2025, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-9 An Analysis of Cultural-Bound Terms in the Turkish Subtitles of the Movie “A Separation” Based on Gottlieb’s Subtitling Strategies
by Maryam Sadighi & Orhan Sevindik - 10-20 Optimistic Outlook on the Wellbeing of Teachers: Understanding Mental Health Literacy and Burnout Mitigation
by Sugar Timberly Rose Oliveros & Genevive Udtohan & Renato Tasan & Nolasco Malabago & Remcil Neri - 21-30 Teachers' Emotional Intelligence and Its Influence on Learners' Behavioral Development
by Nizel Amosco & Fate Casinillo & Marianne Irish Payod & Nolasco Malabago & Khalid Mustafa & Remcil Neri - 31-34 Impact of Enhancing Balance and Strength in Young Volleyball
by Artan Pogoni & Junida Pogoni - 35-47 Secondary Science Curriculum Standards, Sustainability, and National Development in the Saudi Arabian Context
by Amani Khalaf. Hamdan Alghamdi & Tahani Alkalaf - 48-53 Assessing the Role of Adaptive Materials in Inclusive Classrooms at Colon Integrated School
by Ma. Isabel Largo & Lilibeth Pinili & Randy Mangubat & Veronica Calasang & Ann Frances Cabigon & Raymond Espina - 54-64 Teachers’ Preparedness for Inclusive Education: Analyzing Knowledge, Confidence, and Classroom Management
by Marife Vergara & Lilibeth Pinili & Niña Rozanne Delos Reyes & Regina Sitoy & Raymond Espina & Lindley Saladaga - 65-83 Comparative Study of Chinese and Foreign Cultures Based on the “Zone of Proximal Development” Theory: Taking 2012 and 2024 Editions for Grade 7 for Example
by Yujie Su & Yujun Yao & Yumeng Zhang & Pingping Shi & Fangfang Jin - 84-91 The Role of Support Systems in Enhancing Academic Achievement in Special Education
by Angle Tunggamos & Lilibeth Pinili & Randy Mangubat & Raymond Espina & Veronica Calasang & Honorio Añora - 92-99 Understanding Teacher Support in Inclusive Learning Environments
by Aiza Abuda & Lilibeth Pinili & Randy Mangubat & Raymond Espina & Regina Sitoy & Julius Taghoy
2025, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-8 The contribution of field trips to learning: Greek teachers’ beliefs
by Evaggelia Zotou - 9-14 Improvement of Physical Ability to Children Gymnasts in Tirana of Albania
by Ferdinand Mara - 15-34 Reading of humanities and social sciences books in chemistry, mathematics, and physics majors
by Jiexuan Liu - 35-42 Influence of Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior in Fundamentals of Accounting, Business and Management
by Marlon Dumdum & John De Vera & Randy Mangubat & Veronica Calasang & Raymond Espina - 43-52 Teacher Strategies and Its Influence on Student Mathematic Performance
by Sharlie Caballero & John De Vera & Randy Mangubat & Veronica Calasang - 53-59 Analysing the Social Skills and Problem Behavior of the Immigrant Learners
by Cherry Rosa Di Toro & Helen Revalde & Lilibeth Pinili & Marjorie Añero
2023, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 19-25 Implications of positive psychology in community service guidance practice: A group intervention for community children
by Yusu Qin & Shujuan Gao & Yu Zhang & Linsong Shi & Chen Huang & Wanling Bao & Chongchuan Peng & Xue Zhang
2023, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-18 Navigating the landscape of research paradigms: An overview and critique
by Md Mahbubur Rahman
2022, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 17-26 Digital Leadership, Communication and Decision-making Styles as Determinants of Public Primary School Teachers’ Job Performance in Oyo State
by Afolakemi O Oredein & Chinenye C Obadimeji - 27-87 Smart Board use and Pedagogic Practices among Educators: A Case of a South African Township School
by Simbarashe Matemera
2022, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-7 Effective Classroom Management: A Sine Qua Non to Effective Teaching in a School Setting
by Ige Akindele Matthew - 8-16 Leadership Styles and Work-Related Flow Experience as Predictors of Teachers’ Productivity in Osun State, Nigeria
by Aransi Waliyi Olayemi
2021, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 137-143 Class Representatives and Students’ Behaviour: An Overview at the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic in the Perspective of the Community of Practice
