July 2024, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 52434-52441 Evaluation of Cuff Pressure Behavior in Neonates During Mechanical Ventilation Using Endotracheal Microcuff Tubes- An In-Vitro Study on a Neonatal Lung Model
by Christina Böck & Martin Wald & Wanda Lauth
July 2024, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 51118-51124 Long-Term Active Surveillance for Patients with LowRisk Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Bulgaria
by Rumen Pandev & Paraskevas Pakataridis & Filippos Savvas Chelmis & Iliana Nefeli Sorotou & Munazza Khan & Radina Ivanova
July 2024, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 49612-49620 Insecticidal Activities of Croton hirtus Hér Stem Powder on Cowpea against Callosobruchus maculatus F
by Ogunsina OI & Omolayo A & Olusola AO - 49621-49628 Armagnac Extract Reduce Metabolic Disorders in Cafeteria Fed Rats
by Najim A J Al Awwadi & Makarim M Ali & Riyadh Kh Abdulah & Cédric Saucier & Nicholas Moore - 49629-49634 Causes, Identification & Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
by Tarit Kanti Ghosh - 49629-49652 Screening of Phytochemicals, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities Determination for the Plant Allium Sativum and Identification of Allicin from Fresh Garlic using ASAP Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe Technique with a Compact Mass Spectrometer
by Tee Yi En & Nabila Perveen & Naeem Hasan Khan - 49653-49660 The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Predictor of Distant Recurrence in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
by Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni & Claudia Carrada Torres & Marcus Valadão & Rodrigo Otavio Araujo & Anke Bergmann & Carlos Gil Ferreira - 49661-49671 Recreational and Rational use of Cannabis - A Review on Nutraceutical Potential, Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Perspectives of Cannabinoids
by Yeshwant Singh & Nitasha Thakur & Theertha Thykandy & Giridhar Bilagi & Tejaswini Sakkuru & Sudhir Tiwari & Pratima Srivastava - 49672-49673 A New Explanation of Nature of Cancer and Question of the Origin of Chordates
by AV Makrushin - 49674-49676 Error Correction Way
by YaÅŸar Bilge - 49677-49680 The Role of Weight Management on Metabolic Health and Well-Being - A Narrative Review
by Onur Oral & Pramila Thapa & Pinar Tatlibal & Mümtaz Enser - 49677-49683 Broad-Spectrum Anthelmintics for Colorectal Cancer - A Mini Review
by Hrishik Iqbal & Anusree Sarker & Ifrah Tahir & Abu Syed Md Mosaddek - 49684-49689 Clinical Features of the Integumentary System in Persons Living in the Vicinity of Uranium Tailings in Mountain Conditions
by Isupova AA - 49698-49701 Role of Modified Egg Membrane in Wound Healing
by Gagan Neravati & Ravi Kumar Chittoria & Bharat Prakash Reddy J - 49702-49705 Malignant Hyperthermia in Pediatric Patients - A Case Report of Successful Management
by Zi zhong Wang & Yi xin Wang & Chang Liu & Yang Cheng & Liu Xu - 49706-49709 Membranous form of Platelet-Rich Fibrin in the Therapy of Gingival Recession
by Lázaro Sarduy Bermúdez & Felisa Veitia Cabarrocas & Marysol RodrÃguez Felipe - 49710-49726 Good Idea on Preservatives and the Natural Preservatives and Meat Preservation Against the Foodborne Pathogens and the Spoilage Microorganisms
by Fahim A Shaltout - 49727-49731 Enhancing Healthcare Diagnostics and Medical Data Security Using AI and Blockchain Technology
by Lela Mirtskhulava & David Al-Dabass - 49732-49741 Gut Microbiota Modulation in Veterinary Medicine - Faecal Microbiota Transplantation as a New Frontier
by Umra Rasool & Luigi Bertolotti & Peter Thomson - 49750-49755 Host-Virus Interactions at Atomic Resolution
by Victor Padilla-Sanchez - 49756-49770 A Small WIN - A Case Series on Amniotic Grafting for Wound Healing and the importance of Good Standard of Care
by Chinmay Chauhan & Paul Fawson & Sanford H. Barsky & Jonathan A. Maxham DO & Mateusz Lapucha & Andrei Razsadin & Tarek F. Tawil - 49772-49774 Demand for Pharmaceuticals in Italy - Behavioral Insights and Policy Interventions to Address Antimicrobial Resistance and its Economic Costs
by Matteo Maria Cati - 49775-49785 The Circadian Rhythm Key Factor in the Evolution of the Biosphere
by Bruno Riccardi & Sergio Resta - 49786-49799 Empowering Endoscopy - Transforming Trainee Engagement and Aspirations through Targeted Education
by Daniyal Baig
July 2024, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 49409-49416 The Model of Health Portfolio Intelligence PI-Prognosis Intelligence
by N Loukeris - 49417-49428 Near-Term Hospital and Long-Term 5-Year Prognosis of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Relationship with Adherence to Therapy
by Nagaeva GA & Li VN & Rustamov BE & Mukhamedov MS & Ganiev RS & Narziev Kh S & Ismatov K Kh & Saidnazarov AM & Berdiev ZA & Zhuraliev M Zh & Mukhamedova MG - 49429-49433 Enhancing Agricultural Research Efficiency Through Scientific and Participatory Risk Analysis - A Case Study in the Aflatoxin Hazards
by Nviiri Geofrey & Kiggundu Muhammad - 49434-49438 Internal Sinus Lifting - Rational, Techniques & Complications
by Mohammed Samir Ramadan & Hala Abuel Ela & Mohamed Wagdy Bissar - 49439-49443 Clinical Research – The Best of 2023
by Alfredo San Martin - 49444-49446 Problem Decision Making in Healthcare - Human Decision or Artificial Intelligence Decision?
