0000, Issue 2
- y::id:185 Applying the mathematic modeling tools to assess an economic impact from ratifications for regional agreements WTO+
by K. M. Puzankov - y::id:186 Russia in the system of world and regional merchandise trade: trends and latest developments (2001-2015 years)
by I. S. Gladkov - y::id:187 EEU in global value chains: limits and paths to insertion
by E. Ya. Ostrovskaya & I. A. Manuylov - y::id:188 China-US interaction in the integration processes in the Asia-Pacific region
by M. Seliga - y::id:189 Comparative analysis of industrial policy in Russia, the USA and Germany
by V. V. Rodina - y::id:190 The significance of the free trade zone EAEU - Vietnam and its perspectives
by M. M. Nguyen - y::id:191 The Eurasiane Economic Union of the World Map of Integration Associations
by E. A. Panina
0000, Issue 1
- y::id:2 Us International Trade Position At The New Stage Of Global Competition
by L. F. Lebedeva - y::id:3 The Institute Of Customsadministration As A Factor In Thedevelopment Of Foreign Trade
by A. P. Dzhabiev - y::id:4 Strategic Vision Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan By 2050
by G. V. Stroyeva - y::id:5 Foreign Capital And Investmentattractiveness Of Russia: Analysis And Prospects
by O. S. Yushkevich - y::id:6 Formation Of Associations As Direction Developments Of The Domestic Trade Policy Of Russia
by G. G. Ivanov & E. S. Kholin - y::id:7 Prospects Of Development Of The Market Of Clothes In The Light Of The Eurasian Integration
by E. Y. Raykova & D. Yu. Privalova - y::id:8 Assessment Of The Impact Promotion Strategy Company Mts On The Brand
by E. Ð . Panova - y::id:9 Sensory Analysis As A Component Of Commodity Expertise Of Food Products
by T. G. Rodina - y::id:10 ВЕЛИКð Я Оð¢Ð•Ð§Ð•Ð¡Ð¢Ð’ЕРРРЯ ВОð™Ð Ð 1941–1945 гг. Ð’ ЗЕРКð ЛЕ СОð’РЕМð•Ð РОð™ ИСТОð ИИ
by S. M. Munchaev - y::id:52 Integration Challenges in Polycentric World: Economic Aspect
by L. F. Lebedeva - y::id:53 Main Areas of Cooperation of Foreign Eurasian Economic Union
by G. V. Podbiralina - y::id:54 How Eurasian Economic Union and Silk Road Can Coexist and Prosper
by J. Zhang - y::id:55 Anti-Dumping Duties in Japan: Practice of Application
by V. A. Gorshkov & Z. S. Podoba - y::id:56 The Role of the USA and Japan in the Trans-Pacific Partnership
by S. V. Emelianov & K. O. Chudinova - y::id:57 The Policy of Egypt on the Creation of Free Trade Areas and Perspectives for the Creation of Free Trade Areas between Egypt and Russia
by E. S. Biryukov - y::id:58 Integration Policy of Australia in the Asia-Pacific Region
by T. E. Migaleva - y::id:59 Trend Analysis of the Import Substituting Juice Production in the Russian Market
by L. G. Eliseeva & E. V. Grishina - y::id:60 Practices Withdrawal of Funds in Offshore Jurisdictions
by G. V. Mokrov - y::id:61 Application of the Customs Payments When Importing the Automobile Cars for the Personal Uses
by A. V. Agapova & E. G. Matveeva - y::id:110 China’s pension system and its challenging issues
by J. Zhang - y::id:111 Exports and employment (US experience)
by N. E. Petrovskaya - y::id:112 Touristic exchange beetween Russia and countries of East Asia: condition and development prospects
by I. P. Kulgachev & V. A. Lepeshkin & E. A. Manteyfel - y::id:113 Offset policy of the Republic of India: a new stage in the development of defence industry of the country
by I. I. Ryazantseva - y::id:114 Analysis of the development of Armenia's economy at the turn of the centuries
by V. V. Oganesyan - y::id:115 New trends of intra-EU trade relations development
by E. Yu. Gorbatenko - y::id:116 Effects of technical barriers on russian pine nuts export
by V. P. Karagodin & O. V. Yurina - y::id:117 The ways to reduce technical barriers to international winemaking products trade through the harmonization of national requirements
by M. A. Polozhishnikova - y::id:118 New algorithm for applying gravity models to estimate the impact of tariffs and non-tariff barriers reduction on import growth from Israel to Russia
by K. M. Puzankov