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/ / Y3: Book Reviews
/ / / Y30: Book Reviews
- Alexander W. Craig, 2024. "Freedom in context: A review essay of The Dialectics of Liberty," The Review of Austrian Economics, Springer;Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, vol. 37(2), pages 213-224, June.
- Lauren K. Hall, 2024. "Family, equality, and public and private distribution: a review essay of Melinda Cooper’s family values," The Review of Austrian Economics, Springer;Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, vol. 37(3), pages 323-331, September.
- Sever Avram & Eric Gilder, 2024. "New Times, New Knowledge, and Finding the ‘NorthStar’ of Success in a Changing World of Learning," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 01-11, March.
- Ioan Diaconu & Vlad Ichim & Irina Ioniță Croitoru & Carmen Gabriela Lăzăreanu & Bogdan Pirvu, 2024. "Prozac-propelled Postmodern Poetry, Partly (II)," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 12-24, March.
- Oana-Andreea Neagu, 2024. "Depressive and Anxiety Disorders in Adolescents. A Psycho-spiritual Approach and Statistical Contextualization," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 25-38, March.
- Oana-Andreea Neagu, 2024. "Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Adolescents. Contemporary Psycho-spiritual and Therapeutic Values," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 39-54, March.
- Antonio Sandu, 2024. "The Place of the Intellectual in the Contemporary World. An Opinion on the Issue Addressed in the Novel „Mic Dejun la Café de Flore†[Breakfast at Café de Flore] Authored by Elena Adriana Dobrino," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 55-59, March.
- Oana-Andreea Neagu, 2024. "Review of the Volume “Depresia între știință și credință†[Depression between science and faith] by Petronela Polixenia Nistor," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 60-65, March.
- Marius Cucu & Oana Lența, 2024. "The New Heideggerian Humanism," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1sup1), pages 1-15, November.
- Adrian Neculai Lăcătuș, 2024. "The Human Life and Dignity in a Trans-humanist Context," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1sup1), pages 16-36, November.
- Adrian Neculai Lăcătuș, 2024. "Is Barbarism the Specific Essence of the Human Kind?," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1sup1), pages 37-49, November.
- Constantin Manolache, 2024. "History of Biology in the Moldovan SSR (1947-1991): Chronological Dimension," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1sup1), pages 50-71, November.
- Petronela Polixenia Nistor & Oana-Andreea Neagu, 2024. "Social Work and Psychoeducational Markers Regarding University Education for Students with Disabilities," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1sup1), pages 72-86, November.
- Petronela Polixenia Nistor & Cristina Carmen Achiței, 2024. "The Cultural Importance of Integrating Socially Assisted Vulnerable Groups within Society – The Case of the Roma Community," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1sup1), pages 87-103, November.
- Horn Karen, 2023. "Für eine menschenwürdige Ordnung: Walter Eucken in seinen Briefen und in einer ersten Biographie," Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, De Gruyter, vol. 24(3), pages 302-304, September.
- Cesar Poveda, 2023. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Commercially Developed Appraisal Instruments (CDAIs) Using Composite Indices to Assess, Compare, and Rank the Liveability, Quality of Living and Sustainability Performa," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 1-18.
- Cesar A. Poveda, 2023. "The Criticality of Using Frameworks Designed by Consensus (FDC) to Identify and Select Criteria and Indicators to Assess Sustainability Performance of Cities and Communities," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 19-33.
- Gabriel Yahya Haage, 2023. "Creating a Stakeholder Table, Identifying Hidden Stakeholders, and Exploring Relational Interventions for the Bayano Region of Panama," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 34-45.
- Stephen Quilley, 2023. "A Complete Act: Conservatism, Distributism and the Pattern Language for Sustainability," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 46-59.
- Håvard Haugstvedt, 2023. "A Flying Reign of Terror? The Who, Where, When, What, and How of Non-state Actors and Armed Drones," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 19(1), pages 1-7.
- Yaser Khalaileh, 2023. "Accommodating Artificial Intelligence in International Law: An Overview and New Frontier," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 19(1), pages 22-31.
- Intan Innayatun Soeparna, 2023. "Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Towards Sustainable Human Security," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 19(1), pages 32-41.
- Harrison Kwame Golo & Prize McApreko & Lawrence Quarshie, 2023. "Electoral Violence and Human Security in Ghana: A Case of Odododiodio Constituency of the Greater Accra Region," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 19(1), pages 42-52.
- Muhammad Makki & Aleena Khalid Sandhu, 2023. "Post-conflict Rehabilitation: Understanding the Role of Civil-Military Cooperation in Supporting Child Protection Units (CPUs) in Newly Merged Districts (NMDs), Pakistan," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 19(1), pages 53-62.
- Michał Czuba & Rafał Muster, 2023. "A Policy Aimed at Social Security of the Precariat. Polish Experiences and Challenges from Social and Economic Perspective," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 19(1), pages 8-21.
- Marius Cucu & Oana Lenţa, 2023. "Hegelian Dialectical Interpretation of Plato’s Moral Philosophy," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(3), pages 01-14, December.
- Petronela Polixenia Nistor, 2023. "Moral and Philosophical-Social Values in the Book of the Prophet Amos - Highlights for Contemporary Social Work," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(3), pages 15-31, December.
- Petronela Polixenia Nistor, 2023. "Social-Philosophical Perspectives on Loneliness in Postmodern Society Correlated to the Problem Of Credibility in Spiritual Interpersonal Communication - Aspects of Interest in the Prevention Of Lonel," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(3), pages 32-45, December.
- Cristina Carmen Achiței & Petronela Polixenia Nistor, 2023. "The Cultural Structure of Society and the Role of Communication in Forming Cultural Identity – Relevant Aspects for Social Work," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(3), pages 46-57, December.
- Loredana Terec-Vlad, 2023. "Bioethical Perspectives in the Matter of Medically Assisted Reproduction - The Surrogacy Situation," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(3), pages 58-64, December.
- Iuliu-Marius Morariu, 2023. "Nichifor Crainic – A New and Updated Perspective," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(3), pages 65-68, December.
- Manuel P. Mezger, 2022. "J. C. De Swaan: Seeking virtue in finance—contributing to society in a conflicted industry," Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Springer;Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, vol. 36(4), pages 533-535, December.
- Christopher J Orr & Katie Kish, 2022. "Sustainability Transformations: Emerging Pathways Toward Safe and Just Futures for People and the Planet," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 1-2.
- Shaun Sellers, 2022. "Capital Sequestration: Degrowth through Investing in Community-Led Transformations of Provisioning Systems," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 23-33.
- Mojgan Chapariha, 2022. "Systems Dynamics Model of SDGs: A Case Study of Iran," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 3-22.
- Gareth Gransaull & Evelyn Anita Austin & Guy Brodsky & Shadiya Aidid & Truzaar Dordi, 2022. "The Future of Divestment: Proliferations of Counter-Hegemonic and Post-Extractive Divestment Movements," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 34-46.
- Brett Dolter & Madeleine Seatle & Madeleine McPherson, 2022. "When the Sun Sets on Net Metering: How the Cancellation of Net Metering Impacted the Potential Adoption of Residential Rooftop Solar Photovoltaics in Regina, Saskatchewan," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 47-76.
- Louis Maximilian Ronalter & Camila Fabrício Poltronieri & Mateus Cecilio Gerolamo & Merce Bernardo, 2022. "A Conceptual Research on the Contribution of Integrated Management Systems to the Circular Economy," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(2), pages 1-18.
- David O'Byrne, 2022. "An Approach to Justifying Normative Arguments in Sustainability Science, with Insights from the Philosophy of Science and Social Theory," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(2), pages 19-28.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2022. "Editorial vol. 18 (2022)," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(1), pages 1-4.
- Luca Guido Valla, 2022. "Citizens’ Perceptions of Security Issues: New and Old Actors in the National Security Framework," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(1), pages 18-28.