by Ilane Frank Dias & Christiane Bellucci - 144-153 Thorns amongst Roses? Lived Experience of Philippine Male College Students Aspiring to Become Professional Elementary Teachers
by Michael B Cahapay - 154-158 The Challenges of Effective Teaching and Learning of English in Public Secondary Schools in Nigeria
by Murana Muniru Oladayo - 159-164 Barriers and Enablers of Emergency Remote Education amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of English Language Teachers
by Michael B Cahapay & Mark Gil P Labrador
2021, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 75-80 Academic Qualification and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Nakuru County-Kenya
by Margaret Maina & J Kanjogu Kiumi & Peter Githae - 81-94 Building a Scale to Measure the Psychological Effects of the COVID -19 Coronavirus on Omani University Students
by Khalifa Ahmed Humaid Al Qassabi & Rabia Al Mur Al Dhuhli & Aaisha Khalifa Ahmed Al Qassabi - 95-112 Quantitative Analysis of Eye Movements during Singing of Early Childhood Children
by Mina Sano - 113-116 Examining Piano Playing Proficiency among Selected Music Students in a Ghanaian Public University
by Stephen Nyanney - 117-126 The Kids are Alright: Middle-Level Students’ Perceptions of School during COVID-19
by C Anne Gutshall & Joshua D McCall - 127-136 Improving Female Students’ Academic Achievements: Special Evidence from 2nd Year Management Department Students of Bonga University, Ethiopia
by Mohammed Abdulselam Adem & Amanuel Desalegn Untiso
2021, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 27-34 The Role of Science High School Optional Curriculum and Knowledge Coherence in the Science Academic Success of Students in the First Year of University Studies
by Mimoza Milo & Nazmi Xhomara & Anila Paparisto - 35-46 Relationship between Health Educators’ Variables and Retention in Public Secondary Schools in Delta and Edo States
by Okudaye I N - 47-53 Enhancing Empathy through a Creative Writing Program in Elementary School
by Sofia Tsatsou-Nikolouli & Stavroula Mavrogeni - 54-59 Activity-Based Teaching and Learning Approach and Students’ Academic Performance: Evidence from Among Stakeholders from Barekese District Ashanti Region of Ghana
by Theophilus Apenuvor & Frank Yao Gbadago & Kwadwo Ankomah & Agnes Fafa Anthony - 60-64 Teaching Medical Advances in a Time of Crisis: A Human Microbiome Data Interpretation E-Learning Elective for Medical Students
by Jorge L Cervantes - 65-74 Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy and Self Esteem as Predictors of Academic Performance in Mathematics among Junior Secondary School Students in Edo State
by Margaret Ose Asika
2021, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Power of Continuing Professional Development on EFL Teachers’ Creativity
by Fatemeh Mohammadifar & Mona Tabatabaee-Yazdi - 10-16 The Effects of Utilizing Telegram App to Enhance Students’ ESL Writing Skills
by Murni Hayati binti Mohd Dollah & Subadrah Madhawa Nair & Walton Wider - 17-26 Analyzing Descriptive Writing among Chinese Undergraduates According to Gender
by Qian CHEN & Subadrah Madhawa Nair
2020, Volume 3, Issue 4
2020, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 88-96 The Role of Adult Education in Sustaining Cities and Communities in Nigeria: Impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution
by Adedokun M O & Adeyemo C. W. & Agboola B G & Kayode G M - 97-105 The Impact of Tertiary EFL Teachers’ Professional Identity on Job Burnout in Hubei Province China
by Jing Zhao & Siti Maziha Mustapha & Jun Wang - 106-112 The Greek Language Education in Albania: A Professional Development Framework for Greek Language Teachers
by Spyros Bouras - 113-119 Managerial Deficiencies and Teachers’ Job Accomplishment in Public Primary Schools, Delta State, Nigeria
by ATAINE Juliet Asoro - 120-128 Secondary Teachers and Creativity in Teaching: Conceptions and Practices
by Maria Mamoura & Aglaia Raftopoulou
2020, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 43-47 The Role of Teachers in Implementing Multicultural Education Values in the Curriculum 2013 Implementation in Indonesia
by Suryaman & Juharyanto - 48-52 Scholar Failure: From the University Students’ Perception
