July 2003, Volume 08, Issue 2
- 1-97 Equity potentials in Tax Reform Ethiopia
by Michael, Seifu - 1-97 Is Technical Progress Labour or Capital Saving? The case of the Ethiopian Manufacturing sector
by Admit, Zerihun - 1-97 Land Tenure and Land Management in the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia
by Berhanu, G/medhin & Pender, John & Ehui, Siemon - 1-97 Trade Liberalization and the coffee sub-sectors: some implications for the food Sub-sector
by Alemayehu, Geda
July 2002, Volume 08, Issue 01
- 1-98 Perception of welfare and poverty: Analysis of Qualitative Responses of a Panel of Urban Households in Ethiopia
by Mekonnen, Tadesse - 1-98 Changes in Welfare and poverty: An application of Stochastic Dominance Criteria
by Bigsten, Arne & Abebe, Shimeles & Mekonnen, Tadesse - 1-98 Poverty and welfare in Ethiopia: Profile and determinants
by Arne, Bigsten & Bereket, Kebede & Abebe, Shimeles & Mekonnen, Tadesse - 1-98 Determinants and dynamics of urban poverty in Ethiopia: a comparison of poverty in Rural and Urban Ethiopia
by Mekonnen, Tadesse - 1-98 A comparison of poverty in rural and urban Ethiopia
by Dercon, Stefan & Mekonnen, Tadesse
August 2001, Volume 07, Issue 2
- 1-90 The supply Responsiveness of peasant Agriculture in Ethiopia
by Abebe, Haile Gabrie - 1-90 Micro-Finance Institutions in Ethiopia: Issues of Portfolio Risk, Institutional Arrangements and Governance
by Gebrehiwot, Ageba - 1-90 Land Reform: Revisiting the Public versus Private Ownership Controversy
by Haile, Kebret - 1-90 Farmer’s willingness to pay for Tenure Security
by Tekie, Alemu
January 2001, Volume 07, Issue 01
- 119-119 Total factor productivity in the Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector: Extent and trend
by Admit, Zerihun - 119-119 Social Security and Labour Supply in Ethiopia
by Melaku, Don - 119-119 Export Earnings Instability and Economic Growth in Sub-Sahra African Countries
by Paulos, Gutema - 119-119 Prospects for a securities Market in Ethiopia
by Yishak, Mengesha
March 2000, Volume 06, Issue 2
- 125-125 Export Earnings Instability of ACP Countries: A Time-Series Analysis
by Belay, Kassa - 125-125 Institutions and Economic Development: A Survey of Aspects of the New Institutional Economics
by Dejene, Aredo - 125-125 An Assessment of the Grain Marketing policies and its Impact on peasant Producers: The case of Arsi Zone
by Teshome, Negussie - 126-126 Modeling poverty and its Determinants in Addis Ababa: a Focus on Multinomial Logit Selection Model
by Abbi, Mamo
December 1999, Volume 06, Issue 01
- 104-104 Determinants of Aggregate Primary commodity Export supply from Africa: an Econometric study
by Alemayehu, Geda - 104-104 Financing Micro and small scale Enterprises:an Empirical Survey in Urban Ethiopia
by Fasika, Damte & Daniel, Ayalew - 104-104 An Analysis of Financial Sector and Credit policies during the Derg period and post –Derg Reforms
by Gebrehiwot Ageba - 104-104 Returns to schooling in Ethiopia: The case of the formal Sector
by Wolday, Amha
February 1999, Volume 05, Issue 2
- 101-101 Military Expenditures and Economic Performance: lessons from the Ethiopian Economy
by Haile, Kibre - 101-101 Estimating Returns to Education in Off-Farm Activities in Rural Ethiopia
by Verwimp, Phillip - 101-101 Determinants and Constraints of private Investment in Ethiopia
by Workie, Mitiku - 101-101 Usufruct Rights in Land in Grain supply Response Analysis: the Case of Ethiopia
by Zerihun, Gudeta
February 1999, Volume 05, Issue 01
- 100-100 An Analysis of the extent and Cause of the Technical Efficiency of farmers growing cereals in Ethiopia: Evidence from Three Regions
by Corppenstedt, Andre & Abbi, Mammo - 100-100 The effect of Changes in Dairy Production Technology on Consumption and Intra-Household Labor Allocation:a Case Study of Farm Households in North Western Shoa
