0000, Issue 1
- y::id:13 Inet-social network as a mean of modern communication: technologies and research methods
by Dmitry Shvetsov & Dmitrij Kononov & Valeriy Muromtsev & Nikita Ponomarev - y::id:14 Managing institute of the state in the context of innovation development
by Tatiana Yashkova - y::id:15 Personality and temperament as the personnel management basis
by Natalia Yarosh & Aleksandr Yarosh - y::id:16 Problems of legal regulation in conducting some investigative actions according to Russian criminal procedure
by Yana Zhdanova & Irina Krapchatova - y::id:17 Specifics of foreign criminal policy in regard to the economic affairs protection: the history and the status update on the issue
by Evgeny Smolyaninov - y::id:18 Guidelines for perfecting the draft federal law “On the state registration of real estateâ€
by Yaroslavna Klyuchnikova - y::id:19 Various forms of special knowledge when investigating iatrogenic crimes
by Marina Tuzlukova - y::id:32 Game in law as the factor of legal nihilism in Russia
by Lyudmila Glukhareva - y::id:33 The conceptualization of legal discourse towards normativity
by Karina Rekosh - y::id:34 Federalism as a basis of national unity of Russia
by Ekaterina Kalina - y::id:35 Political conflict of legal fundamentals of the USA state form
by Sergey Levchuk - y::id:36 Administrative-jurisdictional process: problems and prospects
by Valery Bezhanov - y::id:37 The activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation under the conditions of financial crisis
by Stanislav Timofeev - y::id:38 Financial and legal aspects of audit activities in the period of transition to the international standards on auditing
by Polina Vladimirova & Elena Knyazeva - y::id:39 The fauna as an object of law protection and of use according to the legislation of the Russian Federation
by Alexander Netsvetaev - y::id:40 Implementation of the principle of good faith in negotiations on concluding the contract
by Anna Milokhova - y::id:41 The legal nature of granting the right to use the intellectual performance results or the individualization means under simple partnership agreement
by Marina Andrianova - y::id:42 Legal mechanism of implementation of innovations in the business
by Natalia Kosyakova & Ekaterina Kilina - y::id:43 A contract with a foreign partner under the new rules
by Vladimir Bugorskiy - y::id:44 Legal protection of the family as the main direction in the implementation of state family policy concept of the Russian Federation till 2025
by Irina Vorobyova - y::id:45 The content and contract-making procedure peculiarities of labour contract with a teleworker
by Ivan Kossov - y::id:46 Liability for crimes against justice by legislation of Slovak Republic
by Irina Krapchatova & Alexander Seleznev - y::id:47 Does the international law lose its primacy in international intercourse?
by Stanislav Mráz - y::id:48 Specifics of realization of constitution rights of the underage to the freedom of creativity in the Russian Federation
by Daria Konstantinova - y::id:49 Grounds for forced liquidation of legal entities under the Russian Federation legislation
by Aik Sargsyan - y::id:50 Review on Entrepreneurial Law: the course book for academic baccalaureate / Ed. by N.I. Kosyakova. Moscow: Urayt, 2015. 402 p
by Olga Ruzakova - y::id:51 Muromtsev Readings: Law reform in modern Russia: the practice and prospects (Ð¥V International Scientific Conference)
by Tatyana Belova - y::id:92 New methodology for the formation of regulatory innovating
by Aleksandr Kashirin & Aleksander Semenov - y::id:93 Competitive positioning in the market of private medicine in crisis. Retail clinics
by Elena Tarasenko & Tatiana Ryzhkova - y::id:94 Regional assessment of living standards as a factor of economic access to food
by Nadezhda Grishakina & Anastasia Zaretskaya - y::id:95 The role of the headmaster in managing a school
by Anna Rajchel - y::id:96 Social design technology in the history and practice of contemporary Russia
by Mikhail Gelvanovsky - y::id:97 Agreement with the host government on NPP project
by Yulia Chernyakhovskaya & Yulia Cherevko - y::id:98 Application of projective techniques in marketing research
by Aleksey Marchenko - y::id:99 On the impact of Discovery Doctrine on the USA contemporary law
by Boris Antonov - y::id:100 System forming role of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Topical issues of the theory and practice
by Elena Bateeva & Aleksandra Piterskaya - y::id:101 The territorial scope of operation of international treaties
by Sayana Balkhaeva - y::id:102 Cyber attacks as a modern form for an act of aggression
by Stanislav Timoshkov - y::id:103 The bank deposit contract development in the Russian legislation
by Valentina Samoilova - y::id:104 Review of scientific trends and printed works in the Institute of Economics, Management and Law of RSUH in 2016
by Irina Pomortseva