Japan
by Pablo Agnese - 313-331 Chinese per Capita Income Distribution, 1992–2007: A Regional Perspective
by José Villaverde & Adolfo Maza - 333-357 What Factors Determine Student Performance in East Asia? New Evidence from the 2007 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
by Masakazu Hojo & Takashi Oshio - 359-380 Firm Efficiency in Cambodia's Garment Industry on the Eve of the Multi-Fiber Arrangement Termination
by Souksavanh Vixathep & Nobuaki Matsunaga - 381-396 Housing Supply, Demand and Price: Construction Cost, Rental Price and House Price Indices
by I-Chun Tsai
September 2012, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 181-187 Natural Disasters and Asia: Introduction
by Shigeyuki Abe & Shandre M. Thangavelu - 189-210 Japan's Post‐Disaster Economic Reconstruction: From Kobe to Tohoku
by Toshihiko Hayashi - 211-231 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Disaster, Generosity and Recovery
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 233-259 Livelihood Recovery after Natural Disasters and the Role of Aid: The Case of the 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake
by Budy P. Resosudarmo & Catur Sugiyanto & Ari Kuncoro - 261-287 How did the Japanese Exports Respond to Two Crises in the International Production Networks? The Global Financial Crisis and the Great East Japan Earthquake
by Mitsuyo Ando & Fukunari Kimura
June 2012, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 93-118 ASEAN Economic Community: A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Peter A. Petri & Michael G. Plummer & Fan Zhai - 119-135 Financial Determinants of Corporate R&D Investment in Korea
by Sanghoon Lee - 137-157 Endogenous, Intra-household Decision-making and its Impact on the Labor Supply of Couples in Rural India
by Kompal Sinha - 159-180 Econometric Analysis of the India–Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement
by Vivek Joshi
March 2012, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-23 Is Life Annuity an Effective Tool for Managing Longevity Risk in Korea?
by Yoonkyung Yuh & Jaehwan Yang - 25-42 Productivity Growth in Different Plant‐size Groups in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector
by Sangho Kim & Donghyun Park & Jong‐Ho Park - 43-61 Land Reform and Farm Production in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam
by Trung Thanh Nguyen - 63-85 Openness, Regional Trade Agreements and Growth: Evidence from Asia
by João Tovar Jalles
December 2011, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 355-373 Efficiency of the Banking Industry Structure in Korea
by Dong Jin Shin & Brian H. S. Kim - 375-395 Mean‐reverting and Asymmetric Volatility Switching Properties of Stock Price Index, Exchange Rate and Foreign Capital in Taiwan
by Hsiang‐Hsi Liu & Teng‐Tsai Tu - 397-412 Credit Card Averters and Amassers: Evidence from Malaysia
by Yiing Jia Loke & Steven T. Yen & Andrew K. G. Tan - 413-428 Impact of Integrated Weed Management on Cotton Producers' Earnings in Pakistan
by Akhter Ali & Muhammad Sharif
September 2011, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 245-269 Technical Efficiency of Rice Farms in Different Agroclimatic Zones in the Philippines: An Application of a Stochastic Metafrontier Model
by Marc Jim Mariano & Renato Villano & Euan Fleming - 271-289 Spatial Correlation in Household Choices in Rural Indonesia
by John Gibson & Bonggeun Kim & Susan Olivia - 291-307 The Impact of Inflation Uncertainty on Output Growth and Inflation in Thailand
by Komain Jiranyakul & Timothy P. Opiela - 309-329 Corporate Venture Capital and Its Contribution to Intermediate Goods Firms in South Korea
