- 19/2018 The EU as a force for peace in international cyber diplomacy
by Bendiek, Annegret - 18/2018 On the way to a Global Compact on Refugees: The "zero draft". A positive, but not yet sufficient step
by Angenendt, Steffen & Biehler, Nadine - 17/2018 China's global connectivity politics: On confidently dealing with Chinese initiatives
by Kohlenberg, Paul Joscha & Godehardt, Nadine - 16/2018 EU trade and climate policy linkages: Potentials in times of repositioning
by Dröge, Susanne & Schenuit, Felix - 15es/2018 Los estándares laborales en los acuerdos comerciales: ¿Un camino hacia una mayor sostenibilidad? El caso de Colombia muestra el potencial y los límites de las cláusulas contractuales bilaterales
by Schmieg, Evita - 15/2018 Labour clauses for sustainability? Colombian trade agreements exemplify potential and limits
by Schmieg, Evita - 14/2018 Control of the Syrian airspace: Russian geopolitical ambitions and air threat assessment
by Kasapoğlu, Can - 13/2018 Georgia positions itself on China's new Silk Road: Relations between Tbilisi and Beijing in the light of the Belt-and-Road Initiative
by Smolnik, Franziska - 12/2018 Colombia's peace and Venezuela's turmoil: An emerging regional crisis landscape in South America
by Maihold, Günther - 11/2018 Cyprus after elections: Recapturing the Crans Montana momentum for peace negotiations
by Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. - 10/2018 Reforming the European Parliament: Brexit creates opportunity for more than just seat redistribution - but plans are modest (for now)
by von Ondarza, Nicolai & Schenuit, Felix - 9/2018 Saving transatlantic cooperation and the Iran nuclear deal: A view from Europe and the United States
by Brustlein, Corentin & Dobbins, James & Kaye, Dalia Dassa & Meier, Oliver & Overhaus, Marco & Quilliam, Neil & Ries, Charles P. & Schmid, Dorothée & Vakil, Sanam & Zamirirad, Azadeh - 8/2018 An atmosphere of growing political and societal instability in Ukraine
by Stewart, Susan - 7/2018 India's response to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: New partners and new formats
by Wagner, Christian & Tripathi, Siddharth - 6/2018 Participation as an added value of macro-regions: The potential for developing macro-regional cooperation in Europe
by Etzold, Tobias - 5/2018 Eurasian Economic Union integrates energy markets: EU stands aside
by Pastukhova, Maria & Westphal, Kirsten - 4/2018 New tasks for EU-NATO cooperation: An inclusive EU defence policy requires close collaboration with NATO
by Helwig, Niklas - 3/2018 Seeking renewed relevance: Institutions of Nordic cooperation in the reform process
by Opitz, Christian & Etzold, Tobias - 2/2018 The rise of "bad civil society" in Israel: Nationalist civil society organizations and the politics of delegitimization
by Jamal, Amal - 1/2018 International climate policy leadership after COP23: The EU must resume its leading role, but cannot do so alone
by Dröge, Susanne & Rattani, Vijeta
- 55/2017 Reforming the Eurozone without a "grand bargain": New instruments and power-sharing in incomplete Monetary Union
by Tokarski, Paweł - 54/2017 The trouble with transition: No off-the-shelf arrangement for the UK after Brexit
by von Ondarza, Nicolai - 53/2017 The EU and the Western Balkans: So near and yet so far. Why the region needs fast-track socio-economic convergence with the EU
by Bonomi, Matteo & Reljić, Dušan - 52/2017 Mali, the G5 and security sector assistance: Political obstacles to effective cooperation
by Tull, Denis - 51/2017 Syria's reconstruction scramble: In a game fraught with political risk, Europe should aim for long-term stabilization
by Asseburg, Muriel & Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 50/2017 Red Sea: Connecter and divider. Disruption waves from the Arabian Gulf to the Horn of Africa
by Weber, Annette - 49/2017 The Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement: Economic potentials and policy perspectives
by Hilpert, Hanns Günther - 48/2017 Prioritise greenhouse gas neutrality: EU and German climate policy should be more ambitious and more pragmatic
by Geden, Oliver - 47/2017 The EU's revised cybersecurity strategy: Half-hearted progress on far-reaching challenges
by Bendiek, Annegret & Bossong, Raphael & Schulze, Matthias - 46/2017 The River Congo - Africa's sleeping giant: Regional integration and intersectoral conflicts in the Congo Basin
by von Lossow, Tobias - 45/2017 Renewable energy and decentralized power generation in Russia: An opportunity for German-Russian energy cooperation
by Chukanov, Denis & Opitz, Petra & Pastukhova, Maria & Piani, Gianguido & Westphal, Kirsten - 44/2017 The Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation Agreement of October 2017: An opportunity to end Gaza's humanitarian crisis and permanently overcome the blockade