by Bellido-Casado J & Dufrechou-Negreira E & Munizio-Mello FF - 49447-49449 How Can Pharmacogenomics Be Used in UK Primary Care?
by Malav Bhimpuria - 49450-49456 Impact of COVID-19 on Inpatient Outcomes in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy - An Observational Nationwide Analysis
by Momin Shah & Abdulmajeed Alharbi & Clarissa Pena & Ayman Salih & Anas Alsughayer & Abed Jabr & Rahul Vyas & Rohit Vyas & Shahnaz Rehman & Ragheb Assaly & Hafsa Shah - 49457-49460 Investigation of Radiation Doses and Diagnostic Reference Level among the Patients with Abdominal Pains Undergoing X-ray Examinations
by B Samaila & A BellO - 49461-49466 The Use of Artificial Intelligence, Tai Chi and Qigong to Treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD
by Robert McGee - 49467-49469 Mechanisms of Hearing - Part Two
by Myjkowski Jan - 49473-49474 AgriTech Biosimilarity –The Restore of a Vanished Civilization
by Elena Viktorovna Drozdova - 49475-49491 Battle Against Drug Resistant Cancer Using Nanotechnology - Cellular and Molecular Mechanistic Pathways
by Swapan Maity & Dipesh Kumar Dubey & Pralay Maiti - 49498-49501 A New Approach to Massive Upper GI Bleeding - Challenging Decision Making about Jejunal Dieulafoys Lesion
by Mohammad Madadi Emamchai & Saba Rafraf - 49502-49514 Clinical Pharmacology of Aspirin
by Gian Maria Pacifici - 49515-49526 Comparative Effectiveness of Vaccination Strategies Against COVID-19. A Systematic Review
by Vincent Onuoha - 49527-49533 A Comprehensive Analysis of COVID-19 Mortality Epidemiological and Demographic Variations
by Murad Ali Khan - 49534-49536 A Scientific Approach Using Diagnostic Tools for the Pathogenesis Tailored Treatment of Parkinsons Disease
by Dong Hwan Ho & Ilhong Son - 49540-49545 Early Rehabilitation Program in Critical Patients - Effects on Length of Stay and Mortality. A Literature Review
by M Messina & GC Tonetti & S Voltolin & N Benitez - 49546-49552 Initial Experience with Norway Spruce Picea Abies Resin
by TÃmea Hevér - 49553-49560 Development of Composition of Glysotrical Gel and Evaluation of Quality Criteria
by Sevil Mehraliyeva - 49561-49570 Load-Aware and Priority Adaptive Traffic Congestion Control Method in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network
by Ermias Melku Tadesse & Samuel Asferaw Demilew - 49571-49579 Anterior Cruciate Ligament Revision Surgery - Patellar Tendon Graft with or Without Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction?
by Pellegrino M & Trinchese E & Bandinelli D & Trinchese AN & Cenci G - 49580-49585 Comparison of In-vitro Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations of the Commercially Available Local and Multinational Brands of Ceftriaxone and Ciprofloxacin in Pakistan
by Shakir Hussain & Moiz Ahmed Khan & Summaiya Zafar - 49586-49592 Leveraging AI and Big Data for Advancements in Biomedical Research
by Dimitrios Sargiotis - 49593-49597 Development of Silk Scaffolds for Newer Areas of Applications in Tissue Engineering
by N Gokarneshan & D Anita Rachel & U Ratna & M Sakthivel & J Lavanya & SH Ritti & B Sainath & C Kayalvizhi & C Premalatha & Sona M Anton & Z Shahanaz - 49598-49600 Navigating Education, Tolerance, Technology, and Advanced Human Health - A Comprehensive Perspective
by Mariyono Dwi - 49598-49600 Navigating Education, Tolerance, Technology, and Advanced Human Health - A Comprehensive Perspective
by Mariyono Dwi
July 2024, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 49184-49193 Association between Patients with Hypertension and Depression
by Gray Olvera Kevin Daniel & Gilberto Cruz Arteaga & Olivia Guadalupe Villanueva Martinez & Cristian Mercado Esquivel & Janet Fabiola Perez Medina & Infante Miranda Miriam Idalith & Daniela Leticia Castañón Sánchez & Hilda Sara Camarena Velázquez & Alejandra Rojo Coca & Carlos Juárez Valdés & Mirna Edith Jimenez Nuñez & Katya Barrera Espinoza & Claudia Moreno Garcia & Erandy Alejandra Lopez Toledo & Gutierrez Cruz Raul & Mario Alberto Huerta Manzano & MarÃa Cristina RodrÃguez Espinosa & Wendy Yoloxochitl Castro Espinosa & Pineda Gutierrez Monica Adriana & Jorge Alberto Cruz Vázquez & Molina López José Mauricio & Ismael Hernandez Javier & Gaspar Nava Ramirez & Arturo Andrade Sanchez - 49194-49201 Modeling Missile Trajectory and Impact Dynamics with 6 Degree of Freedom Equations of Motion in Virtual Reality Simulation
