2000, Volume 7, Issue 4
2000, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 195-206 Odysseus and the Sirens: A Vision of our Fiscal Future
by Nicholas Gruen - 207-217 Community Banking in Australia
by Di Thomson & Malcolm Abbott - 219-236 Broadscale Tree Clearing in Queensland
by John Rolfe - 237-250 Ownership-Based Analysis of Public Hospital Corporatisation in New Zealand
by Bronwyn Howell - 251-261 Does Openness Promote Growth?
by Luke Willard - 261-263 Globalisation: Thomas Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Harper Collins, 1999
by Chris Pattas - 264-268 Broadcasting Reform: Productivity Commission, Broadcasting Report No. 11, Aus Info, Canberra, 2000
by Chris Pattas - 269-272 A More Equitable Society: Reference Group on Welfare Reform, Participation Support for a More Equitable Society, Interim Report, March, 2000
by Chris Pattas - 273-276 ANZAC Dollar: Arthur Grimes and Frank Holmes with Roger Bowden, An ANZAC Dollar? Currency Union and Business Development, The Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University o f Wellington, New Zealand
by Gordon de Brouwer - 277-288 Do We Know Federal Treasury Overspends on Undergraduates?
by Jonathan Pincus
2000, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 99-112 Newspapers as Political Instruments in Media Policy Debate
by Peter Putnis - 113-128 Reliability of Indigenous Employment Estimates
by Boyd Hunter & John Taylor - 129-140 The Battle for the Streets of NSW
by Maged Ishak & Bert Groen - 141-154 Alternative Measures of Australia’s External Indebtedness
by Scott Austin - 155-170 Safeguards for Workers’ Entitlements
by Ian Bickerdyke & Ralph Lattimore & Alan Madge - 171-175 Anatomy of a Radical (?) Government: Gwynneth Singleton (ed.), The Howard Government: Australian Commonwealth Administration 1996-1998, UNSW Press, Sydney, 2000
by Peter Hay - 176-179 Asian Financial Crisis: Gregory W. Noble and John Ravenhill (eds), The Asian Financial Crisis and the Architecture of Global Finance, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2000
by George Fane - 180-183 An Assessment of the 1990s: David Gruen and Sona Shrestha (eds), The Australian Economy in the 1990s, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, 2000
by Graeme Wells - 185-191 Examine Them Until They Pass!
by Robert Albon
2000, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-16 A More Productive Australian Economy
by Dean Parham - 17-32 The Distributional Impact of Year 2000 Tax Reforms in Australia
by Ann Harding & Neil Warren & Martin Robinson & Simon Lambert - 33-45 Getting Tough on Crime: Will it Win the War?
by Jenny Williams - 47-61 Making Languages an Object of Public Policy
by Joseph Lo Bianco - 63-76 India and the East Asia Miracle
by Brent Davis - 77-80 Trade Policy Reform: Richard Snape, Lisa Gropp and Tas Luttrell, Australian Trade Policy, 1965-1997: A Documentary History, Allen and Unwin, St. Leonards, 1998
by Ben Smith - 81-82 Privatisation and Community in Criminal Justice: Bruce Benson, To Serve and Protect: Privatization and Community in Criminal Justice, Independent Institute/New York University Press, New York, 1998
by Peter Grabosky - 83-91 A Charitable Concern
by Gabrielle Berman - 93-96 The Theatre of University Research?
by Frank Clarke & Russell Craig & Joel Amernic
1999, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 291-307 Information: The Foundation of Accountability
by Tony Harris - 309-324 Crime Prevention: The Role of Economic and Social Support
by Don Weatherburn & Bronwyn Lind - 325-338 The Failure of Corporatisation: Public Hospitals in New Zealand
by Rhema Vaithianathan - 339-350 Measuring Governments’ Net Worth
by Chew Ng & Bob Shead - 351-363 Korea’s 1997 Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Prospects
by Hyun-Hoon Lee - 365-371 Counting Waves: Has Law and Economics Turned Over a New Leaf?: Megan Richardson and Gillian Hadfield (eds), The Second Wave of Law and Economics, Federation Press, Sydney, 1999
by Michael Whincop - 373-376 Media Economics: Alan Albarran, Media Economics: Understanding Markets, Industries and Concepts, Iowa State University Press, Arnes, Iowa, 1996; Alison Alexander, James Owers and Rod Carveth (eds), Media Economics: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, 1998
by Franco Papandrea - 377-384 Cyberspace: Public Space or Pub Space?
