- 42 Brexit and Trade: Between Facts and Irrelevance
by Phedon Nicolaides & Thibault Roy - 41 30 Years of the Single European Market
by Stefano Micossi - 40 SME Financing in the EU: Moving beyond one-size-fits-all
by Markus Demary & Joanna Hornik & Gibran Watfe - 39 A New Settlement for the UK: A “Leap in the Dark”
by Phedon Nicolaides & Roxana Nedelescu (née Sandu) & Joanna Hornik & Gibran Watfe & Gil Stein - 38 The New Deal with the United Kingdom: the Downside of Flexibility
by Phedon Nicolaides & Roxana Nedelescu (née Sandu) & Joanna Hornik & Gibran Watfe
- 37 System Costs of Variable Renewable Energy in the European Union
by Thibault Roy - 36 The Challenges of the EU Banking Union - will it succeed in dealing with the next financial crisis?
by Ida-Maria Weirsøe Fallesen - 35 The Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank (2002-2015)
by Stefano Micossi
- 34 Designing a Genuine EMU: Which “Unions” for EU and Eurozone?
by Jacques Pelkmans - 33 A Monetary Union requires a Banking Union
by Hans Geeroms & Pawel Karbownik - 32 Towards a Banking Union: Open issues. A report
by Christian de Boissieu
- 31 Economics of Policy Errors and Learning in the European Union
by Phedon Nicolaides - 30 Is Independence Possible in an Interdependent World? Scotland vs. the UK's Participation in the European Economy
by Andrew Hughes Hallett - 29 European Integration and Europeanisation: Benefits and Disadvantages for Business
by Joanna Dreger & Aimé Heene - 28 Is Withdrawal from the European Union a Manageable Option? A Review of Economic and Legal Complexities
by Phedon Nicolaides - 27 A Contribution to The Study of Global Competition for Talent: the determinants of student mobility and its consequences for the inter- nationalization of the labor market
by Marcel Gérard & Mélanie Voin - 26 Financial Engineering Instruments and their Assessment Under EU State Aid Rules
by Phedon Nicolaides
- 25 The Economics of Single Market Regulation
by Jacques Pelkmans - 24 Why Is Sovereign Debt Restructuring a Challenge? The Case of Greece
by Joanna Dreger - 23 Coltan from Central Africa, International Trade and Implications for Any Certification
by Raimund Bleischwitz & Monika Dittrich & Chiara Pierdicca
- 22 Single eComms Market? No Such Thing..
by Jacques Pelkmans & Andrea Renda - 21 The Financial Crisis and the Future of the Eurozone
by Paul De Grauwe
- 19 The Policy Framework for the Promotion of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Europe: A Critical Assessment
by Raimund Bleischwitz & Nicolas Bader
- 18 How Social is European Integration?
by Jacques Pelkmans - 17 The Sustainability Impact of the EU Emissions Trading System on the European Industry
by Raimund Bleischwitz & Katrin Fuhrmann & Elias Huchler - 16 Services in European Policies
by Luis Rubalcaba
- 15 European Industrial Policy
by Jacques Pelkmans - 14 Has the European ICT Sector A Chance To Be Competitive
by Godefroy Dang Nguyen & C. Genthon - 13 Testing for Subsidiarity
by Jacques Pelkmans
- 12 La gestion de la transition vers la monnaie unique et l'établissement de la crédibilité de l'euro
by Jean-Claude Trichet - 11 Does the European Union Create the Foundations of an Information Society for All?
by Godefroy Dang Nguyen & Maya Jollès - 10 A 'Triple-I' Strategy for the Future of Europe
by Raimund Bleischwitz
- 9 The Turkish Banking Sector, Challenges and Outlook in Transition to EU Membership
by Alfred Steinherr & Ali Tukel & Murat Ucer - 8 The Economics of EU Railway Reform
by Jacques Pelkmans & Loris di Pietrantonio - 7 Sustainable Development and Collective Learning: Theory and a European Case Study
by Raimund Bleischwitz & Michael Latsch & Kristian Snorre Andersen - 6 Can Europe Deliver Growth? The Sapir Report and Beyond
by Jacques Pelkmans & Jean-Pierre Casey
- 5 Efficient Taxation of Multi-national Enterprises in the European Union
by Stefano Micossi & Paola Parascandolo & Barbara Triberti - 4 EU Enlargement: External Economic Implications
by Jacques Pelkmans & Jean-Pierre Casey - 3 Mutual Recognition, Unemployment and the Welfare State
by Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa
- 2 Mutual Recognition in Goods and Services:an Economic Perspective
by Jacques Pelkmans - 1 Economic Implications of Enlargement
by Jacques Pelkmans