2020, Volume 13, Issue 2
- y:2020:id:835 Problems of financing of technological innovation in oil production market
by A. F. Leshchinskaya & I. V. Ivolgina & I. D. Stepanova & N. A. Akimova - y:2020:id:837 Strategy of M&A deals in oil industry (on example of «Rosneft» and «Bashneft» deal)
by K. L. Astapov - y:2020:id:839 Development trends of iron and steel industry in Russia
by Yu. Yu. Kostyukhin & D. Yu. Savon - y:2020:id:840 Innovative development of the regions and multiplier-based performance impact assessment of local resources
by S. B. Bayzakov & M. K. Uandykova - y:2020:id:841 Peculiarities of competitive behaviour of successful businesses in digital economy
by T. G. Filosofova & Yu. A. Surkova - y:2020:id:842 Employees’ process and risk-oriented thinking
by V. P. Soloviev & T. A. Pereskokova - y:2020:id:843 Development of potential of potassium ore mining, sulfate fertilizer production in Kaliningrad region and selling SOP (potassium sulfate) in the world market
by D. P. Tibilov & Yu. A. Domakhina - y:2020:id:844 Fuel and energy complex as a driver of economic development of Russia: current condition and perspective
by O. D. Zakharova & N. A. Kharitonova - y:2020:id:845 To the readers of the Chinese edition of Vladimir Kvint’s book “The Concept of Strategizingâ€
by Yongyou Nie
2020, Volume 13, Issue 1
- y:2020:id:817 Regional strategies as an uncertainty reducing factor for investors
by M. K. Alimuradov - y:2020:id:818 The contents and peculiarities of the process of institutional transformation of industrial complexes in a digital economy
by A. G. Boev - y:2020:id:819 Development of a digital twin of the production system on the basis of modern digital technologies
by I. S. Parshina & E. B. Frolov - y:2020:id:820 The development of digital modeling in the theory of regional economics based on data on industrial petrochemical types of activity
by I. L. Beilin - y:2020:id:821 Technological readiness of industry for open innovation
by S. S. Kudryavtseva - y:2020:id:822 Assessment of economic security at coal mines Vinacomin (Vietnam)
by Vu T. Duyen & I. A. Larionova - y:2020:id:823 Strategic analysis of global, regional and industry trends in the development of global financial systems in a technological transformation
by M. K. Khabekova - y:2020:id:824 The formation of the social sphere of large entrepreneurial structures in the energy sector of the Republic of Tatarstan
by I. G. Akhmetova & V. Yu. Kulkova - y:2020:id:825 Method of quantitative assessment of the quality of work of the head
by V. K. Nazimko & E. V. Kudinova - y:2020:id:826 Approach to an integrated assessment of the effectiveness of the development strategy of the Russian oil industry
by B. R. Khabriev & N. V. Bakhtizina & Ð . R. Bakhtizin - y:2020:id:827 Improving the methodology for assessing socio-oriented regional infrastructure
by E. A. Alpeeva & N. P. Molchanova & A. V. Sysoev - y:2020:id:828 Strategic approaches to assessing the socially-oriented infrastructure of the North Caucasus Federal District
by R. A. Musaev & I. O. Urumova - y:2020:id:829 On the issue of increase in the importance of the non-material component in activity of the enterprises
by A. E. Ustinov & L. N. Ustinova & R. M. Sirazetdinov
2020, Volume 12, Issue 4
- y:2020:id:798 Directions, tasks, tools reduction of spatial socio-economic asymmetry in regional development strategies
by S. S. Zheleznyakov & I. E. Risin - y:2020:id:799 Principles of a regional strategy for the development of the food market in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region
by S. S. Voronkov - y:2020:id:800 Monopolies and perfect competition in Solow–Uzawa’s general equilibrium growth model
by Wei-Bin Zhang - y:2020:id:801 Reindustrialization of the economy as a basis of industrial policy of Russia
by S. A. Masyutin & A. G. Zhivotovskaia - y:2020:id:802 Approach to form the territorial system development strategy using simulation and scenario modeling tools