by Damián-Notario Jade Isabel & Torres-Zapata Ángel Esteban & Rivera-Domínguez Javier & Villanueva Echavarría José Rafael & Moguel-Ceballos Juan Eduardo - 53-65 The Processes of Teaching Languages to Sixth Grade Students in an International Immersion School in a Midwestern City, U.S.A
by Faisal S Alzahrani - 66-72 Role of L1 in L2 Acquisition According to Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis and Error Analysis
by Mai Thi Phuong Thao - 73-87 Determining Ways of Controlling Unruly Students so as to Curb Destruction of School Building in Boarding Public Secondary Schools in Nyanza, Kenya
by Joshua Odhiambo Ogal
2020, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-8 A Correlational Study Investigating Students’ Activities in STAD Model and Their Interest in Learning English
by Albiansyah & Endah Hardiyanti - 9-15 Factors Affecting the Decision to Choose a Local University in Vietnam
by Le Thi Thanh Thuy - 16-23 The Effect of Task-based Language Teaching in Learning Motivation
by Hui Wen Chua & Chia Ying Lin - 24-35 Teaching in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic in Two Peripheral Greek Universities: Lessons Learned from Students’ Experiences and Opinions
by Natassa Raikou & Chris Kaltsidis & Katerina Kedraka & Thanassis Karalis - 36-42 Aspects of Emotional Abuse in Middle School
by Alina Maria BREAZ
2019, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 197-209 Gender Inequality in the Usage of ICT Facilities in Academic Libraries: A Case Study of Presbyterian University College Library (PUCL), Ghana
by Frank Afoakwa Boateng & Samuel Ameyaw - 210-220 Pathway to Quality: Incorporating Students’ Perceptions in the University Learner Support System
by Richard Ouma - 221-235 Investigating Some Effective Strategies for Teaching Iraqi EFL Primary Students
by Sanaa Mohammed Khudhair - 236-248 Evaluation of Figure Drawing Skills of Art Students in Tertiary Institutions. A Case Study of Bolgatanga Polytechnic
by Adjei Akuoko Daniel & Amenyo Dzikunu-Bansah - 249-254 Human Resource Management for Vocational Schools at Bac Ninh Province, Vietnam: A Model Faculty Development Program
by Nguyen Quoc Hieu - Peter - 255-260 Students Perceptions on Effectiveness of Guidance Programmes in Enhancing Study Skills in Secondary Schools in Bungoma North Subcounty, Kenya
by Wanjala Soita John & Catherine Mumiukha - 261-268 Strategies to Improve Teaching Effectiveness of Beginning Teachers in a School Setting
by Ige Akindele Matthew - 269-286 Educational and Behavioral Disparities among Kindergarten Children and their Peers Who did not enroll in it from the Point of View of the First Grade Teachers in the Light of Some Variables
by Mohammed Ali Bani Khalid - 287-292 Value and Impact of Adult Education: Voices of Zambian Communities
by Daniel L Mpolomoka & Musonda Luchembe & Selina Banda & Peter Sampa
2019, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 130-135 A Qualitative Course-Based Inquiry into the Concept of Love as a Central Component of Child and Youth Care Practice
by Kylie Schneider & Melanie Dziwenka & Bobbi Schweighardt & Gerard Bellefeuille - 136-150 Extra Lessons and Academic Achievement of Learners among Urban Day High Density Secondary School Learners
by Richard Bukaliya - 151-162 Influence of Guidance and Counselling Programmes on Secondary Students School Connectedness. A Case Study of Nyamira County, Kenya
by James Kay & James Muola & Paul C Ondima - 163-170 Cognitive Status of Contemporary College Students on Excellent Traditional Culture and Analysis of Educational Countermeasures
by Li Fenghui & Pan Yilin - 171-180 Effect of Individual Counselling on Academic Performance of Underachiever Pupils in Maimusari Public Primary School, Jere Local Government Area, Borno State, Nigeria
by Hamsatu Joseph PUR & Lawas Adamu MBAHI & Amos AUDU - 181-189 The Relationship between Willingness to Communicate in English inside the Classroom and Achievement in the Omani ELT Context
by Nasser Al-Hinddasi - 190-196 Effect of Integrating Statistical Concepts on Third Year Student Teachers’ Academic Performance on Heredity in Biology
by Bernard Nkwale & George Kasali & Peter Chipowe
2019, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 36-43 How Does Language Influence Performance, Fear and Attitudes towards Mathematics at Primary School Level in Zimbabwe?
