- 03 Religion and Economic Development: Past, Present, and Future
by Sascha O. Becker & Amma Panin & Steven Pfaff & Jared Rubin - 02 Effective Rates of Protection in an Industrialising, Settler Economy: Estimates for Victoria (Australia) in 1880
by Brian D. Varian - 01 Constructing GDP Estimates by the Output Approach, Malaya 1900-1939
by Tin Htoo Naing
- 10 The ownership and control of Australian companies in the interwar period
by Grant Fleming & Zhangxin (Frank) Liu & David Merrett & Simon Ville - 09 Information costs and trade: Evidence from international electric telegraphy during the "golden age" of globalisation
by Sean Bottomley & Brian D. Varian - 08 The unavailing origin of Australian protectionism? Victoria's McCulloch Tariff of 1866
by Brian D. Varian - 07 Sailing Ship Technology, Navigation and the Duration of Voyages to Australia, 1848-85
by Timothy J. Hatton - 06 Market integration and a lower-productivity economy: the case of Australian federation and Queensland’s manufacturing sector, 1897–1906
by Brian D. Varian - 05 Shining a Light: Female Investors in the Australian Gas Light Company, 1836-1940
by Grant Fleming & Zhangxin (Frank) Liu & David Merrett & Simon Ville - 04 Emigrant Voyages from the UK to North America and Australasia, 1853-1913
by Timothy J Hatton - 03 The Political Economy of Assisted Immigration: Australia 1860-1913
by Timothy J. Hatton - 02 The Political Economy of Minimum Wage Setting: The Factories and Shops Act of Victoria (Australia), 1896-1913
by Andrew J. Seltzer - 01 Mortality from the 1944-1945 famine in Java, Indonesia
by Pierre van der Eng
- 06 Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia: Historical Experiences, 1900s-1950s
by Pierre van der Eng - 05 Gender(ed) equity: The growth of female shareholding in Australia, 1857-1937
by Grant Fleming & Zhangxin (Frank) Liu & David Merrett & Simon Ville - 04 Religion and Growth
by Sascha O. Becker & Jared Rubin & Ludger Woessmann - 03 From the Death of God to the Rise of Hitler
by Sascha O. Becker & Hans-Joachim Voth - 02 Adam Smith's Case Against the British Empire
by William Coleman - 01 Economic Aspects of Australian Federation: Trade Restrictiveness and Welfare Effects in the Colonies and the Commonwealth, 1901-3
by Luke H. Grayson & Brian D. Varian
- 11 Share ownership and the introduction of no liability legislation in nineteenth-century Australia
by Grant Fleming & Frank Liu & David Merrett & Simon Ville - 10 Persecution, Pogroms and Genocide: A Conceptual Framework and New Evidence
by Sascha O. Becker & Sharun Mukand & Ivan Yotzov - 09 Australian Innovative Activity and Offshore Technology 1904 – 2016
by Grant Fleming & Frank Liu & David Merrett & Simon Ville - 08 Patents, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Australia, 1860-2010
by Grant Fleming & Frank Liu & David Merrett & Simon Ville - 07 Living standards in settler South Africa, 1865-1920
by Johan Fourie & Kris Inwood & Martine Mariotti - 06 Securities Trading in an Emerging Market: Indonesia, 1890s-1950s
by Pierre van der Eng - 05 The Rise and Fall and Rise (?) of Economic History in Australia
by Andrew Seltzer & Martin Shanahan & Claire Wright - 04 Surviving the Deluge: British Servicemen in World War I
by Roy E. Bailey & Timothy J. Hatton & Kris Inwood - 03 Church and State in Historical Political Economy
by Sascha O. Becker & Steven Pfaff - 02 Forced Displacement in History: Some Recent Research
by Sascha O. Becker - 01 Property Rights to Land and Agricultural Organization: An Argentina-United States Comparison
by Eric Edwards & Martin Fiszbein & Gary Libecap
- 06 Opening Heaven's Door: Public Opinion and Congressional Votes on the 1965 Immigration Act
by Giovanni Facchini & Timothy J. Hatton & Max F. Steinhardt - 05 The First East Asian Economic Miracle: Wages, Living Standards and Foundations of Modern Economic Growth in Southeast Asia, 1880-1938
by Jean-Pascal Bassino & Pierre van der Eng - 04 Did the Executions of French Soldiers during the Great War Reflect Their Pacifist Views?