- José Rafael Tovar Cuevas & Juan David Díaz Mutis & Sandra Balanta Cobo & Luis Miguel Tovar Cuevas, 2022. "Measuring HS in Small, Vulnerable Municipalities: A Quantitative Approach," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(1), pages 29-48.
- Suyani Indriastuti & Abubakar Eby Hara & Himawan Bayu Patriadi & Agus Trihartono & Bagus Sigit Sunarko, 2022. "Health versus Economic Security: An Ambivalence of Anti-Tobacco Norm Internalisation in Indonesia," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(1), pages 5-17.
- Ingrid Nyborg & Shweta Singh & Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, 2022. "Re-thinking Violence, Everyday and (In)Security: Feminist/Intersectional Interventions," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(2), pages 1-5.
- Kari Margrethe Osland & Maria Gilen Røysamb, 2022. "Patterns of Similarities and Differences in Post-Conflict Community-Oriented Policing—A Matter of Trust," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(2), pages 23-34.
- Heidi Riley & Hanna Ketola & Punam Yadav, 2022. "Gender, Populism and Collective Identity: a Feminist Analysis of the Maoist Movement in Nepal," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(2), pages 35-46.
- Edme Dominguez Reyes & Cirila Quintero Ramirez & Cristina Scheibe Wolff, 2022. "Anti-gender Populism in Latin America: The Cases of Mexico and Brazil," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(2), pages 47-58.
- Abda Khalid & Ingrid Nyborg, 2022. "Gendering Community Policing and Role of Information Communication Technology: A Case Study of Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 18(2), pages 6-22.
- Şahin Akdağ & Burak Demir & Zöhre Serttaş, 2022. "A Study on the Examination of the Teaching Problems Experienced in Distance Education during the Covid 19 Pandemic," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 6(1), pages 01-14, October.
- Burak Demir & Ali Tatar, 2022. "The Relationship Between Future Perception Tendency and Sustainable Consumption Behaviors," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 6(1), pages 15-34, October.
- Jaya Mrinalini & H.B. Patel, 2022. "Online Education in Covid-19 Pandemic: A Thematic Case Study of Secondary Grade Tribal Students from India," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 6(1), pages 35-44, October.
- Loredana Terec-Vlad, 2022. "Aspects Regarding Cooperation within the European Union – Learning Integration through Art 87 of the TFEU," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 6(1), pages 45-53, October.
- Alexandru Trifu, 2022. "Consumption, Veblen and Teleology," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 6(1), pages 54-62, October.
- Jean-Pierre Clero, 2022. "Metaphors Shaping Modern Architecture in Interwar Romania. Mental models and architectural discourse," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(2), pages 1-40, December.
- Valentin Popescu, 2022. "“If I Were Told the Experience of Medical and Surgical Resuscitation...†The Resuscitation Notebooks of Benoît Misset. The Ethical Powers of Writing," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(2), pages 41-68, December.
- Bogdan Popoveniuc, 2022. "Book review on "Cafenele filosofice LUMEN", volume 1, edited by Antonio SANDU & Bogdan POPOVENIUC, LUMEN Publishing, 2023," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Filosofie si Stiinte umaniste/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(2), pages 69-72, December.
- Tidhar Lev, 2022. "Who is Afraid of Generation Z? The Intergenerational Gap Affecting the World of Work Post-COVID-19 Era," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 1-17, September.
- Georgiana Oprescu & Ana Rodica Staiculescu, 2022. "The Place and Role of Triple Biography Research (Family, Professional and Migration) in the Typology of Tourists in Romania," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 18-28, September.
- Oana Olariu, 2022. "Critical Thinking as Dynamic Shield against Media Deception. Exploring Connections between the Analytical Mind and Detecting Disinformation Techniques and Logical Fallacies in Journalistic Production," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 29-57, September.
- Elena Petrica & Georgeta Pânişoară, 2022. "The Relationship between the Level of Self-Esteem, Cooperative Learning and Anxiety in Group Tasks in the Pandemic Context," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 58-67, September.
- Andrew Nyongesa & Maurice Simbili, 2022. "The Modern State and “Death of god†: Absurdity and Chaos in Ibuse’s Black Rain," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 68-83, September.
- Antonio Sandu, 2022. "Transgenerational Genogram Analysis," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 84-87, September.
- Catalina Neculau, 2022. "Review of the Volume „ Dante, Freud and DalÃ: what they might have in common? Psychoanalytic Reflections on Dante’s Inferno†, author: Marius Dumitrescu, Lumen Publishing, 2022," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 11(1), pages 88-95, September.
- Johannes Karreth, 2022. "Anjali Kaushlesh Dayal. 2021. Incredible commitments: How UN peacekeeping failures shape peace processes (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)," The Review of International Organizations, Springer, vol. 17(3), pages 657-661, July.
- Reviewed by: Bashir Hizam Mahdi, 2021. "Review of A Book: Ali Mohammad Nour “Jurisprudence of Appreciation in Calculating Zakat: An applied study of the Investigation and Approximation Methodology in the Zakat of Joint Stock Companies”. مرا," Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, King Abdulaziz University, Islamic Economics Institute., vol. 34(3), pages 217-231, October.
- Caxton Gitonga Kaua & Thuita Thenya & Jane Mutune Mutheu, 2021. "Analyzing Effects Of Climate Variability In The Nexus Of Informal Microfinance Institutions: A Case Study Of Tharaka South Subcounty, Kenya," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 1-15.
- Esmat Heydari & Mahnaz Solhi & leila Janani & Mahdi Farzadkia, 2021. "Determinants of Sustainability in Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste: Application of Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM)," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 16-27.
- Bjoke Carron & Bart Muys & Jos Van Orshoven & Hans Leinfelder, 2021. "Landscape Design to Meet the Societal Demand for Ecosystem Services: A Perspective," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 28-44.
- Emmanuel Kwame Nti & Camillus Abawiera Wongnaa & Nana Sampson E. Edusah & Dadson Awunyo-Vitor & Vasco Baffour Kyei, 2021. "Towards Financial Sustainability: Beneficiaries’ Perception and Performance of Community Water Supply Services in Ghana," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 45-58.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2021. "Editorial Volume 17," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 1-3.
- John Morrissey, 2021. "Planetary Precarity and ‘More-Than-Human Security’: The Securitization Challenge in the Aftermath of COVID-19," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 15-22.
- Ardli Johan Kusuma & Firman Firman & Ahmad Harakan & M. Chairil Akbar Setiawan & Dodi Faedlulloh & Komang Jaka Ferdian, 2021. "Responding to the Humanitarian Crisis of the Rohingya in Myanmar: A Comparison between the Role of State and NGOs," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 23-34.
- Dorota Domalewska & Małgorzata Gawlik-Kobylińska & Phuong Hoang Yen & Rebecca K. Webb & Nakonthep Thiparasuparat, 2021. "On Safe Space in Education: A Polish-Vietnamese Comparative Study," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 35-45.
- Arry Bainus & Wawan Budi Darmawan & Dina Yulianti & Luthfi Hamzah Husin, 2021. "Between Fear and Survival: Human Security Issues in Citarum River Basin, Indonesia," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 4-14.
- Marta Sara Stempień, 2021. "The Role of Women and Girls in the Eyes of Islamic State: A Content Analysis of Dabiq and Rumiyah Magazines," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 46-56.
- Brandy Cochrane & Lotte Wolff, 2021. "Theorising Mothers’ Everyday Security in the Context of Irregular Migration," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 57-65.
- Anna Magdalena Kosińska, 2021. "Legal Responses in the Area of Migration Security after 2015 Migration Crisis in Italy, Germany and Poland. Whose Security Does National Law Protect: Migrants or Citizens?," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 66-79.
- Edyta Bombiak, 2021. "Young Employee Security During the COVID-19 Pandemic—Polish Case Study," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 80-90.