by Jeyadev Needhi & Deepan Kumar K & Vishnu G & Vignesh B - 49202-49205 The Zygote as the Theory of Essence first perfection According to Ibn Sina. A new preliminary philosophical and Genetic approach
by Zaabal Magdy Mohamed & Wahid Mohamed Ahmed - 49206-49223 Solar Alpha Particle Radiation Affects Human Psyche and Behavior – Examples of Mental and Behavioral Disorders Mortality in the European Union
by Nikolay Takuchev - 49224-49230 Surveillance Preparedness for COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases in New Zealand - Embracing Digital Health and Telemedicine in Vast and Isolated Territories
by Matteo Maria Cati - 49231-49238 Treatment of Human Diseases through Buck Wheat Nutrition
by Muhammad Arshad Ullah & Ali Hassan & Ameer Hamza - 49239-49240 E=i mc2 and M|E|I - New Spacetime Equivalence Principles
by Rudolf Klimek - 49241-49242 Improvement of Communication Strategies in Medical and Nursing Students in Critical Scenarios
by Raquel Caballero De la Calle - 49243-49247 Aging and Balance Control - Analyzing the Increased Attentional Demands – A Comprehensive Review
by Sachin Gupta & Deepika Singla - 49248-49256 The Hemodynamic Feature for Syndrome Diagnosis of Heart Failure
by Belkania GS & Konkov DG & Puchalska LG - 49256-49260 Towards an Allergic Solution for Seborrheic Dermatitis
by Bernard JL Sudan - 49261-49266 Iron Therapy-Refractory Iron Deficiency Anaemia in a Patient with Fibrolamellar Carcinoma of the Liver
by Jared Engelman & Stephen M Riordan - 49278-49283 Coronary Occlusion and Metabolic Heart Infarcts - Mg, Se, Si and Other Antioxidants
by Timo Töysä - 49283-49292 Scoping Review on Factors Associated with Continuity of Treatment among People Living with HIV in Nigeria
by Ojemeiri Karl Airaoje & Omotola Ogunbola & Funmi Falobi & AruayeAfeye Obada & Msughter Eric - 49293-49296 Biological Radiation Effects of Cellphones - A Short Review from Engineering Perspectives
by Muhammad H El-Saba - 49297-49305 Selecting Patients for Treatments Based on Modic Changes - The Need for Accurate and Standardised Reporting
by Michelle Kümin & Claire Scarborough & Yaron Berkowitz & Rajat Chowdhury & Matthew Scarborough - 49305-49311 Skull-Face Matching Based on Principal Component Distance of Anatomical Features
by Gong Huangkai & Wu Henderson & Wan Xinyi & Gu Zhongya & Ji Dafeng & Ma Zhongbin - 49312-49330 Combined Discrete Wavelet Transform and Machine Learning from Reflectance Spectra for Screening Types of Skin Cancer in Patients
by Y Zuntz & David Shemesh & David Abookasis & Sagit Meshulam Derazon & Dean D Ad-El - 49331-49341 A Decision Tree Model-Based Behavioral System for Injury Identification and Rehabilitation
by Imen Chebbi & Sarra Abidi & Leila Ben Ayed - 49342-49355 Adoption of a Common Currency in the Ecowas - What Trade Effect
by Abban Stanley - 49356-49360 Analysis of the Influence of the Covid- 19 Pandemic on Reported Malaria Cases in Brazilian Macroregions Between 2018 and 2022
by Bastos LF - 49356-49363 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Oncology - Transforming Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
by Adrián P Hunis - 49364-49370 The Root of the Problem - Cardiobacterium Hominis Endocarditis Complicated by an Aortic Root Abscess
by Momin Shah & Zachary Holtzapple & Abdulmajeed Alharbi & Zainab Zahra & Rohit Vyas & Omar Sajdeya & Hafsa Shah & Robert Grande - 49371-49376 Effects of Flavonoid-Rich Extract of Buchholzia Coriacea Leaf on Streptozotocin-Induced Changes in Rats
by Fakoya A & Orole R T & Akingbemila A A & Elekan A O & Okoh E F & Olusola A O - 49377-49385 System of Follow-up Evaluation Indicators for Postoperative Patients After Aortic Dissection - A Delphi and Mixed-Methods Study
by Donglian Zheng & Shuping Guo & Shuangdui Ji & Fuzhen Ma & Yujing Zhang - 49386-49388 Interaction of Chain Reaction in the Air with Pigmented Surfaces
by Fedotov VG - 49389-49392 Peritonitis Source Control
by Plamen Chernopolsky & V Bozhkov - 49407-49408 Bone Marrow Involvement by Visceral Leishmaniasis
by Anwarul Islam
July 2024, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 49079-49083 H2O Health - Lowering Waterborne Disease Related Risk
by Sarvananda L & Amal D Premarathna - 49084-49088 Revisionof Structure of -Hortoisoishwarane from Hortonia angustifolia via Density Functional Theory Calculations
by Shashikumar K Paknikar & Rukmal Ratnayake & Poul Erik Hansen - 49089-49091 Pulmonary Metastases from a Uterine Smooth Muscle Tumor of Uncertain Malignant Potential (STUMP) - A Case Report