by Asseburg, Muriel - 43/2017 No Dream in Georgia? Domestic quarrels and local elections show: "winner takes all" likely to continue
by Schiffers, Sonja & Smolnik, Franziska - 42/2017 Unlocking the Gaza Strip's economic potential and fostering political stability: European's should seize the opportunity of the rapprochement between Fatah and Hamas
by Shaban, Omar - 41/2017 Israel vis-à-vis Iran in Syria: The perils of active containment. Iran's growing influence in the evolving order in Syria is driving Israel to change its mindset and strategies
by Murciano, Gil David - 40/2017 More development - more migration? The "migration hump" and its significance for development policy co-operation with sub-Saharan Africa
by Angenendt, Steffen & Martin-Shields, Charles & Schraven, Benjamin - 39/2017 External trade policy and the Sustainable Development Goals: Implementing the SDGs will meet justified criticisms of globalisation
by Schmieg, Evita - 38/2017 Some American voters are more equal: Election law as an area of partisan strategy
by Schwartz, Lauren & Thimm, Johannes - 37/2017 Dress rehearsal for Russia's presidential election: Moscow tightens grip on regional governors and budgets
by Burkhardt, Fabian & Kluge, Janis - 36/2017 Shrinking spaces in Israel: Contraction of democratic space, consolidation of occupation, and ongoing human rights violations call for a pradigm shift in Europe's policies
by Asseburg, Muriel - 35/2017 Ambitious framework nation: Germany in NATO. Bundeswehr capability planning and the "Framework Nations Concept"
by Glatz, Rainer & Zapfe, Martin - 34/2017 EU defence policy needs strategy: Time for political examination of the CSDP's reform objectives
by Beckmann, Rosa & Kempin, Ronja - 33/2017 Better Migration Management: A good approach to cooperating with countries of origin and transit?
by Angenendt, Steffen & Kipp, David - 32/2017 North Korea's nuclear-armed missiles: Options for the US and its allies in the Asia-Pacific
by Paul, Michael & Suh, Elisabeth - 31/2017 Encryption under threat: As states across the globe weaken cyber-security, Germany should oppose the trend
by Schulze, Matthias - 30/2017 Rethinking South Asia: Scenarios for a changing geopolitical landscape
by Wagner, Christian - 29/2017 More German "Blue Helmets": Four reasons the Federal Republic of Germany should show greater commitment to UN peacekeeping
by Kaim, Markus & Strauß, Lena - 28/2017 Cyprus negotiations thwarted by issues on security and guarantees: How can the peace process be revived?
by Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. - 27/2017 Syria's society upended: Societal rifts pose a massive challenge to pursuit of a political solution
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 26/2017 The Badr Organization: Iran's most important instrument in Iraq
by Steinberg, Guido - 25/2017 Three scenarios for the Qatar crisis: Regime change, resolution or Cold War in the Gulf
by Sailer, Matthias & Roll, Stephan - 24/2017 The South Caucasus and Iran in the post-sanctions era: Pursuing greater interconnectedness amidst continuing constraints and scaled-down expectations
by Weiss, Andrea & Zabanova, Yana - 23/2017 Containing illicit flows at African borders: Pitfalls for Europe
by Vorrath, Judith - 22/2017 Last exit Basel III: As regulation of bank capital comes to a close, stability concerns risk taking a backseat
by von Daniels, Laura - 21/2017 International cooperation on migration policy: Dare to to more! The Global Forum on Migration and Development in Berlin opens up opportunities
by Angenendt, Steffen & Koch, Anne - 20/2017 The new "Europe of security": Elements for a European white paper on security and defence
by Bendiek, Annegret - 19/2017 Trump's trade policy: First international consequences
by Schmieg, Evita - 18/2017 Competition for the ANC: Dominant party losing youth and poorer sections of South African population
by Müller, Melanie - 17/2017 No rivals to the king: The limits to political reform in Morocco's "Enlightened Authoritarianism"
by Werenfels, Isabelle & Saliba, Ilyas - 16/2017 The G20 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sustainable Development: How to strengthen policy coherence and accountability
by Beisheim, Marianne - 15/2017 Brief respite for Lukashenka: Russian loans alleviate Minsk's immediate financial woes, but deepen dependency
by Kluge, Janis - 14/2017 Tapping into the economic potential of refugees: Fostering development through transitional social and economic integration
by Angenendt, Steffen & Harild, Niels - 13/2017 Africa - G20 and proposals for Marshall plans: New instruments for new external economic settings?