by Michael Warby
1999, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 195-210 Public Provision of Heroin for Addicts
by Harry Clarke - 211-224 Agricultural Land Retirement and Biodiversity Policy
by Phillip Hone & Geoff Edwards & lain Fraser - 225-236 Resource Management in New Zealand: Rhetoric, Reality and Reform
by Veronica Jacobsen - 237-250 Price Stabilisation and Microeconomic Reforms in Brazil
by Flavio Menezes - 251-260 The Japanese Economy in the Nineteen Nineties
by Yasukichi Yasuba - 261-270 Reform of the Global Financial Architecture: Lessons from Thailand
by Terry Black & Susan Black - 271-277 Economic Rationalism and its Discontents
by William Coleman - 279-282 American Agriculture in Decline?: Steven C. Blank, The End of Agriculture in the American Portfolio, Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut, 1998
by Alistair Watson - 283-287 Export Subsidies Impose Net Losses on Australians
by Mary Amiti
1999, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 99-109 Avoiding Conflict Between Communication Policy and Convergence
by Terry Cutler - 111-126 Price Competition in Australian Telecommunications
by Jan Muir & Brad Jennings & Fiona McAnally - 127-140 Is Knowledge Enough? — Realising the Benefits of Free Trade
by Linda Richardson - 141-152 New Zealand Local Government Funding Policy Reform
by Claudia Scott - 153-166 The Failure of Korea Inc
by Heather Smith - 167-173 The Seven Ages of Economics
by Bob Rutherford - 175-179 Free Trade: The Debate on Parallel Importing of Compact Discs
by Alan Moran - 181-183 Different Perspectives on the GST: Binh Tran Nam (ed), Tax Reform and the GST, an International Perspective, Prospect Media Pty Ltd, 1998 (ATAX Seminar Papers)
by Howard Pender - 184-186 Business Ethics: Norman Barry, Business Ethics, Macmillan Press, London, 1998
by Bill Stacey - 187-191 Pigs!
by Alistair Watson
1999, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-16 Prospects for Indigenous Australians in the Welfare System
by Anne Daly - 17-28 Retirement Income Policy in New Zealand: Lessons for Australia
by Angela Ryan - 29-38 Baptists and Bootleggers? The Basel Convention and Metals Recycling Trade
by Aynsley Kellow - 39-46 The Premature Burial of Telecommunications Reform: A Response to John Quiggin
by Rodney Maddock - 47-50 Rejoinder
by John Quiggin - 51-68 Deregulation and Open Capital Markets: The Australian Experience Before Wallis
by Gordon de Brouwer - 69-82 Explaining Taiwan’s Economic Miracle: Are the Revisionists Right?
by Pan-Long Tsai - 83-84 An Optimal Tax Burden?: Patrick J. Caragata, Why Are Your Taxes So High?, Seascape Press, Auckland, 1998
by Angela Ryan - 85-87 Challenging Perceptions of Progress: Richard Eckersley (ed.), Measuring Progress: Is life getting better?, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, 1998
by Winton Bates - 88-90 Value-free Evidence?: Stephen Castles, William Foster, Robyn Iredale and Glenn Withers, Immigration and Australia: Myths and Realities, Allen & Unwin with the Housing Industry Association Ltd, Sydney, 1998
by Harry Clarke - 91-94 How to Tax Food and Make the Tax System More Progressive at the Same Time
by Matt Benge
1998, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 399-406 Taxes on Business Inputs and the Effects of a Goods and Services Tax
by Matt Benge - 407-418 Deregulating Medical Practice in New Zealand: Achievable and Desirable?
