November 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 245-258 Short Selling
by Adam V. Reed - 259-276 Law and Finance: The Case of Constructive Sales
by Thomas J. Brennan - 277-297 Financial Contagion and Network Analysis
by Martin Summer
October 2012, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-38 Implications of the Dodd-Frank Act
by Viral V. Acharya & Matthew Richardson - 39-58 Valuation of Government Policies and Projects
by Deborah Lucas - 59-98 The Impacts of Automation and High Frequency Trading on Market Quality
by Robert Litzenberger & Jeff Castura & Richard Gorelick - 99-140 Shadow Banking Regulation
by Tobias Adrian & Adam B. Ashcraft - 141-159 Narrow Banking
by George Pennacchi - 161-177 Federal Reserve Liquidity Provision during the Financial Crisis of 2007–2009
by Michael J. Fleming - 179-214 Efficient Markets and the Law: A Predictable Past and an Uncertain Future
by Henry T.C. Hu - 215-232 Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions
by Hamid Mehran & Lindsay Mollineaux - 233-253 Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions
by Mark J. Flannery - 255-296 A Survey of Systemic Risk Analytics
by Dimitrios Bisias & Mark Flood & Andrew W. Lo & Stavros Valavanis - 297-312 Sovereign and Financial-Sector Risk: Measurement and Interactions
by Dale F. Gray & Samuel W. Malone - 313-337 Regime Changes and Financial Markets
by Andrew Ang & Allan Timmermann - 339-360 The Real Effects of Financial Markets
by Philip Bond & Alex Edmans & Itay Goldstein - 361-384 Economic Activity of Firms and Asset Prices
by Leonid Kogan & Dimitris Papanikolaou - 385-409 Consumption-Based Asset Pricing Models
by Rajnish Mehra - 411-429 Taxes and Investment Choice
by Robert M. Dammon & Chester S. Spatt - 431-445 Closed-End Funds: A Survey
by Martin Cherkes - 447-467 Commodity Investing
by K. Geert Rouwenhorst & Ke Tang - 469-495 Market Microstructure and the Profitability of Currency Trading
by Carol Osler
December 2011, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-15 My Life in Finance
by Eugene F. Fama - 17-40 Banking Crises: A Review
by Luc Laeven - 41-85 The Consequences of Financial Innovation: A Counterfactual Research Agenda
by Josh Lerner & Peter Tufano - 87-117 Rediscovering the Macroeconomic Roots of Financial Stability Policy: Journey, Challenges, and a Way Forward
by Claudio Borio - 119-137 Money Markets
by Marvin Goodfriend - 139-158 Inflation-Indexed Bonds and the Expectations Hypothesis
by Carolin E. Pflueger & Luis M. Viceira - 159-172 The Economics of Mutual Funds
by David K. Musto - 173-192 The Origins and Evolution of the Market for Mortgage-Backed Securities
by John J. McConnell & Stephen A. Buser - 193-222 Valuation and Risk Management of Collateralized Debt Obligations and Related Securities
by Christian Bluhm & Christoph Wagner - 223-234 Government Policy and the Fixed-Rate Mortgage
by Michael Lea & Anthony B. Sanders - 235-257 The Economics of Credit Default Swaps
by Robert A. Jarrow - 259-287 Payment Systems
by James McAndrews & Ed Nosal & Guillaume Rocheteau - 289-307 Financial Intermediary Balance Sheet Management
by Tobias Adrian & Hyun Song Shin - 309-345 A Review of Empirical Capital Structure Research and Directions for the Future
by John R. Graham & Mark T. Leary - 347-374 Equilibrium in the Initial Public Offerings Market
by Jay R. Ritter - 375-406 Finance and Governance in Developing Economies
by Randall Morck - 407-434 Microfinance and Social Investment
by Jonathan Conning & Jonathan Morduch - 435-466 Global Asset Pricing
by Karen K. Lewis - 467-491 Predictability of Returns and Cash Flows
by Ralph S.J. Koijen & Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh - 493-509 Momentum
by Narasimhan Jegadeesh & Sheridan Titman - 511-535 Carry Trade and Momentum in Currency Markets
by Craig Burnside & Martin Eichenbaum & Sergio Rebelo - 537-574 Performance Measurement of Mutual Funds, Hedge Funds, and Institutional Accounts
by Russ Wermers
December 2010, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-23 Portfolio Theory: As I Still See It
by Harry M. Markowitz - 25-47 Bayesian Portfolio Analysis
by Doron Avramov & Guofu Zhou - 49-74 Cross-Sectional Asset Pricing Tests
by Ravi Jagannathan & Ernst Schaumburg & Guofu Zhou - 75-102 CEO Compensation
by Carola Frydman & Dirk Jenter - 103-125 Shareholder Voting and Corporate Governance
by David Yermack - 127-143 An Informal Perspective on the Economics and Regulation of Securities Markets
by Chester S. Spatt - 145-174 Privatization and Finance
by William Megginson - 175-206 Asset Allocation
by Jessica A. Wachter - 207-234 Investment Performance Evaluation
by Wayne E. Ferson - 235-250 Martingale Pricing
by Kerry Back - 251-275 Limits of Arbitrage
by Denis Gromb & Dimitri Vayanos - 277-314 Stochastic Processes in Finance
by Dilip B. Madan - 315-346 Ambiguity and Asset Markets
by Larry G. Epstein & Martin Schneider - 347-365 Risk Management
by Philippe Jorion
November 2009, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-17 Preface to the Annual Review of Financial Economics
by Andrew W. Lo & Robert C. Merton - 19-35 An Enjoyable Life Puzzling Over Modern Finance Theory
by Paul A. Samuelson - 37-68 Credit Risk Models
by Robert A. Jarrow - 69-96 The Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Robert A. Jarrow - 97-116 Financial Crises: Theory and Evidence
by Franklin Allen & Ana Babus & Elena Carletti - 117-144 Modeling Financial Crises and Sovereign Risks
by Dale F. Gray - 145-179 Never Waste a Good Crisis: An Historical Perspective on Comparative Corporate Governance
by Randall Morck & Bernard Yeung - 181-205 Capital Market-Driven Corporate Finance
by Malcolm Baker - 207-226 Financial Contracting: A Survey of Empirical Research and Future Directions
by Michael R. Roberts & Amir Sufi - 227-247 Consumer Finance
by Peter Tufano - 249-286 Life-Cycle Finance and the Design of Pension Plans
by Zvi Bodie & Jérôme Detemple & Marcel Rindisbacher - 287-318 Finance and Inequality: Theory and Evidence
by Asli Demirgüç-Kunt & Ross Levine - 319-339 Volatility Derivatives
by Peter Carr & Roger Lee - 341-359 Estimating and Testing Continuous-Time Models in Finance: The Role of Transition Densities
by Yacine Aït-Sahalia - 361-381 Learning in Financial Markets
by Lubos Pastor & Pietro Veronesi - 383-404 What Decision Neuroscience Teaches Us About Financial Decision Making
by Peter Bossaerts