- Theresa A. Ammann & Tamara A. Kool, 2021. "A Systematic Literature Review of Gendered Human Security Approaches," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 17(1), pages 91-105.
- Maria Belea, 2021. "Self-Efficacy and Optimism as Mediators of Perceived Stress in Adolescence," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 5(1), pages 01-11, August.
- Editha-Margareta Coșarbă & Camelia-Nadia Bran, 2021. "A Finding Study of Teachers Perspectives about Self-Education," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 5(1), pages 12-20, August.
- Luka PongraÄ ić & Ana Maria Marinac, 2021. "Cross-Curricular Topics of Contemporary Curricula in the Lower Grades of Primary School in the Republic of Croatia," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 5(1), pages 21-37, August.
- Iulian-Ciprian Bertea, 2021. "Developing a Competency-Based Model in Relation to the Training Needs of Adult Learners," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 5(1), pages 38-54, August.
- Nevena Jevtić Trifunović, 2021. "Power-Hungry Characters in Serbian Comedy," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 5(1), pages 55-61, August.
- Bisera Jevtić & Danijela Milošević, 2021. "The Importance of the Inclusion of Intercultural Diversity," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 5(1), pages 62-69, August.
- Geta Mitrea, 2021. "Disease as a Social Phenomenon. Social Pathology in Institutionalized People," Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Sociale/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Social Sciences, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 10(1), pages 55-61, December.
- Monica Roman & Liliana-Olivia Lucaciu, 2021. "Variable Selection and Data Quality Challenges in Impact Assessments," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 01-20, September.
- Iuliu Marius Morariu, 2021. "Church and the War. The Vision of the Orthodox Monk Nicola Velimirović about World War I," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 113-124, September.
- Ruslana Presner & Nataliia Tsolyk & Oleksandra Vanivska & Ivan Bakhov & Roksolana Povoroznyuk & Svitlana Sukharieva, 2021. "Cognitive and Semiotic Model of Translation," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 125-142, September.
- Iryna Savelchuk & Daria Bybyk & Mariia Zhytynska & Inna Ivzhenko & Oksana Mikheiva & Tetiana Kunytsia, 2021. "Trends in the Development of Social Work: Postmodern Ideas and Prospects," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 143-154, September.
- Oleksandr Yashchyk & Valentyna Shevchenko & Viktoriia Kiptenko & Oleksandra Razumova & Iryna Khilchevska & Maryna Yermolaieva, 2021. "The Impact of Informatization of Society on the Labor Market," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 155-167, September.
- Olga Vladimirovna Yezhova & Nikolay Anisimov & Kalina Pashkevich & Ihor Androshchuk & Olena Mishchenko, 2021. "Professionally Important Qualities of the Specialists in Design, Technology, and Service in the Postmodern Society," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 21-44, September.
- Yuliia Horiashchenko & Iryna Taranenko & Svitlana Yaremenko & Valentyna Shevchenko & Tetiana Mishustina & Inna Klimova, 2021. "Integrated System of Enterprises' Innovative Development Management Under the Conditions of Post-Fordism," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 45-60, September.
- Ludmila Кondratska & Liudmila Romanovska & Tetiana Kravchyna & Nataliia Korolova & Kateryna Oliynyk, 2021. "Bioethics as an Anthropological Challenge," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 61-75, September.
- Yuliia Lebid & Valentina Sinelnikova & Tetana Pistunova & Veronika Tormakhova & Alla Popova & Oksana Sinenko, 2021. "Organization оf Qualitative Education of Music Students in the Conditions of Distance Education," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 76-93, September.
- Anna Valer’yevna Markeeva, 2021. "Conceptualizing and Key Development Factors of the Sharing Economy in Contemporary Environment," Postmodern Openings, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 12(3Sup1), pages 94-112, September.
- Samuel Pooley, 2021. "Book Review: The New Enclosure: The Appropriation of Public Land in Neoliberal Britain," Review of Radical Political Economics, Union for Radical Political Economics, vol. 53(1), pages 212-214, March.
- Adrian-Nicolae Dan, 2020. "Cristina Ilie Goga, Eugenia Udangiu, Sociologie juridică. Note de curs [Sociology of law. Course notes], Craiova, Sitech, Publishing House, 2020, 190 pp., ISBN: 978-606-11-7390-7," Sociology and Social Work Review, International Society for projects in Education and Research, vol. 4(1), pages 66-67, June.
- Campanella, Edoardo, 2020. "Los asesinos invisibles," El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, vol. 87(347), pages 877-885, julio-sep.
- Cordera, Rolando, 2020. "La "revolución de los ricos: bajo la tormenta"," El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, vol. 87(347), pages 887-896, julio-sep.
- Yanes, Pablo, 2020. "Crítica de las políticas neoliberales y de su fundamento teórico: pensar fuera de la caja," El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, vol. 87(348), pages 1259-1266, octubre-d.
- MarÃa E. Sánchez & Sonia I. Mariño, 2020. "Procedimientos de gestión documental. Una revisión preliminar de la literatura," Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo, Servicios Académicos Intercontinentales SL. Hasta 31/12/2022, issue 118, apryl.
- Angela Ambrosino & Paolo Silvestri, 2020. "Hodgson: An Institution Across Disciplinary Barriers," Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Torino (Italy), vol. 54(2), pages 329-348, December.
- Mark Koyama, 2020. "A review essay on The European Guilds," The Review of Austrian Economics, Springer;Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, vol. 33(1), pages 277-287, March.
- Todd L. Cherry & Hanne Sæle, 2020. "Residential Photovoltaic Systems in Norway: Household Knowledge, Preferences and Willingness to Pay," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 8(1), pages 1-16.
- Roland Ebel, 2020. "Are Small Farms Sustainable by Nature?—Review of an Ongoing Misunderstanding in Agroecology," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 8(1), pages 17-29.
- Oliver Gerald Schrot & Hanna Krimm & Thomas Schinko, 2020. "Enabling Early Career Sustainability Researchers to Conduct Transdisciplinary Research: Insights from Austria," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 8(1), pages 30-42.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2020. "Editorial 2020," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(1), pages 1-2.
- Anne Speckhard & Molly Ellenberg & Haider Shaghati & Neima Izadi, 2020. "Hypertargeting Facebook Profiles Vulnerable to ISIS Recruitment with “Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter Narrative Video Clips” in Multiple Facebook Campaigns," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(1), pages 16-29.
- Annelie Holgersson & Annika Eklund & Lina Gyllencreutz & Britt-Inger Saveman, 2020. "Emergency Medical Response in Mass Casualty Tunnel Incidents—with Emphasis on Prehospital Care," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(1), pages 3-15.
- Cameron David Carlson & Troy J Bouffard & Dana Woodward, 2020. "Exploring a Nexus of National and Human Security: Food and Energy Challenges in the U.S. Arctic," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(1), pages 30-40.
- Radosław Korneć, 2020. "Ecological Security of Communities in Polish Cities," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(1), pages 41-50.
- Paul Bellamy, 2020. "Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(1), pages 51-52.
- Colin David Butler, 2020. "Plagues, Pandemics, Health Security, and the War on Nature," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(1), pages 53-57.
- Stanislaw Jarmoszko, 2020. "Human Security in Anthropology of Security Perspective: A Re-conceptualisation Attempt," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(1), pages 58-70.
- Ingrid Nyborg & Daniel Juddson Lohmann, 2020. "Emerging Perspectives on Post-Conflict Police-Community Relations II," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 1-8.
- Jaishankar Ganapathy & Tor Damkaas & Alf Halvar Naesje, 2020. "A Bird’s-Eye View from the Field—How a Police Experts Network Can Be an Important Link in Facilitating Sustainable Community-Oriented Policing in Post-Conflict Contexts," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 111-133.
- Ingrid L.P. Nyborg & Bahadar Nawab, 2020. "Civil Security in the Wake of Crisis—Renegotiating Police-Community Relations in Post-Crisis Development in Swat, Pakistan," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 134-148.
