2021, Issue 17
- 6-13 France's experience with competitiveness poles and clusters as strategic tools for developing competitive advantages
by Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI & Andreea-Anastasia MÎNZA - 14-25 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migration flows and remittances: effects and consequences
by Marina POPA & Cristina TOMȘA - 26-33 Remittances’ side effects on economy: comparative approach of the Republic of Moldova and other ex-socialist countries
by Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI & Polina ARIVONICI - 34-40 Analysis of cryptocurrencies through the prism of public attitudes in Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Turkey
by Mariya YANEVA - 41-48 The forms of international specialization and ensuing economic flows. Case study on the cocoa products
by Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI & Melisa CASAPU - 49-57 International talent flows in the light of educational systems of the world countries
by Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI & Irina ROȘCA & Mădălina BÎRCĂ
2020, Issue 16
- 7-13 Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure: Global Overview
by Ion POTLOG - 14-25 The Development of Green Entrepreneurship in the Modern World Economy
by Marina KAIM - 26-35 Activities to Ensure the Moral and Ethical Well-Being of the Elderly
by Dumitru MICUȘA - 36-39 The Concept of the European Maritime Single Window Environment for Simplified Digital Information System, Introduced by the Regulation (EU) 2019/1239
by Beaneta VASILEVA & Meral AHMED - 40-49 Policies of Consumer Protection within the Process of Developing Renewable Energy Sources
by Mihaela IARMENCO & Evlampie DONOS - 50-59 Eurobond Issue on International Capital Market: Principles and Challenges
by Marcel OLARI - 60-68 Models of Corporate Financial Management in the Context of Globalization of Financial Markets
by Sofia DOMBROVSKA - 69-77 Conceptual and Practical Aspects of Human Capital Formation in the New Reality
by Igor GUSEINOV - 78-85 Women Unemployment Driven by the Inflation
by Mariana ROBU - 86-93 Evolution of Research and Development Expenditure at Global, Regional and National Levels
by Veronica RAILEAN & Angela TIMUȘ - 94-104 Return Migration to the Republic of Moldova: from the Theoretical Approach of Institutional Concern
by Stela MOROZAN & Mihai HACHI - 105-112 Digital Circular Economy: Review and Recommendations
by Roman BAHNARU - 113-118 The Impact of Cryptocurrencies on the Economy
by Mariya YANEVA - 119-128 Intercultural “Diagnosis” of Management in the Republic of Moldova According to Geert Hofstede Model: Comparative Analysis
by Angela PIRLOG - 129-137 Socio-Demographic and Socio-Economic Problems of the Cities of Straseni from the Republic of Moldova and Zarnesti from Romania
by Laurențiu CRĂCIUN
2020, Issue 15
- 6-15 The Impact of Social Programs on The Development of Senior Tourism Among Metropolitan Residents: A Case Study of Krakow
by Franciszek BOLECHOWSKI - 16-21 Competitivitatea întreprinderii și protecția drepturilor consumatorilor
by Profira CRISTAFOVICI & Ecaterina ȘIȘC - 22-33 Estimări și perspective analitice în dezvoltarea întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii inovaționale din republica moldova
by Lica ERHAN & Tatiana GAUGAȘ - 34-44 Rwanda's Prosperous Economic Upgrade: from Genocide to a Fast-Growing Economy
by Marina POPA & Daniela BEȚCO - 45-57 From Revolution to Transformation and European Integration: Ukraine after the Maidan Revolution
by Aram TERZYAN - 58-70 Rolul strategiilor inovaționale de marketing în asigurarea avantajului competitive al IMM
by Lica ERHAN & Tatiana GAUGAȘ - 71-77 Chisinau Municipality as a Development Region of The Republic of Moldova
by Victor PAVALEAN
2019, Issue 14