by Silvanos Chirume - 44-52 Cross-Cultural Study of Students’ Response to Education Dissatisfaction: An Australian Context
by Linda Newsome & Mary Helou & Christopher Crismon - 53-64 The Three Characteristics of an Effective Teacher
by Elock Emvula Shikalepo - 65-76 Measuring the Correlation between Self-Efficacy Beliefs and English Language Attainments among Thai University Students
by Matthew Rudd - 77-84 Teaching and Learning Mathematics: Research and Practice for the 21st Century
by Michael Gr Voskoglou - 85-90 Analysis of the State Universal Basic Education Board's Execution of Strategic Capacity Building and Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
by Affiong Imeh Imeh - 91-99 Using Podcasts to Change Learners’ Attitudes and Beliefs in Learning / Teaching English as a Second Language: A Case Study in Secondary Education in Greece
by Stamatina Nikolou & Maria Darra - 100-108 Coping Strategies of Stress Adopted by Female Employees with Children in the University of Cape Coast: Implications for Management Practices
by Regina Sally Maison & Grace Yeboah & Grace Aba Mensah & Mabel Anane - 109-114 Distributive Leadership and its Relationship to Organizational Commitment in Secondary Schools of Sarawak
by Hu Kuok Hua & Ying-Leh Ling - 115-120 The Relationship between Awareness of HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy and Consultation on HIV and AIDS Policy Development among Staff of Moi University, Kenya
by Naftal Michira Nyang’ara - 121-129 Research and Innovation in Society: Contextualizing a Society Touch in the Academic Block in Tanzania
by Tibuhinda Ngonzi & Andrew Jisaba
2019, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-12 A Case Report and Review of a Young Adult with Non-Verbal Low-Functioning Autism
by Chong Lee WONG - 13-35 A Case Review of an 8-Year-Old Boy with Autistic Syndromic Complex Disorder
by Sharon Jieren Wong & Guohui Xie
2018, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 233-239 Factors Influencing Post Graduate Students’ Choice of Research Topic in Education at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi-Nigeria
by Aminu Yusuf - 240-250 Effect of Science Teachers’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills on Out-Door Instruction, At Selected Secondary Schools in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya
by Stella Kabesa - 251-269 To Examine Coping Adaptive Strategies Used by Households and Make Policy Recommendations for Addressing Future Climate Change Impacts on Livelihoods in Kapsokwony Division, Mt. Elgon Sub-County, Bungoma County, Kenya
by Sindani Bon Bonzemo - 270-273 Distribution Characteristics of Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Specialty in Chinese Mainland Colleges and Universities
by Shilu Wang - 274-283 Determinants of Academic Status in Higher Education
by Tadele Bayu - 284-298 Evaluation of School-Based Feeding Program in Cangcahipos Elementary School Using CIPP Model: Basis for Enhanced Program Implementation
by Perla L Adarayan–Morallos - 299-306 Comparison between Economic Factors Influencing Development in the Association of South-East Asian Nations Regional Bloc and the East African Community
by Judy Njeru & Pontian Okoth & Frank K Matanga
2018, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 168-173 Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance with Special Reference to Administrative Officers at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
