Eduard Vasilev Marinov
Personal Details
First Name: | Eduard |
Middle Name: | Vasilev |
Last Name: | Marinov |
Suffix: | |
RePEc Short-ID: | pma1942 |
[This author has chosen not to make the email address public] | | | |
6 Gerlovo Str., 1504 Sofia, Bulgara | |
(20%) Economic Research Institute
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
RePEc:edi:ikbasbg (more details at EDIRC)
(80%) Department of Economics
New Bulgarian University
Sofia, Bulgaria
RePEc:edi:denbubg (more details at EDIRC)
Research output
Jump to: Working papers Articles Chapters BooksWorking papers
- Marinov, Eduard, 2022. "Regional Competitiveness of Bulgarian Regions and their Place in the European Union," MPRA Paper 113679, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2021. "Обобщена Оценка На Конкурентоспособността На Южен Централен Район: Приложение На Индекса За Регионална Конкурентоспособност [Summarized assessment of the competitiveness of the South Central region," MPRA Paper 110920, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2020. "Структурни Промени В Глобалните Модели На Търсене [Structural Transformations in Global Demand Patterns]," MPRA Paper 113477, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2020. "Развитие На Европейската Политика В Областта На Миграцията И Убежището [Development of the European policy in the field of migration and asylum]," MPRA Paper 110918, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard & Milena, Ivanova, 2020. "Външнотърговски Отношения На България С Обединените Арабски Емирства [Trade Relations Between Bulgaria and the United Arab Emirates]," MPRA Paper 113478, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2020. "Новият Шок Covid 19 – Въздействие Върху Международната Търговия На Глобално И Национално Ниво [The new shock COVID 19 - impact on international trade on a global and national level]," MPRA Paper 110921, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard & Lilia, Dimitrova & Stela, Nedelcheva & Yana, Toteva, 2019. "Двустранни Търговски Отношения Между Австрия И България (2004-2018) [Bilateral trade relations between Austria and Bulgaria (2004-2018)]," MPRA Paper 113476, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2019. "Новата Битка За Африка: Възможности За Европа И/Или За Китай [The New Battle for Africa: Opportunities for Europe and / or China]," MPRA Paper 110924, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2019. "The African Continental Free Trade Area: Why is Africa turning to multilateralism?," MPRA Paper 110916, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2019. "Африканската Континентална Зона За Свободна Търговия: Защо Африка Се Връща Към Мултилатерализма [The African Continental Free Trade Area]," MPRA Paper 110919, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2019. "Субсахарска Африка: Поле На Борба За Ресурси И Пазари Или Новият Икономически Тигър [Sub-Saharan Africa: a battleground for resources and markets or the new economic tiger]," MPRA Paper 110902, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2019. "Новата Природа На Международната Специализация В Динамично Променящото Се Световно Стопанство [The new nature of international specialization in the dynamically changing world economy]," MPRA Paper 113479, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2019. "Най-Голямата Зона За Свободна Търговия В Света [The largest free trade area in the world]," MPRA Paper 110922, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2019. "Провалът На Сто И Променящите Се Модели В Световната Търговия [The Failure of the WTO and the Changing Patterns of International Trade]," MPRA Paper 113475, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2018.
"Terms of trade in Bulgarian post-crisis international trade,"
MPRA Paper
110915, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- MARINOV, Eduard, 2018. "Terms Of Trade In Bulgarian Post-Crisis International Trade," Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu", vol. 6(1), pages 226-234, October.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2018. "Bulgaria’s Participation in Development Policy: Potential Foreign Economic Benefits," MPRA Paper 110927, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2018. "Мястото На България На Пазара На Електрическа Енергия На Ес [Bulgaria's place on the EU electricity market]," MPRA Paper 110917, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2018. "Migrant Typology: Definitions and Current Trends in Bulgaria and Romania," MPRA Paper 110926, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard & Bobeva, Daniela, 2017. "Пазарите В Субсахарска Африка – Възможност За Диверсификация На Българската Външна Търговия [Sub-Saharan Markets as an Opportunity for Diversification of Bulgarian International Trade]," MPRA Paper 113701, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Търговията Със Субсахарска Африка Според Българските Фирми [Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa according to Bulgarian Companies]," MPRA Paper 89776, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Географска Структура На Търговията На България Със Субсахарска Африка [Direction of Bulgarian Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa]," MPRA Paper 80365, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "България И Споразуменията За Преференциална Търговия На Ес [Bulgaria and EU PTAs]," MPRA Paper 84314, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Осъществява Ли България Ползите От Преференциалните Търговски Договорености На Европейския Съюз? [Does Bulgaria Utilise the Benefits of EU’s Preferential Trade Agreements?]," MPRA Paper 80947, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Конкурентни Ниши За Българския Износ В Субсахарска Африка [Competitive niches for Bulgarian exports to Sub-Saharan Africa]," MPRA Paper 89778, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Bulgaria And Romania Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparison," MPRA Paper 80716, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017.
"Търговски Отношения На България С Основните Партньори От Субсахарска Африка – Тенденции И Перспективи [Bulgaria’s Trade Relations with the Main Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa – Trends and Prospects,"
MPRA Paper
80367, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Едуард Маринов, 2017. "Търговски Отношения На България С Основните Партньори От Субсахарска Африка – Тенденции И Перспективи," Economics 21, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, issue 1 Year 20, pages 96-122.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Bulgarian International Trade before and after EU Accession," MPRA Paper 110925, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Възможности И Перспективи Пред Външнотърговските Отношения На България С Държавите От Субсахарска Африка [Opportunities and Prospects for Bulgarian Trade Relations with the Sub-Saharan Africa Count," MPRA Paper 80351, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Bulgaria’s Trade Relations with the Main Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa – Trends and Prospects," MPRA Paper 80366, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Външнотърговските Отношения На България [Bulgarian International Trade Relations]," MPRA Paper 84313, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Връзката Между Помощ За Развитие И Външна Търговия: Кратък Преглед На Икономическата Литература [The relationship between development aid and foreign trade: a brief review of the economic literatur," MPRA Paper 110923, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Външнотърговски Отношения На България С Държавите От Субсахарска Африка: Нагласи На Българските Фирми [Bulgaria’s Trade Relations with Sub-Saharan Africa Countries: Bulgarian enterprises attitudes]," MPRA Paper 80364, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Защо България Загуби Пазарите Си В Африка – Отговорът На Българския Бизнес [Why Bulgaria Lost Its Markets in Africa – The Answer of Bulgarian Business]," MPRA Paper 71457, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016.
"Economic Effects of Open Access to Scientific Publications,"
MPRA Paper
113700, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Economic Effects of Open Access to Scientific Publications," MPRA Paper 74970, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Trade Relations between Central and Eastern European and Sub-Saharan African Countries," MPRA Paper 80714, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Външнотърговски Отношения На България С Държавите От Субсахарска Африка: Тенденции И Перспективи [Bulgarian International Trade with Sub-Saharan African countries: Trends and Prospects]," MPRA Paper 84315, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Споразумение За Свободна Търговия Между Европейския Съюз И Виетнам – Възможности И Перспективи За България [The EU-Vietnam FTA – Opportunities and Prospects for Bulgaria]," MPRA Paper 84316, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Икономика На Публичния Сектор – Лекционен Курс [Public Sector Economics–- Lecture Course]," MPRA Paper 110929, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Европейска Икономическа Интеграция [European Economic Integration]," MPRA Paper 110928, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Economic Partnership Agreements and the Complex Framework of Regional Integration in Africa," MPRA Paper 74971, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2016. "Типология На Споразуменията За Регионална Икономическа Интеграция [Typology of Regional Economic Integration Agreements]," MPRA Paper 71456, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Основни Търговски Партньори На България На Юг От Сахара [Bulgaria’s Main Trading Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa]," MPRA Paper 67570, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Външнотърговски Отношения Между Европейския Съюз И Регионалните Интеграционни Общности В Африка – Обобщение На Основните Изводи [International Trade Relations between the European Union and the Reg," MPRA Paper 68804, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Търговски Отношения На Държавите От Югоизточна Европа С Африка [Trade relations between South East European countries and Africa]," MPRA Paper 74969, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Georgieva, Kalina & Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Отворен Достъп – Дефиниции, Правна Уредба, Предимства [Open Access – Definitions, Legal Basis, Benefits]," MPRA Paper 64560, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Участието На България В Политиката На Ес За Развитие [Bulgaria’s Participation in the EU Development Policy]," MPRA Paper 81029, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Демографски Предизвикателства – Как Да Подготвим Качествен Човешки Капитал При Спазване Правата На Човека И Основните Свободи? [Demographic challenges - how to prepare quality human capital while r," MPRA Paper 74973, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Integration Potential of African Regional Economic Communities," MPRA Paper 113699, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Географска Структура На Външната Търговия На България [Direction of Bulgaria's Foreign Trade]," MPRA Paper 81028, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Bulgaria’s Trade with Sub-Saharan African Countries," MPRA Paper 113698, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Участието На България В Политиката За Развитие На Европейския Съюз [Bulgaria's Participation in the EU Development Policy]," MPRA Paper 68150, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Direction of Bulgarian Foreign Trade – Results of the EU Membership," MPRA Paper 71458, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Външнотърговски Отношения На България С Република Южна Африка [Bulgaria's Trade Relations with the Republic of South Africa]," MPRA Paper 68273, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Външнотърговски Отношения На България С Държавите В Африка [Bulgaria’s International Trade Relations with the African Countries]," MPRA Paper 64395, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Стокова Структура На Външната Търговия На България С Държавите От Субсахарска Африка [Commodity structure of Bulgarian international trade with Sub-Saharan Africa]," MPRA Paper 80362, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2015. "Развитие На Интеграционните Процеси В Африка – От Политически Към Икономически Цели [Developnemt of Integration Processes in Africa - from Political to Economic Goals]," MPRA Paper 60704, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Регионална Икономическа Интеграция В Африка (Дисертация) [Regional Economic Integration in Africa (Ph.D. Thesis, full text)]," MPRA Paper 60591, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Regional Economic Integration in Africa," MPRA Paper 60316, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Конкурентоспособност На Българските Региони - Мястото На България В Ес [Competitiveness of Bulgarian Regions - Bulgaria's place in the EU]," MPRA Paper 68272, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014.
"Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties,"
MPRA Paper
60321, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard Marinov, 2015. "Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties," International Journal of Business and Management, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, vol. 3(3), pages 22-39, August.
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties," Proceedings of Economics and Finance Conferences 0401524, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Тайните На Икономическите Индикатори [The Secrets of Economic Indicators]," MPRA Paper 60324, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Морал И Етика В Научните Изследвания [Morale and Ethics in Scientific Research]," MPRA Paper 60322, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Регионалната Икономическа Интеграция В Африка – История И Съвременно Развитие [Regional Economic Integration in Africa – History and Current Developments]," MPRA Paper 64519, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "Direction of International Trade of African Regional Economic Communities," Proceedings of International Academic Conferences 0901864, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Политически Детерминанти На Икономическата Интеграция [Political Determinants of Economic Integration]," MPRA Paper 74972, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Конкурентоспособност На Черноморските Региони На Ес [Competitiveness of EU Black Sea Regions]," MPRA Paper 65111, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014.
