Report NEP-EEC-2014-08-28
This is the archive for NEP-EEC, a report on new working papers in the area of European Economics. Giuseppe Marotta issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-EEC
The following items were announced in this report:
- Hans Geeroms & Pawel Karbownik, 2014. "A Monetary Union requires a Banking Union," Bruges European Economic Policy Briefings 33, European Economic Studies Department, College of Europe.
- Akçay, Belgin, 2013. "Avro Bölgesi Borç Krizi: GIIPS," EY International Congress on Economics I (EYC2013), October 24-25, 2013, Ankara, Turkey 203, Ekonomik Yaklasim Association.
- Jonung, Lars, 2014. "The Swedish Experience of Fiscal Reform: Lessons for Portugal," Working Papers 2014:27, Lund University, Department of Economics.
- Schock, Matthias, 2014. "Do Eurozone yield spreads predict recessions?," Hannover Economic Papers (HEP) dp-532, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
- Timo Baas, 2014. "Estonia and the European Monetary Union – Are there Benefi ts from a “Late” Accession?," Ruhr Economic Papers 0489, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universität Dortmund, Universität Duisburg-Essen.
- Tomanova, Lucie, 2013. "Exchange Rate Volatility and the Foreign Trade in CEEC," EY International Congress on Economics I (EYC2013), October 24-25, 2013, Ankara, Turkey 267, Ekonomik Yaklasim Association.
- Bletzinger, Tilman & Wieland, Volker, 2013. "Estimating the European Central Bank's "Extended Period of Time"," IMFS Working Paper Series 74, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS).