Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 271513 Integrating Economic Analysis with a Randomized Controlled Trial: Willingness-to-Pay for a New Maternal Nutrient Supplement
by Adams, Katherine P. & Vosti, Stephen A. & Lybbert, Travis J. & Ayifah, Emmanuel
- 271512 Reaching Far into the Woods: Impact of Roads on Forest Structure in China
by Sullivan, Karen & Deng, Xiangzheng & Huang, Jikun & Rozelle, Scott & Farnsworth, Helen F. & Gibson, John - 271511 Encouragement Designs and Heterogeneous Effects in Agricultural Insurance: Challenges for Impact Evaluations in Agricultural Insurance Interventions
by Mullally, Conner & Boucher, Steve & Carter, Michael - 101723 The USDA/Land Grant Extension Outlook Program -- A History and Assessment
by Ferris, John N. - 93540 Consumer Demand for Branded Beef Programs (PowerPoint)
by McCully, Mark - 93539 Factors Influencing the Price of Value-Added Calves at Superior Livestock Auctions (PowerPoint)
by Zimmerman, Lance C. - 93537 Assessing the Cost of Beef Quality Revisited (PowerPoint)
by Ibarburu-Blanc, Maro A. & Lawrence, John D. & Busby, Darrell & Strohbehn, Daryl - 93536 Adding Value with Fixed-time AI and High Accuracy Sires (PowerPoint)
by Parcell, Joseph L. & Patterson, David J. & Smith, Michael F. & Poock, Scott - 93534 Vertical Coordination in the Evolving High Quality Beef Market (PowerPoint)
by Schroeder, Ted C. - 93225 The Agricultural Economics Profession at 100 Years: A Profile and Projections for the Future
by Perry, Gregory M. - 92639 The Global Supply and Demand for Agricultural Land in 2050: A Perfect Storm in the Making?
by Hertel, Thomas W. - 91713 The Effects of Children's Time Use and Home and Neighborhood Quality on their Body Weight and Cognitive/Behavioral Development
by Agee, Mark D. & Atkinson, Scott E. & Crocker, Thomas D. - 91378 Visualizing Risk Premiums in Commodity Futures Markets
by Bozic, Marin & Fortenbery, T. Randall - 91155 Monitoring of Compliance in Western Australian Conservation Contracts
by Crowe, Bronwyn & White, Benedict & Pannell, David J. - 90906 Factors Influencing the Green House Gas Footprint of US Dairy Farms
by Popp, Jennie S. Hughes & Thoma, Greg & Ulrich, Rick & Matlock, Marty B. & Kellogg, W. & Clayton-Niederman, Z. & Kemper, Nathan & Pilgrim, R. & Shonnard, D. & Adom, F. - 90853 Using Best-Worst Scaling to Determine Market Channel Choice by Small Farmers in Indonesia
by Umberger, Wendy J. & Stringer, Randy & Mueller, Simone C. - 90849 Examining the Reliability of Logistic Regression Estimation Software
by Mo, Lijia & Bergtold, Jason S. & Featherstone, Allen M. - 90848 Total Economic Value for Protecting and Restoring Hawaiian Coral Reef Ecosystems
by Chapman, David J. & Horsch, Eric J. & Bishop, Richard C. & Kanninen, Barbara & Meade, Norman F. - 90700 An Unbalanced Nested Error Component Model for Estimating Pest Damage Functions and the Value of Rootworm Bt Corn
by Dun, Zhe & Mitchell, Paul D. - 90633 The Potential for Mobile Markets to Improve Food Access and Affordability: A Market Basket Analysis
by Frisvold, George B. - 90549 Economic Prospects For Fonio Development in West Africa
by Foltz, Jeremy D. - 62188 Adaptation to Climate Change in a Rural Economy with Missing Markets
by Kraybill, David S. - 62185 Poverty Impacts of India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: Evidence from Andhra Pradesh
by Liu, Yanyan & Deininger, Klaus W. - 62182 Using Enrollment Discontinuities to Estimate the Effect of Voluntary Conservation on Local Land Values
by Brimlow, Jacob N. & Roberts, Michael J. - 62125 Political Reservation and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from Local Governments in Rural India
by Jin, Songqing & Xia, Fang & Deininger, Klaus W. & Nagarajan, Hari K. - 62062 Managing Producer Price Risk in Mexico with Quantos and Dual Risk Commodity-Foreign Exchange Hedges