by Younghoon Kim & Yeonbae Kim & Jeong‐Dong Lee - 331-353 Comparison of Effects from Different Institutions: Public Credit Guarantee in Korea
by Inha Oh & Jeong‐Dong Lee
June 2011, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 129-149 Reorganization of Intra‐ASEAN 5 Trade Flows: The ‘China Factor’
by Evelyn S. Devadason - 151-175 Ownership Structure and Risk‐taking Behavior: Evidence from Banks in Korea and Japan
by Sun Eae Chun & Mamoru Nagano & Min Hwan Lee - 177-196 Estimating Korea's Exchange Rate Exposure
by Sammo Kang & Jeong Wook Lee - 197-226 Ranking Locations for Japan's Manufacturing Multinationals in Asia: A Literature Survey Illustrated with Indexes
by Eric D. Ramstetter - 227-244 Bilateral Trade Balances: Evidence from Malaysia
by Wong Hock Tsen
March 2011, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 William E. James: An Eternal Colleague of EAEA and AEJ
by Shigeyuki Abe - 3-33 Dynamics of Growth, Poverty and Inequality: A Panel Analysis of Regional Data from Thailand and the Philippines
by Kyosuke Kurita & Takashi Kurosaki - 35-54 A Case of Sticky Floors: Gender Wage Differentials in Thailand
by Zheng Fang & Chris Sakellariou - 55-77 Structural Changes and Regional Income Inequality in Indonesia: A Bidimensional Decomposition Analysis
by Takahiro Akita & Puji Agus Kurniawan & Sachiko Miyata - 79-98 Economic Restructuring, Informal Jobs and Pro‐poor Growth in Urban China
by Chuliang Luo - 99-112 Asia's Global Responsibilities and Regional and International Cooperation
by Peter Drysdale - 113-117 When and How Can Asia Play a Leading Role in the New World Order?
by Shinichi Ichimura
December 2010, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 289-303 Heterogeneity of FDI Export Spillovers and Its Policy Implications: The Experience of China
by Sizhong Sun - 305-332 Interdependence between Overseas and Domestic R&D Activities: Evidence from Taiwanese Multinationals
by Wen‐Bin Chuang & Hui‐lin Lin - 333-354 Evolution of Education Premiums in Cambodia: 1997–2007
by Ashish Lall & Chris Sakellariou - 355-390 Poverty and Inequality Maps in Rural Vietnam: An Application of Small Area Estimation
by Nguyen Viet Cuong & Tran Ngoc Truong & Roy Van Der Weide - 391-411 Is a Common Currency Area Feasible for East Asia? A Multivariate Structural Vector Autoregression Approach
by Hsiu‐Fen Hsu
September 2010, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 203-220 Deterrence and Incapacitation Effects in a Closed Area: A Case Study of Auto Theft in Taiwan
by Hung‐Lin Tao & Ling‐Chih Kuo - 221-234 Who Are the Potential Smokers of Smuggled Cigarettes?
by Hsin‐Fan Chen & Sheng‐Hung Chen & Jie‐Min Lee & Huei‐Yann Jeng - 235-251 Vulnerability to Poverty in Papua New Guinea in 1996
by Raghbendra Jha & Tu Dang - 253-287 Monetary Policy Impulses and Retail Interest Rate Pass‐Through in Asian Banking Markets
by Kuan‐Min Wang
June 2010, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 115-139 Cost Efficiency of the Banking Sector in Vietnam: A Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Approach with Regularity Constraints
by Ha Thu Vu & Sean Turnell - 141-160 Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Technology Adoption on Farmers' Well‐being Using Propensity‐Score Matching Analysis in Rural China
by Haitao Wu & Shijun Ding & Sushil Pandey & Dayun Tao - 161-178 Urban‐biased Policies and the Increasing Rural–Urban Expenditure Gap in Vietnam in the 1990s
by Eric Fesselmeyer & Kien T. Le - 179-202 Determinants of Economic Growth and Spread–backwash Effects in Western and Eastern China
by Shanzi Ke
March 2010, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-22 Linkages between Trade and Financial Integration and Output Growth in East Asia