by Shigeru Abe & Shiomi Ushida & Satoshi Ichigo & Hiroshi Takagi & Atsushi Imai & Keisuke Kawashima & Takuya Mikamo & Tsutomu Marui & Toshio Kasugai - 49092-49095 Palliative Benefits of Treatment of Advanced Urothelial Cancer with A Progesterone Receptor Antagonist
by Jerome H Check & Diane L Check BS & Brooke A Neumann DO - 49092-49095 Gemcitabine Based Chemotherpy and Maintenance with Thalidomide in Untreated Patients with Mycosis Fungoide
by Agustin Aviles & Sergio Cleto - 49161-49073 Stroke Secondary to Giant Cell Arteritis in an Moroccan Population-Based Cohort of 40 Patients With Giant Cell Arteritis and Literature Review
by Oumerzouk Jawad & Cherkaoui Rhazouani Oussama - 49174-49178 Photodynamic Therapy in Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases - A New Insight
by G Kamala & R Divya Lakshmi & K B Roshni & Neetha J Shetty
June 2024, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 48952-48955 Nutrition for Healthy Body and Mind
by Duygu Ilke Yildirim - 48956-48960 Osteomyelitis Near the Site of Attachment of the Patellar Tendon to the Tibia Presumably Caused by Cellulitis
by Naoto Iura & Takatomo Mine & Momoko Nakamura & Ryota Sotomaru & Michio Shinohara & Ryutaro Kuriyama & Tetsu Tsubone & Koichiro Ihara & Yuhki Dohi - 48961-48981 Beyond Exploratory Data - Using Cluster Detection Tests to Pinpoint Malaria Hotspots in Nigeria
by Oyamakin SO - 48982-48997 Optimization of UPLC Method for Quantification of Molnupiravir - Stationary Phase, Mobile Phase, Organic Modifier, and Flow Rate Considerations
by Jaya P Ambhore & Vaibhav S Adhao - 48998-49001 The Impact of Wearable Resistance on Youth Soccer Players Linear Speed
by William Steffen - 48998-49001 Evidence of Rapid Fusion in a Two Level ACDF Patient Using OssDsign Catalyst® Bone Graft Substitute
by S Sadrameli & R Archer & SM Czop - 49002-49009 Assessment of Cardiac Oxidative Status of Diabetic Wistar Rats Exposed to Methanol Fraction of Ethanol Extract of Dialium Guineense Stem Bark
by Abu OD & Umar AB & Ekperusi SE & Ohikhuare F - 49010-49013 Acute Toxicity Study of Ethanol Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus Leaves in Wistar Albino Rats
by Abu OD & Okolie N P & Ekperusi S E & Marcel L I - 49010-49020 Investing in Public Health to Boost Economic Growth - A Narrative Review from the Perspective of Some South Asian Countries
by Kashfi Pandi & Tazul Islam & Iffat Tasnim Haque & Hamida Khanum - 49021-49025 The Economic Impact of Long COVID in Italy - An Analysis Up to 2024 and Beyond
by Matteo Maria Cati - 49026-49028 An Uncommon Case of Primary Breast Lymphoma
by Abderrahim Siati & Mohamed Dehayni - 49036-49043 Non-Markov Processes and Analytical Expressions of Markov Chains of Biomaterials
by Orchidea Maria Lecian - 49044-49055 Anti-Inflammatory Dose of Aspirin Plus Low-Dose Warfarin in Addition to Hydroxyurea May be the Optimal Treatment Regimen of Leg Ulcers in Sickle Cell Diseases
by Mehmet Rami Helvaci & Alper Sevinc & Celaletdin Camci & Mutlu Cihan Daglioglu & Hulya Halici & Cigdem Sen & Abdulrazak Abyad & Lesley Pocock - 49068-49072 A Case Report of Feline Sporotrichosis
by Paolo Ruggero Errante - 49073-49078 Digital Transformation in Healthcare Management
by Elena Doval & Oriana Helena Negulescu
June 2024, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 48695-48697 Metabolic syndrome, exercise and Gut Microbioma - Possible Correlation
by Carmine Finelli & Simone Dal Sasso - 48705-48710 The Power of Clear Communication: Health Literacy and Randomized Controlled Trials of Infection Control Measures in Italy Linked to the Recent Surge of Pertussis and Measles Cases
by Matteo Maria Cati - 48711-48721 Effect of Dihydromyricetin on Psoriasis: In vitro and Vivo
by Rao Li & Manyun Mao & Xingchen Zhou & Wangqing Chen & Wu Zhu - 48722-48723 Unravelling the Enigma - A Case Study of Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia Detected by Liver Ultrasonography
by Nayab Mustansar & Gen Attique ur Rehman Sulehria & Col Yasser Khan & Maj Rizwan Rafi & Aniqa Shahzad & Nazakat Ullah Khan - 48724-48726 Errors in the Assumptions of Bekesys Traveling Wave Theory
by Jan Myjkowski - 48724-48735 Single Cell Protein for Secrecy of Animal and Vegetal Protein Demand
by Samira Meza-Ruiz & Juan Manuel Sánchez-Yáñez - 48736-48742 Does Social Safety Nets Program Improve Food Security Status of Households?