by David Stewart & Hamish Stewart - 419-426 When Contractionary Fiscal Policy Is Expansionary
by Tony Makin - 427-440 The Premature Burial of Natural Monopoly: Telecommunications Reform in Australia
by John Quiggin - 441-451 The Commonwealth and the Edinburgh CHOGM: Challenges and Opportunities
by Alison Duxbury - 453-466 Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in Tertiary Education in New Zealand
by Alan E. Woodfield - 467-476 Crown Immunity and the Unlevel Playing Field
by Nick Seddon - 477-486 New Zealand’s Monetary Conditions Index: A Critical Analysis
by Stephen J. Burnell - 487-494 Why New Zealand Doesn’t Need a Written Constitution
by James Allan - 495-500 New Forms of Dependence? Mark Latham’s ‘Third Way’: Mark Latham, Civilising Global Capital: New Thinking for Australian Labor, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1998
by James Cox - 501-508 Indigenous Policy, Native Title and the Rule of Law: Michael Warby, Past Wrongs, Future Rights: Anti-Discrimination, Native Title and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy, 1975-1997, Tasman Institute, Melbourne, 1997
by James Cox - 509-511 Crowding Out Virtue: Bruno S. Frey, Not Just for the Money: An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1997
by Gerald F. Gaus - 512-514 Bureaucratic Tribalism: Kenneth Minogue, Waitangi: Morality and Reality, New Zealand Business Roundtable, Wellington, 1998
by Roger Sandall - 515-517 Is the System Really to Blame?: Graeme Hunt, Why MMP Must Go: The Case for Ditching the Electoral Disaster of the Century, Waddington Press, Auckland, 1998
by David Denemark - 518-520 Fresh Perspectives on Judicial Independence: Helen Cunningham (ed.), Fragile Bastion: Judicial Independence in the Nineties and Beyond, Judicial Commission of New South Wales, Sydney, 1997
by Brian R. Opeskin - 521-528 Australia’s Digital TV Giveaway
by Ross Jones
1998, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 267-276 Working Together: Towards an Inclusive Federalism?
by Campbell Sharman - 277-287 From Welfare State to Optimal Size of Government: A Paradigm Shift for Public Policy
by Patrick J. Caragata - 289-298 The Political Economy of the Kyoto Protocol
by Aynsley Kellow - 299-309 Global Emissions Trading: A Post-Kyoto Proposal
by Warwick J. McKibbin - 311-322 An Economic Analysis of New Zealand’s Conservation Strategies
by John L. Craig - 323-334 End-Point Royalties for Plant Breeding in Australia
by Ross Kingwell & Alistair Watson - 335-346 Development and Democratisation in East and Southeast Asia
by Jamie Mackie - 347-353 The ‘Stolen Generations’: A Report from Experience: Colin Macleod, Patrol in the Dreamtime, Random House, Milsons Point, 1997
by Kenneth Maddock - 355-372 The High Costs of Capital Taxation in Australia
by W. Erwin Diewert & Denis A. Lawrence - 362-366 No Clear Objective: The Simons Report on Foreign Aid
by Peter Warr - 367-372 Does Compulsory Voting Distort Electoral Outcomes?
by Gary Johns - 373-375 Defusing the Age Pension Time Bomb: Michael Littlewood, Will You Still Need Me? A Retirement Income Primer for Politicians, Employers and Meddlers, Planit Services Ltd, Auckland, 1997; Michael Littlewood, Will You Still Need Me? Retirement-Income Lessons from New Zealand, The IEA Health and Welfare Unit, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 1998
by Michael James - 376-378 Commercialising New Zealand’s National Television: Barry Spicer, Michael Powell and David Emanuel, The Remaking of Television New Zealand 1984 - 1992, Auckland University Press, Auckland, 1996
by Franco Papandrea - 379-381 The End of Cohesion?: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Societal Cohesion and the Globalising Economy: What Does the Future Hold?, Paris, 1997; Francis Fukuyama, The End of Order, Centre for Post-Collectivist Studies, Social Market Foundation, London, 1997
by Winton Bates - 382-384 Consumer Choice: The Key to Educational Quality?: Ken Gannicott, Taking Education Seriously: A Reform Program for Australian Schools, The Centre for Independent Studies, Sydney, 1997
by Brian Crittenden - 385-388 Commonwealth Economic Policy and Education: Simon Marginson, Educating Australia: Government, Economy and Citizen since 1960, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 1997