by Daniel, Mebrate - 100-100 Measuring Inequality: An Experience using Indian Data
by Bedassa, Tadesse - 103-103 The Impact of education on A locative and Technical Efficiency of Farmers: The Case of Ethiopian Small Holders
by Abay, Afaw & Assefa, Admassie
March 1995, Volume 04, Issue 2
- 1-86 Macro Data and macroeconomic Analysis: the relevance of a consistent Macroeconomic Database in Ethiopia
by Alemayehu, Geda - 1-86 Demographic characteristics of poor households in Urban Ethiopia: the Case of Dire Dawa Town
by Yohannes, Kinfu - 1-98 Regulation versus the market for the production of Accounting Information: A Review of the Theory in the Context of Sub Saharan Economies
by Minga, Negash - 1-98 Evaluating the efficiency of Farmers in Ethiopia
by Abrar, Suleiman
May 1995, Volume 04, Issue 01
- 131-131 The state and performance of public Enterprises in Ethiopia
by Eshete, Taddesse - 131-131 An Introduction to a Uniform Accounting System: The Egyptian Experience
by El-Sharkawy, Mosaad - 131-131 The new Reform and Employment Adjustment
by Teshome, Mulat - 131-131 The Performance of Maize and Teff Marketing in Southern Ethiopia
by Wolday, Amha
October 1994, Volume 03, Issue 2
- 108-108 Issues of vertical Imbalance in Ethiopia’s Emerging system of Fiscal Decentralization
by Eshetu, Chole - 108-108 Coffee prices and Smuggling in Ethiopia
by Dercon, Stefan & Lulseged, Ayalew
1994, Volume 03, Issue 2
- 108-108 The legal framework for Fiscal Decentralization
by Befekadu, Degefe - 251890 Labour-Intensive Rural Roads in Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana: Some Evidence on Design and Practice
by Tesfaye, Teklu
1994, Volume 03, Issue 01
- 1-90 The Value Added Statement: an Investigation of Some Accounting Issues
by El-Sharkawys, Mosaad M. - 1-90 Budgetary Trade-Offs in Ethiopia,1965-1993
by Mohammed, Nadir A.L. & Abrar, Suleiman - 1-90 Fiscal Deficits and the Monetary Sector in Ethiopia: implications for Reform
by Shibeshi, Ghebre - 1-90 Can Sub-Saharan Africa Learn from the Experiences of East Asian and Latin American Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs)?
by Simon, Heliso
1993, Volume 02, Issue 2
- 134-134 The contribution of the new institutional Economics to the study of Markets
by Bereket, Kebede - 134-134 Public Enterprise Reform and privatization: a review of Experience
by Getahcew, Yoseph - 134-134 Determinates of Military Expenditures in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Mohammed, Nadir A.L. - 137-137 System of demand equations: theory and applications
by Abebe, Shimeles
1993, Volume 02, Issue 01
- 110-110 Cereal producers, prices and the supply of manufactured consumer Goods: a note
by Alemayehu, Seyoum - 110-110 The Effect of the Time of day of Sale on the price of sheep in the Sholla Market
by Andargachew, Kebede - 110-110 The Dismal Economy the current issues of Economic Reform and Development in Ethiopia
by Eshetu, Chole - 110-110 Trends in Government finance
by Teshome, Mulat
1992, Volume 01, Issue 2
- 1-85 Latest Nobel for Economics (or Noble Finance?): a glimpse
by Sentayehu, Tefea - 1-85 Exchange rate Policies and economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Mulat, Demeke - 1-85 Efficiency of Ethiopia in Public Manufacturing Enterprises and the policy Environment
by Alemu, Mekonnen - 1-85 The peasant economy review of the Different Theories
by Abdulhamid, Bedri
1992, Volume 01, Issue 01
- 104-104 The Leontief Dynamic Inverse: Methodological Issues
by Getachew, Yoseph - 104-104 Tax Financing of Government Agricultural Expenditure in Ethiopia
by Teshome, Mulate - 104-104 Public policy Markets and Technical progress in the Grain plough Culture
by Taye, Mengistae - 104-104 Exchange rate policy in Ethiopia: An Agenda for Action
by Gashaw, Dagnew