- Shai Andre Divon, 2020. "Police, Policing, and the Community: Community Policing in Theory and Practice in Gulu, Uganda," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 149-164.
- John-Andrew McNeish & Arturo Matute & Erika Rojas Ospina & Hugo Frühling, 2020. "Comparative Reflections on Community-Oriented Policing (COP) in Post-Conflict Central America," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 165-178.
- Jaishankar Ganapathy & Ajmal Nimruzi & Shakirullah Dawar, 2020. "Fragile Future: Youth Insecurities and Their Relations with Police in Afghanistan and Pakistan," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 179-204.
- Ingvild Magnæs Gjelsvik, 2020. "Police Reform and Community Policing in Kenya: The Bumpy Road from Policy to Practice," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 19-30.
- A. Heather Coyne & Ingrid Nyborg, 2020. "Pushing on a String? An Argument for Civil Society-driven Community Policing as Alternative to Ministry-centric Approach in Conflict-affected States," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 31-43.
- Stian Lid & Clifford Collins Omondi Okwany, 2020. "Protecting the Citizenry—or an Instrument for Surveillance? The Development of Community-oriented Policing in Kenya," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 44-54.
- Qasim Ali Shah & Bahadar Nawab & Ingrid Nyborg & Noor Elahi, 2020. "The Narrative of Militancy: A Case Study of Swat, Pakistan," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 55-65.
- Fabienne Lieveke Rie Coenders, 2020. "Growing Up in Post-Conflict Kosovo: Youth’s Insecurities and Their Attitudes Towards Police," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 66-81.
- Shai André Divon & Arthur Owor, 2020. "Aguu: From Acholi Post War Street Youth and Children to ‘Criminal Gangs’ in Modern Day Gulu City, Uganda," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 82-96.
- Stig Jarle Hansen, 2020. "Striving for the Impossible? Policing and Territoriality in the Age of the War on Terror," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 9-18.
- Arturo Matute, 2020. "Possibilities of Advancing Police Reform in Guatemala through Community -Oriented Policing," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 16(2), pages 97-110.
- Getrude C. Ah Gang Grace, 2020. "Psychological Strengths Contributing to Rural Student’s Academic Performance in Kadazandusun," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 01-19, December.
- Cristian Adascalitei, 2020. "An Integrative Approach to Vocational Identity and of the Prevention of School Adaptation Difficulties," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 20-27, December.
- Clementina Alexandra Mihăilescu, 2020. "Transforming the Possible into Action in Colson Whitehead’s Novel “The Intuitionistâ€," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 28-43, December.
- Antonio Sandu & Polixenia Nistor, 2020. "Individual versus Social in Psycho-Sociology. The Social Construction of Reality," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 44-49, December.
- Antonio Sandu & Polixenia Nistor, 2020. "The Dynamic Perspective versus the Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective in Counselling," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 50-59, December.
- Gabriel R. Suciu, 2020. "Diving Deep into the Bottom of the Soul. Two Journeys into the Worlds of NLP and PCP," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 60-71, December.
- Venera-Mihaela Cojocariu, 2020. "Pedagogical Approaches To Intercultural Competence Development," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 72-77, December.
- Dumitrita Florea, 2020. "Review of the Volume †Solutionarea diplomatica a diferendelor in dreptul international fluvial†[Diplomatic Settlement of Disputes in International River Law], Author: Dan Alexandru Guna, Lumen Pub," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 78-81, December.
- Adriana Laura Milea, 2020. "Review of the Volume †Homo Hodie. Conceptele care ne controlează de secole†[Homo Hodie. Concepts that have Controlled Us for Centuries], Author: Dragos Obreja, Lumen Publishing House, 2019," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 82-85, December.
- Loredana Terec-Vlad, 2020. "Review of the Book “Elemente de comunicare simbolica†[Elements of Symbolic Communication], Author: Andreea Raluca Purcaru, Lumen Publishing House, 2017," Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, Editura Lumen, vol. 4(2), pages 86-88, December.
- Simona Maria Stănescu, 2020. "Book review: Preoteasa A. M., Multiple facets of precarious work in Romania,Bucharest: ProUniversitaria Publishing House, 2018, ISBN 978-606-26-0883-5," Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Pro Global Science Association, vol. 18(2), pages 86-88, December.
- Bok Gyo Jeong, 2020. "Eric Bidet and Jacques Defourny (Eds.): Social Enterprise in Asia: Theory, Models and Practice," Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises, vol. 9(2), pages 66-70.
- Mirela Anghel, 2019. "Cristina Ilie Goga, Alexandra Porumbescu, Ionuț Șerban, Andreea Mihaela Niță, Radu Cristian Petcu, Gianmarco Cifaldi (eds.) Second Edition of the Forum on Studies of Society. Chieti- Pescara. Conferen," Sociology and Social Work Review, International Society for projects in Education and Research, vol. 3(1), pages 59-61, June.
- Fabrizio Fornari, 2019. "Mariateresa Gammone, Gianmarco Cifaldi, Ionut Virgil Serban, Il Regime Detentivo Speciale. Una Riflessione Comparativa. The Special Detention Regime. A Comparative Reflection, Bucharest, Pro Universit," Sociology and Social Work Review, International Society for projects in Education and Research, vol. 3(2), pages 78-80, December.
- Peter J. Boettke, 2019. "The Allure and Tragedy of Ideological Blinders Left, Right, and Center: A Review Essay of Nancy MacLean’sDemocracy in Chains☆," Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, in: Including a Symposium on Ludwig Lachmann, volume 37, pages 123-147, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira, 2019. "Sustainability Challenges in an Urban Century: Can We Change Urbanization Paths to Make Cities the Solutions for Rather than the Drivers of Global Problems?," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 7(1), pages 1-4.
- Bob van der Zwaan & Francesco Dalla Longa & Helena de Boer & Francis Johnson & Oliver Johnson & Marieke van Klaveren & Jessanne Mastop & Mbeo Ogeya & Mariëlle Rietkerk & Koen Straver & Hannah Wanjiru, 2019. "An Expert Elicitation of Public Acceptance of Renewable Energy in Kenya," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 7(1), pages 30-39.
- Tavis Potts, 2019. "A Review of 'Green Growth: Ideology, Political Economy and the Alternatives'," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 7(1), pages 5-6.
- Lea Rekow, 2019. "Socio-Ecological Implications of Soy in the Brazilian Cerrado," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 7(1), pages 7-29.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2019. "Editorial 2019," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 15(1), pages 1-5.
- Rafael Duarte Villa & Marília Carolina Souza Pimenta, 2019. "Violent non-State Actors and New Forms of Governance: Exploring the Colombian and Venezuelan Border Zone," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 15(1), pages 6-18.
- Ingrid Nyborg, 2019. "Emerging Perspectives on Post-Conflict Police-Community Relations," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 15(2), pages 1-6.
- Tahir Maqsood & Sajjad A. Madani & Bahadar Nawab & Shakir Ullah & Ingrid Nyborg, 2019. "Role of ICT in Community-Oriented Policing in South Asia: Challenges and Opportunities," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 15(2), pages 21-40.
- Nawab Bahadar & Shakir Ullah & Ingrid Nyborg & Tahir Maqsood, 2019. "Community-Oriented Policing: Political, Institutional and Technical Reforms in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Police," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 15(2), pages 41-53.
- Ingrid L.P. Nyborg & Jaishankar Ganapathy & Ajmal Nimruzi, 2019. "From Guns to Roses: Understanding Community-Oriented Policing in Afghanistan," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 15(2), pages 54-69.
- John-Andrew McNeish & Skarlleth Martinez Prado & Hugo Frühling Ehrlich, 2019. "Community-Based Policing in Nicaragua: Do the Claims of Communitarian, Proactive and Preventative Hold True?," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 15(2), pages 7-20.