by Verteramo, Leslie J. & Turvey, Calum G. - 62028 Who Really Benefits from Agricultural Subsidies? Evidence from Field-Level Data
by Kirwan, Barrett E. & Roberts, Michael J. - 62014 Evaluating the Unilateral Price and Variety Effects of Horizontal Mergers
by Pofahl, Geoffrey M. & Carlson, Jared - 62013 A stochastic dominance approach to program evaluation with an application to child nutritional status in arid and semi-arid Kenya
by Naschold, Felix & Barrett, Christopher B. - 62012 A Race to Develop: A Competing Risk Examination of the Pattern and Timing of Land Development in an Exurban County
by Wrenn, Douglas H. - 62011 Valuing Monitoring Networks for Invasive Species: The Case of Soybean Rust
by Aultman, Stephen & Hurley, Terrance M. & Homans, Frances R. & Haight, Robert G. - 62010 U.S. Potential Biofuel Trade: A Worldwide Country-Pair
by Agyeman, Osei Yeboah & Shaik, Saleem & Quaicoe, Obed - 62008 The Determinants of Survival of Spanish Consumers Fronting the BSE Crisis
by Radwan, Amr & Gil, Jose Maria & Serra, Teresa - 62007 Willingness to Pay for Organic versus Conventional Orange Juice
by House, Lisa & Gao, Zhifeng & Hausmann, Danielle Thomas - 62006 Do Elevators Need a Bigger Umbrella? The Economic Value to Agribusiness Firms of Improved Multi-Commodity Risk Management
by Vedenov, Dmitry V. & Power, Gabriel J. - 61990 Local Buyer Market Power and Horizontally Differentiated Manufacturers
by Wang, Shinn-Shyr & Rojas, Christian & Lavoie, Nathalie - 61911 A spatial analysis of land use change and water quality in Lake Biwa, Japan
by Tanaka, Katsuya & Wu, JunJie - 61909 A century of crop yield density estimation with perspectives
by Pujula, Aude Liliana & Maradiaga, David Isaias & Zapata, Hector O. & Dicks, Michael R. - 61907 How high is too high? Soaring Interest Rates and the Elasticity of Demand for Microcredit
by Salazar, Gabriela L. & Turvey, Calum G. & Bogan, Vicki & Cubero, Lourdes - 61906 Integrated watershed economic model for non-point source pollution management in the Upper Big Walnut Creek watershed, OH
by Surendran Nair, Sujithkumar & Sohngen, Brent & King, Kevin W. & Fausey, Norman R. & Witter, Jonathan D. & Southgate, Douglas - 61904 The role of acculturation, context of reception and capitals in the economic integration of Latino newcomers to the Midwest in 2009
by Valdivia, Corinne & Dozi, Pedro V. - 61903 Aflatoxin Contamination and Consumer Valuation of Maize in Western Kenya
by Hoffmann, Vivian & Mutiga, Samuel & Nelson, Rebecca & Gatobu, Ken & Milgroom, Michael & Harvey, Jagger - 61902 Easy money in FTR auctions
by Canchi, Devendra & Preckel, Paul V. & Gotham, Douglas J. & Sparrow, F.T. - 61899 Agricultural Productivity and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Kibonge Naik, Aziza - 61898 Conflict, Aid and Poverty: Cause, Effect and Prediction
by Kibriya, Shahriar R. & Bessler, David A. & Price, Edwin & Sen Gupta, Rajorshi - 61897 Consumer Apple Variety Choices Based On National Household-Level Data
by Zheng, Qiujie & McCracken, Vicki A. & Taylor, Mykel R. - 61895 Effect of NAFTA on Mexico's Income Distribution in the Presence of Migration
by Garduno-Rivera, Rafael - 61894 China's Melamine in Milk Scandal: Failures All Around
by Xiu, Changbai & Klein, Kurt K. - 61893 The Boundary Water Treaty After 100 Years: Examining the Montana – Alberta Dispute
by Klein, Kurt K. & Le Roy, Danny G. & Cook, Tatiana - 61892 Evaluating Vector-Virus-Plant Interaction in Regional Supply of Peas and Lentils: A Limited Dependent Variable Analysis
by Elbakidze, Levan & Lu, Liang & Eigenbrode, Sanford - 61891 Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Animal Welfare Attributes in Dairy Products: Evidence From Experimental Auctions