by Olivier Guillot & Antoine Parent - 03 The Australian corporate bond market before credit ratings, 1915-83
by Grant Fleming & Frank Liu & David Merrett & Simon Ville - 02 Banks, Credit Supply, and the Life Cycle of Firms: Theory and Evidence from Late Nineteenth Century Japan
by Sergi Basco & John P. Tang - 01 Explaining Trends in Adult Height in China: 1950 to 1990
by Minhee Chae & Tim Hatton & Xin Meng
- 11 The Struggle over Australian Railways in 1890s: The Strange Economics of State Control vs the Ruthless Economics of Federal
by William Coleman - 10 The Impact of the ‘Braddon Blot’ on Australia’s Tariff Structure, 1901-1910: A Leviathanic Analysis
by William Coleman - 09 The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918–20: An interpretative survey in the time of COVID-19
by Prema-chandra Athukorala & Chaturica Athukorala - 08 Which States Gained, and Which States Lost, from Australia’s Federation Customs Union of 1902? The Answers of a Theoretical Schema, with an Empirical Check
by William Coleman - 07 The Revenue Maximising Tariff Rate: A Theoretical Model Applied to 1890s Victoria
by William Coleman - 06 Chinese Entrepreneurship in Indonesia: A Business Demography Approach
by Pierre van der Eng - 05 ‘Send Them a Shipload of Rice’: Australia’s Food Aid to Indonesia, 1960s-1970s
by Pierre van der Eng - 04 Voting Up? The Effects of Democracy and Franchise Extension on Human Stature
by Alberto Batinti & Joan Costa-Font & Timothy J. Hatton - 03 South Australia’s Employment Relief Program for Assisted Immigrants: Promises and Reality, 1838-1843
by Edwyna Harris & Sumner La Croix - 02 Estimating Long-Run Incarceration Rates for Australia, Canada, England & Wales, New Zealand and the United States
by Andrew Leigh - 01 The Second Convict Age: Explaining the Return of Mass Imprisonment in Australia
by Andrew Leigh
- 10 Intergenerational Mobility in American History: Accounting for Race and Measurement Error
by Zachary Ward - 09 Extreme Weather and Long-term Health: Evidence from Two Millennia of Chinese Elites
by Wang-Sheng Lee & Ben G. Li - 08 Always Egalitarian: Australian Earnings Inequality 1870-1910 1
by Laura Panza & Jeffrey G. Williamson - 07 Emigration from the UK 1870-1913: Quantity and Quality
by Timothy J. Hatton - 06 Identifying Colonial Roads in Southern New Jersey: An application of field and archival methods to document the locations and roles of critical American Revolutionary War supply routes
by Cameron E. Gordon & Caroline N. Peters & Jonathan R. Peters3 - 05 Stop! Go! What can we learn about family planning from birth timing in settler South Africa, 1800-1910?
by Jeanne Cilliers & Martine Mariotti - 04 Internal Migration, Education and Upward Rank Mobility:Evidence from American History
by Zachary Ward - 03 Signalling quality in a developing capital market: underwriting, security choice and disclosure in Australian equity issuances, 1920-1939
by Grant Fleming & Zhangxin (Frank) Liu & David Merrett & Simon Ville - 02 The Intergenerational Behavioural Consequences of a Socio-Political Upheaval
by Alison Booth & Xin Meng & Elliott Fan & Dandan Zhang - 01 Always Egalitarian? Australian Earnings Inequality c1870
by Laura Panza & Jeffrey G. Williamson
- 11 The Evolution of Inflation Targeting In Australia
by Selwyn Cornish - 10 The Biological Standard of Living in China during the 20th Century: Evidence from the Age at Menarche
by Pierre van der Eng & Kitae Sohn - 09 Did Speculation in Land Pay Off for British Investors? Buying and Selecting Land in South Australia, 1835-1850
by Edwyna Harris & Sumner La Croix - 08 A European Political-Economic Space That Embraced Japan: The International Context of the Conventional Tariff Network, CA. 1892-1914
by Toshiki Kawashima - 07 Recovery from Financial Crises in Peripheral Economies, 1870-1913