by Maria Socorro Gochoco‐Bautista & Dennis S. Mapa - 23-44 Self‐selection and Earnings of Migrants: Evidence from Rural China
by Zheren Wu - 45-68 Environmental Performance Assessment of China's Manufacturing
by Tao Zhang - 69-85 Potential Payoff from R&D in the Coconut Industry of North Sulawesi, Indonesia
by Benjamin Henderson & Lynn Henry & Gordon MacAulay & Jen Tatuh - 87-108 Information Technology, Organizational Transformation and Productivity Growth: An Examination of the Brynjolfsson–Hitt Proposition
by Ky‐hyang Yuhn & Seung R. Park
December 2009, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 397-418 Updating Poverty Maps without Panel Data: Evidence from Vietnam
by Nguyen Viet Cuong - 419-437 Vulnerability of Vietnamese Elderly to Poverty: Determinants and Policy Implications
by Long T. Giang & Wade D. Pfau - 439-455 Do Small Farmers Borrow Less When the Lending Rate Increases? Interest Rate Elasticity of Rice Farmers in the Philippines
by Roehlano M. Briones - 457-476 Effects of Information on Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Golden Rice
by Dinah Pura T. Depositario & Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr. & Ximing Wu & Tiffany P. Laude
September 2009, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 269-296 Heterodox Reform Symbioses: The Political Economy of Investment Climate Reforms in Solo, Indonesia
by Christian Von Luebke & Neil McCulloch & Arianto A. Patunru - 297-321 Firm Productivity and Foreign Direct Investment into Non‐core Activities
by Andrzej Cieślik & Michael Ryan - 323-348 Do Capital Inflows Matter to Asset Prices? The Case of Korea
by Soyoung Kim & Doo Yong Yang - 349-372 Out‐of‐sample Hedge Performances for Risk Management in China Commodity Futures Markets
by Sang‐Kuck Chung - 373-395 Optimal Structure of Technology Adoption and Creation: Basic versus Development Research in Relation to the Distance from the Technological Frontier
by Joonkyung Ha & Yong Jin Kim & Jong‐Wha Lee
June 2009, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 143-167 Productivity Spillovers from FDI in Malaysian Manufacturing: Evidence from Micro‐panel Data
by Noor Aini Khalifah & Radziah Adam - 169-194 Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia: Will They Be Sustainable?
by Innwon Park - 195-224 Sources of Growth and Structural Change in the Vietnamese Economy, 1996–2003: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by James A. Giesecke & Tran Hoang Nhi - 225-247 Dietary Diversity, Food Security and Undernourishment: The Vietnamese Evidence
by Vinod Mishra & Ranjan Ray - 249-267 Interaction between Foreign and Domestic Investors in the Korean Stock and Futures Markets
by Young‐Rae Song & Yong‐Jun Yang & Hyung‐Sik Oh
March 2009, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-17 Role of Education in Cigarette Smoking: An Analysis of Malaysian Household Survey Data
by Andrew K.G. Tan & Steven T. Yen & Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr. - 19-39 Determinants of Remittances: Recent Evidence Using Data on Internal Migrants in Vietnam
by Yoko Niimi & Thai Hung Pham & Barry Reilly - 41-63 Impact of the National Pension Fund on the Suitability of Elderly Pensions in Thailand
by Wade D. Pfau & Vararat Atisophon - 65-91 Output and Productivity Performance of Hong Kong and Singapore's Transport and Communications Sector, 1990 to 2005
by Boon L. Lee & William Shepherd - 93-118 Efficiency, Cointegration and Contagion in Equity Markets: Evidence from China, Japan and South Korea
by A.S.M. Sohel Azad
December 2008, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 343-358 Does International Fragmentation Occur in Sectors Other Than Machinery?