by Ashagidigbi Waheed M & Fale Oluwasomiji O & Tejidini Salaudeen A & Michael Ugbedeojo M - 48743-48753 Paneth Cells - Development, Morphology, Function and Clinical Importance
by Mukaddes Esrefoglu - 48754-48763 The Essence of Communication, Charm and Mystery of Wave Motion
by Bruno Riccardi - 48764-48772 Effect of Methanol Extract of Anchomanes Difformis on Gentamicin Induced Nephrotoxicity in Wistar Rats
by Emeka Godwin Anaduakaa & Eleazar Chukwuemeka Anoruea & Merit Amarachukwu Ezea & Kingsely Chijioke Anekea & Placida Nwabuogo Uliaha & Precious Chinyere Ubakaa & Izuchukwu Marcel Asogwaa - 48773-48775 Building Structures of Viruses and Beyond
by Victor Padilla Sanchez - 48776-48784 Using Tai Chi, Qigong and Chinese Herbs to Reduce Cholesterol - A Study Incorporating Artificial Intelligence
by Robert W McGee - 48785-48787 Methotrexate Involving Drug-Drug Interaction Causing Myelosuppression - A Case Report
by Dervershi Trivedi & Jinkal Mistry & Nirali Kayastha & Harikrishna Thulaseedheran & Bansari Parikh & Shuchi Shukla & Jayesh Trivedi - 48789-48795 Could it be Lymphoma - Our Diagnostic Algorithm?
by Maria Cholakova & Nikolay Mihnev & Ivan Staikov - 48794-48822 Bladder Cancers
by Guy Lesec & Seth P Lerner & David J Mc Conkey & Katherine A Hoadley & Keith S Chan & William Y Kim & François Radvanyi & Mattias Hoglund & Francisco X Real - 48822-48827 Bladder Cancers
by Guy Lesec & Seth P Lerner & David J Mc Conkey & Katherine A Hoadley & Keith S Chan & William Y Kim & François Radvanyi & Mattias Hoglund & Francisco X Real - 48828-48834 Training for Primary Care Nursing Staff on Dispensarization in Phase Three
by Surany RodrÃguez Cabrera & Milayda Martin Pérez & Juan Carlos Mirabal Requena - 48835-48857 The Biodesign-Inspired Clinical Translational Applications Towards the Implementation of Biomarkers into Clinical Practice
by Sergey Suchkov & Alan Wu & Shawn Murphy & Roger D Kamm & David Smith & Holland Cheng & Sabina Passamonte & Lidiya Kadyrova & Philip D Cotter - 48858-48865 Future Exploration Using Photobiomodulation as a Treatment for Military Working Dogs
by Reginald B. O’Hara & Jasmine M. Hayes & Zach M. LaMacchia & Nicole Rowley & Jacob R. Croft - 48873-48880 Older Adult with Colorectal Cancer in the Community, Strategy Design for Self-Care
by Belkis Alvarez Escobar1 & Juan Carlos Mirabal Requena & José Alejandro Concepción Pacheco & Javier Cruz RodrÃguez & Daysi Viera Hernández & Deyvis Luisa Bequer Palmer & Tamara López Betharte - 48873-48885 Study Water and Soil Management on Physiology Properties of Potato in Iran
by Hamid Kheyrodin - 48881-48894 Machine Learning for Enhanced Heat Transfer - LMT-ABPNN Modeling of Hybrid Nanofluid Flow on a Vertical Plate
by Imran Abbas - 48895-48903 Using the Microperimeter to Guide Searching Eye Movements in the Presence of a Central Scotoma
by Villani Gianfrancesco M & Nalini Yuri & Morales Marco U & Küster Stephan - 48914-48928 The Level of Social Intelligence and its Relation with Professional Competencies of School Principals in Jordan
by Ibrahim Ali Al Baher - 48934-48938 Management of Perforated Hopeless Tooth with Absorbable Gelatin Sponge
by Ebtehal M Serran & Amal F Almekhlafi & Mohammed Mansoor Ali Albadani - 48939-48944 Incorporating Tai Chi and Artificial Intelligence into a Medical Practice to Treat Dizziness and Vertigo
by Robert W McGee - 48950-48951 Impact of Physiotherapy Interventions on Physiological Biomarkers in Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
by Nigel Gonsalves & Tushar J Palekar & Anurag Rawat
June 2024, Volume 56, Issue 5
- 48467-48472 OssDsign Catalyst® Bone Graft Performance in a ThreeLevel Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion XLIF®
by KB Strenge & R Archer & SM Czop - 48551-48558 Evaluation of a Biodegradable Synthetic Matrix for Lateral Ankle Ligament Surgical Repair Augmentation - An Open Label Controlled Multicenter Retrospective Review
by Ryan T Scott & Jesse F Doty & Terrence M Philbin & Christopher F Hyer & Mark A Prissel & Patrick E Bull & Bryan G Vopat & Gregory C Berlet - 48559-48565 Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Healthcare Workers towards COVID-19 - A Cross-Sectional Study in the Ashanti Region, Ghana
by Abena Serwaa Ofosu & Neltjie Christina van Wyk & Melitah Molatelo Rasweswe - 48566-48571 Examination on Updating the Life of Mechanical Product in Transportation Arranged in Quantum-Ferried Life Protype and Sample Size
by Seongwoo Woo & Song-Jung Kim - 48572-48588 Advances in the Study of the Effects of Anesthetics on the Neural Circuit of the Brain
by Shi-Feng Wang & Jin-Lin Mei & Le-Chen Shen & Qiu-Xia Xiao & Liu-Lin Xiong - 48589-48600 GC-MS Analysis of Terpenoids Extracted from Buchholzia Coriacea Seed Displayed Inhibitory Potentials Against Sars Spike Protein Receptor Binding Pocket
by Fakoya A & Ogunlade O A & Olusola A O - 48601-48604 Lung Diseases, Pathology of Inflammation, Covid-19 Infection, Cytokine Strom and Therapeutic Targets
by Rajiv Kumar - 48605-48608 Do We Really Need Lie Scales to Detect Faking on SelfReport Measures?