by P. Krishnanathan & T Mangaleswaran - 174-180 Parenting a Factor Associated with Deviancy amongst Students at Bokamoso Junior Secondary School
by Katlego Motlhankane & Tapela Bulala & Masa Veronicah Motaung - 181-194 Structural Equation Modeling of Cognitive Determinants of Technology Integration Literacy in Ghanaian Higher Education
by Gideon Mensah Anapey & Dominic Kwaku Danso Mensah & Stephen Antwi-Danso - 195-205 Teacher Job Performance: The Role of Head Teachers’ Supervisory Styles in Public Basic Schools in Mankessim Circuit
by Alex Kojo Appiah & Kweku Esia-Donkoh - 206-220 Students’ Attitudes and Motivation towards Learning Literature in English in Zanzibar Secondary Schools
by Mary A Mosha - 221-228 The Relationship between Level of Students’ Participation in Games Programs and Academic Achievement in Rongo Sub-County Secondary Schools
by Derrick Okinyi Deya - 229-232 The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance among Administrative Staff of Newly-Built University in China
by Peng Wan & Khaliza Binti Saidin
2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 16-21 Research on Mathematical Core Competency Cultivation Based on Polya Problem Solving Table
by Chao Yang & Zhenlai Han & Shurong Sun - 22-25 High School Mathematics Learning Transfer and Academic Evaluation Based On Core Literacy
by Youling Zhang & Yibing Sun & Zhenlai Han & Shurong Sun - 26-70 Education Training and Human Rights of the Prisoners in Bangladesh
by M Abdul Hamid & Hosneara Begum - 71-82 The Way Forward: Reviewing an Interior Design Curriculum in the United Arab Emirates
by Isra Abu Zayed & Solomon Arulraj David - 83-91 Assessment of School Fatigue, Leisure Time and Social Relationships in a Group of Teenagers from Two High Schools in Suceava, Romania
by Adriana Albu & Arina Bădăluță & Florin Dima - 92-101 A Qualitative Inquiry in to the Impact of an Arts-Based, Self-Portrait Assignment on Third Year Child and Youth Care Students
by Gerard Bellefeuille & Luciann Crazyboy & Jereecah Dela Cruz & Amanda Gladue & Hailey Walper - 102-109 An Analysis of Enhanced Faculty Engagement on Student Success and Satisfaction in an Online Classroom
by Mingzhen Bao & Adam L Selhorst & Teresa Taylor Moore & Andrea Dilworth - 110-118 School Mediation Programmes and Incidents of In-School Violence and Bullying
by Konstantinos Karakiozis & Evangelos C Papakitsos - 119-131 The Effect of the Shift in Professional Development Models on a Saudi Arabian University Context
by Adil Abdul Rehman - 132-140 Performance Management in State Universities in Cameroon: An Administrator’s Perspective
by Agbor Michael Ntui - 141-148 Methodology for Determining the Laboriousness of Assignments by Graphic Disciplines
by Yskak Nabi & Umirbai Ibishev - 149-159 What Brings a Good Textbook: The Research on Business English Textbook Compiling?
by Jing LUO & Yuewen XU - 160-167 School Culture and Spirituality in Workplace
by Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Ying-Leh Ling & Azians Binti Abu Hassan
2018, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-7 Female Education in Nigeria: A Key to Development in ESAN North East Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria
by Ebhomienlen, T. O. & Aitufe V. O - 8-11 The Cultivation of Junior Middle School Students' Problem Awareness under the Background of Mathematics Core Literacy
by Xiujuan Hua & Yige Zhao & Shurong Sun & Zhenlai Han - 12-15 Educational Goals Based On Key Competencies -Taking Mathematics Knowledge as an Example
by Guanqun Ma & Sun Shurong & Zhenlai Han