"Market and Trade Related Determinants of Economic Integration Among Developing Countries,"
MPRA Paper
62291, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- MARINOV, Eduard, 2014. "Market And Trade Related Determinants Of Economic Integration Among Developing Countries," Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu", vol. 1(1), pages 180-186.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Economic Integration Theories and the Developing Countries," MPRA Paper 63310, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Economic Integration in Africa – Overview, Progress and Challenges," MPRA Paper 60317, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2013. "Регионалните Интеграционни Общности В Африка [Regional integration communities in Africa]," MPRA Paper 60318, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2013. "Impact of the European Union on Regional Integration in Africa," MPRA Paper 60313, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2013. "Африканската Зона За Свободна Търговия – Стъпка Към Континентална Интеграция [The African Free Trade Area – a Step towards Continental Integration]," MPRA Paper 60314, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2013. "Кризата В Ес – Финансови Рискове За Африка [The EU Crisis – Financial Risks for Africa]," MPRA Paper 60315, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2013. "Успехи И Предизвикателства На Регионалната Икономическа Интеграция В Африка [Achievements and Challenges of Regional Economic Integration in Africa]," MPRA Paper 60319, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2013. "Economic Partnership Agreements of the EU: Impact on Regional Integration in Africa," MPRA Paper 60299, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2012. "Кризата В Европа – Последици За Африка [The EU Crisis – Impact on Africa]," MPRA Paper 60296, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2012.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2009. "Етапи На Развитие И Договорноправна Рамка На Икономическите Отношения Между България И Русия [Stages of Development and Legal Framework of Economic Relations between Bulgaria and Russia]," MPRA Paper 60293, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2008. "Нобеловата Награда За Икономика За Икономика 2007: Теорията За Икономическите Механизми [The Nobel Price for Economics 2007: The Design of Economic Institutions]," MPRA Paper 60294, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2007.
"Нормативна Рамка На Икономическите Отношения Между България И Русия [Legal Framework of the Economic Relationships between Bulgaria and Russia],"
MPRA Paper
60311, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2007. "Нормативная Рамка Экономических Отношений Между Болгарией И Россией: Состояние И Основние Проблемы [Legal Framework of the Economic Relationships between Bulgaria and Russia – Current State and Mai," MPRA Paper 60312, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard Marinov, 2024. "Navigating Theory and Practice: The EU Competition Policy in a Changing Landscape," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 8, pages 190-211.
- Eduard Marinov, 2024. "Sustainability or Economic Growth: Africa’s Green Transition," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 4, pages 464-484.
- Eduard Marinov, 2023. "On some changes in the theory and practice of economic integration," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 3, pages 293-306.
- Eduard Marinov, 2023. "Free Trade or Protectionism? Trade Barriers and Trade Policy of the EU," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 507-520.
- MARINOV, Eduard, 2022. "The Transforming Role Of Developing Countries In Global Trade," Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu", vol. 10(1), pages 264-275, October.
- Eduard Marinov, 2022. "Competition Policy as a Prerequisite for Utilizing the Benefits of the EU Single Market," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 595-626.
- Eduard Marinov, 2021. "Bulgarian International Trade in the 2004-2019 Period," Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 1, pages 48-63, March.
- Elena Spasova & Eduard Marinov, 2021. "Global value chains and the changing nature of international specialization," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 3-28,29-52.
- Sofia Borisova & Eduard Marinov, 2020. "Work motivation in the IT outsourcing sector in Bulgaria: an empirical study," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 4, pages 115-130.
- Eduard Marinov (translator), 2020. "The 2020 Nobel Prize in Economics," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 75-115.
- Daniela Bobeva & Dimitar Zlatinov & Eduard Marinov, 2019. "Economic Aspects of Migration Processes in Bulgaria," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 55-88.
- Eduard Marinov, 2019. "The 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 78-116.
- Stefania Temelkova Temelkova & Dimitar Trendafilov & Eduard Marinov, 2019. "Marketing in action – theory, practice and education," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 117-121,122.
- Iskra Christova-Balkanska & Eduard Marinov, 2019. "The economic development of Bulgaria and Romania as EU member countries and their place within the global economy," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 3, pages 112-117,118.