by Walter P Vispoel & Murat Kilinc & Wei S Schneider - 48609-48621 Clinical Pharmacology of Diclofenac
by Gian Maria Pacifici - 48622-48629 Bladder Cancer Diary - A Necessary Clinical Tool for Management of Bladder Cancer Patients
by Noman Ali Ghazanfar & Faisal Ghafoor & Faisal Ghafoor & Yasin Faseeh Ur Rehman & Muhammad Zain Nayyer & Muhammad Shahzad Anwar - 48630-48634 The Initiation of Neonatal Deafness Screening by the Pediatric Team at the Neonatology Department of Marrakech University Hospital Experience and Challenges
by O Assem & F Bennaoui & A Lalaoui & K Abi Al Alaa & F Tahiri & N El Idrissi Slitine & FMR Maoulainine & A Raji - 48635-48638 Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma - Retrospective Case Study of a 19-Year-Old Male at a Kentucky Rural Clinic
by Radwa Clarissa Omar & Zaher Iskandarani - 48639-48643 Beneficial Health Effects of the Combined Application of the Qi Quant BRIGHT Energy Plate and the Qi Quant Regeneration Plate 3.0
by Peter C Dartsch - 48644-48646 The Aggrandized Cavalcade Columnar Cell Hyperplasia
by Anubha Bajaj - 48647-48655 Using Chinese Herbal Medicine to Treat Cancer Patients - A Study Incorporating Artificial Intelligence
by Robert W McGee - 48656-48662 The Usage of FIKR Facet, Insight, Knowledge and Resilience Personality Assessment Tool for Biomedical Personnels - A Literature Review and Synthesis
by Chee Kong Yap & Chee Seng Leow & Wing Sum Vincent Leong - 48663-48670 Creating an Integrated Cybersecurity Plan for a Healthcare System
by Cheryl Ann Alexander & Lidong Wang - 48671-48675 Legal Considerations on Personal Information Protection Systems that Use Blockchain
by Kouya Takara - 48676-48684 Biochemical and Biomedical Implications of NonIonizing Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure
by Buhari Samaila - 48685-48690 Alzheimers Disease - An Overview Study
by Munira Abdulsayid & Eman Z Younis - 48691-48694 Differentiation of Cardialgia
by Bon EI & Otlivanchik N I
May 2024, Volume 56, Issue 5
- 48429-48438 Solar Alpha Particle Radiation Increases Human Mortality – An Example from the Malignant Melanoma Mortality in the Europe and Mediterranean
by Nikolay Takuchev - 48439-48446 Morbidity and Mortality of Open and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Males. Multicenter Study
by Julio Cesar Garduño-Sánchez & Tayde Teresa ValdésGonzález & Andrés Sánchez-Mercader & Héctor Bizueto-Rosas & Juan de Dios Pérez-Reyna & Melanie Segoviano-Sandoval & Bárbara Daniela Castro-Luna & Noelly Noemà Bizueto-Blancas & Carlos Arturo MartÃnez-MartÃnez & Mauricio Israel Flores-Pazos & Juda Raquel Hernández-Salvador & Luis Prudencio Valeriano-Torres - 48447-48451 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer – A Case of the Bazex
by Carles Escriu & Timothy Cook - 48452-48455 The Biology of the Facultative Halophyte Atriplex patula L
by Richard Stalter & Robert I Lonard - 48456-48466 Radiofrequency Ablation Sacroiliac Joint Pain
by Tariq Malik & Micheal Rotko & Steven Le & Bhavana Nangunuri & Christian Wirawan - 48473-48472 Years with Mr. Liewe S. Anema: Personal and Profession
by Semuel Leunufna - 48534-48541 Understanding Nursing Retention - A Study on Nurses’ Perceptions Towards Work Efficiency, Workload, and Burnout
by Chua Wei Yu & Seah Jing Yan & Yong Jung Hahn & Lau Meng Er & Yanika Kowitlawkul - 48542-48550 Medical Support in the Selectively Integrated Returns Intelligent Optimization System – SEIRIOS
by Nikolaos Loukeris
May 2024, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 48211-48217 Prevalence and Outcomes of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections Among Infants in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Care Institution
by Ekene Agatha Emeka & Chika Ifeoma Ofiaeli & Akabuogu Uchechi Williams & Akwiwu-Uzoma Chidozie Valentine & Esther Ngozi Umeadi & Sylvia Tochukwu Echendu & Emeka Stephen Edokwe & Kenechi Ogbodo Nnamani & Arinze Anthony Onwuegbuna & Hyacinth Tochukwu Eze & Onyeka Chukwudalu Ekwebene & Ngozichukwu Gertrude Uzoewulu & Chidinma Theresa Ezidiegwu & Kingsley Chidiebere Nwaogu & Johnbosco Emmanuel Mamah & George Uchenna Eleje - 48211-48218 Evaluation of the Interventions for the Management of Breast Cancer Among Women in Nigeria: A Narrative Review