by M. M. Nizamutdinov & V. V. Oreshnikov - y:2020:id:803 Innovative potential on the regions of the Central Federal District: assessment of the main tendencies and prospects for future development
by E. V. Emelyanova & N. V. Kharchikova - y:2020:id:804 Evaluation of institutional grounding for Russian investments to basic industries of Nepal
by Sh. Mishra & A. M. Zobov & E. A. Fedorenko - y:2020:id:805 Ensuring sustainable innovative development of the metallurgical complex enterprises
by V. A. Shtansky - y:2020:id:806 Strategic financial risk management of industrial enterprises in the conditions of uncertainty
by E. B. Maevskaya - y:2020:id:807 The development of a system of «green» skills in the strategizing of labor resources of industrial enterprises
by I. V. Novikova - y:2020:id:808 Actual problems of developing a mentoring system at industrial enterprises in Russia
by N. V. Loktyukhina & Ul. A. Nazarova & S. V. Shabaeva - y:2020:id:809 Methodology of developing strategy concept for providing geriatric services in industrial system
by Yu. V. Dudovtseva - y:2020:id:810 Estimating criteria for mining profitability predicting
by S. P. Reshetnyak & D. A. Vedrova - y:2020:id:811 Reviewers
by article Editorial - y:2020:id:812 The list of articles published in 2019
by article Editorial
2019, Volume 12, Issue 3
- y:2019:id:770 Foresight as an instrument of industrial strategic development
by A. V. Bуstrov - y:2019:id:771 To a question about a role of the metallurgical industry in economy of Russia and about directions of improvement of the strategic management of enterprises
by I. Yu. Usacheva & V. V. Demina - y:2019:id:772 Revolutionary transformations in the consumption of energy in the world
by M. M. Sokolov - y:2019:id:773 World practice of managing electricity demand
by I. N. Nekhoroshikh & T. V. Dobrinova & A. Yu. Anisimov & A. V. Zhaglovskaya - y:2019:id:774 Experience of practical application of the mechanism of price-dependent electricity consumption to increase the efficiency of investment projects at industrial enterprises in Russia
by A. P. Dzyuba - y:2019:id:775 Improving the ecological efficiency of the processing industry of agricultural security on the basis of economic instruments
by D. Yu. Savon & K. P. Kolotyrin & A. V. Romanov - y:2019:id:776 Economic and mathematical modeling as an effective tool of the analysis of economic processes in industry
by A. S. Kulyasova & A. R. Esina & V. D. Svirchevskiy - y:2019:id:777 Financial factor for ensuring economic security of Russia
by V. Yu. Sutyagin & Y. Yu. Radyukova & M. V. Bespalov & N. V. Sergeeva - y:2019:id:778 An analysis of foreign direct investment attractiveness of the Russian Far East by Porter’s Diamond model
by Han Sol Lee - y:2019:id:779 Usage of integrated indicators in the implementation of programs to improve competitiveness in the context of developing cooperation with the industry and improving the economic sustainability of universities
by D. G. Sandler & I. A. Evsykova & S. S. Bogantseva & D. A. Melnik & A. V. Sterkhov & D. V. Bondarchuk - y:2019:id:780 Management of professional training
by V. P. Solov’ev & T. A. Pereskokova - y:2019:id:781 Accents of the development of the macro-regional space of Russia: social infrastructure
by S. V. Makar & P. V. Stroev & D. E. Morkovkin - y:2019:id:782 Book Review by V. Kvint «Strategy for the Global Market: Theory and Practical Applications»
by Jacques Sapir
2019, Volume 12, Issue 2
- y:2019:id:736 The strategic opportunities of the development of small-scale production of LNG in Russia
by N. I. Sasaev - y:2019:id:737 Technology transfer association industrial strategy development program (on the example of the fashion industry and apparel and textile industry)
by A. S. Khvorostyanaya - y:2019:id:738 Crisis in the field of waste management in Russia: strategic goals of state policy and real practice
by E. E. Rumyantseva - y:2019:id:739 Problems and prospects for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific activity in the chemical-technological field
by S. V. Pronichkin & I. B. Mamay & R. N. Bafoev - y:2019:id:740 Production backlog of the enterprise as basis of development of ecosystems of innovations