by Elbakidze, Levan & Nayga, Rodolfo M., Jr. - 61884 Measuring Foregone Direct Benefits of Irrigation Water Transfers: The Effect of Model Specification
by Scheierling, Susanne M. & Young, Robert A. - 61883 Food Insecurity, Family Structure and Agricultural Productivity: the role of Social Capital in Nigeria
by Kuku-Shittu, Oluyemisi & Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O. - 61880 Local institutions and Natural Resource Management
by Snell, Margaret & Bell, Kathleen P. & Leahy, Jessica - 61878 Canadian Consumer Concerns About Food Safety Issues and Confidence in Food Products: Comparison of Beef and Pork
by Muringai, Violet & Goddard, Ellen W. - 61876 The Impact of Spatial Variation in Land Use Patterns and Aquifer Characteristics on the Agricultural Cost of Groundwater Conservation for the Southern Ogallala Aquifer
by Willis, David B. & Stovall, Jeff & Johnson, Jeffrey W. & Wheeler-Cook, Erin & Rainwater, Ken - 61874 Agricultural Productivity Growth in the Caucasian Countries
by Khachaturyan, Marianna - 61873 The Economic Impact of Drought on the Whitewater Rafting Industry in Colorado
by Shrestha, Prabhakar & Schoengold, Karina - 61872 Dynamic Analysis of Land Prices with Flexible Risk Aversion Coefficients
by Xu, Jin & Leatham, David J. - 61871 Risk Preferences and Demand for Insurance in Peru: A Field Experiment
by Galarza, Francisco B. & Carter, Michael R. - 61870 Embedding a Field Experiment in Contingent Valuation to Measure Context-Dependent Risk Preferences: An Application to Wildfire Risk
by Rollins, Kimberly S. & Kobayashi, Mimako - 61869 Ranching, Invasive Annual Grasses, and the External Costs of Wildfire in the Great Basin: A Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach
by Kobayashi, Mimako & Rollins, Kimberly S. & Taylor, Michael H. - 61868 Culpability and Willingness to Pay to Reduce Negative Externalities: A Contingent Valuation and Experimental Economics Study
by Bento, Antonio M. & Ho, Benjamin & Poe, Gregory L. & Taber, John T. - 61867 Estimating Private Incentives for Wildfire Risk Mitigation: Determinants of Demands for Different Fire-Safe Actions
by Kobayashi, Mimako & Zirogiannis, Nikolaos & Rollins, Kimberly S. & Evans, M.D.R. - 61866 Environmental Bonding for Land Reclamation
by Igarashi, Yoshiyuki & Andersen, Matthew A. & Coupal, Roger H. - 61865 Spatial Analysis of Illinois Agricultural Cash Rents
by Woodard, Shannon & Paulson, Nicholas D. & Baylis, Katherine R. & Woodard, Joshua D. - 61864 Are Beverage Categories Separable?
by Styles, Erika Knight & Lee, Jonq-Ying & House, Lisa - 61861 Impacts of Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Livestock Trade Flows
by Kim, Hyun Seok & Koo, Won W. - 61860 The State Contingent Approach to Farmers' Valuation and Adoption of New Biotech Crops: Nitrogen-Fertilizer Saving and Drought Tolerance Traits
by Jaramillo, Paul E. & Useche, Pilar & Barham, Bradford L. & Foltz, Jeremy D. - 61859 Price Endogeneity and Marginal Cost Effects on Incentive Compatible Stormwater Management Policies
by Huber, Matthew C. & Willis, David B. & Hayes, John C. & Privette, Charles V., III - 61858 Behavioral and Economic Reasons for Homeowners’ Reticence to Install Alternative Solar Energy Systems
by Coman, Maria & Gordon, Jacqueline & Miller, Katheryn - 61857 Examining Income Convergence in Southern United States
by Gyawali, Buddhi Raj & Banerjee, Swagata (Ban) & Bukenya, James O. - 61856 Is Presentation Everything? Using Visual Presentation of Attributes in Discrete Choice Experiments to Measure the Relative Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Beef Attributes
by Umberger, Wendy J. & Mueller, Simone C. - 61855 Iso 14000 Standards: Voluntary Environmental Governance As A Trade Facilitation Strategy?