by Fukunari Kimura & Kazunobu Hayakawa & Zheng Ji - 359-396 Lewis Growth Model and China's Industrialization
by Nazrul Islam & Kazuhiko Yokota - 397-410 Future of Economic Growth for South Korea
by Byung Woo Kim - 411-430 Does Allocation of Public Spending Matter in Poverty Reduction? Evidence from Thailand
by Shenggen Fan & Bingxin Yu & Somchai Jitsuchon - 431-455 Relationship between Managerial Compensation and Business Performance in Japan: New Evidence Using Micro Data
by Hideaki Sakawa & Naoki Watanabel
September 2008, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 225-240 Human Capital and Economic Growth in Asia 1890–2000: A Time‐series Analysis
by Bas Van Leeuwen & Peter Foldvari - 241-266 Purchasing Power Parity under Regime Shifts: An Application to Asian Countries
by Salah A. Nusair - 267-287 Backyard Hog Production Efficiency: Evidence from the Philippines
by Amin W. Mugera & Allen M. Featherstone - 289-319 Poverty Effects of the Philippines’ Tariff Reduction Program: Insights from a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by John Cockburn & Erwin L. Corong & Caesar B. Cororaton - 321-341 Employment Outcomes of Graduates: The Case of Universiti Utara, Malaysia
by Hock‐Eam Lim & Judith Rich & Mark N. Harris
June 2008, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 113-132 Does Trade, Technology, or Education Expel Traditional Sectors? Some Evidence from the Collapse of the Silk Sector in South Korea
by Manitra A. Rakotoarisoa & Sung‐soo Kim - 133-160 Opening up, Market Reform, and Convergence Clubs in China
by Rui Hao - 161-177 Does a Country's Openness to Trade and Capital Accounts Lead to Financial Development? Evidence from Malaysia
by Siong Hook Law - 179-208 Assessing the Equilibrium Exchange Rate of the Malaysian Ringgit: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches
by Isabell Koske - 209-224 Is Real Estate Really an Inflation Hedge? Evidence from Taiwan
by Wen‐Shwo Fang & Kuan‐Min Wang & Thanh‐Binh T. Nguyen
March 2008, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-23 Hukou and Graduates’ Job Search in China
by Wen Wang & Peter G. Moffatt - 25-46 Human Capital and Hours Worked of Children in Cambodia: Empirical Evidence for Policy Implications
by Han Phoumin - 47-66 Firm Efficiency in a Transitional Economy: Evidence from Vietnam
by Thi Bich Tran & R. Quentin Grafton & Tom Kompas - 67-82 International Capital Mobility in the Short Run and the Long Run: A Daily Data Study for Japan, Singapore and Taiwan
by Han‐Min Hsing - 83-107 Food Processing Business and Agriculture Cooperatives in Japan: Market Power and Asymmetric Information
by Kazuhiko Mikami & Satoru Tanaka
December 2007, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 343-368 Winners and Losers during a Deep Economic Crisis: Firm‐level Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing
by Dionisius Narjoko & Hal Hill - 369-386 Special Quotes Invoke Autocorrelation in Japanese Stock Prices
by Yoshiro Tsutsui & Kenjiro Hirayama & Takahiro Tanaka & Nobutaka Uesugi - 387-404 Influence of ADB Bond Issues and US Bonds on Asian Government Bonds
by Masahiro Inoguchi - 405-424 Education and Earnings in Transition: The Case of Lao
by Phanhpakit Onphanhdala & Terukazu Suruga - 425-451 Measuring Green Productivity Growth for China's Manufacturing Sectors: 1991–2000
by Jing Cao
September 2007, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 239-259 Trade Liberalization, Economic Restructuring and Urban Poverty: The Case of China
by Zhicheng Liang - 261-282 Impact of Beijing Olympic‐related Investments on Regional Economic Growth of China: Interregional Input–Output Approach
by Yaxiong Zhang & Kun Zhao - 283-299 Who is Better Off from Trade Liberalization? An Experience from Urban China
by Yin He - 301-319 Income Uncertainty and Wealth Accumulation: How Precautionary are Taiwanese Households?
