- 08-10 How We Might Model a Credit Squeeze, and Draw some Policy Implications for Responding to it
by Peter Sinclair - 08-09 The Whys and Wherefores of Controlling Inflation
by Peter Sinclair - 08-08 Market Behaviour with Large Amounts of Intermittent Generation
by Richard Green & Nicholas Vasilakos - 08-07 Crime Reporting: Profiling and Neighbourhood Observation
by Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay & Kalyan Chatterjee - 08-06 Corruption, Governance and FDI Location in China : A Province-Level Analysis
by Matthew Cole & Robert Elliott & Jing Zhang - 08-05 Bonuses, Credit Rating Agencies and the Credit Crunch
by Peter Sinclair & Guy Spier & Tom Skinner - 08-03 In Search of Environmental Spillovers
by Facundo Albornoz & Matthew A Cole & Robert J R Elliott & Marco G Ercolani - 08-02 Investment and Expropriation under Oligarchy and Democracy in a Heckscher-Ohlin World
by Facundo Albornoz & Sebastian Galiani & Daniel Heymann - 06-11 Efficient Compromising
by Tilman Börgers & Peter Postl
- 08-01 EU Regulation and Competition Policy among the Energy Utilities
by Richard Green - 07-17 Learning by Exporting: Do Firm Characteristics Matter? Evidence from Argentinian Panel Data
by Facundo Albornoz & Marco Ercolani - 07-14 Public Sector Capital and the Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy
by Christopher J. Ellis & John Fender - 07-13 Cyclical Trends in Continuous Time Models
by Joanne S. Ercolani - 07-12 What do we really mean by monetary (or price) stability, and financial stability?
by Peter Sinclair - 07-11 Growth in Britain
by Bill Allen & Esther Baroudy & Richard Batley & Bruno Paulson & Peter Sinclair - 07-10 Pareto-Improving Income Tax Reform
by Peter Sinclair - 07-09 On the Measurement of Changes in Product Quality in Marginal Intra-Industry Trade
by A K M Azhar & Robert R J Elliott - 07-08 The Environmental Performance of Firms: The Role of Foreign Ownership, Training, and Experience
by Matthew A Cole & Robert R J Elliott & Eric Strobl - 07-07 Asian Currency Crises: Do Fundamentals still Matter? A Markov-Switching Approach to Causes and Timing
by J L Ford & Bagus Santoso & N J Horsewood - 07-06 Political Regimes and Economic Growth in Latin America
by Facundo Albornoz & Jayasri Dutta - 07-03 An Economic Theory of Political Institutions: Foreign Intervention and Overseas Investments
by Toke A. Aidt & Facundo Albornoz - 07-02 Carbon Tax or Carbon Permits: The Impact on Generators' Risks
by Richard Green - 07-01 Persistence and Nominal Inertia in a Generalized Taylor Economy: How Longer Contracts Dominate Shorter Contracts
by Huw Dixon & Engin Kara - 05-15 Subsidy Competition and the Mode of FDI: Acquisition vs Greenfield
by Facundo Albornoz & Gregory Corcos & Toby Kendall - 05-12 Trade Policy and Industrial Structure
by Facundo Albornoz & Paolo Vanin
- 06-10 Aggregative Games
by Martin K. Jensen - 06-09 The Predictability of KLSE CI Stock Index Futures Returns and The Conditional Multifactor APT Model
by J. L. Ford & Wee Ching Pok & S. Poshakwale - 06-08 Dynamic vs. Static Stock Index Futures Hedging: A Case Study for Malaysia
by J. L. Ford & Wee Ching Pok & S. Poshakwale - 06-07 Inefficient Procurement
by Peter Postl - 06-06 A Note on the Impossibility of Efficient N-Person Compromises
by Peter Postl - 06-05 Dominant Strategy Implementable Compromises
by Peter Postl - 06-03 The Euro-changeoverand Euro-inflation: Evidence from Eurostat's HICP
by Marco G. Ercolani & Jayasri Dutta - 06-02 UK Employees' Sickness Absence: 1984-2005
by Marco G. Ercolani - 06-01 Who is Learning From Whom? A Study of Households Forming Expectations in the US and UK
by Joshy Easaw & Atanu Ghoshray & Marco Barassi
- 05-19 The road to extinction: Commons with Capital Markets
by Colin Rowat & Jayasri Dutta - 05-18 Multiple Equilibria as a Difficulty in Understanding Correlated Distributions
by Anirban Kar & Indrajit Ray & Robedrto Serrano - 05-17 Globalization, Firm-Level Characteristics and Environmental Management: A Study of Japan
by Matthew Cole & Robert Elliott & Kenichi Shimamoto - 05-16 Intermediation by aid agencies
by Colin Rowat & Paul Seabright - 05-14 Subsidy Competition in Integrating Economies
by Facundo Albornoz & Gregory Corcos - 05-13 Why Did British Electricity Prices Fall after 1998?
by Joanne Evans & Richard Green - 05-11 Ambiguity in Financial Markets: Herding and Contrarian Behaviour
by J L Ford & David Kelsey & W Pang - 05-10 Testing the Null of Co-integration in the Presence of Variance Breaks
by Giuseppe Cavaliere & A M Robert Taylor - 05-09 The Real Part of a Complex ARMA Process
by Ralph Bailey - 05-08 Simple Mediation in a Cheap-Talk Game
by Chirantan Ganguly & Indrajit Ray - 05-07 On Robust Trend Function Hypothesis Testing
by David Harvey & Stephen Leybourne & A M Robert Taylor - 05-06 Long Run Relationship and Structural Change Between the US and EU Wheat Export Prices
by Marco Barassi & Atanu Ghoshray - 05-05 Non-Linear Strategies in a Linear Quadratic Differential Game
by Colin Rowat - 05-04 Theoretical Foundations of the Gravity Trade Model
by Richard Barrett & Somnath Sen & Anca Voicu - 05-03 The Reform of Local Taxation in the United Kingdom in the Light of The Balance of Funding Review Report
by John Fender - 05-02 Endogenous Market Thickness, Prices and Honesty: Quality Demand Traps
by Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay - 05-01 The commons with capital markets
by Colin Rowat & Jayasri Dutta
- 04-23 Optimal Two Stage Committee Voting Rules
by Ian Ayres & Colin Rowat & Nasser Zakariya - 04-22 Intermediation by aid agencies
by Colin Rowat & Paul Seabright - 04-18 Coalition governments in a model of parliamentary democracy
by Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay & Mandar Oak - 04-17 Delegated Search: Procedure Matters
by Peter Postl - 04-16 Leaving EMU: a real options perspective
by Frank Strobel - 04-15 Sunspots, Correlation and Competition
by Herakles M. Polemarchakis & Indrajit Ray - 04-14 Observable Implications of Nash and Subgame-Perfect Behavior in Extensive Games
by Indrajit Ray & Susan Snyder - 04-11 The Road to Extinction: Commons with Capital Markets
by Jayasri Dutta & Colin Rowat - 04-07 Party formation and coalitional bargaining in a model of proportional representation
by Joanne S. McGarry & Marcus J. Chambers - 04-04 Party formation and coalitional bargaining in a model of proportional representation
by Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay & Mandar Oak - 04-03 Endogenous Market Thickness and Honesty: A Quality Trap Model
by Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay