June 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 108-136 La notion de bail professionnel en droit OHADA et ses implications sur la théorie générale du fonds de commerce
by André Desmonds Eyango Djombi - 137-147 The right to interpretation and translation within criminal proceedings in the European Union. Comparative examination. Critical opinions
by Bogdan Bîrzu - 148-163 The consequences of not applying mutátis mutándis a decision of the Romanian Constitutional Court
by Camelia Daciana Stoian - 164-174 L’incrimination du terrorisme en droit pénal camerounais
by François Edimo - 175-184 Premises for the establishing of the European Administrative Space
by Catalin-Silviu Sararu - 185-196 Enforceable contracts and the consequences of termination on them in Romania
by Tomescu Raluca Antoanetta
june 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 41-46 Enforcement individual labor contracts and undeclared work
by Ana Vidat
December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 7-24 Whistleblowing in the Slovak labor law regulation
by Daniel Krošlák & Andrea Olšovská - 25-44 The business judgement rule – approach and application
by Adina Ponta - 45-59 Modernisation of EU State aid procedures: are the rights of third parties more protected?
by Anduena Gjevori - 60-69 Genetically modified organisms – European and Romanian legislation
by Ovidiu – Horia Maican - 70-87 Privatization in the name of public private partnership: the case of Tanzania Breweries Ltd., an evaluation
by Samson Paschal - 88-105 Theoretical and practical issues relating to the right to the protection of personal data
by Camelia Florentina Stoica & Marieta Safta - 106-123 Analysis of the Portuguese legal framework concerning the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of the transfer of an undertaking or an establishment compliance with the Directive 2001/23/CE of 12 march 2001
by Sónia de Carvalho - 124-131 Key criteria in appointment of arbitrators in international arbitration
by Bazil Oglinda - 132-137 The role of law as an instrument of communication within legal positivism
by Claudiu Ramon D. Butculescu - 138-167 La prise en compte du statut d'époux par le droit des affaires de l'Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA)
by André Desmonds Eyango Djombi - 168-178 Non-standard employment relationship and the gender dimension
by Mihaela-Emilia Marica - 179-200 Le maître d’ouvrage et le contrat de sous-traitance dans les marchés publics de travaux au Cameroun
by Lesmont Bahoken Valeri - 201-207 Issues legal and economic regarding amendments of the individual employment contract because the individual performance targets are not achieved by the employee
by Ana Vidat - 208-219 South Africa’s transformative Constitution: from civil and political rights doctrines to socio-economic rights promises
by Mashele Rapatsa - 220-232 Applicable sanction regarding the breach of the separation of powers principle within the companies' governance
by Simona Chirica - 233-253 Les pouvoirs d’office du juge des procédures collectives de l'Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA) et les principes cardinaux du procès
by François Biboum Bikay - 254-258 Are the rules of European Union public policy a reality?
by Cornelia Lefter - 259-273 The evolution of the right of association from constitutional standpoint in Romania
by Valentin Minoiu - 274-280 The State and the separation of powers
by Catalin-Silviu Sararu - 281-290 Implied terms in English and Romanian law
by Stefan Dinu - 291-300 The late payment under the EU legislation
by Charlotte Ene
June 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 7-16 Comparison between the legal regime of the extinctive prescription in Romanian civil law and fiscal law
by Silvia Lucia Cristea - 17-23 Owners of public property in Romania
by Catalin-Silviu Sararu - 49-59 Superficies in the form of the right to superpose
by Simona Chirica & Cristiana Mic-Soare - 60-68 Some aspects concerning the reorganization of companies within the context of the legal regulation in force
by Ana-Maria Lupulescu - 69-82 Le droit de grâce du Président de la République en Afrique noire francophone
by François Edimo - 83-89 The joint venture contract. Practical aspects regarding the admissibility of the request for exclusion of the associate
by Andreea Stoican - 90-98 The relevance of the European regulations regarding the improvement of transparency and integrity in local public administration. Analysis of the implications on the legislation
by Mihai Cristian Apostolache - 99-105 The concept of parody
by Andreea Seucan - 106-112 Service order execution procedure (in terms of labour law)
by Ana Vidat - 113-119 The legal regime of competition in United Kingdom
by Ovidiu-Horia Maican - 120-129 The jurisprudence. Formal law source
by Bazil Oglinda - 130-139 Considerations regarding parental authority in Romanian private international law
by Daniel Berlingher & Cosmina Flavia Sofrag (Bobar) - 140-149 The alternative residence of minors with separated parents
by Diana Flavia Barbur - 150-152 BOOK PRESENTATION: „Essentials of Business Law. Fifth Edition” - Ewan Macintyre
by Andreea Seucan
june 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
December 2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 8-12 Arbitration’s perspectives in the light of European Union regulations. Part I
by Cornelia Lefter - 13-21 Some considerations regarding the legal responsibility and the social responsibility
by Diana Anca Artene - 22-29 Considerations regarding law as an instrument of communication
by Claudiu Ramon Butculescu - 30-43 La publicité comparative est – elle autorisée au Cameroun?
by Marie-Solange Tientcheu Hako - 44-60 Implications of invalidity of Data Retention Directive to telecom operators
by Darja Loncar Dusanovic - 61-68 Considerations on the bicameral parliamentary system in Romania
by Mihaela Adina Apostolache - 69-103 La crise de la présomption d’innocence: regard croisé sur la procédure pénale camerounaise et de la Cour pénale internationale
by Hervé Magloire Moneboulou Minkada - 104-118 Legal regime of lobby activities. A comparative view
by Ovidiu-Horia Maican - 119-127 Disinherintance in the vision of the new Romanian Civil Code
by Ioana Nicolae - 128-145 Principles of law applicable to the arbitration proceedings
by Diana Loredana Hogas - 146-156 European Union rules in the matter of dismissal of employees
by Olimpia-Monica Matias - 157-165 Tributes imposed on tourists as a new-old source of local governments income
by Marcin Burzec - 166-175 The normative of the European Commission for liberal professions and business environment
by Sulejman Ahmedi & Gjulsume Sulejmani - 176-181 Rules on the conflict of laws in the matter of succession in Romanian private international law
by Daniel Berlingher - 182-194 The evolution of administrative law in Albania and the impact of the decisions of the European Court of Justice in the Albanian legal reforms in administrative justice
by Monika MEÇA - 195-204 Aspects pertaining to the legal regime of Presidential decrees in Romania
by Camelia Florentina Stoica & Marieta Safta - 205-211 European Commission initiatives to promote the general interest of the European Union
by Ioana Nely Militaru & Adriana Motatu - 212-225 Scafom International BV v. Lorraine Tubes S.A.S.: a case review of changing circumstances under the United Nations Convention on International Sale of Goods (CISG) of 1980
by Amalina Ahmad Tajudin - 226-239 Principle of progressive (gradual) use of contractual remedies
by Bazil Oglinda - 240-253 Evolving legal framework of corporate governance in India – issues and challenges
by Pankaj Kumar Gupta & Singh Shallu - 254-259 The role of technical expertise in judicial probation work in Romania and in the comparative law
by Ana Maria Gramescu & Mihaela Aghenitei
june 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 56-69 National referendum. Existing regulatory framework and future perspectives
by Marieta Safta
June 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-21 Negotiation within labor relations
by Iulia Badoi - 22-55 Paradigm of universalistic particularism to reform the Indonesian economic law in the framework of establishing the 2015 ASEAN Economic Community
by S.H., M. Hum. Taufiqurrahman - 70-78 La location-gérance, mode d’exploitation du fonds de commerce ou instrument d’optimisation fiscale ?
by Mohamed el Gdaihi - 79-87 Motivating administrative acts - doctrinal and jurisprudential issues
by Mihai Cristian Apostolache - 88-128 La question de la définition du contrat en droit prive : essai d’une théorie institutionnelle
by Hervé Magloire Moneboulou Minkada - 129-141 Regulations and deregulations in the banking industry. When should the law-makers back off?
by Mircea I. Gherghina & Nikolett Császár & Ioan Alexandru Gherasim - 142-151 Considerations concerning the functioning of the simple company
by Ana-Maria Lupulescu - 152-156 The interpretation of administrative contracts
by Catalin-Silviu Sararu
December 2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 7-18 The conciliation of collective labour conflicts
by Iulia Badoi - 19-36 Corrections and completions that are imposed to constitutional dispositions and normative documents in the matter of local public administrations in Romania
by Mihai Cristian Apostolache & Mihaela Adina Apostolache - 37-44 Reform of the United Kingdom judicial system
by Ovidiu-Horia Maican - 45-65 Regulatory on the corporate social responsibility in the context of sustainable development by mandatory in the world trade organization law perspective (case study in Indonesia)
by Sh. M. Hum. Taufiqurrahman - 66-80 Regard sceptique sur le droit a la sante au Cameroun
by François Edimo - 109-115 Independence of the judiciary
by Arjana Llano - 116-125 Enforcement of State aid law at national level. The relationship between national courts and the European Commission
by Agnieszka Knade-Plaskacz - 126-135 Business judgement rule in Czech Corporations Act
by Jaromír Kožiak - 136-151 Corruption and compliance: preventive legislations and policies in international business projects
by Harsh Pathak - 152-167 The privatization of public tasks and ownership transformation in Poland – the outline of the issue
by Katarzyna Solecka - 168-177 Freedom of expression
by Oljana Hoxhaj - 178-201 Selected aspects of proposed new EU general data protection legal framework and the Croatian perspective
by Nina Gumzej - 202-218 Economic and labor rights in the European Union after Lisbon: an institutional approach
by Konstantinos Margaritis - 219-229 Concept of environment, sustainable development and respect for human rights
by Urjana Çuri - 230-242 On the successful integration of the implemented principles into the fiscal legislation
by Valerijs Jakuševs - 243-249 Contract for award in free usage (commodatum) of a public property asset
by Catalin-Silviu Sararu - 250-258 European civil service. The principles of the legal framework in force
by Mihaela Tofan - 259-267 Scenarios regarding the role of the Competition Council and its influence to the economic environment
by George Gruia & George Cristian Gruia - 268-281 Aspects from European Court of Justice case-law on equal treatment as regards dismissal
by Catalina-Adriana Ivanus - 282-288 Tribunal of the European Union
by Ioana Nely Militaru & Ileana Voica - 289-307 The associative forms in Romania following the new Civil Code, republished in 2011
by Angela Miff - 308-315 The Covenant on civil and political rights
by Aulona Haxhiraj
June 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 20-31 Observations regarding the right of civil servants to pursue a career. About „instability” in civil service and law non-compliance practices
by Camelia Stoica - 40-47 Some aspects on parental protection in the current Romanian Civil Code
by Cristina Cojocaru - 58-67 Gratuitous right of use, regulated by the new Civil Code
by Raluca Dimitriu - 73-77 The material element of the offense of injury of the fetus, provided in article 202 of the new Criminal Code
by Mihaela Rotaru - 90-100 Legal status of public enterprises and commercial monopolies in the European Union
by Ovidiu Horia Maican - 116-129 Lisbon Treaty – the architect of a new European institutional structure
by Maria Popescu - 150-169 The limited liability company in Romania versus the limited liability company in the Republic of Moldova
by Silvia Cristea & Nicoleta Cristina Ifrim - 182-193 Separation of powers and constitutional loyalty
by Marieta Safta - 194-202 Welfare State and globalisation of the economic area
by José João Abrantes
December 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2
December 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 6-11 Aspects of the privatization of public services
by Verginia Vedinas - 12-30 Arbitration proceedings under international regime an overview on the Albanian legislation
by Artan Spahiu - 31-43 Franchising contract – a modern juridical and economic instrument for business expansion
by Adriana Florina Popa & Andreea Gabriela Ponorîca - 44-53 Bank foundation – a symbiotic legal institution at the crossroad of banking system and non-profit sector
by Magdalena Catargiu - 54-71 The significance of accession to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 for Indonesia
by SH. M. Hum. Taufiqurrahman - 72-81 Comparative analysis regarding the procedure for granting the refugee statute in Romania and France
by Madalina Cocosatu - 82-108 Data protection for the digital age: comprehensive effects of the evolving law of accountability
by Nina Gumzej - 109-113 The evolution of the regulations concerning the crime of illegal performing of the abortion
by Mihaela Rotaru - 114-120 Connection between the economic crisis and contractual circumstances in Hungary and in the European Union
by Tekla Papp - 121-132 Aspects concerning the immovable accession from the perspective of the new Civil Code
by Ana-Maria Lupulescu - 133-138 The punishment’s purpose
by Gheorghe Diaconu - 139-165 Le Tribunal Criminel Spécial au Cameroun et les grands principes de la justice criminelle: étude comparative sur les Lois de 1961 et 2011
by Hervé Magloire MONEBOULOU MINKADA - 166-180 The valid conclusion of the compromise/transaction contract. Special rules
by Georgeta-Bianca Spîrchez - 181-193 Public-private partnership: between legal requirements and the real needs
by Sergiu Cornea & Valentina Cornea - 194-208 Public works concession. Delimitation from other contracts
by Catalina Georgeta Matei & Roxana Anca Adam
June 2012, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 18-29 Specifics of the employment process in the public sector
by Raluca Dimitriu - 40-49 The ordinary means of appeal in criminal law, from the perspective of the provisions of Law no. 202/2010 (“the small reform”) and of the new Code of Criminal Procedure
by Anca-Lelia Lorincz - 78-106 The company contract in the new Romanian Civil Code (art. 1881 - 1954). Comparison with the 1865 Civil Code
by Silvia Cristea - 128-147 Presumption of lawful acquirement of property and confiscation of unlawfully acquired property in the case-law of the Romanian Constitutional Court. The reference constitutional framework for regulating of the extended confiscation
by Marieta Safta - 155-161 How dignity was introduced into the law and what dignity contributed to the law
by Cristina Sâmboan - 169-174 The material element in the basic form of the offense of abusive behavior
by Mihaela Rotaru
December 2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 19-31 Forms of reparation of prejudice in international law - reflections on common aspects in the draft regarding the responsibility of the states for internationally wrongful acts -
by Felicia Maxim - 42-50 The principle of empowerment in the European Union
by Ioana Nelly Militaru - 73-96 Les services de paiement sur le marche de l'Union Europeenne et de l'Espace Economique Europeen, pendant la crise economique actuelle
by Alexandru Bulearca - 107-117 Bills of exchange and promissory notes - comparative perspective
by Ileana Voica - 137-155 Liability of intermediary service providers in Romania
by Mihaela Giuraniuc (Tudorache) - 166-175 Considerations on the modifications brought to disciplinary liability by the Laws no. 40/2011 and 62/2011
by Radu Stefan Patru - 186-193 Some considerations on disciplinary liability overlapping criminal liability
by Stefania Dumitrache
June 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 23-29 Difficulties in enforcing the new probation period
by Raluca Dimitriu - 37-44 Regional legal consequences of the separation of the notion of registered office
by Silvia Cristea & Camelia Stoica - 52-57 Considerations on replacing and suspending disciplinary sanctions. The issue of granting compensation for ungrounded or unlawful disciplinary sanctions
by Barbu Vlad & Stefania Dumitrache - 71-82 Citizenship of the European Union under the Treaty of Lisbon
by Ioana Nely Militaru - 90-95 Some explanations regarding appeal in special disciplinary law
by Catalin Vasile & Ana Maria Macarescu - 106-115 The cross-border cooperation agreement
by Catalin-Silviu Sararu - 124-131 Theory of imprevision from the economic and legal perspective of contract analysis
by Radu Stefan Patru - 143-151 The INCOTERMS rules and their importance
by Anca Lazar - 159-165 Consequences resulted from establishing the written form ad validitatem of the individual labor contract
by Olimpia-Monica Matias - 177-187 Parallel between the "small reform" law procedure and the arbitration procedure. Practical influences on business environment
by Cezar Hincu