by Kingsley Chibueze Amaefule & Onyedika Jude Adike & Chibuzor Festa Madu & Vivian Chiamaka Nwankwo & Golibe Roy Makata & Ebere-Bank Delete Tuaka & Arinze Anthony Onwuegbuna & Onyeka Chukwudalu Ekwebene & Emeka Stephen Edokwe & Eric Chukwudi Ihekwoaba & Chinaza Michael Egbobe & Chidinma Theresa Ezidiegwu & Solomon Maduka Ariom & Obinna Kenneth Nnabuchi & Chinaza Michael Egbobe & Onyecherelam Monday Ogelle & Hyacinth Tochukwu Eze & Ngozichukwu Gertrude Uzoewulu & Kingsley Chidiebere Nwaogu & Kenneth Chukwudi Eze & Ekene Agatha Emeka & Johnbosco Emmanuel Mamah - 48218-48222 Novel Spectrophotometric Determination of Isopropamide Iodide in Pharmaceutical Formulations and Environmental Wastewater Samples: Application to Content Uniformity Testing
by Nief Rahman Ahmad & Ghfran naif rahman - 48223-48231 Neuron Regeneration After Intracerebral Haemorrhage by Transplantation of the Oligodendrocyte Progenitors Derived from Neural Stem Cells
by Rui Chen & ZeTao WU & XiaoYan ZHANG & Hao LYU & XiaoJia LIU & Yi HE & JianMing WU & Raxida Umar - 48232-48239 Predicting the Body Weight of Indigenous Sheep from Linear Body Measurement Traits Using Classification and Regression Tree Data Mining Algorithm
by Kefelegn Kebede & Ashenafi Getachew Megersa & Mesfin Asaminew - 48240-48247 Ultrastructure of the Mitochondrial Membrane and Respiratory Ensembles
by Bon E I & Maksimovich N Ye & Ostrovskaya O B & Vishnevskaya EI - 48248-48269 Frequency of Urinary Tract Infection in Females with Preterm Labor
by Aysha Afzal Qureshi & Anam Tassadaq & Saira Iqbal & Tayyaba kanwal & Shilpa Agne & Sara Aslam & Afifa Saghir Khan - 48270-48274 Autism Spectrum Disorder An Update
by Michael Mikhail & Lara Kanber Agha & Kristina Hobby & Lourdes Illa-Sanchez & Ashraf Mikhail - 48275-48277 Sarcopenia in Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as Risk Factor
by Carmine Finelli & Simone Dal Sasso - 48278-48282 Hormonal Characteristics of Patients with Arterial Hypertension with Various Tumors of the Adrenal Glands
by Urmanova Yu M & Alieva D A & Khudaybergenov Sh A & Khaydarova R T & Min Ji Kim - 48283-48289 Life and Work Satisfaction in Literature from 2020 to 2024
by MarÃa del Rosario Molina González & MarÃa Luisa Quintero Soto & Rosa MarÃa Rincón Ornelas & Cruz GarcÃa Lirios & MarÃa Teresa Gaxiola Sánchez & MarÃa de Jesús Camargo Pacheco & Rafael Campoy Mendoza & Marco Antonio Velderrain RodrÃguez & Gilberto Bermúdez Ruiz & Arturo Sánchez Sanchez & Javier Carreón Guillen - 48290-48303 Evaluating the Effects of Deficit Irrigation and Mulch Type on Yield and Water Productivity of Tomato in Fogera, Ethiopia
by Belachew Muche Mekonen - 48304-48310 Boerhavia Diffusa Linn - Unravelling the Medicinal Tapestry from Ayurvedic Traditions to Modern Science
by Siraj Ahmed & Jithendar Reddy Mandhadi & Adbul hadi Umam & Digbijoy Nath & Manjit Mishra & T Chandra Shekar - 48311-48316 Drug use Evaluation on Magnesium Sulfate use in Obstetrics Wards - the Case of Ras Desta Damtew Memorial Hospital 2023 GC
by Duresa Endalew & Eden Habte & Teshome Hundie & Yitbarek Hailu & Yitbarek Zeleke - 48317-48326 Structural Fiber Mesh Reinforcement of a Polymeric Heart Valve - Improving Valve Durability and Leaflet Closure Effectiveness
by Peter J. Choi & Hugo Zazueta & John A. Acevedo & Philip Park - 48327-48333 Effect of Diluting Epoxy Resin with Vegetable Oils on Mechanical and Adhesive Properties of Epoxypolymer Biocomposites
by D Starokadomsky & P.Pluzhnik & M Reshetnyk - 48334-48335 The Urban Environment and Non-Communicable Diseases NCDs
by Abena Boahemaa Adusei - 48336-48339 Lactic Acid, Magnesium, Metformin and Lactic Acidosis
by Timo Töysä - 48340-48349 Love Addiction - I Can t be with You, I Can t be without You. Psychological Aspects and Clinicals Intervention