by A. E. Ustinov & R. M. Sirazetdinov & L. N. Ustinova - y:2019:id:741 The optimal estimates of the probability of a random event
by A. P. Smirnov - y:2019:id:742 Imbalance of business processes of the industrial organization as the main constraining factor of its development
by E. Yu Sidorova & G. V. Timochova - y:2019:id:743 Modern principles of corporate management
by E. A. Alpeeva & O. A. Sukhorukova - y:2019:id:744 Ambitious, dynamic goal-setting as a tool to improve the competitiveness of the metallurgical company
by A. V. Kolobov - y:2019:id:745 Features of the development of the logistics complex of the new industrial enterprise Nivensky GOK in the Kaliningrad region
by D. P. Tibilov & Yu. A. Domakhina - y:2019:id:746 Improving the competitiveness of Russian universities to the level of the world’s leading research and educational centers is the most important task of higher education
by D. V. Bondarchuk & O. A. Korobko - y:2019:id:747 Methodological aspects of evaluating and improving of the workplaces efficiency
by I. D. Trofimova & T. A. Korkina & O. V. Konakova - y:2019:id:748 My economic universities under the guidance of Vladimir Romenets
by I. M. Rozhkov
2019, Volume 12, Issue 1
- y:2019:id:696 Digital economy in assessing the investment attractiveness of innovative enterprises based on the results of their own scientific and technical research in the field of petrochemical chemistry
by I. L. Beilin & V. V. Khomenko - y:2019:id:710 Analysis of the world surimi market, as well as resource constraints of production in Russia
by A. A. Beletskiy - y:2019:id:714 Evaluating investment projects efficiency in various conditions
by V. N. Livchits & I. A. Mironova & A. N. Shvetsov - y:2019:id:720 Rationale for strategic prioritization of industries within the structure of Uzbekistan’s economy
by S. Sh. Mirzieeva - y:2019:id:721 Strategic analysis of trends in the global fishing industry
by K. L. Kudryashova - y:2019:id:722 Formation of the estimated vector for the diagnosis of the economic situation in the enterprise
by I. A. Larionova & I. M. Rozhkov & Yu. Yu. Kostyukhin & A. V. Zhaglovskaya & M. E. Morozova & S. E. Chernovolenko - y:2019:id:723 Methodological provisions of building models of industrial enterprise development
by Yu. Yu. Kostyukhin - y:2019:id:724 Forecasting Realized Volatility of Russian stocks using Google Trends and Implied Volatility
by T. Bazhenov & D. Fantazzini - y:2019:id:725 Diagnosis the results of production and marketing activities of organizations
by A. V. Sharkova - y:2019:id:726 The use of fuzzy cognitive maps in the development of an experimental model of automation of production accounting of material flows
by E. A. Alpeeva & I. I. Volkova - y:2019:id:727 Trends and factors shaping the territorial mobility of the population in the regions of the Russian Federation
by R. V. Fattakhov & M. M. Nizamutdinov & V. V. Oreshnikov
2018, Volume 11, Issue 4
- y:2018:id:697 Strategic management of labor resources
by I. V. Novikova - y:2018:id:698 The strategy for the development of labor activity of staff the formation of the organizational culture of the enterprise
by N. N. Saksina & S. A. Babenko - y:2018:id:699 Tendencies of innovative development of the Russian Federation
by L. N. Ustinova - y:2018:id:700 To a question of development of the scenario of breakthrough development of the industrial enterprises in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution
by T. O. Tolstykh & E. V. Shkarupeta - y:2018:id:701 Formation of intellectual property in the coal industry
by D. Yu. Savon - y:2018:id:702 The conceptual model of the mechanism of formation of the potential of scientific knowledge used for the production of high-tech products and the mechanism of its evaluation
by E. Yu. Sidorova & Yu. Yu. Kostyukhin & V. A. Shtansky & S. E. Chernovolenko - y:2018:id:703 Life and survival: sources of working capital of the Soviet and Russian economies
by D. A. Ermilina & A. V. Borschevа - y:2018:id:704 Cluster analysis of the companies of the oil industry for the parameters of the tax load
by I. V. Filimonova & L. V. Eder & I. V. Provornaya & A. V. Komarova - y:2018:id:705 The role and place of the procurement process in the functioning of the open innovation model of manufacturing company
by V. I. Pleshchenko - y:2018:id:706 Overview of recent changes in the regulatory and legal framework in the sphere of state defense order
by O. G. Luchinina - y:2018:id:707 Enhancement of process of adaptation of new employees on industrial enterprise
by E. A. Kolesnichenko & M. V. Bespalov & Ya. Yu. Radyukova & D. V. Sergeev - y:2018:id:708 The theoretical approaches to the research of the socio-oriented infrastructure of the region
by E. A. Alpeeva & E. A. Merzlyakova & A. V. Sysoev
2018, Volume 11, Issue 3
- y:2018:id:683 Greeting of the Editor in Chief
by V. L. Kvint - y:2018:id:684 Strategic regulation and motivation for the exhibition and trade fair industry
by A. V. Sadovnichaya - y:2018:id:685 The Russian industry: the problems and the further development (ending)
by E. E. Rumyantseva - y:2018:id:686 Sustainable development of the Russian industrial complex in modern conditions
by V. F. Mihin & S. S. Chevgun - y:2018:id:687 Modern system of state procurement in ensuring innovative development of economics
by T. S. Kolmykova & E. V. Semenikhina & E. A. Alpeeva - y:2018:id:688 Development of methodical aspects of the assessment of the innovation potential of the economic system
by E. U. Sidorova & A. A. Klimova & G. V. Timochova - y:2018:id:689 Analytical justification of formulas for calculating the probability of failure-free operation for simple reliability models
by A. P. Smirnov - y:2018:id:690 Assessment and forecasting bankruptcy risk of mining companies
by N. A. Kazakova & A. F. Leshchinskaya & A. E. Sivkova - y:2018:id:691 The mechanism of variants of ecosystem conservation options taking into accounting regional and technological features of mining enterprises
by A. V. Myaskov & A. S. Tulupov & O. V. Zhironkina & V. S. Zaitsev - y:2018:id:692 Estimation of economic efficiency of mineral resource base development projects using the real options method
by E. A. Pozdnyakova - y:2018:id:693 The impact of human capital management factors and conservation culture on the energy efficiency of industrial interprises
by N. R. Kelchevskaya & E. A. Kirikova - y:2018:id:694 The impact of digital economy on the transformation of the labor market and forming new business models
by M. A. Izmailova - y:2018:id:695 Separate accounting as an innovative tool in the analysis of financial condition (for example, LLP NII TDB KMG)
by Z. R. Nudarova & A. V. Aleksakhin
2018, Volume 11, Issue 2
- y:2018:id:658 Greeting of the Editor-in-Chief
by V. L. Kvint - y:2018:id:659 The name that has become legendar
by A. A. Chernikova - y:2018:id:660 He loved people with all his hear
by A. M. Sedykh - y:2018:id:661 Intellect and analysis plus organizational grasp and power
by Yu. S. Karabasov - y:2018:id:662 Continuous improvement of the educational process
by V. P. Solov’ev - y:2018:id:663 Vladimir Romenets: an outstanding scientist and organizer
by Yu. N. Raikov - y:2018:id:664 Scientist, Organizer, Teacher
by T. G. Filosofova - y:2018:id:665 Great creator: Department, Institute, Journal
by Yu. Yu. Kostyukhin - y:2018:id:666 Alloy of science and production
by V. F. Mihin - y:2018:id:667 Romenets and his dream factory Romelt
by V. S. Valavin & U. V. Pohvisnev - y:2018:id:668 Ahead of time: scientific priorities of the leader's heritage
by V. V. Brinza - y:2018:id:669 Features of functioning of industrial enterprises in the digital economy
by E. V. Shirinkina - y:2018:id:670 The Russian industry: the problems and the further development
by E. E. Rumyantseva - y:2018:id:671 Digital innovative production on the basis of formation of an ecosystem of services and resources
by T. O. Tolstykh & E. V. Shkarupeta & L. A. Gamidullayeva - y:2018:id:672 Problems polyene innovation activities of enterprises heat supply in the region
