Top Countries and States, Euclidian citation score, as of February 2025
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- Only authors registered with the RePEc Author Service are considered.
- Only works listed on RePEc and claimed as theirs by registered authors are counted.
- Different versions of the same work published in different series or journals are counted only once.
- Citations are determined from references of listed works. Both the cited and citing works have to be listed in RePEc. See CitEc for details on the citation extraction.
- Self-Citations are excluded.
- Score is measured by taking the square root of the sum across all distinct works of the square of the number of adjusted citations, the adjustment being for the typical number of references in the field of the paper (the field is defined by NEP, if there are several fields a geometric average is used, no adjustment if field is not defined). ReferenceAuthors with multiple affiliations are attributed to each according to the weights ("shares") they have set to each in their profile, or by default according to a formula described here.
- Only institutions listed in EDIRC are counted.
- Institutions are then attributed to the country or state of their location.
- Please note that rankings can depend on the number of registered authors in the respective institutions. Register at the RePEc Author Service to be counted.
- There are 70903 registered authors evaluated for all the rankings.
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The rankings
For institutions or regions, the score is computed by taking the square root of the sum of weighted squares of individual Euclidian scoresRank | Country or State | Score | Author Shares |
1 | Massachusetts (United States) | 40482.74 | 919.03 |
2 | United Kingdom | 31579.33 | 3978.45 |
3 | California (United States) | 30155.71 | 1194.45 |
4 | Illinois (United States) | 28397.12 | 553.86 |
5 | New York (United States) | 24865.1 | 1025.83 |
6 | Spain | 20838.21 | 2640.74 |
7 | District of Columbia (United States) | 16951.86 | 2493.37 |
8 | Germany | 16002.87 | 3613.66 |
9 | France | 15652.42 | 3858.63 |
10 | New Jersey (United States) | 13754.31 | 205.37 |
11 | Denmark | 12986.56 | 438.67 |
12 | New Hampshire (United States) | 12890.37 | 70.34 |
13 | Pennsylvania (United States) | 12443.56 | 561.41 |
14 | Connecticut (United States) | 11987.73 | 241.22 |
15 | Michigan (United States) | 11897.46 | 300.69 |
16 | Canada | 11830.35 | 1741.22 |
17 | Italy | 11606.82 | 3566.49 |
18 | Australia | 11157.96 | 1602.23 |
19 | North Carolina (United States) | 11032.63 | 333.93 |
20 | Rhode Island (United States) | 10624.31 | 88.98 |
21 | Switzerland | 9931.09 | 1111.32 |
22 | Netherlands | 9659.62 | 1206.22 |
23 | Wisconsin (United States) | 9620.95 | 165.63 |
24 | Belgium | 7916.4 | 895.51 |
25 | Texas (United States) | 7582.19 | 511.66 |
26 | Missouri (United States) | 7366.62 | 247.94 |
27 | China | 7187.11 | 1585.76 |
28 | Maryland (United States) | 7107.21 | 233.32 |
29 | Indiana (United States) | 6645.94 | 278.52 |
30 | Georgia (United States) | 6524.51 | 301.07 |
31 | Israel | 6352 | 246.38 |
32 | Virginia (United States) | 6274.86 | 356.96 |
33 | Sweden | 6236.91 | 741.82 |
34 | New Zealand | 6051.81 | 285.54 |
35 | Arizona (United States) | 5959.44 | 126.4 |
36 | Ohio (United States) | 5179.57 | 291.16 |
37 | Washington (United States) | 5102.87 | 102.04 |
38 | Singapore | 5047.34 | 211.3 |
39 | Minnesota (United States) | 4984.29 | 169.57 |
40 | Austria | 4568.55 | 561.86 |
41 | Florida (United States) | 4557.33 | 254.3 |
42 | Norway | 4542.36 | 497.21 |
43 | Japan | 4499.58 | 1270.83 |
44 | South Korea | 4425.68 | 416.98 |
45 | Ireland | 4227.52 | 349.38 |
46 | Turkey | 4038.19 | 949.8 |
47 | Hong Kong | 3783.73 | 162.36 |
48 | Colorado (United States) | 3668.14 | 142.85 |
49 | Philippines | 3485.88 | 181.97 |
50 | Chile | 3358.6 | 468.43 |
51 | Portugal | 3134.08 | 713.19 |
52 | Greece | 2989.07 | 615.87 |
53 | Tennessee (United States) | 2955.3 | 157.41 |
54 | Utah (United States) | 2899.39 | 118.94 |
55 | South Carolina (United States) | 2828.58 | 85.24 |
56 | India | 2777.05 | 1246.33 |
57 | Cyprus | 2685.84 | 46.78 |
58 | Iowa (United States) | 2624.66 | 82.18 |
59 | Brazil | 2536.61 | 967.96 |
60 | Oregon (United States) | 2427.55 | 62.65 |
61 | Taiwan | 2418.47 | 260.11 |
62 | Mexico | 2360.53 | 439.34 |
63 | Malaysia | 2126.32 | 394.93 |
64 | Finland | 2057.83 | 265.64 |
65 | Alabama (United States) | 2037.03 | 100.88 |
66 | Oklahoma (United States) | 1962.3 | 86.7 |
67 | Czech Republic | 1929.73 | 539.11 |
68 | Argentina | 1919.52 | 400.53 |
69 | Poland | 1906.06 | 758.12 |
70 | United Arab Emirates | 1796.6 | 113.15 |
71 | Hungary | 1677.16 | 431.67 |
72 | South Africa | 1628.09 | 410.68 |
73 | Kentucky (United States) | 1569.01 | 86.33 |
74 | Louisiana (United States) | 1559.42 | 85.54 |
75 | Luxembourg | 1481.04 | 181.4 |
76 | Hawaii (United States) | 1371.41 | 42.05 |
77 | Russia | 1338.86 | 1646.49 |
78 | Tunisia | 1296.31 | 261.45 |
79 | Colombia | 1293.83 | 706.16 |
80 | Arkansas (United States) | 1260.42 | 52.38 |
81 | Pakistan | 1257.99 | 545.62 |
82 | Macao | 1256.65 | 45.89 |
83 | Lebanon | 1212.88 | 63.47 |
84 | Wyoming (United States) | 1166.49 | 23.74 |
85 | Thailand | 1143.05 | 155.76 |
86 | Kazakhstan | 1085.94 | 65.75 |
87 | Vermont (United States) | 1069.65 | 31.19 |
88 | Egypt | 1067.92 | 113.59 |
89 | Kansas (United States) | 1047.52 | 71.04 |
90 | Delaware (United States) | 1018.28 | 49.52 |
91 | Viet Nam | 1016.95 | 235.88 |
92 | Saudi Arabia | 991.41 | 90.74 |
93 | Peru | 973.76 | 256.89 |
94 | Maine (United States) | 966.93 | 51.8 |
95 | Indonesia | 945.8 | 447.66 |
96 | Nigeria | 847.68 | 392.53 |
97 | Nebraska (United States) | 822.38 | 51.9 |
98 | Slovenia | 811.07 | 51.16 |
99 | Iceland | 805.04 | 14.88 |
100 | Ghana | 780.9 | 132.13 |
101 | West Virginia (United States) | 705.8 | 38.04 |
102 | Romania | 693.41 | 1173.24 |
103 | Cameroun | 670.89 | 65.89 |
104 | Qatar | 649.45 | 29.81 |
105 | New Mexico (United States) | 631.81 | 39.71 |
106 | Nevada (United States) | 629.63 | 36.86 |
107 | Mississippi (United States) | 615.78 | 45.29 |
108 | Kuwait | 604.8 | 17.61 |
109 | Armenia | 580.35 | 12.55 |
110 | Montana (United States) | 562.23 | 12.99 |
111 | Kenya | 561.39 | 45.7 |
112 | Bangladesh | 544.28 | 194.95 |
113 | Sri Lanka | 514.34 | 52.35 |
114 | Alaska (United States) | 503.98 | 15.5 |
115 | Uruguay | 490.67 | 132.63 |
116 | Slovakia | 485.16 | 151.94 |
117 | Oman | 485.03 | 17.45 |
118 | Côte d'Ivoire | 399.94 | 31.76 |
119 | Venezuela | 395.87 | 32.17 |
120 | Barbados | 379.28 | 12.86 |
121 | Iran | 373.44 | 159.52 |
122 | Estonia | 365.57 | 56.69 |
123 | Ecuador | 361.1 | 134.25 |
124 | Réunion | 353.65 | 19.89 |
125 | Lithuania | 353.08 | 39.04 |
126 | Latvia | 339.7 | 37.94 |
127 | Malta | 326.1 | 13.8 |
128 | Ethiopia | 314.71 | 74.37 |
129 | Bahrain | 306.84 | 9.06 |
130 | Northern Cyprus | 300.78 | 34.22 |
131 | Costa Rica | 299.75 | 32.11 |
132 | North Dakota (United States) | 297.73 | 32 |
133 | Croatia | 290.48 | 166.61 |
134 | Bulgaria | 275.37 | 256.32 |
135 | Georgia | 274.39 | 26.83 |
136 | Ukraine | 259.78 | 209.7 |
137 | Morocco | 210.88 | 100.24 |
138 | Idaho (United States) | 204.03 | 20.78 |
139 | Aland | 174.68 | 1 |
140 | Bolivia | 166.57 | 89.11 |
141 | Burkina Faso | 160.27 | 17.22 |
142 | Brunei | 143.13 | 10.6 |
143 | French Polynesia | 140.15 | 2 |
144 | Albania | 133.26 | 43.73 |
145 | Zambia | 126.58 | 15.5 |
146 | Palestinian Authority | 125.49 | 13.3 |
147 | Algeria | 115.13 | 74.56 |
148 | Congo (Dem. Rep.) | 111.01 | 14.4 |
149 | Cambodia | 107.02 | 8.44 |
150 | Tanzania | 103.13 | 23.5 |
151 | Mongolia | 98.67 | 50.06 |
152 | North Macedonia | 98.26 | 72.83 |
153 | Serbia | 97.71 | 46.22 |
154 | Fiji | 95.27 | 19 |
155 | Azerbaijan | 95.08 | 54.85 |
156 | South Dakota (United States) | 92.93 | 8.5 |
157 | Uzbekistan | 92.13 | 38.44 |
158 | Mozambique | 90.06 | 4 |
159 | Monaco | 87.92 | 2.5 |
160 | Somalia | 86.09 | 1 |
161 | Uganda | 83.43 | 17.79 |
162 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 78.69 | 19 |
163 | Nepal | 78.6 | 22.79 |
164 | Senegal | 75.61 | 19.04 |
165 | Kosovo | 68.38 | 1 |
166 | Puerto Rico | 65.21 | 6 |
167 | Zimbabwe | 64.99 | 16.09 |
168 | Liechtenstein | 63.31 | 3.9 |
169 | Martinique | 58.76 | 7 |
170 | Dominican Republic | 57.39 | 15.05 |
171 | Jamaica | 54.54 | 10.75 |
172 | Belarus | 53.61 | 12.26 |
173 | Kyrgyzstan | 53.04 | 5 |
174 | Suriname | 52.94 | 1 |
175 | Rwanda | 51.54 | 6.64 |
176 | Jordan | 49.77 | 28.7 |
177 | Sudan | 47.72 | 10.33 |
178 | Trinidad and Tobago | 47.21 | 9.86 |
179 | Guadeloupe | 47.18 | 3 |
180 | Afghanistan | 43.78 | 6.5 |
181 | Iraq | 42.89 | 12.66 |
182 | Mauritius | 42.19 | 5.5 |
183 | Libya | 35.42 | 3 |
184 | New Caledonia | 35.24 | 0.5 |
185 | Burundi | 34.87 | 1.05 |
186 | Malawi | 30.08 | 9.35 |
187 | Guatemala | 24.87 | 7.69 |
188 | Sierra Leone | 22.51 | 2.67 |
189 | Lesotho | 19.81 | 3.5 |
190 | Botswana | 19.29 | 4.5 |
191 | Benin | 15.33 | 9.5 |
192 | Haïti | 13.36 | 3.67 |
193 | Central African Republic | 10.7 | 1 |
194 | Montenegro | 10.18 | 5 |
195 | Moldova | 9.93 | 26 |
196 | Swaziland | 9.71 | 1.5 |
197 | Namibia | 9.27 | 2.2 |
198 | Papua New Guinea | 9.18 | 0.23 |
199 | San Marino | 9.05 | 1 |
200 | St. Kitts and Nevis | 9 | 1 |
201 | Nicaragua | 8.09 | 2.67 |
202 | Togo | 7.65 | 7.04 |
203 | Laos | 5.83 | 2 |
204 | Myanmar | 5.62 | 1.4 |
205 | Madagascar | 4.5 | 9.5 |
206 | Niue | 4.12 | 1 |
207 | Djibouti | 4.03 | 1.5 |
208 | Anguilla | 3.9 | 1 |
209 | Syria | 3 | 1.33 |
209 | El Salvador | 3 | 1 |
211 | Niger | 2.99 | 1 |
212 | Gambia | 2.07 | 3.5 |
213 | Guam | 2 | 1 |
214 | Guinea-Bissau | 1.99 | 0.05 |
215 | Tchad | 1.41 | 1 |
216 | Mali | 1 | 2 |
217 | Paraguay | 1 | 1 |
217 | Cuba | 1 | 10.8 |
219 | Curaçao | 0.74 | 0.95 |
220 | Yemen | 0 | 1 |
220 | Timor-Leste | 0 | 1 |
220 | Gabon | 0 | 1 |
220 | Guyana | 0 | 1.17 |
220 | Comoros | 0 | 0.7 |
The data presented here are experimental. They are based on a sample of the research output in Economics and Finance. Only material catalogued in RePEc is considered. For any citation based criterion, only works that could be parsed by the CitEc project are considered. For any ranking of people, only those registered with the RePEc Author Service can be taken into account. And for rankings of institutions, only those listed in EDIRC and claimed as affiliation by the respective, registered authors can be measured. Thus, this list is by no means based on a complete sample. You can help making this more comprehensive by encouraging more publications to be listed (instructions) and more authors to register (form). For more details on the various rankings that are available as well for documentation, follow this link.
- Citations from CitEc project by José Manuel Barrueco Cruz, University of Valencia, Spain. Hardware provided by Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), Valencia, Spain.
- Abstract views and downloads statistics from LogEc project by Sune Karlsson, Örebro University, Sweden.
- Author registration, institution database, and ranking computations by Christian Zimmermann.
- RePEc has been initiated by Thomas Krichel.