by Letteria Tomasello & Miriana Ranno - 48350-48352 Borderline Aspects of Biomedicine
by Stanislav V Ordin - 48353-48366 Veterinary Vaccines- Harmonization of Veterinary Vaccines Monographs of Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP)
by M Kalaivani & Anshita Sinha & Prachi Pathak & Anubhuti Goyal & Rajeev Singh Raghuvanshi - 48380-48386 Systematization of the Types of Adaptations Requested in Pedestrian Routes - Human Strategies in Sport, Tourism and other Critical Situations
by Catarina Fernando & João Prudente & Helder Lopes & António Vicente - 48388-48401 Acidic and Basic Proteins from Spider Latrodectus Pallidus Venom that Induce Formation of Non-Bilayer Phase and Increase Proton Capacity in Model Myelin Membranes Feature High Sequence Homology to Isoforms of Myelin Basic Protein - Pharmacological Relevance
by Anwaar S Chaudary & João Prudente & Yanglin Guo & Edward S Gasanoff - 48402-48405 Generalization of the Law of Wave Refraction at the Interface of Mobile Environments
by Glushchenko AG & Glushchenko VA & Glushchenko AA - 48406-48411 Educating to Generate Self-Learning
by Georgina del Pilar Delijorge González & Martha Patricia de la Rosa Basurto & Martha Patricia Delijorge Gonzalez & Blanca Gabriela Pulido Cervantes & Luz Patricia Falcón Reyes & Christian S Franco Trejo & José Ricardo Gómez Bañuelos & Jesús Rivas Gutiérrez - 48412-48415 Alzheimer s Disease - Nanotherapeutics
by Rajiv Kumar - 48416-48421 Polymorphisms of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor AHR Gene in a China Population - Associated with Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome
by Hao Liu & Fu Sheng Cai & Ming Chuan Ba & Zhen Gao & Zi Ce Su & Lin Guo & Min Fei Li & Pei Yuan Xu & Hong Zhe Zhang & Li Jun Li & Shi An Huang & Ling pin Pang & Wen Wen & Peng Luo - 48422-48428 Prevalence of Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Associated Factors in Medical Students - A Review and Analysis
by Pham Tuong Van & Le Nhat Quang
May 2024, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 48052-48057 Intracoronary Streptokinase for Acute Anterior STEMI with a Superimposed Thrombus. 12 Months Follow up
by Haytham Emara - 48058-48067 Unraveling the Mystique- Augmented Insights into Stem Cell Biology and Nanogenomic Engineering
by Dito Anurogo - 48068-48071 GATA Transcription Factors in Hematological System
by Wilairat Leeanansaksiri & Chavaboon Dechsukhum - 48072-48087 Acupuncture for the Treatment of Male Infertility- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
by Zi’an Zhou & Fei Wang & Shuai Zhao & Bin Guo - 48088-48089 New Significant Remarks on Bekesy’s Theory of Hearing
by Jan Myjkowski - 48088-48091 Grossly Abnormal Trephine (Core) Biopsy Specimen Obtained from a Patient with Multiple Myeloma
by Anwarul Islam - 48100-48106 Comparison of Shaping Ability of ProTaper Next and WaveOneGold File Systems in Curved Resin Blocks – An In-Vitro Experimental Study
by Bibi Fatima & Robia Ghafoor & Farhan Raza Khan - 48107-48111 Networks of Violence in Literature from 2019 to 2024
by MarÃa del Rosario Molina González & Cruz GarcÃa Lirios & MarÃa Teresa Gaxiola Sánchez & MarÃa Teresa Gaxiola Sánchez & MarÃa de Jesús Camargo Pacheco & Rafael Campoy Mendoza & Marco Antonio Velderrain RodrÃguez - 48112-48123 Impact of Land Use on Manganese Distribution in Selected Soils Under Different Land Uses
by Oluwafemi Royal Aliu - 48124-48127 Convolutional Neural Networks for Enhancing Clinical Decision-Making
by Kiran Sree Pokkuluri & SSSN Usha Devi N - 48128-48129 Role of Lipid Management in Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Improving Prognosis
by Pradeep Kumar Dabla - 48130-48132 Hygienic Features of Production of Organic Plant Food Products and Control of them by Supervisor Authorities in Russia
by VV Zakrevskii & Podorvanov AA - 48133-48144 Association Between Frequency of Major Amputations and the Occlusive Pattern of Peripheral Arterial Disease
by Lao Gómez M & Luna Carménate A & Cabrera Zamora JL & Aldama Figueroa A