by Boys, Kathryn A. & Grant, Jason H. - 61854 Markets, Institutions, and the Quality of Agricultural Products: Cotton Quality in India
by MacDonald, Stephen & Naik, Gopal & Landes, Rip - 61853 “Academic Coaching” for Enhanced Learning, Higher Levels of Student Responsibility, and Greater Retention
by Barkley, Andrew P. - 61852 Green House Gas Mitigation Policy, Bio-fuels and Land-use Change- a Dynamic Analysis
by Cai, Yongxia & Kicklighter, David W. & Gurgel, Angelo Costa & Paltsev, Sergey & Cronin, Timothy W. & Reilly, John M. & Melillo, Jerry M. - 61843 Understanding Small-Holder Constraints to Jatropha Investment
by Hill, Ruth Vargas & Msangi, Siwa & Zhang, Wei - 61842 Welfare Impacts of Rural to Urban Water Transfers: An Equilibrium Displacement Approach
by Pritchett, James G. & Davies, Stephen P. & Fathelrahman, Eihab & Davies, Amalia - 61841 Quantifying Obesity in Economic Research: How Misleading is the Body Mass Index?
by Parks, Joanna C. & Smith, Aaron D. & Alston, Julian M. - 61826 Is commodity price volatility persistent? Another look using improved, full-sample estimates
by Karali, Berna & Power, Gabriel J. - 61825 It Happened All at Once: Switching Regressions, Gravity Models and Food Safety
by Wilson, Norbert L.W. & Bray, Victoria - 61824 The U. S. Corn Farmers' Genetically Modified Technology Adoption with Neighborhood Effects
by Yoo, Do-il - 61823 Human Capital Formation in Rural America: Differences between Rural and Urban High School Dropouts
by Mykerezi, Elton & Jordan, Jeffrey L. & Kostandini, Genti - 61822 Ethnic Networks and Enterprise Credit: The Serahules of The Gambia
by Gajigo, Ousman & Foltz, Jeremy D. - 61821 Sequential Adoption of Package Technologies: The Dynamics of Stacked Trait Corn Adoption
by Aldana, Ursula & Foltz, Jeremy D. & Barham, Bradford L. & Useche, Pilar - 61820 Optimal Allocation of Land for Conservation: A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Dissanayake, Sahan T.M. & Nunez, Hector M. - 61819 Agricultural R&D Lags from a Dual Perspective
by Yao, Xiaojia & Andersen, Matthew A. - 61818 Climate volatility and trade policy in Tanzania
by Ahmed, Syud Amer & Hertel, Thomas W. & Martin, William J. - 61817 Economics of Robust Surveillance on Exotic Animal Diseases: the Case of Bluetongue
by Carrasco, Luis Roman & Souza Monteiro, Diogo M. & Cook, Alasdair J.C. & Moffitt, L. Joe - 61816 Does Government’s Biofuel Incentive Payment Program Work in the Presence of Asymmetric Information?
by Maung, Thein A. & Yuan, Yan - 61815 The Economics of Processing Ethanol at Sugarmills: A Simulation Approach
by Darby, Paul M. & Mark, Tyler B. & Salassi, Michael E. - 61813 The Dynamics of Pollination Markets
by Champetier, Antoine - 61812 Global Implications of U.S. Biofuels Policies in an Integrated Partial and General Equilibrium Framework
by Birur, Dileep K. & Beach, Robert H. & Hertel, Thomas W. & McCarl, Bruce A. - 61810 Water Quality Trading in the Presence of Discrete Abatement Costs: An Experimental Analysis of Contract Length and the Timing of Investment
by Jones, Luke & Vossler, Christian A. - 61808 Economic Impact of the Alabama Green Industry 2003 to 2008: Grower Optimism in a Changing Economy
by Reynolds-Allie, Kenesha & Fields, Deacue - 61807 The Effect of Carbon Payments on Deforestation Rates and Carbon Sequestration: Estimates from a Global Forestry and Agricultural Model
by Choi, Suk-Won & Sohngen, Brent & Golub, Alla A. & Hertel, Thomas W. - 61806 Do Attitudes, Perceptions and Nutrition Information Affect Consumer Purchases of FAFH in Canada?