- Erika Julieta Rojas Ospina, 2019. "The Gendered Nature of Security in El Salvador: Challenges for Community-Oriented Policing," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 15(2), pages 70-84.
- Marshall Reinsdorf, 2019. "The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis edited by Emili Grifell-Tatjé, Knox Lovell and Robin Sickles: A Review Article," International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, vol. 37, pages 156-161, Fall.
- Michael Borowski, 2019. "Economic ethics according to Luther: towards a dialogue between economics and theology," International Review of Economics, Springer;Happiness Economics and Interpersonal Relations (HEIRS), vol. 66(3), pages 265-276, September.
- Rositsa Chobanova & Shteryo Nozharov, 2018. "Economic problems and solutions from the scientific conferences in Bulgaria," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 117-133,134.
- Bożena Sowa, 2018. "Monograph review," Junior Scientific Researcher, SC Research Publishing SRL, vol. 4(2), pages 1-4, November.
- Ariane Krause & Johann Köppel, 2018. "A Multi-Criteria Approach for Assessing the Sustainability of Small-Scale Cooking and Sanitation Technologies," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 6(1), pages 1-19.
- Jeanette Silvin Blumroeder & Peter Ralph Hobson & Uli Frank Graebener & Joerg-Andreas Krueger & Denis Dobrynin & Natalya Burova & Irina Amosa & Susanne Winter & Pierre Leonhard Ibisch, 2018. "Towards the Evaluation of the Ecological Effectiveness of the Principles, Criteria and Indicators (PCI) of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): Case study in the Arkhangelsk Region in the Russian Fed," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 6(1), pages 20-51.
- Kyoko Takahashi & Shogo Kudo & Eigo Tateishi & Norikazu Furukawa & Joakim Nordqvist & Doreen Ingosan Allasiw, 2018. "Identifying Context-Specific Categories for Visualizing Livability of Cities—a Case Study of Malmö," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 6(1), pages 52-64.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2018. "Editorial Volume 14," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 14(1), pages 1-4.
- Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira, 2018. "A Review of ‘Human Insecurities in Southeast Asia’," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 14(1), pages 11-12.
- Jason Christensen, 2018. "Refugees & Violent Group Grievance," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 14(1), pages 13-23.
- Alexander K. Lautensach, 2018. "Migrants Meet Europeans," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 14(1), pages 24-31.
- Carter Vance, 2018. "“Food Security” versus Cash Transfers: Comparative Analysis of Social Security Approaches in India and Brazil," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 14(1), pages 5-10.
- R. M. Nizhegorodtsev., 2018. "The logic of a systemic paradigm in economics," VOPROSY ECONOMIKI, N.P. Redaktsiya zhurnala "Voprosy Economiki", vol. 8.
- Sara Arab, 2018. "Book review – Arturo Escobar. Encountering development: the making and unmaking of the third world, Princeton University Press, 1995.1," Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Pro Global Science Association, vol. 15(1), pages 64-66, June.
- John Fernald, 2018. "Cyclical Downturn or Slowing Trend? A Review Article on Productivity Puzzles across Europe," International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, vol. 34, pages 110-117, Spring.
- Chad Syverson, 2018. "What's New About Capitalism?: A Review Article on Capitalism without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy," International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, vol. 34, pages 118-123, Spring.
- Romar CORREA, 2017. "Review of Ajit Sinha, A Revolution in Economic Theory: The Economics of Piero Sraffa, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, x + 244 pages, ISBN 978-3319306155," The Journal of Philosophical Economics, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, The Journal of Philosophical Economics, vol. 10(2), pages 125-131, May.
- Igbal Guliyev & Igor Litvinyuk, 2017. "Issues for Long-range Projection of International Energy Markets through the Prism of Sustainable Development," International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Econjournals, vol. 7(2), pages 296-303.
- Charles M. Cameron & Lewis A. Kornhauser, 2017. "Rational choice attitudinalism?," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 43(3), pages 535-554, June.
- Barry Ness & Ruben Zondervan, 2017. "The Taskforce on Conceptual Foundations of Earth System Governance: Sustainability Science," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 1-1.
- Cordula Ott, 2017. "Enabling Transformative Research: Lessons from the Eastern and Southern Africa Partnership Programme (1999-2015)," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 15-23.
- Ellinor Isgren & Anne Jerneck & David O'Byrne, 2017. "Pluralism in Search of Sustainability: Ethics, Knowledge and Methdology in Sustainability Science," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 2-6.
- Elina Andersson & Ann Åkerman, 2017. "Making Research Matter More—Working with Action Research and Film in Sustainability Science," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 24-25.
- François Mancebo, 2017. "Sustainability Science in the Light of Urban Planning," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 26-34.
- Henrik von Wehrden & Christopher Luederitz & Julia Leventon & Sally Russell, 2017. "Methodological Challenges in Sustainability Science: A Call for Method Plurality, Procedural Rigor and Longitudinal Research," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 35-42.
- Tim G. O'Higgins, 2017. "You Can't Eat Biodiversity: Agency and Irrational Norms in European Aquatic Environmental Law," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 43-51.
- Ricardo Omar San Carlos Arce & Yuki Yoshida & Shogo Kudo, 2017. "Fostering the Next Generation of Sustainability Professionals – Assessing Field-based Courses in a Sustainability Science Graduate Program," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 52-61.
- Meg Parsons & Johanna Nalau & Karen Fisher, 2017. "Alternative Perspectives on Sustainability: Indigenous Knowledge and Methodologies," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(1), pages 7-14.
- Charles F. Mason & Rémi Morin Chassé, 2017. "An Economic Simulation of the Path to Sustainable Energy: A Dynamic Analysis," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(2), pages 1-10.
- Matthew Cohen & Arnim Wiek, 2017. "Identifying Misalignments between Public Participation Process and Context in Urban Development," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 5(2), pages 11-22.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2017. "Editorial Volume 13," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 13(1), pages 1-4.
- Lee-Ann Louw & Hendrik Johannes Lubbe, 2017. "Threats to Security Posed by ISIS in Syria: A Human Security Approach," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 13(1), pages 16-21.
- Nikolai Holm, 2017. "Local Actor Strategies for Achieving Human Security Functionings," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 13(1), pages 22-33.
- Sylvia Yazid & Agatha Lydia Natania, 2017. "Women Refugees: An Imbalance of Protecting and Being Protected," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 13(1), pages 34-42.
- Ken Emmanuel Ahorsu & Yvonne Esseku, 2017. "Emerging Security Challenges to Africa: The Case of Haphazard Disposal of Pharmaceuticals in Ghana," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 13(1), pages 5-15.
- Szakadát, László, 2017. "Market Versus State: in Theory and in Practice – Thoughts on the “Keynes and Hayek” Book Review of Katalin Botos," Public Finance Quarterly, Corvinus University of Budapest, vol. 62(3), pages 401-410.
- Chan, Jia Hao, 2017. "BOOK REVIEW : The Asian Mediterranean: Port Cities and Trading Networks in China, Japan and Southeast Asia, 13th – 21st Century by Francois Gipouloux," MPRA Paper 78703, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Chan, Jia Hao, 2017. "Regionalism in South Asia: Negotiating cooperation, institutional structures," MPRA Paper 78776, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Karras, Sotirios (Sam), 2017. "Cogitative Intervention in Modeling Thinking," MPRA Paper 89078, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 03 Jul 2017.
- Cristina Barna, 2017. "Book review: Chiriloaie V., Marcuta L., The neo-social economy, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2016, ISBN 978-3-330-33154-9," Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Pro Global Science Association, vol. 14(2), pages 48-49, December.
- Abderrazak Said Belabes, 2016. "Book Review: Jurisprudence of the Islamic Financial Engineering: Foundation and Practical Study, by: Murdi Al-Enazi, Reviewed by: Abderrazak Said Belabes مراجعة علمية لكتاب: فقه الهندسة المالية الإسلا," Book reviews and book reports published in the Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics. 535, King Abdulaziz University, Islamic Economics Institute..