- MARINOV, Eduard, 2018.
"Terms Of Trade In Bulgarian Post-Crisis International Trade,"
Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu", vol. 6(1), pages 226-234, October.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2018. "Terms of trade in Bulgarian post-crisis international trade," MPRA Paper 110915, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard Marinov, 2018. "Post-crisis development of Bulgarian international trade relations," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 63-82.
- Eduard Marinov, 2018. "Commodity Structure of Bulgarian International Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa," Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 1, pages 57-68, February.
- Eduard MARINOV, 2017. "Bulgaria’S Trade Relations With Its Main Partners In Subsaharan Africa – Trends And Prospects," Economics 21, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, issue 1 Year 20, pages 87-110.
- MARINOV, Eduard, 2017. "The Link Between Official Development Assistance And International Trade Flows – Insights From Economic Theory," Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu", vol. 4(1), pages 239-247.
- Eduard Marinov, 2017. "The 2017 Nobel Prize in Economics," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 117-159.
- Eduard Marinov & Daniela Bobeva, 2017. "Bulgarian enterprises trading with Sub-Saharan Africa – a synthetic profile," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 49-68.
- Едуард Маринов, 2017.
"Търговски Отношения На България С Основните Партньори От Субсахарска Африка – Тенденции И Перспективи,"
Economics 21, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria, issue 1 Year 20, pages 96-122.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017. "Търговски Отношения На България С Основните Партньори От Субсахарска Африка – Тенденции И Перспективи [Bulgaria’s Trade Relations with the Main Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa – Trends and Prospects," MPRA Paper 80367, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Werner Raza & Eduard Marinov, 2016. "EU trade policy – prospects, challenges, alternatives," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 2, pages 135-144,145.
- Eduard V. MARINOV, 2016. "Current Trends in the Economic Development of the Participating in the Tripartite Free Trade Area Regional Economic Communities," Journal of Economics and Political Economy, KSP Journals, vol. 3(1), pages 81-104, March.
- Eduard Marinov, 2016. "EU’s Trade Relations with African Economic Partnership Agreements Regions," Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 4, pages 27-40, November.
- Eduard Marinov, 2016. "The 2016 Nobel Prize in Economics," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 97-149.
- Eduard MARINOV, 2016. "Bulgarian and Romanian regions competitiveness: a synthetic overview," Romanian Journal of Economics, Institute of National Economy, vol. 42(1(51)), pages 12-35, june.
- Eduard Marinov, 2016. "Impact of Economic Partnership Agreements on Regional Integration and Trade Relations," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 4, pages 105-126.
- Eduard Marinov, 2015. "Intraregional trade as an indicator of the effect of integration processes – the case of African regional economic communities," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 3, pages 63-83,84-10.
- Eduard Marinov, 2015. "Economic Integration Theories: Application to Integration Agreements among Developing Countries," Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 3, pages 62-73, October.
- Eduard Marinov (Translator), 2015. "The 2015 Nobel Prize in Economics," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 121-153.
- Eduard Marinov, 2015.
"Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties,"
International Journal of Business and Management, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, vol. 3(3), pages 22-39, August.
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties," Proceedings of Economics and Finance Conferences 0401524, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties," MPRA Paper 60321, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "The History of African Integration – A Gradual Shift from Political to Economic Goals," Revista de Economie Mondiala / The Journal of Global Economics, Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy, vol. 6(4).
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "International Trade Geographic Structure of African Regional Economic Communities," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 2, pages 69-98.
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "Economic Integration in Africa – Overview, Progress and Challenges," Revista de Economie Mondiala / The Journal of Global Economics, Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy, vol. 6(1), March.
- MARINOV, Eduard, 2014.
"Market And Trade Related Determinants Of Economic Integration Among Developing Countries,"
Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu", vol. 1(1), pages 180-186.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Market and Trade Related Determinants of Economic Integration Among Developing Countries," MPRA Paper 62291, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard Marinov, 2013.