by Schmieg, Evita - 12/2017 Syria's sectarian quandary: Without solving Sunni dispossession, the Geneva talks skirt around the conflict
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 11/2017 A permanent state of sanctions? Proposal for a more flexible EU sanctions policy toward Russia
by Fischer, Sabine - 10/2017 European defence in view of Brexit: Europe's military power might not suffer, but its political clout is at risk
by Major, Claudia & von Voß, Alicia - 9/2017 Israel on the road to the Orient? The cultural and political rise of the Mizrahim
by Averbukh, Lidia - 8/2017 The right moment to reform the EU budget
by Becker, Peter - 7/2017 Negotiating with a dis-United Kingdom: The EU's options concerning Scotland and Northern Ireland in the Brexit talks
by von Ondarza, Nicolai & Becker, Julia - 6/2017 China 4.0: Party and society debate the digital transformation
by Schulze, David & Godehardt, Nadine - 5/2017 Egypt's armed forces cement economic power: Military business expansion impedes structural reforms
by Noll, Jessica - 4/2017 Energy in the German-Polish relationship: Acknowledging controversies - pursuing shared interests
by Lang, Kai-Olaf & Neuhoff, Karsten & Scholl, Ellen & Westphal, Kirsten & Gawlikowska-Fyk, Aleksandra - 3/2017 Faraway, so close: Approaching the endgame in the Cyprus negotiations
by Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. - 2/2017 Ever further from the West: Why Ankara looks to Moscow
by Seufert, Günter - 1/2017 Refugee policy in Northern Europe: Nordic countries grow closer but differences remain
by Etzold, Tobias
- 57/2016 More bones to pick with the EU? Controversial poultry exports to Africa. Sustainable trade policy as a task for the G20
by Rudloff, Bettina & Schmieg, Evita - 56/2016 The military topography of Syria's south: Fickle external support for moderates. Resurgent Islamic State in birthplace of the revolt
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 55/2016 The crushing of Syria's civil actors: Survival of grassroots structures is crucial for country's future
by Becker, Petra & Stolleis, Friederike - 54/2016 Georgia and Abkhazia caught between Turkey and Russia: Turkey's changing relations with Russia and the West in 2015-2016 and their impact on Georgia and Abkhazia
by Weiss, Andrea & Zabanova, Yana - 53/2016 Negative emissions: A challenge for climate policy
by Geden, Oliver & Schäfer, Stefan - 52/2016 Syria's uneasy bedfellows: Perpetuation of conflict serves radicals, prospect for compromise increases moderation
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub & Wimmen, Heiko - 51/2016 Deoligarchisation in Ukraine: Promising visions, murky realities
by Halling, Steffen & Stewart, Susan - 50/2016 International climate diplomacy after the Trump election victory: Germany and the EU should intensify their outreach to climate allies
by Dröge, Susanne - 49/2016 A European "special relationship": Guiding principles, interests and options for the EU-27 in the Brexit talks
by Lippert, Barbara & von Ondarza, Nicolai - 48/2016 The EU budget's mid-term review: With its promising reform proposals, the Commission lays the groundwork for the next, post-2020 budget
by Becker, Peter - 47/2016 The new White Paper 2016: Promoting greater understanding of security policy?
by Kaim, Markus & Linnenkamp, Hilmar - 46/2016 Lebanon's state of erosion: Divisions over the conflict in Syria sustain a dangerous stalemate
by Wimmen, Heiko - 45/2016 The dynamics of a right-wing coalition: How the failure of the peace process encourages domestic populism in Israel
by Lintl, Peter - 44/2016 Unveiling the structure of unconventional organized crime: Investigating and prosecuting criminal networks within and beyond European borders
by Autolitano, Simona & Zoppei, Verena - 43/2016 Non-Jewish minorities and their access to Israeli citizenship: Demographic threat perceptions and ensuing state strategies
by Averbukh, Lidia - 42/2016 Nordic Europe after the Brexit vote: The five Nordic countries are reassessing their relations with the EU
by Etzold, Tobias & Opitz, Christian - 41/2016 Putin's new National Guard: Bulwark against mass protests and illoyal elites
by Klein, Margarete - 40/2016 Liberal hegemony and US foreign policy under Barack Obama
by Rudolf, Peter - 39/2016 First UN summit on large movements of refugees and migrants: Focus on shared challenges
by Angenendt, Steffen & Koch, Anne - 38/2016 The global strategy for the EU's foreign and security policy
by Bendiek, Annegret - 37/2016 Many refugees, poor data: Development cooperation requires higher-quality data
by Angenendt, Steffen & Kipp, David & Koch, Anne - 36/2016 Back to square one: Fighting resumes in South Sudan
by Weber, Annette - 35/2016 Brexiting into uncharted waters: British referendum initiates complex exit negotiations - and perhaps renewal of the European Union
by Lippert, Barbara & von Ondarza, Nicolai - 34/2016 Local dynamics in the Syrian conflict: Homegrown links in rebel areas blunt Jihadist ascendency
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 33/2016 US foreign policy after the 2016 elections: Presidential contenders' opposing concepts and domestic political dynamics
by Overhaus, Marco & Brozus, Lars - 32/2016 Border security, camps, quotas: The future of European refugee policy?