- 6-14 Regulatory Cybersecurity in the European Union and the Republic of Moldova
by Liudmila LAPIȚKAIA & Alexandru LEAHOVCENCO - 15-26 Assessment of the Internal Governance as an Element of the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP)
by Anastasia BEJAN - 27-36 Assessing the Risk Of Fraud in the Internal Audit Mission
by Inga BULAT & Rodica PERCIUN - 37-42 Economic students' perception of the English-taught bachelor’s programme
2019, Issue 13
- 6-16 Assimilation of the Western model – strategic contribution to the building and strengthening of the Republic of Moldova state
by Aurelian LAVRIC - 17-27 Internal fight for power, external forces for development-analyzing Moldova’s case
by Laura BACIU - 28-46 Studenții ca beneficiari și actori ai procesului de evaluare externă a calității: practica Europeană și experiența ANACEC
by Lucia SAVA - 47-58 Competenţele profesorului în şcoala contemporană Europeană
by Vergina MOGOŞAN - 59-66 Migrația internațională a tinerilor
2019, Issue 12
- 6-27 Calitatea Studiilor Universitare și Inserția Pe Piața Muncii a Absolvenților în Republica Moldova
by Rodica CRUDU & Lucia SAVA - 28-38 Inovația și alți determinți specifici ca elemente cheie de bunăstare în Uniunea Europeană
by Marina POPA - 39-45 External Assistance and its Effects on Eradicating Poverty
by Meri CAZACU & Rodica CRUDU - 46-54 International Cooperation in Global Issue Solution Regarding Environmental Protection
by Tatiana AUZEAC & Zorina SISCAN - 55-66 The Role of the BRICS Countries in the Geographical Distribution of the World Trade
by Diana LESNIC & Rodica CRUDU - 67-83 The Evolution of Economic Relations Between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union in the Period of 2007-2018
by Diana PERJU & Rodica CRUDU
2019, Issue 11
- 6-16 Impact Of Hedonic And Utilitarian Shopping Motive On Online Purchase Decision
by DR.A.VARADARAJ & Mrs.D.CHARUMATHI - 17-34 The Cross Border Migration In The Context Of Cooperation Between The European Union And The Republic Of Moldova
by Valeriu SAINSUS - 35-41 Voluntariatul În Europa – Tendințe, Oportunități Și Provocări
by Rodica CRUDU & Ecaterina BRAD - 42-49 Youth Opportunities And Achievements In The Ecological Domain
by Daniela PARA & Elena BOBEICO - 50-57 Bariere Netarifare Și Comerțul Cu Mărfuri Agricole
2018, Issue 10
- 6-16 The Impact Of High Skilled Migration (Brain Drain) On Republic Of Moldova, An Analysis Of Possible Consequences And Approaches To Manage This Phenomenon
by Mihail CEBOTARI - 17-29 Reforming The Agricultural Land Market: Eu Experience For Ukraine
by Olena CHYGRYN & Olena IVAKHNENKO - 30-43 Reciprocitatea Raporturilor Dintre Axele Ancorelor Carierei În Domeniiile Profesionale: Medicină, Educație Și Asistență Socială
by Mariana ZUBENSCHI - 44-60 Teoriile Sociologice Ale Migrației
by Ecaterina ZUBENSCHI - 61-73 Abordări Noi Și Oportunități De Promovare A Turismului În Republica Moldova
by Iurii ZAMA - 74-83 The Role Of The State And Universities In Generating Innovation
by Victoria SIRBU
2018, Issue 9
- 6-18 The Power Of Self Or The „Self To Self” Oriented Axis In The Relationship With Professional Balance
by Mariana ZUBENSCHI - 19-23 Susținerea Financiară A Intrărilor De Creier Și Talente În Europa
by Rodica CRUDU & Veronica MÎRZÎNCU - 24-31 Asistența Ue În Republica Moldova: Oportunități Sau Dependență
by Marina POPA & Valentin TOMBRACHEVICI - 32-46 Financial Evaluation Methods Of Investment Projects
by Inga BULAT
2018, Issue 8
- 6-20 Study on Best Practices in EU Entrepreneurship Education
by Alina SUSLENCO & Nelli AMARFII-RAILEAN & Svetlana MELNIC - 21-28 Requirements for The Disclosure of Financial Information for Smes in Accordance With European and National Legislation
by Liudmila LAPIȚKAIA & Alexandru LEAHOVCENCO - 29-36 Digital Economy: Development Prospects in the European Union and the Republic of Moldova