by T. B. Malkova & A. V. Malkov - y:2018:id:673 Structural and functional model of commercialization innovative activity results in universities
by E. A. Alpeeva & E. V. Timohina - y:2018:id:674 Methodical aspects problems of harmonization of interests within the framework of the challenge of the selection of the strategic priorities of regional development
by M. M. Nizamutdinov & V. V. Oreshnikov - y:2018:id:675 Assessment of the industrial potential the Arctic regions
by V. A. Tsukerman & E. S. Goryachevskaya - y:2018:id:676 The participation of the insurance sector in the laundering of criminal proceeds
by N. A. Kabanova & E. R. Myasishcheva
2018, Volume 11, Issue 1
- y:2018:id:642 Assessment of the current state and tendency on diversification of development of the basket of oil products at the oil processing entities of Russia
by V. S. Bogdanova - y:2018:id:643 Key factors of development of the industrial enterprises in the conditions of the industry 4.0
by T. O. Tolstykh & L. A. Gamidullayeva & E. V. Shkarupeta - y:2018:id:644 Key aspects activation of program-project production management at enterprises of the Russian Federation’s defense-industry complex
by D. M. Malikova - y:2018:id:645 Tools for planning research and development projects
by O. I. Mityakova & A. V. Chernenko - y:2018:id:646 The mechanism for increasing the efficiency of business processing of industrial enterprises on the basis of antocrossing
by H. G.W. Alkarawy - y:2018:id:647 Management of the value added made by the entity using imitating modelling
by I. M. Rozhkov & N. A. Isaeva & I. M. Zaytsev & I. A. Larionova & Yu. Yu. Kostyukhin - y:2018:id:648 On the level of the tax burden in the Russian economy and the possibilities to reduce it without reducing tax revenues
by M. M. Sokolov - y:2018:id:649 Practical method of risk assessment in the energy sector under uncertainty
by T. B. Malkova & A. V. Malkov - y:2018:id:650 Evolution of educational levels and qualifications of graduates of higher education institutions
by V. P. Solov’ev & T. A. Pereskokova - y:2018:id:651 Assessment of motivation of potential employees of an industrial enterprise
by G. S. Kiseleva - y:2018:id:652 Formation of a favorable innovation environment for the development of entrepreneurial-type universities
by E. A. Alpeeva & E. V. Zheltovskih - y:2018:id:653 Russian education in the perspective of sustainable development strategy
by A. D. Ursul & T. A. Ursul
2018, Volume 10, Issue 4
- y:2018:id:617 On the functioning of prototypes of the adaptive model of agile in the industry of the USSR
by V. I. Pleshchenko - y:2018:id:618 Competitiveness of exports as a direction of economic security
by T. G. Filosofova - y:2018:id:619 Industry 4.0 and economic mechanism of the risk-management of enterprises of continuous type
by V. V. Silakova - y:2018:id:620 Dynamic balance model the organizationaleconomic mechanism vertically-integrated structure in the defense industry
by V. F. Mihin & S. S. Chevgun - y:2018:id:621 Ensuring the sustainable development of industrial enterprises on the basis of a balanced scorecard
by I. V. Murаdov - y:2018:id:622 Problems of introduction lean production at the domestic enterprises
by K. S. Shibanov - y:2018:id:623 Estimation of prospects of use of alternative sources of energy for power supply mining enterprises of Russia
by E. S. Seliverstov - y:2018:id:624 Technique of management of the choice of rational structures of electronic scrap
by G. V. Kruzhkova & Yu. Yu. Kostyukhin & I. M. Rozhkov - y:2018:id:625 Creation of indicators balanced system as a tool of strategic and operational management for the metallurgical enterprises
by E. N. Eliseeva & N. V. Shmeleva - y:2018:id:626 The current state of forming of industrial clusters in macroregion economy
by G. I. Panayedova & T. A. Kulagovskaya - y:2018:id:627 Information and communication technologies as a development driver of regions investment attractiveness
by A. Yu. Fadeeva - y:2018:id:628 The problems of training personnel in the current socio-economic development of Tajikistan