by Peter H. Bent - 06 The Trade Policy of Argentina, 1870-1913. A Study through Customs Legislation
by Agustina Rayes - 05 Between Ideas and Interests The Spanich Fight for Free Trade, 1879-C. 1903
by Marcela Sabat� & Jos� Mar�a Serrano - 04 German Export Survival in the First Globalisation
by Wolf-Fabian Hungerland - 03 Age at Arrival and Assimilation during the Age of Mass Migration
by Rohan Alexander & Zachary Ward - 02 International Migration in the Atlantic Economy 1850 - 1940
by Timothy J Hatton & Zachary Ward - 01 Structural Change and the Fertility Transition in the American South
by Philipp Ager & Markus Brueckner & Benedikt Herz
- 10 Immigrants' Genes: Genetic Diversity and Economics Development in the US
by Philipp Ager & Markus Brueckner - 09 Artificial Administrative Boundaries: Evidence from China
by Pei Li & Yi Lu & Tuan-Heww Sng - 08 The Shaping of a Settler Fertility Transition: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century South African Demographic History Reconsidered
by Jeanne Cilliers & Martine Mariotti - 07 Immobile Australia: Surnames show Strong Status Persistence, 1870-2017
by Gregory Clark & Andrew Leigh & Mike Pottenger - 06 Dealing With Liability Of Foreignness: The Case Of Philips In Australia, 1945-1980
by Pierre Van Der Eng - 05 The Samurai Bond: Credit Supply And Economic Growth In Pre-War Japan
by SERGI BASCO & John P. Tang - 04 Upstart Industrialization and Exports, Japan 1880-1910
by Christopher M. Meissner & John P. Tang - 03 Co-authorship in Economic History and Economics: Are We Any Different?
by Andrew J. Seltzer & Daniel S. Hamermesh - 02 Australian Squatters, Convicts, and Capitalists: Dividing Up a Fast-Growing Frontier Pie 1821-1871
by Laura Panza & Jeffrey G. Williamson - 01 Australian Exceptionalism? Inequality and Living Standards 1821-1871
by Laura Panza & Jeffrey G. Williamson
- 052 Atmospheric Pollution and Child Health in Late Nineteenth Century Britain
by Roy E. Bailey & Timothy J. Hatton & Kris Inwood - 051 The Impact of the 1896 Factory and Shops Act on Victorian Labour Markets
by Andrew Seltzer & Jeff Borland - 050 Managing Political Imperatives: Strategic Responses of Philips in Australia, 1939-1945
by Pierre van der Eng - 049 The Role of English Fluency in Migrant Assimilation: Evidence from United States History
by Zachary Ward - 048 Implicit contracts and acquisitions: An econometric case study of the nineteenth century Australian banking industry
by Andrew J. Seltzer - 047 European Integration and Australian Manufacturing Industry: The Case of Philips Electronics, 1960s-1970s
by Pierre van der Eng - 046 After 200 years, why is Indonesia’s cadastral system still incomplete?
by Pierre van der Eng - 045 A Tale of Two Sics: Japanese and American Industrialization in Historical Perspective
by John Tang - 044 The Engine and the Reaper: Industrialization and Mortality in Early Modern Japan
by John Tang
- 043 The First 100 Years of Tariffs in Australia: The Colonies
by P.J. Lloyd - 042 Whither Business History?: Memory, Message and Meaning
by David Merrett - 041 East Asian Industrial Pioneers: Japan, Korea and Taiwan
by Dwight H. Perkins & John P. Tang - 040 A nation without a corporate income tax: Evidence from nineteenth century Japan
by Kazuki Onji & John P. Tang - 039 Stature and Sibship: Historical Evidence
by Timothy J. Hatton - 038 Growing incomes, growing people in nineteenth-century Tasmania
by Kris Inwood & Hamish Maxwell-Stewart & Deb Oxley - 037 A World Record in the Improvement in Biological Standards of Living in Korea: Evidence from Age at Menarche
by Kitae Sohn - 036 Dense Enough To Be Brilliant: Patents, Urbanization, and Transportation in Nineteenth Century America
by Elisabeth Ruth Perlman - 035 The U-Shaped Self-Selection of Return Migrants
by Zachary Ward - 034 Was the First World War Disturbing or Reinforcing of Australia's Economic Model?
by William Coleman - 033 The Growth Contribution of Colonial Indian Railways in Comparative Perspective
by Dan Bogart & Latika Chaudhary & Alfonso Herranz-Loncan - 032 A Tale of Two Tails: Plant Size Variation and Comparative Labor Productivity in U.S. and German Manufacturing in the Early 20th Century
by Joost Veenstra & Herman de Jong - 031 The Permanent Effects of Transportation Revolutions in Poor Countries: Evidence from Africa
by Remi Jedwab & Alexander Moradi
- 030 Did the world settle its debts through the branches of multinational banks? Evidence from the 1930s
by Laura Panza & David Merrett - 029 Health, Height and the Household at the Turn of the 20th Century
by Roy E. Bailey & Timothy J. Hatton & Kris Inwood - 028 Corporate Defaults, Workouts and the Rise of the Distressed Asset Investment Industry
by Douglas Cumming & Grant Fleming - 027 Making a land fit for a gold standard: monetary policy in Australia 1920-1925
by Selwyn Cornish & William Coleman - 026 2014 Sir Leslie Melville Lecture - Central Banks and Financial Crises: Some Historical Examples
by Forrest Capie - 025 The Long-Term Effects of Protestant Activities in China
by Yuyu Chen & Hui Wang & Se Yan - 024 The Institution of Macroeconomic Measurement in Indonesia Before the 1980s
by Pierre van der Eng - 023 Two Centuries of International Migration
by Tim Hatton & Joseph P. Ferrie - 022 Macroeconomic Consequences of Terms of Trade Episodes, Past and Present
by Tim Atkin & Mark Caputo & Tim Robinson & Hao Wang
- 021 Asia's role in the global economy in historical perspective
by Angus Maddison & Pierre van der Eng - 020 Australia's Major Terms of Trade and Commodity Shocks, 1800-2013: Sources and Impacts
by Nigel Stapledon - 019 Distributional Impact of Commodity Price Shocks: Australia over a Century
by Sambit Bhattacharyya & Jeffrey Williamson - 018 Was the African American great migration delayed by outlawing emigrant agents?
by Kha Yen Prentice & Laszlo Konya & David Prentice - 017 Long run trends in Australian executive remuneration: BHP 1887-2012
by Mike Pottenger & Andrew Leigh - 016 A preliminary examination of the effects of credit instruments on de facto and de jure political power: lien laws in the postbellum United States South and nineteenth century New South Wales, Australia
by Edwyna Harris - 015 The Australian Bank Crashes of the 1890s Revisited
by David T. Merrett - 014 Financial intermediation and late development in Meiji Japan, 1868 to 1912
by John Tang - 013 From Boom to Bust: A Typology of Real Commodity Prices in the Long Run
by David S. Jacks - 012 Trading patterns at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, 1931-1940
by Jean-Pascal Bassino & Thomas Lagoarde-Segot - 011 Railroad expansion and entrepreneurship: evidence from Meiji Japan
by John Tang
- 010 Trends and Cycles in Real Commodity Prices: 1650-2010
by David Harvey & Neil Kellard & Jakob Madsen & Mark Wohar - 009 Deindustrialisation and re-industrialisation in the Middle East: Reflections on the cotton industry in Egypt and western Anatolia
by Laura Panza - 008 Farmer Families at the Heart of the Educational Revolution: Which Occupational Group Inherited Human Capital in the Early Modern Era?
by Franziska Tollnek & Joerg Baten - 007 Testing the predictive power of genuine savings as a long-run indicator of future well-being
by David Greasley & Nick Hanley & Jan Kunnas & Eoin McLaughlin & Les Oxley & Paul Warde - 006 Share Portfolios and Risk Management in the Early Years of Financial Capitalism: London 1690-1730
by Ann M. Carlos & Erin Fletcher & Larry Neal - 005 Relief During the Great Depression in Australia and America
by Price V. Fishback - 004 Population, Migration and Labour Supply: Great Britain 1871 - 2011
by Tim Hatton - 003 Living Standards In South Africa's Former Homelands
by Martine Mariotti - 002 Pipe Dreams and Tunnel Visions: Economists and Australian Population Debates before the Baby Boom
by William Coleman - 001 Labour Markets in Recession and Recovery: The UK and the USA in the 1920s and 1930s
by Timothy J. Hatton & Mark Thomas