- Tisdell, Clem, 2016. "A Review of Anne-Katrin Eckermann and Lynette Nixon (2015), A Place Called Home – The Gunggari Struggle for Land: A Native Title Case Study, Brisbane: Cross Cultural Consultants Pty. Ltd. Paperback, P," Social Economics, Policy and Development Working Papers 231901, University of Queensland, School of Economics.
- Valentin COJANU, 2016. "Review of Altug Yalcintas, Intellectual Path Dependence in Economics: Why economists do not reject refuted theories, Routledge, 2016, hb, xiv + 173 pages, ISBN 978-1-138-01617-0," The Journal of Philosophical Economics, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, The Journal of Philosophical Economics, vol. 10(1), pages 102-105, November.
- Stipe BUZAR, 2016. "Review of Mary Godwin, Ethics and Diversity in Business Management Education. A Sociological Study with International Scope, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2015, eb, x + 94 pages, ISBN 978-3-662-46654-4," The Journal of Philosophical Economics, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, The Journal of Philosophical Economics, vol. 10(1), pages 106-109, November.
- Craig Boardman, 2016. "Designing the New American University by Michael Crow and William Dabars: a primer for technology transfer academics, agencies, and administrators," The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, vol. 41(1), pages 173-178, February.
- Craig Boardman, 2016. "Designing the New American University by Michael Crow and William Dabars: a primer for technology transfer academics, agencies, and administrators," The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, vol. 41(1), pages 173-178, February.
- Francois Mancebo & Sylvie Salles, 2016. "Urban Agriculture: Fostering the Urban-Rural Continuum," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(1), pages 1-2.
- François Mancebo, 2016. "Urban Agriculture, Commons and Urban Policies: Scaling up Local Innovation," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(1), pages 10-19.
- Antonia Djmela Bousbaine & Christopher Robin Bryant, 2016. "Action Research: An Essential Approach for Constructing the Development of Sustainable Urban Agricultural Systems," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(1), pages 20-27.
- Matthijs Hisschemoller, 2016. "Cultivating the Glocal Garden," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(1), pages 28-38.
- Pierre Donadieu, 2016. "Building Urban Agricultural Commons: A Utopia or a Reality?," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(1), pages 3-9.
- Charles M. Rogers & Colleen C. Hiner, 2016. "Siting Urban Agriculture as a Green Infrastructure Strategy for Land Use Planning in Austin, TX," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(1), pages 39-53.
- Ilenia Pierantoni & Massimo Sargolini, 2016. "Agricultural Land and the New Urban Paradigm: Coexistence, Integration, or Conflict?," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(1), pages 54-62.
- Evelyn Gustedt, 2016. "Reflexions on Urban Gardening in Germany," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(1), pages 63-70.
- Paul Fenton & Henner Busch, 2016. "Identifying the “Usual Suspects”—Assessing Patterns of Representation in Local Environmental Initiatives," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(2), pages 1-14.
- David Harnesk, 2016. "A Review of 'Energy and Transport in Green Transition: Perspectives on Ecomodernity'," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 4(2), pages 15-16.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2016. "Editorial Volume 12," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 1-3.
- Xiao Ren, 2016. "Human Security: China’s Discourses and Experience," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 112-120.
- John Michael Quinn V, 2016. "A Review of 'New Explorations into International Relations: Democracy, Foreign Investment Terrorism and Conflict'," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 121-122.
- Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira, 2016. "A Review of 'Law's Impunity: Responsibility and the Modern Private Military Company'," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 35-36.
- Artur Zimerman, 2016. "A Piece of Land or Peace on the Land: How Much Is a Peasant's Life Worth in Brazil?," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 37-51.
- Lea Rekow, 2016. "Pacification & Mega-events in Rio de Janeiro: Urbanization, Public Security & Accumulation by Dispossession," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 4-34.
- Lea Rekow, 2016. "On Unstable Ground: Issues Involved in Greening Space in the Rocinha Favela of Rio De Janeiro," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 52-73.
- Lea Rekow, 2016. "Rio De Janeiro’s Olympic Legacy: Public Security for Whom?," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 74-90.
- Annelie Holgersson, 2016. "Review of On-Scene Management of Mass-Casualty Attacks," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 12(1), pages 91-111.
- Alvi, Mohsin, 2016. "A Manual for Selecting Sampling Techniques in Research," MPRA Paper 70218, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Kohnert, Dirk, 2016.
"Chinese and African Migrant Entrepreneur’s Articulation Shaped By African Agency,"
EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters, ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, vol. 38(2), pages 156-166.
- Kohnert, Dirk, 2016. "Chinese And African Migrant Entrepreneur’s Articulation Shaped By African Agency," MPRA Paper 73755, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Vincenzo Russo, 2016. "Note Bibliografiche: Tanzi V. (2015): Dal miracolo economico al declino? Una diagnosi intima," Moneta e Credito, Economia civile, vol. 69(275), pages 349-354.
- Mariana Nicolae, 2016. "Book review: Andreea Paul 'The Economic Force of Women'," Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Pro Global Science Association, vol. 12(2), pages 56-58, December.
- Nathalie Méndez Méndez, 2015. "Institucionalismo cognitivo, capital social y la construcción de la paz en Colombia," Revista Economía y Región, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, vol. 9(1), pages 67-90, June.
- Claudio Sapelli, 2015. "Las carencias de Piketty," Estudios Públicos, Centro de Estudios Públicos, vol. 0(137), pages 199-222.
- José de Gregorio, 2015. "A propósito de Piketty," Estudios Públicos, Centro de Estudios Públicos, vol. 0(137), pages 223-236.
- Daniel Artana, 2015. "Lectura obligada para los interesados en el desarrollo económico," Estudios Públicos, Centro de Estudios Públicos, vol. 0(137), pages 237-252.
- Luis Felipe Cespedes, 2015. "El desafÃo de crear oportunidades para todos," Estudios Públicos, Centro de Estudios Públicos, vol. 0(138), pages 189-198.
- Mariano Tommasi, 2015. "Los desfÃos de Chile hoy," Estudios Públicos, Centro de Estudios Públicos, vol. 0(138), pages 199-208.
- Sebastián Edwards, 2015. "Ya pronto una sombra serás," Estudios Públicos, Centro de Estudios Públicos, vol. 0(138), pages 209-216.
- Stefan Wurster, 2015. "Sustainability of Fiscal Policy in Democracies and Autocracies," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 3(1), pages 1-15.
- Pierre L. Ibisch, 2015. "Time for Decarbonization of Conservation and Development Projects? The Political Ecology of Carbon Projects," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 3(1), pages 16-17.
- José Goldemberg, 2015. "A Review of "The Politics of Sustainability: Philosophical Perspectives"," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 3(1), pages 18-19.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2015. "Editorial for Journal of Human Security Volume 11," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 1-4.
- Thomas F. Ditzler & Abigail D. Hoeh & Patricia R. Hastings, 2015. "Human Security Workers Deployed in Austere Environments: A Brief Guide to Self-Care, Sustainment, and Productivity," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 19-25.
- Leah Merchant, 2015. "A Review of 'Humanitarian Intervention and Legitimacy Wars: Seeking Peace and Justice in the 21st Century'," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 1-26.
- John M Quinn, 2015. "Notes from the Field: The Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 27-33.
- David Denkenberger & Julia Way & Joshua M. Pearce, 2015. "Educational Pathways to Remote Employment in Isolated Communities," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 34-44.
- Jiyoung Song, 2015. "Redefining Human Security for Vulnerable Migrants in East Asia," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 45-56.
- Alexander K. Lautensach, 2015. "Sustainable Health for All? The Tension Between Human Security and the Right to Health Care," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 11(1), pages 5-18.