by F. M. Vasiev & M. A. Juraev
2017, Volume 10, Issue 3
- y:2017:id:585 The impact of technological innovation on maximizing enterprise value
by V. S. Zharov & V. A. Tsukerman - y:2017:id:603 The development of import substitution in order to improve the economic security of Russia
by V. A. Shtanskii - y:2017:id:604 Theoretical aspects of formation of development strategies for city-forming organizations
by N. A. Kharitonova & E. N. Kharitonova & V. N. Pulyaeva & K. B. Kunanbayeva - y:2017:id:605 «Smart city» as a new stage of urban development
by P. V. Stroev & S. B. Reshetnikov - y:2017:id:606 Goodwill management of metallurgical enterprises using a rating based on optimal financial ratios
by O. I. Kalinskiy - y:2017:id:607 Rental relations and profit sharing from extractive activity on rents and entrepreneurial income
by G. A. Aleksandrov & I. S. Komarov - y:2017:id:608 Strategic positioning of metallurgical companies in the region
by A. A. Urasova & A. A. Nechaev - y:2017:id:609 Methodology of the strategic indicative planning in managing of the megaregion’s development based on model of integration and balanced interaction (on materials of the Moscow Region)
by L. Y. Filobokova & O. S. Drobkova - y:2017:id:610 Professional and educational standards in the service of the economy
by V. P. Solov’ev & T. A. Pereskokova - y:2017:id:611 Efficiency evaluation of information technologies as instrument of enhancement of the organization of educational process
by I. A. Larionova & I. M. Rozhkov & V. A. Osadchii & A. V. Aleksakhin & T. Kh. Saidazimova - y:2017:id:612 Reforms on modernization and liberalization of the economy of Uzbekistan: results and priorities
by U. U. Kostaev - y:2017:id:613 Reasons, trends and problems of international high-tech projects
by O. N. Syrtsova
2017, Volume 10, Issue 2
- y:2017:id:588 Complex development of a product in the conditions of parallel design of a product and production
by E. P. Garina & N. S. Andryashina - y:2017:id:589 Strategic planning and forecasting system in the Russian Federation: a regional projection
by L. I. Vlasyuk - y:2017:id:590 Current trends on the Russian market of mergers and acquisitions
by A. A. Ivanov & S. V. Peredunova - y:2017:id:591 Knowledge management tools development in the metallurgy
by V. N. Pulyaeva - y:2017:id:592 Efficiency of the enterprise on the basis of improving the quality of products by example: JSC «EVRAZ ZSMK»
by E. A. Astakhov & N. I. Novikov - y:2017:id:593 Methodological approaches to personnel evaluation in industry
by D. V. Alexandrov - y:2017:id:594 Strategic approaches to the management of tax potential in small business
by L. Yu. Filobokova & O. V. Grigorieva - y:2017:id:595 Risks assessment in product quality control in enterprises
by A. E. Makhmetova & M. V. Kiseleva - y:2017:id:596 Product policy of light industry enterprises under fuzzy conditions
by A. M. Silakov & A. V. Generalova - y:2017:id:597 Russia regions’ population spatial mobility analysis: trends and regulation mechanisms
by R. V. Fattakhov & M. M. Nizamutdinov & V. V. Oreshnikov - y:2017:id:598 The regional typology development in the system of strategic planning
by T. V. Starikova - y:2017:id:599 Forecast and the estimation of the factors of the development of the world markets for cobalt
by N. A. Kazakova & A. F. Leshchinskaya & A. I. Ponomareva & A. E. Ilatovsky & K. G. Afanasiadi
2017, Volume 10, Issue 1
- y:2017:id:538 National and regional labour market strategies in foreign countries
by M. V. Ryazantseva & V. M. Smirnov - y:2017:id:539 Analysis of methodological approaches to determination and assessment of the human capital
by S. B. Reshetnikov & M. R. Skirdov - y:2017:id:570 Issues and challenges in the new economy of Russia
by S. N. Abdullina & N. Z. Bahteeva - y:2017:id:571 Russian practice of functioning of institutes of development innovations in the sphere of chemical technology
by Ch. A. Misbakhova & A. A. Starodubova & A. N. Zinnatullina & F. F. Galimulina & R. I. Zinurova - y:2017:id:572 Development of a balanced scorecard evaluation of primary energy resources of the region’s fuel and energy complex