by Alan Barcan - 389-392 Chasing the Ecologically Sustainable Development Mirage: State of the Environment Advisory Council, Australia: State of the Environment 1996, CS1RO Press, Melbourne, 1996
by Ian Wills - 393-396 New Zealand’s Proposed ‘Code of Social and Family Responsibility’
by Andrew Mikkelsen
1998, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 135-146 The Paradoxes of Humanitarian Aid
by Fiona Terry - 147-164 Committing to Trade Liberalisation in Australia
by Gary Banks - 165-177 Improving the Governance of New Zealand’s State-Owned Enterprises
by Jim Brumby & Michael Hyndman & Stuart Shepherd - 179-188 Australia’s Corporate Law Reform and the Market for Corporate Control
by Philip Brown & Raymond da Silva Rosa - 189-200 Social Studies: The Plan for New Zealand’s Schools
by Brian Crittenden - 201-212 Associations of Health Consumers: The Key to Health Care Reform
by Vern Hughes - 213-224 Collective Licensing of Copyright: Options for Competitive Reform
by Jeremy Thorpe - 225-230 Official Economic Forecasting Errors in Australia, 1983-96
by Jim Rose - 231-231 Economic Forecasting and the Role of the Economist
by Stephen Kirchner - 235-240 Dispute Settlement Orders Under Australia’s Workplace Relations Act 1996: Are They Working?
by Graeme Watson - 241-242 Beyond Rational Economic Man: Robert Skidelsky, Beyond the Welfare State, The Social Market Foundation, London, 1997
by Mark Latham - 245-246 From Welfare to Wage Subsidy: Edmund S. Phelps, Rewarding Work: How to Restore Participation and Self-Support to Free Enterprise, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1997
by Tim Maloney - 248-250 Ending Corporate Stalinism: Tyler Cowen and David Parker, Markets In The Firm: A Market Process Approach to Management, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 1997
by Ken Phillips - 251-253 Evaluating Australian Economic Policies: W. Max Corden, The Road to Reform: Essays on Australian Economic Policy, Addison Wesley, Lane Cove, 1997
by David Henderson - 254-255 For the Commonwealth Reader: Antony W. Dnes, The Economics of Law, International Thomson Business Press, London, 1996
by Stephen Franks - 256-258 Freedom as Non-domination: Philip Pettit, Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997
by David W. Lovell - 259-264 Not the Negative Income Tax Again!
by James Cox
1998, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-16 Reforming Australia’s Commonwealth Business Programs
by Ian Gibbs & Paul Emery - 17-24 A New Rule for Monetary Policy
by Tony Makin - 25-36 A Strategie Behaviour Approach to Evaluating Competitive Conduct
by Rhonda L. Smith & David K. Round - 37-48 The Political Costs of Tax Reform: A Canadian Perspective
by David L. Ryan & Stuart Landon - 49-60 Abolishing Income Tax Deductions for Work-Related Expenses
by Jonathan Baldry - 61-72 What Has Become of the Japanese Model?
by Luke Gower - 73-82 An Optimistic View of World Food Prospects
by Ron Duncan - 83-96 ‘Judge & Co.’: Judicial Law-Making and the Mason Court
by Geoffrey Lindell - 97-109 Australia’s Constitutional Convention 1998
by George Winterton - 111-113 Still Trapped in the Past?: Michael Jones, Reforming New Zealand Welfare: International Perspectives, Centre for Independent Studies, Sydney, 1997
by David Preston - 114-116 Australia’s Third Sphere of Government Brian Dollery and Neil Marshall (eds), Australian Local Government: Reform and Renewal, Macmillan Education Australia, Melbourne, 1997
by Chris Bell - 117-118 A Multidimensional Framework for Assessing CTC: Graeme Hodge, Contracting out Government Services: A Review of International Evidence, Montech Pty Ltd, Melbourne, 1996
by Stephen Rimmer - 119-121 East Asia’s Achilles Heel: Christopher Lingle, The Rise and Decline of the Asian Century: False Starts on the Path to the Global Millennium, Sirocco, Barcelona, 1997
by Eric Jones - 123-132 Power to the Artist: The False Promise of Moral Rights
by Daniel Clode
1997, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 399-406 The Quest for Quality in Universities
by Lewis Evans - 407-418 Perspectives on Growth: Implications for Asia, Australia and New Zealand
by Timothy M. Devinney & Stephen Kirchner - 419-432 Rapid Industrialisation in ASEAN: Some Analytical and Policy Lessons
by Hal Hill - 433-444 Light Rail in Sydney: Some Privatisation Lessons
by Gordon Mills - 445-453 Reforming Australian Local Government: Forced or Voluntary Amalgamations?