- David N. Weil, 2015. "Capital and Wealth in the 21st Century," NBER Working Papers 20919, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- Sabatini, Fabio, 2015. "Social Capital as Patterns of Connections. A Review of Bankston’s "Immigrant Networks and Social Capital"," MPRA Paper 62116, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Efe Can Gürcan, 2015. "Capitalist Class Formation and U.S. Imperialism," Review of Radical Political Economics, Union for Radical Political Economics, vol. 47(3), pages 491-493, September.
- Bichler, Shimshon & Nitzan, Jonathan, 2015.
"The Scientist and the Church,"
EconStor Books,
ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, number 157975, August.
- Nitzan, Jonathan & Bichler, Shimshon, 2005. "The Scientist and the Church," EconStor Preprints 157824, ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.
- Nitzan, Jonathan & Bichler, Shimshon, 2005. "The scientist and the church," MPRA Paper 5942, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Ferrier, Peyton, 2014. "Food in Popular Literature," Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 29(01), pages 1-6.
- Joshua Farley, 2014. "Seeking Consilience for Sustainability Science: Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and the New Economics," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 2(1), pages 1-17.
- Debbie L. King & Adegboyega Babasola & Joseph Rozario & Joshua M. Pearce, 2014. "Mobile Open-Source Solar-Powered 3-D Printers for Distributed Manufacturing in Off-Grid Communities," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 2(1), pages 18-27.
- Barry Ness & José Alberto Fernandez Monteiro, 2014. "Challenges in Sustainability: Another Brick in the Wall," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 2(1), pages 28-29.
- Jephias Gwamuri & Ben T. Wittbrodt & Nick C. Anzalone & Joshua M. Pearce, 2014. "Reversing the Trend of Large Scale and Centralization in Manufacturing: The Case of Distributed Manufacturing of Customizable 3-D-Printable Self-Adjustable Glasses," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 2(1), pages 30-40.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2014. "Editorial for Journal of Human Security Volume 10," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 1-3.
- John Janzekovic, 2014. "Human Security in World Affairs: A Pedagogical, Multi-disciplinary Approach," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 12-13.
- John M. Quinn & Nelson Martins & Mateus Cunha & Michiyo Higuchi & Dan Murphy & Vladimir Bencko, 2014. "Fragile States, Infectious Disease and Health Security: The Case for Timor-Leste," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 14-31.
- Michael Intal Magcamit, 2014. "A Case for Cohabitative Security: The Philippine and Malaysian Experience," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 32-45.
- Malcolm David Brown, 2014. "The Praxis of Social Enterprise and Human Security: An Applied Research Agenda," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 4-11.
- Ayodeji A. Aduloju & Omowunmi O. Pratt, 2014. "Human Security and Developmental Crisis in the Contemporary West Africa," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 46-58.
- Ngambouk Vitalis Pemunta & Eno-Akpa Rene Nkongho, 2014. "The Fragility of the Liberal Peace Export to South Sudan: Formal Education Access as a Basis of a Liberal Peace Project," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 59-75.
- Timo Kivimäki, 2014. "Can the Pragmatic East Asian Approach to Human Security Offer a Way for the Deepening of the Long Peace of East Asia?," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 10(1), pages 76-88.
- Kohnert, Dirk, 2014. "African Agency and EU-African Economic Partnership Agreements," EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters, ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, vol. 49(3), pages 149-155.
- Michael Tribe, 2013.
"Aid and development: Issues and reflections,"
Working Papers
1309, University of Strathclyde Business School, Department of Economics.
- Michael, Tribe, 2013. "Aid and Development: Issues and Reflections," SIRE Discussion Papers 2013-40, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
- Instituto para la Integración de América Latina y el Caribe, INTAL, 2013. "The Complete Issue," Revista Integración y Comercio (Integration and Trade Journal), Inter-American Development Bank, INTAL, vol. 37(17), pages 1-196.
- Campos, Rosario, 2013. "The Internationalization of SMEs in Latin America: Importance, Obstacles and Policies : A review and commentary on three recent publications," Revista Integración y Comercio (Integration and Trade Journal), Inter-American Development Bank, INTAL, vol. 37(17), pages 175-178.
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- Campos, Rosario, 2013. "Internacionalización de las PYMES en América Latina: importancia, obstáculos y políticas : Reseña y comentario de tres publicaciones recientes," Revista Integración y Comercio (Integration and Trade Journal), Inter-American Development Bank, INTAL, vol. 37(17), pages 181-184.
- Instituto para la Integración de América Latina y el Caribe, INTAL, 2013. "Publicaciones de interés," Revista Integración y Comercio (Integration and Trade Journal), Inter-American Development Bank, INTAL, vol. 37(17), pages 187-188.
- Juergen Peter Kropp, 2013. "Sustainability: A Path-breaking Idea, but Still Associated with Huge Challenges," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(1), pages 1-2.
- Thorvald Moe & Knut Halvor Alfsen & Mads Greaker, 2013. "Sustaining Welfare for Future Generations: A Review Note on the Capital Approach to the Measurement of Sustainable Development," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(1), pages 16-26.
- Barry Ness, 2013. "Sustainability Science: Progress Made and Directions Forward," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(1), pages 27-28.
- François Mancebo, 2013. "The Pitfalls of Sustainability Policies: Insights into Plural Sustainabilities," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(1), pages 29-40.
- Alexander Lautensach & Sabina Wanda Lautensach, 2013. "Why 'Sustainable Development' Is Often Neither: A Constructive Critique," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(1), pages 3-15.
- Bart Muys, 2013. "Sustainable Development within Planetary Boundaries: A Functional Revision of the Definition Based on the Thermodynamics of Complex Social-Ecological Systems," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(1), pages 41-52.
- Carrie M. Lee & Chelsea Chandler & Michael Lazarus & Francis X. Johnson, 2013. "Assessing the Climate Impacts of Cookstove Projects: Issues in Emissions Accounting," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(2), pages 53-71.
- Susan L. Cutter, 2013. "Building Disaster Resilience: Steps toward Sustainability," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(2), pages 72-79.
- Barry Ness & Ann Akerman, 2013. "Publishing Sustainability Research Visually: A Film about the Opportunities and Challenges of a Rural Entrepreneurship Initiative in Kenya," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(2), pages 80-81.
- Lorrae van Kerkhoff, 2013. "Knowledge Governance for Sustainable Development: A Review," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(2), pages 82-93.
- Henrique Pacini & Semida Silveira, 2013. "Carbon Intensities of Economies from the Perspective of Learning Curves," Challenges in Sustainability, Librello publishing house, vol. 1(2), pages 94-103.
- Sabina Lautensach, 2013. "Editorial," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 1-3.
- Timo Kivimäki, 2013. "The United States and the Arab Spring," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 15-26.
- Arthur L. Fredeen, 2013. "A Review of "Human Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities"," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 27-28.
- Deane Edward Neubauer, 2013. "Doing Justice to Human Security: A Textbook in Tune with its Time," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 29-31.
- Elizabeth Mulcahy & Shannon Merrington & Peter James Bell, 2013. "The Radicalisation of Prison Inmates: A Review of the Literature on Recruitment, Religion and Prisoner Vulnerability," Journal of Human Security, Librello publishing house, vol. 9(1), pages 4-14.
- ramady, Mohamed, 2013. "Rebuttal of Dr. Usamah Uthman's Review in Global Finance Journal No 22 (2011) pp 80–81☆ 1," MPRA Paper 48333, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Islahi, Abdul Azim, 2013. "Book Review: Shari'ah Maxims Modern Applications in Islamic Finance by Muhammad Tahir Mansoori," MPRA Paper 61797, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Cristina Barna, 2013. "Book review: Jana Gasparikovs, Jana M. Safrankova, Zdenka Matouskovs 'Innovative mission in education and science'," Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Pro Global Science Association, vol. 6(2), pages 240-242, December.
- Michael, Tribe, 2013.
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SIRE Discussion Papers
2013-40, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
- Michael Tribe, 2013. "Aid and development: Issues and reflections," Working Papers 1309, University of Strathclyde Business School, Department of Economics.