"International trade commodity structure of African regional integration communities (Bulgarian),"
Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 4, pages 117-134.
- Eduard Marinov, 2013. "International trade commodity structure of African regional integration communities (English)," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 4, pages 135-151.
- Eduard Marinov & Dimitar Zlatinov, 2022. "The Impact of Regional Integration on Trade and Economic Development: A Tripartite FTA Gravity Model for the Future of the AfCFTA," Springer Books, in: Evelyn F. Wamboye & Bichaka Fayissa (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Africa’s Economic Sectors, pages 769-792, Springer.
- Eduard Marinov, 2022. "Competition Protection and Market Efficiency," Scientific Conference of the Department of General Economic Theory, University of Economics - Varna, issue 1, pages 244-252.
- Iskra Christova-Balkanska (Искра Христова-Балканска) & Eduard Marinov (Едуард Маринов) (ed.), 2017. "Bulgaria and Romania: Country Members of the EU, Part of the Global Economy," ERI-BAS Books, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, number 33:p:1-294.
Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.Working papers
- Marinov, Eduard, 2017.
"Външнотърговските Отношения На България [Bulgarian International Trade Relations],"
MPRA Paper
84313, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Cited by:
- Borislava Galabova & Nedialko Nestorov, 2018. "State and Trends of Bulgaria’s Foreign Trade with Ores and Concentrates," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 109-140.
- Nedialko Nestorov, 2019. "Geographic Sustainability and Geographic Concentration of Bulgarian Export," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 50-55.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014.
"Regional Economic Integration in Africa,"
MPRA Paper
60316, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Cited by:
- Jonathan E. Ogbuabor & Onyinye I. Anthony-Orji & Oliver E. Ogbonna & Anthony Orji, 2019. "Regional integration and growth: New empirical evidence from WAEMU," Progress in Development Studies, , vol. 19(2), pages 123-143, April.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014.
"Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties,"
MPRA Paper
60321, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard Marinov, 2015. "Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties," International Journal of Business and Management, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, vol. 3(3), pages 22-39, August.
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties," Proceedings of Economics and Finance Conferences 0401524, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
Cited by:
- L. Kostecka-Tomaszewska & K. Czerewacz-Filipowicz, 2019. "Poland – A Gate to the EU or a Bottleneck in the Belt and Road Initiative," European Research Studies Journal, European Research Studies Journal, vol. 0(4), pages 472-492.
- Fei Peng & Lili Kang & Taoxiong Liu & Jia Cheng & Luxiao Ren, 2020. "Trade Agreements and Global Value Chains: New Evidence from China’s Belt and Road Initiative," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(4), pages 1-24, February.
- Eduard Marinov, 2014.
"Direction of International Trade of African Regional Economic Communities,"
Proceedings of International Academic Conferences
0901864, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
Cited by:
- Selim Inançli & Haman Mahamat Addi, 2019. "Trade Creation and Trade Diversion Effects in the Economic Community of Central African States," African Development Review, African Development Bank, vol. 31(3), pages 307-317, September.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014.
"Economic Integration Theories and the Developing Countries,"
MPRA Paper
63310, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Cited by:
- Ivana Rukavina, 2022. "Evaluation of macroeconomic outcomes and the seven-year membership of Croatia in the European Union," Public Sector Economics, Institute of Public Finance, vol. 46(1), pages 1-42.
- Kossi Ayenagbo, 2023. "Analyse de l'effet empirique de l'intégration économique sur la croissance sectorielle en Afrique Subsaharienne: quelle implication de la gouvernance?," African Development Review, African Development Bank, vol. 35(1), pages 52-64, March.
- Lindman, Sebastian & Tuvhag, Tom & Jayasekera, Ranadeva & Uddin, Gazi Salah & Troster, Victor, 2020. "Market Impact on financial market integration: Cross-quantilogram analysis of the global impact of the euro," Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 56(C), pages 42-73.