by Brian Dollery - 455-464 Improving Regulation of the Domestic Content of Australian Television
by Franco Papandrea - 465-474 The Rise of Judicial Activism in New Zealand
by James Allan - 475-485 The Equity Premium and the Government Cost of Capital: A Response to Neville Hathaway
by John Quiggin - 486-488 Rejoinder
by Neville Hathaway - 489-494 The Schick Report: Evaluating State Sector Reform in New Zealand: Allen Schick, The Spirit of Reform: Managing the New Zealand State Sector in a Time of Change, State Services Commission, Wellington, 1996
by Joe Wallis - 495-504 China’s Strategie Preferences: Alastair Iain Johnston, Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1995
by Eric Jones - 505-507 Taking the Short View: William Foster, Immigration and the Australian Economy (second edition), Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1996
by Harry Clarke - 508-510 Liberalism’s Moral Lacuna: Charles K. Rowley (ed.), The Political Economy of the Minimal State, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1996
by John Rogers - 511-512 New Approaches to Child Protection: Dorothy Scott and Di 0 ’Neil, Beyond Child Rescue: Developing Family-Centred Practice at St Luke’s, Allen & Unwin in association with the Institute of Public Affairs, Sydney, 1996
by Agnes-Mary Brooke - 513-514 Blaming the System: Graeme Hunt, Scandal at Cave Creek: A Shocking Failure in Public Accountability, Wellington Publications Ltd in association with the National Business Review, Auckland, 1996
by Mike Beverland - 515-517 Facts and Values, Science and Art: Peter Groenewegen (ed.), Economics and Ethics?, Routledge, London, 1996
by Charles Richardson - 518-520 Rent-seeking in the Sciences: Terence Kealey, The Economic Laws of Scientific Research, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1996
by Eric Jones - 521-528 The Alice Springs-Darwin Rail Line: National Development Project or Political Gesture?
by Keith Trace
1997, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 267-284 The Welfare State and the Good Society
by James Cox - 285-296 Setting the Reserve Bank’s Inflation Target: The New Zealand Debate
by Paul Dalziel - 297-307 Making Fiscal Policy Flexibly Independent of Government
by Nicholas Gruen - 309-315 Unbundling Australia’s Utility Regulation
by B. Stephen Labson - 317-327 Can Credit Unions Survive in Australia?
by Kevin Davis - 329-340 New Zealand’s First MMP Election
by Alan McRobie - 341-350 Complexity and the Law: Richard Epstein’s Profound Case for Simplicity: Richard Epstein, Simple Rules for a Complex World, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1995
by Suri Ratnapala - 351-364 The New Zealand Model of Economic Reform: A Review: Brian Silverstone, Alan Bollard and Ralph Lattimore (eds), A Study of Economic Reform: The Case of New Zealand, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1996; Lewis Evans, Arthur Grimes and Bryce Wilkinson with David Teece, ‘Economic Reform in New Zealand 1984-95: The Pursuit of Efficiency’, Journal of Economic Literature, Volume 34 (December 1996), pp. 1856-1902
by Winton Bates - 365-370 A Vision of Trans-Tasman Cooperation
by Roger Hallam - 371-378 Electronic Money and Regulatory Responses
by Stephen Rimmer & Ravi Prasad - 379-381 Not Filling the Gap: Stephen King and Rodney Maddock, Unlocking the Infrastructure: The Reform of Public Utilities in Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1996
by Robert Albon - 382-384 Competition and Monopoly in Public Utilities: Megan Richardson (ed.), Deregulation of Public Utilities: Current Issues and Perspectives, Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation, University of Melbourne, 1996
by Alan Moran - 385-387 Conservatives or Radicals?: Ernest Gellner, Anthropology and Politics: Revolutions in the Sacred Grove, Blackwell, Oxford, 1995
by Roger Sandall - 389-390 Correspondence
by Ross Parish - 391-396 Censorship and Maturity
by Michael Warby
1997, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 135-142 Reciprocity and Protectionism in Australia’s Trade Policy
by David Robertson - 143-154 Promoting Efficiency and Contestability in Australia’s Ports
by Keith Trace - 155-164 Privatisation and the Government Cost of Capital
by Neville Hathaway - 165-176 Options for Reforming Australia’s Indirect Taxes
by John Freebairn - 177-184 Economic Liberalisation and Manufacturing Productivity in Nepal
by Kishor Sharma - 185-196 The ‘New Economics’ of the Minimum: Wage? Evidence from New Zealand: David Card and Alan B. Krueger, Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1995
by Tim Maloney - 197-208 Irrational Expectations? John Quiggin’s Critique of Microeconomic Policy in Australia: John Quiggin, Great Expectations: Microeconomic Reform and Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1996
by Fred Gruen - 209-216 Measuring Economic Freedom and Assessing its Benefits: James Gwartney, Robert Lawson and Walter Block, Economic Freedom of the World, 1975-1995, The Fraser Institute, Vancouver, 1996
by David Henderson - 217-223 The Wik Decision: Judicial Activism or Conventional Ruling?