by Fernando, Jeewani & Goddard, Ellen W. - 61803 Firm Strategy and Foreign Direct Investment: An Examination of the Economic Performance of U.S. Multinational Firms
by Garcia-Fuentes, Pablo A. & Kennedy, P. Lynn - 61801 The Implicit Value of Irrigation Through Parcel Level Hedonic Price Modeling
by Shultz, Steven D. & Schmitz, Nick - 61800 The Impact of Wal-Mart Supercenters on Supermarkets’ Profit Margins
by Liu, Xiaoou & Lopez, Rigoberto A. - 61799 Assessing willingness to pay for organic products in Africa: the case of Malawi
by Nkana, Fiskani Esther & Gao, Zhifeng - 61798 Market Power after the Transition
by Thome, Karen E. & Merel, Pierre R. - 61797 Climate Change and Agriculture in 2050: Assessing Prospects for European Cereal and Oilseed Markets
by Moeller, Thordis & Grethe, Harald - 61796 The Effect of US Energy Policy and Farm Program Payments on the Bio-Fuel Sector: A Regime-Switching Approach
by Mark, Tyler B. & Mishra, Ashok K. & Moss, Charles B. - 61795 Risk, Insurance, and the Provision of Public Goods Under Uncertainty
by Aultman, Stephen & Coggins, Jay S. - 61794 Factors Influencing Restaurant Managers’ Willingness to Feature Locally Produced Meat
by Foday, Emmanuel S. & Whitacre, Rick C. & Spaulding, Aslihan D. - 61793 Are The Poverty Effects of Trade Policies Invisible?
by Verma, Monika & Valenzuela, Ernesto & Hertel, Thomas W. - 61792 Impact of Universal Health Coverage on Household Precautionary Savings in Thailand
by Kirdruang, Phatta - 61791 Valuing Great Lakes Beaches
by Song, Feng & Lupi, Frank & Kaplowitz, Michael D. - 61790 Ammonia Emission BMP’s for Livestock Feeding: Identifying Benefits and Barriers to Adoption
by Pritchett, James G. & Davidson, Carolyn & Davis, Jessica & Marcillac, Nichole - 61789 “Pill vs. Broccoli” – The Economics of Health Behavior and Vitamin Consumption
by Anders, Sven M. & Schroeter, Christiane & Rickard, Bradley J. - 61787 The Adverse Impact of Temperature on Income
by Ng, Pin T. & Zhao, Xiaobing - 61786 A Model of Endogenous Market Structure, Innovation, and Licensing in Agricultural Biotechnology
by Anderson, Benjamin & Sheldon, Ian M. - 61784 Decomposing Trade Flows: the Case of China in Global Markets
by Tuan, Francis C. & Somwaru, Agapi & Hansen, James M. - 61783 Agricultural Production Decisions and the Welfare Effects of Changes in the Level and Timing of Snowmelt in the Western U.S
by Cobourn, Kelly M. & Mooney, Sian & Megordon, Brandon - 61781 The Potential Role of Management Regulations in Controlling Consumer Exposure to Contaminated Fishery Products
by Willson, Tina M. & Kazmierczak, Richard F., Jr. - 61780 The Effect of Green Payments on the Diffusion of Conservation Technologies
by Hendricks, Nathan P. - 61779 Product Life Cycles and Innovation in the US Seed Corn Industry
by Magnier, Alexandre & Kalaitzandonakes, Nicholas G. & Miller, Douglas J. - 61778 Quality Certification by Geographical Indications, Trademarks and Firm Reputation
by Menapace, Luisa & Moschini, GianCarlo - 61776 Rating the Financial Health of U.S. Production Agriculture using Synthetic Credit Rating
by Wilson, Christine A. & Morehart, Mitchell J. & Featherstone, Allen M. & Hallahan, Charles B. & Erickson, Kenneth W. & Harris, James Michael & Williams, Robert P. - 61775 Benefit Estimation of Water Quality Improvements in Bagmati River Using Choice Modeling
by Katuwal, Hari & Bohara, Alok K. & Thacher, Jennifer A. - 61774 Estimating Travel Cost Model: Spatial Approach
by Kim, Seung Gyu & Bowker, James Michael & Cho, Seong-Hoon & Lambert, Dayton M. & English, Donald B.K. & Starbuck, C. Meghan - 61773 Determinants of Bilateral Food Related Disputes
by Goetz, Christian & Heckelei, Thomas - 61772 Charging into the Blend Wall: Conjoint Analysis of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Ethanol Blend Fuels
by Aguilar, Francisco X. & Thompson, Wyatt - 61771 Household Food Expenditures and Management of Type II Diabetes
by Maxwell, Denise & Anders, Sven M. & Cash, Sean B. - 61770 Energy Sorghum as A Biofuel Feedstock: Effects On GHG Offsets and Sector Performance
by Zhang, Yuquan W. & Aisabokhae, Ruth A. & McCarl, Bruce A. - 61769 Market participation and marketing performance: A case study of Bolivian potato farmers
by Larochelle, Catherine & Alwang, Jeffrey Roger - 61768 Who does pesticide regulation protect?