by T. K. Salina - y:2017:id:573 Improvement of the investment management in industry (Retracted)
by M. Yu. Mirzabekova - y:2017:id:574 A new perspective on the management of joint-stock property companies with state participation: theoretical aspects
by A. Yu. Dzardanov - y:2017:id:575 Mineral fertilizers: in addition to the private control government regulation is required
by V. V. Korshunov & A. F. Leshchinskaya - y:2017:id:576 Organization of interaction between industrial consumers and suppliers within the framework of procurement procedures: problems and solutions at the micro level
by V. I. Pleshchenko - y:2017:id:577 Regional industrial policy and mechanism of its regulation
by L. Yu. Filobokova & M. M. Vdovichenco - y:2017:id:578 Analysis of the regional financial cluster strategies implementation
by G. V. Revnyakov - y:2017:id:579 Regional aspects and priorities of development of industrial production in the Republic of Tajikistan
by P. I. Dik
2017, Issue 4
- y:2017:id:495 Innovative development and forming of the system for technologies transfer in SCO member countries
by Yu. V. Solovieva - y:2017:id:512 Practical use of a method of accelerated assessing the investment attractiveness of an industrial enterprise
by A. G. Kalacheva - y:2017:id:533 The Fisher effect as an indicator of the optimal interaction of banks and the real sector of the economy
by T. G. Shelkunova & K. A. Kuznetsova - y:2017:id:534 R&D in Russia – global and regional aspects
by S. I. Agabekov & E. A. Levina - y:2017:id:540 Reserves of increasing efficiency of industrial enterprisesin context of contemporary economics
by I. A. Merkulina & A. V. Kazakova - y:2017:id:559 About the mechanism of development of industrial service in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
by V. A. Tsukerman & A. A. Kozlov - y:2017:id:560 The tariff regulation of foreign trade as a tool for stabilizing the activity of the Russian industrial enterprises in the framework of the EAEC
by A. V. Nemkovich - y:2017:id:561 Barriers strategic competitors grouping in the industrial sector
by N. A. Saveleva & Yu. I. Verbin & V. I. Shapovalov - y:2017:id:562 Role of public policy in improving the investment attractiveness in industry
by I. L. Vorotnikov & K. P. Kolotyrin & T. N. Malakhova - y:2017:id:563 Problems of assessment of efficiency of management of joint property in the companies with state participation
by A. Yu. Dzardanov - y:2017:id:564 Features of consumer behavior of industrial enterprises and its impact on the implementation of the procurement process in modern conditions
by V. I. Pleshchenko - y:2017:id:565 On the training of personnel for the domestic economy
by V. P. Solov’ev & T. A. Pereskokova
2017, Issue 3
- y:2017:id:541 Risk analysis of development of the urbanized territories
by T. Yu. Anopchenko & A. D. Murzin & D. Yu. Savon & Eu. Safronov - y:2017:id:542 Potential of modeling techniques organizational systems with matrix structure and the possibility of expanding their information base
by V. V. Brinza & Yu. Yu. Kostyukhin & I. V. Fadeeva - y:2017:id:543 Innovative industrial development of mining and processing of mineral resources of the Russian Arctic: problems and solutions
by V. A. Tsukerman & E. S. Goryachevskaya - y:2017:id:544 Complex method for investment climate and unsystematic investment risk analysis
by G. A. Aleksandrov & I. V. Vyakina & G. G. Skvortsova - y:2017:id:545 Energy and economic safety of functioning of an energy industry
by A. A. Gibadullin - y:2017:id:546 The content management process and its dependence of the efficiency of management of production organization
by E. Yu. Sidorova & A. S. Stepanov - y:2017:id:547 The development of the tourist sector as a way of improving the quality of human capital of industrial region
by A. I. Zaytseva & L. S. Sagdeeva - y:2017:id:548 Cluster analysis of a condition of the industry of regions of the Russian Federation
by V. V. Kalinina