by Alexandru LEAHOVCENCO - 37-43 Ecological paints and criteria for awarding the European eco-label
by Olesea CERNAVCA
2017, Issue 7
- 6-19 Green entrepreneurship: Characteristics of the Technology Transfer Processes in the Republic of Moldova: SME Case Study
by Dr. Rodica CRUDU & Mihaela PETRICI - 20-24 Multilingualism As A Contemporary Phenomenon; Its Potential for Teachers And Learners
by Luminita DIACONU - 25-28 Supporting English Language Learners through ICT
by Serghei VASILACHI - 29-34 Rolul Managementului Inovațional în Activitatea Antreprenorială a Agenților Economici Din Republica Moldova
by Elena SIMCIUC & Dragoș CIMPOIEȘ
2017, Issue 6
- 6-13 Green entrepreneurship: EU experience and Ukraine perspectives
by Olena CHYGRYN - 14-18 Politica de Coeziune a Uniunii Europene în Perioada 2014-2020
by Paul LUCIAN - 19-34 The Gdańsk Liberals – an Exemplification of Polish Pragmatic Liberalism
by Piotr BIEGASIEWICZ - 35-42 World`s Most Valuable Brand Resonation With Categories of Different Customer Needs
by Kaspars VIKSNE & Santa BORMANE & Haidong FENG
2017, Issue 5
- 6-15 The advantages and impediments in fostering Republic of Moldova- the European Union economic cooperation
by Rodica CRUDU & Augustin IGNATOV - 16-32 The features of decision making process in international companies. Are companies in control of their own decisions?
by Anastasia JELEVA & Victoria-Regina PACALO & Larisa DODU-GUGEA - 33-42 E-commerce: concepts, perspectives and challenges
by Larisa DODU-GUGEA & Livia TÎBÎRNĂ - 43-52 Concepte teoretice cu privire la politica termoenergetică regională europeană în domeniul protecției mediului ambiant
by Anatolie GOLBAN
2017, Issue 4
- 6-11 Actualitatea dezvoltării managementului riscurilor economico-sociale în silvicultură din România
by Cătălin Ionel IDRICEANU - 12-20 Abordarea integrată a sistemelor de monitorizare a riscurilor bancare
by Victoria COCIUG & Victoria POSTOLACHE - 21-28 Probleme şi perspective de dezvoltare a gestiunii bancare în situaţii de criză
by Victoria COCIUG & Victoria POSTOLACHE - 29-37 Conținutul disponibilității în procesul civil și procedura de executare în condiţiile armonizării legislaţiei europene
by Olga CIOBANU & Liuba PRUTEANU - 38-52 Implementation of the corporate governance code as a measure of an efficiency increasing process in corporate management
by Ana SPÎNU & Ecaterina BURLEA
2016, Issue 3
- 6-18 The European Union and Republic of Moldova Association Agreement's impact on national economy
by Svetlana COVAȘ & Rodica CRUDU - 19-33 Ways of improving the investment climate in the Republic of Moldova. Case Study: Baltic States
by Violeta MIHAILOVA & Larisa DODU-GUGEA - 34-48 Influența proiectelor de infrastructura asupra competitivității tehnologice, economice și sociale a Republicii Moldova
by Iurii ZAMA - 49-57 Experienţa parcursului economic de vecinătate - securitatea economică a României
by Viorica ŢURCANU
2016, Issue 2
- 6-12 Tendințe de Globalizare și Regionalizare
by Mircea DIAVOR - 13-21 Efectele Cooperării și Integrării Economice Regionale Asupra Țărilor Lumii
by Marina TABAC - 22-32 Eveluția Comerțului Exterior al Republicii Moldova cu Uniunea Europeana și Determinarea Factorilor Influenți
by Xenia MIGOVA
2016, Issue 1
- 6-14 Unificarea Monetara si impactul asupra economiei. Rezultate ale Implementarii monedei euro
by Vasile Valentin STAN & Boris CHISTRUGA - 15-21 Export-Oriented Economy-A New Model of Development for the Republic of Moldova
by Corina COLIBAVERDI & Boris CHISTRUGA - 22-30 Regionalism and Economic Processes with Global Impact
by Marina TABAC - 31-44 European Energy Integration in East European Countries: Real Necessity to Assure Fair Market prices for Energy Resources
by Augustin IGNATOV