by Sinha, Elisabeth Newcomb - 61767 Optimum Land Allocation for Species Protection and Military Training on DoD Installations
by Dissanayake, Sahan T.M. & Onal, Hayri & Westervelt, James D. & Balbach, Harold E. - 61766 The Role of Risk Attitude in Preference Rankings of Vaccine Use for Foot and Mouth Disease Eradication in the U.S
by Hagerman, Amy D. & McCarl, Bruce A. & Lin, Hen-I - 61765 A Structural Estimation of the Demand for Corn Seed in the U.S
by Ma, Xingliang & Shi, Guanming - 61764 GM Vs. Non-GM: A Survival Analysis of Hybrid Corn Seed in the U.S
by Ma, Xingliang & Shi, Guanming - 61763 Household food expenditures in the United States: A Bayesian MCMC approach to censored equation systems
by Kasteridis, Panagiotis P. & Yen, Steven T. - 61762 The Special Safeguard Mechanism In The Doha Development Agenda: A Case Study Of Soybeans
by Weeks, Heather & Grant, Jason H. & McConnell, Michael & Meilke, Karl D. - 61761 Evaluating Yield Models for Crop Insurance Rating
by Lanoue, Christopher & Sherrick, Bruce J. & Woodard, Joshua D. & Paulson, Nicholas D. - 61760 Carbon Footprint: A New Farm Management Consideration in the Southern High Plains
by Weinheimer, Justin & Rajan, Nithya & Johnson, Phillip N. & Maas, Stephan - 61759 A Note on Technical Efficiency, Productivity Growth and Competitiveness
by Nivievskyi, Oleg & Brümmer, Bernhard & von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan - 61758 Can the Federal Reserve Bank’s Survey of Agricultural Credit Conditions Forecast Land Values?
by Zakrzewicz, Christopher J. & Brorsen, B. Wade & Briggeman, Brian C. - 61757 Bivariate Ordered Probit Analysis of Public Attitudes Toward Multifunctionality of Agriculture in the U.S
by Moon, Wanki & Chang, Jae Bong - 61756 Patronage Refunds Paying Decision of Farm Credit System Associations: A Logit Model
by Zhang, Tianwei & Mallory, Mindy L. - 61755 The Value of Long-Term Climate Forecast Information in Weather Index Insurance
by Nadolnyak, Denis A. & Vedenov, Dmitry V. - 61754 Dynamic Optimization of Nitrogen Use in Agriculture
by Burnett, J. Wesley & Ferrer, Myra Clarisse R. - 61753 Positive Analysis of Invasive Species Control as a Dynamic Spatial Process
by Buyuktahtakin, Esra & Feng, Zhuo & Olsson, Aaryn & Frisvold, George B. & Szidarovszky, Ferenc - 61752 Economic Aspects of Renewable Energy from Agricultural Waste on the Southern Plains of Texas
by Liu, Xiaolan & Farmer, Michael - 61751 Efficient Refuge policies for Bt cotton in India
by Singla, Rohit & Johnson, Phillip N. & Misra, Sukant K. - 61749 Consistency of Willingness to Pay and Preferences in Auction Experiments
by He, Na & Bernard, John C. - 61748 Insurance Contracts and the Role of the Selling Agent: Empirical Evidence from Federal Crop Insurance
by Walters, Cory G. & Chouinard, Hayley H. & Wandschneider, Philip R. - 61747 Influence of Beginning Body Condition Scores on Net Returns From Feeding Cull Cows
by Amadou, Zakou & Raper, Kellie Curry & Biermacher, Jon T. & Cook, Billy & Ward, Clement E. - 61745 Powdery Mildew Risk And Forecasting In Wine Grapes: Do Growers Change Risk Management Strategies In Response To Disease Forecasts?