by Pamela O’Connor - 225-230 How Land Titling Promotes Prosperity in Developing Countries
by Ray Trewin - 231-236 Deadweight Loss and the Cost of Public Funds in Australia
by Harry Campbell - 237-240 In Search of the True Republic: Patrick O ’Brien, The People’s Case: Democratic and Anti-Democratic Ideas in Australia’s Constitutional Debate, Constitutional Press, Perth, 1996
by Rudolf Plehwe - 241-243 Anthropology on Trial: Chris Kenny, Women’s Business, Duffy & Snellgrove, Sydney, 1996
by Roger Sandall - 244-245 Eminence Green: Bob Brown and Peter Singer, The Greens, The Text Publishing Company, Melbourne, 1996
by Cathy Buchanan - 246-248 Japan, The West and The Rest: John P. Powelson, Centuries of Economic Endeavor: Parallel Paths in Japan and Europe and Their Contrast with the Third World, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1994
by Pierre van der Eng - 249-252 Correspondence
by Jill Walker & Luke Woodward - 253-258 Does Australia Really Need the ABC?
by Ross Jones - 259-263 Not Calling the Tune: Australian Taxpayer Subsidies to Parties’ Election Campaigns
by Ian Farrow
1997, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-14 Treating Australia’s Health Insurance System: Palliatives or Radical Surgery?
by Ross H. McLeod - 15-28 Prudential Regulation of the Financial System: A Functional Approach
by Warren P. Hogan & Ian G. Sharpe - 29-38 Patriotism and Politics in the Marketplace
by Rod Falvey - 39-50 Measuring Poverty and Income Inequality in Australia
by Peter Whiteford - 51-62 The Environment, Information and the Precautionary Principle
by Ian Wills - 63-76 Export-led Industrialisation, Employment and Equity: The Malaysian Case
by Prema-Chandra Athukorala & Jayant Menon - 77-82 The Media in the Marketplace: M. E. Beesley (ed.), Markets and the Media: Competition, Regulation and the Interests of Consumers, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, 1996
by Ross Jones - 83-88 A Welfare Ethos for a Free People?: David G. Green, From Welfare State to Civil Society: Towards Welfare that Works in New Zealand, New Zealand Business Roundtable, Wellington, 1996
by John Savage - 89-95 How Different Is The New South Africa?
by Brian Dollery - 96-100 Allocating Water Rights in New Zealand: The Role of Tradable Permits
by Susan Begg - 101-106 Repeal the Ban on Drugs in Sport for Fairer Contests and Reduced Health Risks
by Terry Black - 107-111 The Impact of New Zealand’s Employment Contracts Act: A Response to Rod Lingard
by Chris Eichbaum - 112-114 Rejoinder
by Rod Lingard - 115-117 Strengthening Crime Deterrence: Cathy Buchanan and Peter R. Hartley, Controlling Crime in New Zealand, New Zealand Business Roundtable, Wellington, 1996
by Joe Wallis