- Ola Olsson, 2012. "The Darfur Conflict: Geography or Institutions? By Osman Suliman," Journal of African Development, African Finance and Economic Association (AFEA), vol. 14(1), pages 153-155.
- William A. Apomsah, 2012. "The New Harvest: Agricultural Innovation in Africa by Calestous Juma," Journal of African Development, African Finance and Economic Association (AFEA), vol. 14(1), pages 157-162.
- Diego Alberto Sandoval Herrera & María Fernanda Reyes Roa, 2012. "Por qué los migrantes envían remesas?: Repaso de las principales motivaciones microeconómicas," Borradores de Economia 738, Banco de la Republica de Colombia.
- Diego Alberto Sandoval Herrera & María Fernanda Reyes Roa, 2012. "¿Por qué los migrantes envían remesas?: Repaso de las principales motivaciones microeconómicas," Borradores de Economia 10036, Banco de la Republica.
- Gómez Minujín, Gala, 2012. "Economic and Trade Relations between China and Latin America [Books and Articles Reviews]," Revista Integración y Comercio (Integration and Trade Journal), Inter-American Development Bank, INTAL, vol. 35(16), pages 143-145.
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- Gómez Minujín, Gala, 2012. "Relaciones económicas y comerciales entre China y América Latina [Reseñas de libros y artículos]," Revista Integración y Comercio (Integration and Trade Journal), Inter-American Development Bank, INTAL, vol. 35(16), pages 149-151.
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- Valeriu IOAN-FRANC, 2012. "REVIEW OF ACADEMIC EDITION "THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA ON THE PATH OF TRANSFORMATION: SOCIO-HUMANISTIC ASPECTS"(Victor JUC, Pantelimon VARZARI, Victor MORARU, Lilia BRAGA, Andrei TIMUS, Valeriu," Romanian Journal of Economics, Institute of National Economy, vol. 34(1(43)), pages 227-232, June.
- Valentina Pricopie, 2012. "Media in Europe today, edited on behalf of Euromedia Research Group by: JOSEPH TRAPPEL, WERNER A. MEIER, LEEN D’HAENENS, JEANETTE STEEMERS and BARBARA THOMASS, with an introduction by Denis McQuail, E," Revista Romana de Sociologie, Revista Romana de Sociologie - actualizata si mentinuta de Editura Lumen/ Romanian Journal of Sociology, vol. 5, pages 521-522, November.
- Corina CACE & Victor NICOLAESCU, 2012. "Book Review: Another Type of Occupation: The Need of Social Economy in the Bucharest – Ilfov and South East Development Regions (English version)," Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics, vol. 37, pages 207-211, June.
- Nadia Cerasela ANITEI, 2012. "REVIEW OF THE MONOGRAPH FISCAL POLITICY AND TAX PROCEDURE IN ROMANIA. REGULATION.SOLUTIONS.DOCTRINE., Publishing House, Lambert, Germany, 2011, WRITTEN BY PHD FLORIN TUDOR FROM THE UNIVERSITY “DUNĂREA," Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics on Behalf of Petre Andrei University Iasi, vol. 1, pages 253-254, June.
- Stefan COJOCARU, 2012. "Review For The Volume: Filosofia Socială Constructionistă. Directii Epistemice, Etice Si Pragmatice (Social Constructionist Philosophy. Epistemic, Ethic And Pragmatic Directions)," Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics on Behalf of Petre Andrei University Iasi, vol. 1, pages 255-258, June.
- Calina JUGASTRU, 2012. "“Family Law” By Codruţa Hageanu, Humanitas Publishing House Bucharest, 2012," Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics on Behalf of Petre Andrei University Iasi, vol. 3, pages 209-212, December.
- Codruta HAGEANU, 2012. "The Matrimonial Regime In The New Civil Code By Nadia Cerasela Aniţei, Hamangiu Publishing House Bucharest, 2012," Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics on Behalf of Petre Andrei University Iasi, vol. 3, pages 213-216, December.
- Irina Apetrei, 2012. "CARMEN TAMARA UNGUREANU, MANUAL OF CIVIL LAW. GENERAL PART. PERSONS, Bucuresti, Ed. Universul juridic, 2011," Buletin Stiintific - Scientific Bulletin, Published by Cugetarea and indexed by Lumen Department of Economics on Behalf on Mihail Kogalniceanu University, vol. 21, pages 387-388.
- Luminita Miron, 2012. "BOOK REVIEW A SOCIOLOGY OF “DIFFICULT NEIGHBOURHOODS” (English version)," Social Research Reports, Published by Expert Projects and indexed by Lumen Department of Economics on Behalf on Social Research Reports, vol. 21, pages 67-69, June.
- Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena & Manole, Andrada Ligia & Andronache, Alin & Cristescu, Cătălin & Luca, Cătălin Viorel & Constantin, Pompiliu Nicolae & Rogojanu, Dumitru Cătălin & Luca, Constantin & Duţă, An, 2012. "Research and Science Today No.3," MPRA Paper 41931, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bădilă, Andreea Iuliana & Sucilă căs. Pahoni, Cipriana & Mihuţ, Cosmin & Filip, Dan Andrei & Ciubotaru, Iulian Marcel & Luca, Cătălin-Viorel & Mănescu, Alexandra Florina & Pipoș, Cristina & Popa (Lupu, 2012. "Research and Science Today Supplement No.1(3)/2012," MPRA Paper 41932, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Antonio SANDU, 2011. "NADIA –CERASELA ANITEI INSTITUTII FINANCIARE INTERNATIONALE, EDITURA LUMEN, IASI, 2011 (English version)," Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics on Behalf of Petre Andrei University Iasi, vol. 1(1), pages 467-469, April.
- Calina JUGASTRU, 2011. "NADIA-CERASELA ANITEI. MATRIMONIAL REGIMES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE NEW CIVIL CODE, EDITURA INDRA VERGAL, MUNCHEN, GERMANIA, 2011 /REGIMURILE MATRIMONIALE POTRIVIT DISPOZIŢIILOR DIN NOUL COD CIVIL ," Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics on Behalf of Petre Andrei University Iasi, vol. 1(1), pages 471-474, April.
- Gabriel RADU, 2011. "THE SENSE OF JUSTICE: SOME TEMPORAL EXTENSIONS (English version)," Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Editura Lumen, Department of Economics on Behalf of Petre Andrei University Iasi, vol. 3, pages 315-321, December.
- Paola Pagliani, 2010. "Influence of regional, national and sub-national HDRs," Human Development Research Papers (2009 to present) HDRP-2010-19, Human Development Report Office (HDRO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
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- Aurelio Bruzzo & Nicola Camatti, 2010. "La coesione territoriale nella UE a 27: una rassegna multidisciplinare," Working Papers 201009, University of Ferrara, Department of Economics.
- Valencia Agudelo, Germán Darío & Cuartas Celis, Deiman, 2009. "Exclusión económica y violencia en Colombia, 1990-2008: una revisión de la literatura," Perfil de Coyuntura Económica, Universidad de Antioquia, CIE, December.
- Cristina ALPOPI, 2009. "Book Review On The City And The Urban Competition, Author: Irina Popescu," Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania, vol. 4(10), pages 144-145, February.
- Carmen GAVRILIU, 2008. "Recenzia Cartii De La Papingo La Turnu Severin," Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania, vol. 3(6), pages 83-84, February.
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- Sofia Elena COLESCA, 2008. "Book Review On Elements Of Urbanism; Author: Alpopi Cristina," Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania, vol. 3(9), pages 97-98, November.
- Jean-Pierre Villetelle, 2008. "Improving US National Accounts Integration and Consistency: A Review Article on A New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts," International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, vol. 17, pages 75-80, Fall.
- Paul Schreyer, 2007. "Old and New Asset Boundaries: A Review Article on Measuring Capital in the New Economy," International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, vol. 15, pages 75-80, Fall.
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EconStor Books,
ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, number 157975, August.
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