by Lybbert, Travis J. & Magnan, Nicholas & Gubler, W. Douglas - 61744 Food Expenditures Away From Home by Type of Meal and by Facility
by Liu, Miaoru & Kasteridis, Panagiotis P. & Yen, Steven T. - 61743 Making a market for Miscanthus: Can new contract designs solve the biofuel investment hold-up problem?
by Wu, Steven Y. & Rosch, Stephanie D. & Alexander, Corinne E. & Tyner, Wallace E. & Yoder, Joshua - 61742 Sources of Firm Performance Differences in the U.S. Food Economy: Exploring Specific Industry, Corporate and Business Segment Effects on Agribusiness Firm Profitability
by Chaddad, Fabio Ribas & Mondelli, Mario P. - 61740 Immigration and Agricultural Labor Market: A Case Study of Oregon Nursery
by Li, Cheng & Buccola, Steven T. - 61739 Economic Significance of Specific Export Promotion on Poverty Reduction and Inter- Industry Growth of Ethiopia
by Chala, Zelalem T. & Norton, George W. & Grant, Jason H. - 61738 The Impact of Alternative Market Orientation Strategies on Firm Performance: Customer versus Competitor Orientation
by Micheels, Eric T. & Gow, Hamish R. - 61734 Weather Index Insurance and the Pricing of Spatial Basis Risk
by Norton, Michael T. & Osgood, Daniel E. & Turvey, Calum G. - 61733 Incorporating Scenic Quality and Cultural Heritage into Farmland Valuation: Results from an Enhanced LESA Model
by Mathews, Leah Greden & Rex, Art - 61732 Whole Farm Income Insurance in a Canadian Context
by Turvey, Calum G. - 61731 Accuracy and Asymmetry of Corn, Soybean and Wheat Interval Forecasts
by Isengildina-Massa, Olga & Sharp, Julia L. & Zhang, Jing & Campbell, Wallace A. - 61730 Producer Technology Use and the Value of Autonomy: The Case of rbST
by Olynk, Nicole J. & Wolf, Christopher A. & Tonsor, Glynn T. - 61729 Economic Evaluation of Catch Share Program: Rhode Island Fluke Fishery Sector Pilot Program
by Anderson, Christopher M. & Uchida, Hirotsugu & Scheld, Andrew M. - 61728 The role of taste perception for the success of country of origin labeling in the case of organic pepper
by Klockner, Heike & Langen, Nina & Hartmann, Monika - 61725 Do the Poor Pay More for Healthy Food? An Empirical Economic Analysis
by Hatzenbuehler, Patrick L. & Gillespie, Jeffrey M. & O'Neil, Carol E. - 61724 Consumer Demand for Healthy Diet: New Evidence from Healthy Eating Index
by Gao, Zhifeng & Lee, Jonq-Ying & Yu, Xiaohua - 61723 Farmland Allocation along the Rural-Urban Gradient: The Impacts of Urbanization and Urban Sprawl
by Delbecq, Benoit A. & Florax, Raymond J.G.M. - 61722 The effect of biofuel on the international oil market
by Hochman, Gal & Rajagopal, Deepak & Zilberman, David - 61721 Cointegration Analysis of Commodity Prices: Much Ado about the Wrong Thing?
by Mallory, Mindy L. & Lence, Sergio H. - 61720 Land Use Implications of Biofuel Production in the Presence of Idled Cropland and Crop Yield Improvement: Analytical and Numerical General Equilibrium Analyses
by Taheripour, Farzad & Tyner, Wallace E. - 61718 Optimal Multispecies Harvesting in the Presence of a Nuisance Species
by Kasperski, Stephen - 61717 Technological Change And Productivity Analysis In Nebraska
by Megeressa, Dereje B. - 61714 Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions in the Greenhouse Industry: Evidence From Michigan
by Guan, Zhengfei & Gao, Xiaoxi - 61713 Assessing the Impact of Carbonated Soft-Drink Marketing Practices on U.S. Consumers
by Rhodes, Charles - 61711 Sugarcane, the Energy Crop. Tres Valles, a Business Decision Case
by Gallo, Ernesto - 61710 Are Fishers Loss Averse? Evidence from the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery
by Ran, Tao & Keithly, Walter R., Jr. & Kazmierczak, Richard F., Jr. & Niu, Huizhen - 61707 Improving Resource Allocation and Incomes in Southern Vietnam
by Dewbre, Joshua - 61706 Risk Factors for Invasive Pest Introductions in Commodity Imports: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Lichtenberg, Erik & Olson, Lars J. - 61702 Evaluating the Potential for Technology Adoption in Mitigating Invasive Species Damage and Risk: Application to Zebra Mussels
by Adams, Damian C. & Lee, Donna J. - 61701 Identifying Student Success at a Land Grant Institution
by Holmgren, Mark & McCracken, Vicki A. - 61698 The French Biodiesel Production: An Assessment of the Impacts and Interaction Effects of Policy Instruments
by Doumax, Virginie - 61697 Examination of Factors Influencing Crop Insurance Purchase Decisions of Illinois Farmers
by Spaulding, Aslihan D. & Roy, Kayla D. & Winter, J. Randy & Tudor, Kerry W. - 61694 Do Stated Preference Values Predict Revealed Behavior in “New” Markets for Ecosystem Services? A Comparison of Experiments Addressing Establishing A Market for Farmland Ecosystem Services
by Santos, Julie I. & Uchida, Emi & Anderson, Christopher M. & Swallow, Stephen K. - 61693 Risk Management Strategies of Illinois Farmers
by Spaulding, Aslihan D. & Roy, Kayla D. & Winter, J. Randy & Tudor, Kerry W. - 61690 Reaching Far into the Woods: Impact of Roads on Forest Structure in China
by Sullivan, Karen A. & Uchida, Emi & Deng, Xiangzheng & Huang, Jikun & Rozelle, Scott & Gibson, John - 61687 Direct Payments, Farm Survival, and Strategic Farm Creation: The Case of Large-Scale Agricultural Structures in East Germany
by Zier, Patrick & Petrick, Martin - 61686 Rural Nonfarm Employment and Agricultural Modernization and Diversification in Guatemala
by Hernandez, Ricardo & Reardon, Thomas & Guan, Zhengfei - 61685 A Competing Values Approach to Small Family Business Succession
by Remble, Amber A. & Keeney, Roman & Marshall, Maria I. - 61684 Global Inequality Impacts of Multilateral Liberalization
by Keeney, Roman & Leister, Amanda M. - 61682 Drivers of Household Participation in the Rural Non-Farm Labor Markets in the Post-War Rwanda
by Hitayezu, Patrick & Okello, Julius Juma & Gor, Christopher O. - 61681 The Role of Exchange Rates and Domestic Policies on Global Rice Food Security
by Jamora, Nelissa & Valera, Harold Glenn & Matriz, Mary Joanne & Molina, Imelda & Mohanty, Samarendu - 61680 Can we keep up with the demand? Emerging trends in global rice consumption
by Jamora, Nelissa & Valera, Harold Glenn & Molina, Imelda & Matriz, Mary Joanne & Mohanty, Samarendu - 61679 Multiproduct Optimal Hedging by Time-Varying Correlations in a State Dependent model of Regime-Switching
by Tejeda, Hernan A. & Goodwin, Barry K. - 61678 Estimating Payback to Residential Energy Efficiency Measures: A Field Experiment
by Suter, Jordan F. & Shammin, Rumi - 61677 The Welfare Impact of Removing Biofuel Blenders’ Tax Credit Subsidy in United States
by Wamisho, Kassu - 61676 Public's Willingness to Pay for Ecosystem Service Improvements From Agriculture
by Chen, Huilan & Lupi, Frank & Swinton, Scott M. - 61675 The Effects of Farm Commodity Policies and Retail Food Policies on Obesity and Economic Welfare in the United States
by Okrent, Abigail M. & Alston, Julian M. - 61674 The Demand for Food in the United States: A Review of the Literature, Evaluation of Previous Estimates, and Presentation of New Estimates of Demand
by Okrent, Abigail M. & Alston, Julian M. - 61673 A Spatio-temporal Model for Agricultural Yield Prediction
by Tokovenko, Oleksiy & Dorfman, Jeffrey H. & Gunter, Lewell F. - 61672 Asymmetric Search and Loss Aversion: Choice Experiment on Consumer Willingness to Search in the Gasoline Retail Market
by Castilla, Carolina & Haab, Timothy C.