- Jonathan E. Ogbuabor & Onyinye I. Anthony-Orji & Oliver E. Ogbonna & Anthony Orji, 2019. "Regional integration and growth: New empirical evidence from WAEMU," Progress in Development Studies, , vol. 19(2), pages 123-143, April.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2013.
"Impact of the European Union on Regional Integration in Africa,"
MPRA Paper
60313, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Cited by:
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "The History of African Integration – A Gradual Shift from Political to Economic Goals," Revista de Economie Mondiala / The Journal of Global Economics, Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy, vol. 6(4).
- Elena Spasova & Eduard Marinov, 2021.
"Global value chains and the changing nature of international specialization,"
Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 3-28,29-52.
Cited by:
- Eduard Marinov, 2023. "On some changes in the theory and practice of economic integration," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 3, pages 293-306.
- Daniela Bobeva & Dimitar Zlatinov & Eduard Marinov, 2019.
"Economic Aspects of Migration Processes in Bulgaria,"
Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 55-88.
Cited by:
- Rossitsa Rangelova & Valentin Bilyanski, 2019. "Economic Aspects of Demographic Changes in the European Union and in Bulgaria," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 25-54.
- Eduard Marinov, 2018.
"Post-crisis development of Bulgarian international trade relations,"
Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 63-82.
Cited by:
- Rossitsa Rangelova & Valentin Bilyanski, 2020. "Structural changes in the foreign trade and economic growth of Bulgaria and Romania in the years of EU membership," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 2, pages 3-24,25-44.
- MARINOV, Eduard, 2017.
"The Link Between Official Development Assistance And International Trade Flows – Insights From Economic Theory,"
Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu", vol. 4(1), pages 239-247.
Cited by:
- Marinov, Eduard, 2018. "Bulgaria’s Participation in Development Policy: Potential Foreign Economic Benefits," MPRA Paper 110927, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard MARINOV, 2016.
"Bulgarian and Romanian regions competitiveness: a synthetic overview,"
Romanian Journal of Economics, Institute of National Economy, vol. 42(1(51)), pages 12-35, june.
Cited by:
- Marinov, Eduard, 2022. "Regional Competitiveness of Bulgarian Regions and their Place in the European Union," MPRA Paper 113679, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2021. "Обобщена Оценка На Конкурентоспособността На Южен Централен Район: Приложение На Индекса За Регионална Конкурентоспособност [Summarized assessment of the competitiveness of the South Central region," MPRA Paper 110920, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Eduard Marinov, 2015.
"Economic Integration Theories: Application to Integration Agreements among Developing Countries,"
Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, issue 3, pages 62-73, October.
Cited by:
- Emil Panusheff, 2019. "Structural challenges for the Bulgarian economy due to the presence of Global Value Chains," Economic Thought journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 3, pages 3-18,19-32.
- Margarita Atanassova, 2018. "Employment in Bulgaria as Part of European Labor Market – Trends and Institutional Challenges," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 6, pages 21-28.
- Eduard Marinov, 2015.
"Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties,"
International Journal of Business and Management, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, vol. 3(3), pages 22-39, August.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Eduard Marinov, 2014. "Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties," Proceedings of Economics and Finance Conferences 0401524, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
- Marinov, Eduard, 2014. "Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties," MPRA Paper 60321, University Library of Munich, Germany.
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- NEP-TRA: Transition Economics (3) 2015-12-08 2015-12-12 2017-08-13
- NEP-HIS: Business, Economic and Financial History (2) 2015-04-02 2022-01-10
- NEP-SOG: Sociology of Economics (2) 2015-06-13 2016-11-13
- NEP-BEC: Business Economics (1) 2017-07-30
- NEP-HPE: History and Philosophy of Economics (1) 2015-04-02
- NEP-LAW: Law and Economics (1) 2016-11-13
- NEP-URE: Urban and Real Estate Economics (1) 2022-08-15
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