by Yih‐Luan Chyi & Yu‐Lun Liu - 321-342 Managing in the Middle: Characterizing Singapore's Exchange Rate Policy
by Tony Cavoli & Ramkishen S. Rajan
June 2007, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 139-153 Measuring Barriers to International Division of Labor in East Asia
by Kazunobu Hayakawa - 155-168 Technical Change and Productive Efficiency: Irrigated Rice in the Philippines
by Richard T. Yao & Gerald E. Shively - 169-194 Feeling Richer or Poorer than Others: A Cross‐section and Panel Analysis of Subjective Economic Status in Indonesia
by Nattavudh Powdthavee - 195-206 What Caused the Korean Currency Crisis in 1997?: Weak Fundamentals or Self‐fulfilling Expectations
by In‐Bong Ha & Bong‐Soo Lee & Chongcheul Cheong - 207-238 Time‐varying Cost of Equity Capital in Southeast Asian Countries
by Rashid Ameer
March 2007, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-18 Managing Food Price Instability in Asia: A Macro Food Security Perspective
by C. Peter Timmer & David Dawe - 19-46 Supermarkets in Vietnam: Opportunities and Obstacles
by Masayoshi Maruyama & Le Viet Trung - 47-73 Structure of Firm Location Choices: An Examination of Japanese Greenfield Investment in China
by Shaoming Cheng - 75-100 Evaluating the Relative Impact of Fiscal Incentives and Trade Policies on the Returns to Manufacturing in Taiwan, 1955–1995
by Glenn P. Jenkins & Chun‐Yan Kuo - 101-121 Linguistic and Religious Influences on Foreign Trade: Evidence from East Asia
by Rongxing Guo
December 2006, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 333-354 Export Activity, Firm Size and Wage Structure: Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms
by Meng‐Wen Tsou & Jin‐Tan Liu & Cliff J. Huang - 355-377 Markup Variation and Productivity Measurement in Singapore
by Raphael W. K. Lam - 379-392 Trade, Investment and Economic Interdependence between South Korea and China
by Joon‐Kyung Kim & Yangseon Kim & Chung H. Lee - 393-407 Determinants of Female Fertility in Taiwan, 1966–2001: Empirical Evidence from Cointegration and Variance Decomposition Analysis
by Paresh Kumar Narayan - 409-423 Capital Inflows Problem in Selected Asian Economies in the 1990s Revisited: The Role of Monetary Sterilization
by Tony Cavoli & Ramkishen S. Rajan
September 2006, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 241-256 Mixing Family Business with Politics in Thailand
by Masami Imai - 257-274 Vertical Integration, Foreign Multinationals and Stigler's Hypotheses: An Empirical Test Using Malaysian Data
by Nor Ghani Md. Nor & Ahmad Zainuddin Abdullah & Khalil Md. Nor - 275-302 Dynamics of Capital Structure: The Case of Korean Listed Manufacturing Companies
by Hyesung Kim & Almas Heshmati & Dany Aoun - 303-317 Economic Integration of Yunnan with the Greater Mekong Subregion
by Sandra Poncet - 319-331 Export Promotion Policies and the Crowding‐out Effect in Developing Countries
by Gairuzazmi Ghani
June 2006, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 127-159 Role of TFP in China's Growth
by Nazrul Islam & Erbiao Dai & Hiroshi Sakamoto - 161-172 World Trade in Used Automobiles: A Gravity Analysis of Japanese and US Exports
by Danilo Pelletiere & Kenneth A. Reinert - 173-190 Pure Altruism, Consumer Behavior and Choice Modeling
by Jungho Suh & Steve Harrison - 191-216 Inequality and Determinants of Earnings in Malaysia, 1984–1997
by Branko Milanovic - 217-239 Tax Incidence in Vietnam
by Jonathan Haughton & Nguyen The Quan & Nguyen Hoang Bao
March 2006, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-27 Foreign Investment, Divestment and Relocation by Japanese Electronics Firms in East Asia
by René Belderbos & Jianglei Zou - 29-46 Technical Inefficiency and Production Risk in Rice Farming: Evidence from Central Luzon Philippines
by Renato Villano & Euan Fleming - 47-74 Parental Education and Child Health: Evidence from China
by Pushkar Maitra & Xiujian Peng & Yaer Zhuang - 75-94 What Should the Weights of the Three Major Currencies be in a Common Currency Basket in East Asia?
by Kentaro Kawasaki & Eiji Ogawa - 95-122 Fund Mobilization and Investment Behavior in Thai Manufacturing Firms in the Early 1990s
by Fumiharu Mieno
December 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 357-381 High‐Frequency Contagion of Currency Crises in Asia
by Takatoshi Ito & Yuko Hashimoto - 383-406 Socioeconomic Changes and the Decline in Poverty: A View from Three Villages in the Philippines, 1985–1997
by Jonna P. Estudillo & Yasuyuki Sawada & Mahabub Hossain - 407-422 Marketing Channels and Retail Store Density in East Asia
by Kenji Matsui & Shuanghong Lu & Tatsuhiko Nariu & Tadashi Yukimoto - 423-443 Industrial Diversification and Its Impact on Productivity Growth in Taiwan's Electronics Industry
by Show‐Ling Jang & Ming‐Hung Weng & Yanzhi Wang - 445-469 China's Business Cycles: Perspectives from an AD–AS Model
by Yin Zhang & Guanghua Wan
September 2005, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 249-271 EU Anti‐dumping Measures against ASEAN Countries: Impact on Trade Flows
by Ludo Cuyvers & Michel Dumont - 273-289 Technological Capability and FDI in Asia: Firm‐level Relationships among Japanese Manufacturers
by Eiichi Tomiura - 291-317 Indonesian Local Government Spending, Taxing and Saving: An Explanation of Pre‐ and Post‐decentralization Fiscal Outcomes
by Blane D. Lewis - 319-334 Wives’ Value of Time and Food Consumed Away from Home in Taiwan
by Shao‐Hsun Keng & Chun‐Hung Lin - 335-356 Deterioration of Firm Balance Sheet and Investment Behavior: Evidence from Panel Data on Thai Firms
by Suvadee Rungsomboon
June 2005, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 137-157 Asian Currency Crisis and the Generalized PPP: Evidence from the Far East
by Taufiq Choudhry - 159-180 Wage Structure Effects of Taiwan's Science and Technology Development Policy
by James P. Vere - 181-203 Trade Reform and Manufacturing Pricing Behavior in Four Archetype Asia‐Pacific Economies
by Rod Tyers - 205-230 Labor Militancy in South Korea
by Bong Joon Yoon - 231-247 Study of the Measurement and Determinants of Intra‐industry Trade in East Asia
by Michael Thorpe & Zhaoyang Zhang
March 2005, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-28 China's WTO Commitments in Agriculture and Impacts of Potential OECD Agricultural Trade Liberalizations
by Wusheng Yu & Søren E. Frandsen - 29-50 Revisiting South Korea's Import Demand Behavior: A Cointegration Analysis
by Tuck Cheong Tang - 51-81 Productivity or Endowments? Sectoral Evidence for Hong Kong's Aggregate Growth
by Hiau Looi Kee - 83-102 Sectoral Effects of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Malaysia
by Mansor H. Ibrahim - 103-119 Underlying Demand for Licensed Childcare Services in Urban Japan
by Yanfei Zhou & Akiko Oishi
December 2004, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 345-370 Productivity and Comparative Advantage in Rice Agriculture in South‐East Asia Since 1870
by Pierre Van Der Eng - 371-404 Foreign Multinationals and Local Firms in Vietnam's Economic Transition
by Phan Minh Ngoc & Eric D. Ramstetter - 405-421 One Country, Two Prices? A Study of the Deflationary Effect of Price Convergence on Hong Kong
by Jiming Ha & Kelvin Fan - 423-438 Yardstick Cost Comparison and Economies of Scale and Scope in Japan's Electric Power Industry
by Takanori Ida & Tetsuya Kuwahara - 439-470 Operations of a Pension Fund after the Asian Crisis: The Thai Experience
by Katja Funke & Georg Stadtmann
September 2004, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 233-259 Estimating Cost Functions of Malaysian Commercial Banks: The Differential Effects of Size, Location, and Ownership
by Hidenobu Okuda & Hidetoshi Hashimoto - 261-276 Risk Sensitivity of Bank Stocks in Malaysia: Empirical Evidence Across the Asian Financial Crisis
by Chee Wooi Hooy & Hui Boon Tan & Annuar Md Nassir - 277-292 Financial Liberalization and Corporate Investments: Evidence from Korean Firm Data
by Jaewoon Koo & Sunwoo Shin - 293-318 Flying Ducks? Girls’ Schooling in Rural Vietnam: A Revisit
by Amy Y.C. Liu - 319-344 An Empirical Analysis of Productivity in Philippine Agriculture, 1974–2000
by Romeo G. Teruel & Yoshimi Kuroda
June 2004, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 121-148 Shifting International Competitiveness: An Analysis of Market Share in Manufacturing Industries in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the USA
by William E. James & Oleksandr Movshuk - 149-164 Wage Reforms in China During the 1990s
by Linda Y. Yueh - 165-183 Intersectoral Linkages and Key Sectors in China, 1987–1997
by B. Andreosso‐O'Callaghan & G. Yue