by Angenendt, Steffen & Kipp, David & Koch, Anne - 31/2016 Joining forces: Necessary steps for developing the comprehensive approach
by Kempin, Ronja & Scheler, Ronja - 30/2016 Reviewing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: "Early movers" can help maintain momentum
by Beisheim, Marianne - 29/2016 Fresh impetus for West African drug policy: Opportunities for new partnerships in the wake of UNGASS
by Vorrath, Judith - 28/2016 Turkey in Afghanistan: A successful stakeholder, but a difficult partner
by Sey, Cem & Seufert, Günter - 27/2016 Ahrar al-Sham: The "Syrian Taliban". Al-Nusra ally seeks partnership with West
by Steinberg, Guido - 26/2016 Energy security and the OSCE: The case for energy risk mitigation and connectivity
by Westphal, Kirsten & Yafimava, Katja & Øverland, Indra & Scholl, Ellen - 25/2016 The effects of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on India-Pakistan relations
by Wagner, Christian - 24/2016 The end of a two-state settlement? Alternatives and priorities for settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
by Asseburg, Muriel & Busse, Jan - 23/2016 The danger of chemical weapons in Syria: Unfinished disarmament and international control efforts
by Meier, Oliver - 22/2016 Germany and NATO missile defence: Between adaptation and persistence
by Dickow, Marcel & Kubiak, Katarzyna & Meier, Oliver & Paul, Michael - 21/2016 European disintegration: Too much to lose
by Rudloff, Bettina & Schmieg, Evita - 20/2016 United Nations Peacekeeping and the use of force: The Intervention Brigade in Congo is no model for success
by Tull, Denis - 19/2016 After the Paris agreement: New challenges for the EU's leadership in climate policy
by Dröge, Susanne & Geden, Oliver - 18/2016 NATO needs deterrence and dialogue: Defining the new balance in view of the Warsaw summit
by Major, Claudia & Rathke, Jeffrey - 17/2016 Euro-sceptics in power: Integration-critical parties in the European Parliament and national governments
by von Ondarza, Nicolai - 16/2016 Syria after the Russian intervention: Moscow tips the military balance in favor of the regime, pursues parallel diplomacy
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 15/2016 The United States, China and the freedom of the seas: Washington's FONOPs conflict with Beijing
by Paul, Michael - 14/2016 The Future of the Minsk agreements: Press for implementation and support sanctions
by Stewart, Susan - 13/2016 Nordic-Baltic security, Germany and NATO: The Baltic Sea Region is a test case for European security
by Major, Claudia & Voss, Alicia von - 12/2016 The future of the WTO after the Nairobi Ministerial Conference
by Schmieg, Evita & Rudloff, Bettina - 11/2016 European Union data protection and external trade: Having the best of both worlds?
by Bendiek, Annegret & Schmieg, Evita - 10/2016 The rule of law in contemporary Ukraine: Widespread elite failure puts reforms at risk
by Stewart, Susan - 9/2016 A common energy market in the Eurasian Economic Union: Implications for the European Union and energy relations with Russia
by Pastukhova, Maria & Westphal, Kirsten - 8/2016 Changed priorities in the Gulf: Saudi Arabia and the Emirates rethink their relationship with Egypt
by Sailer, Matthias - 7/2016 Russia: Turn to China?
by Klein, Margarete & Westphal, Kirsten - 6/2016 Core Europe and the United Kingdom: Risks, opportunities and side-effects of the British reform proposals
by von Ondarza, Nicolai - 5/2016 NATO defence planning between Wales and Warsaw: Politico-military challenges of a credible assurance against Russia
by Glatz, Rainer & Zapfe, Martin - 4/2016 The other vanguard of international terrorism: Despite setbacks Al-Qaeda profits from Yemen civil war
by Steinberg, Guido - 3/2016 Water as weapon: IS on the Euphrates and Tigris. The systematic instrumentalisation of water entails conflicting IS objectives
by von Lossow, Tobias - 2/2016 Germany and the role of nuclear weapons: Between prohibition and revival
by Meier, Oliver - 1/2016 Turkey as partner of the EU in the refugee crisis: Ankara's problems and interests
by Seufert, Günter
- 52/2015 Burying heads in Geneva sands: Without dismantling the sectarian crux of Assad's rule, Syria peace talks are unlikely to usher in stability
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 51/2015 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement: Increased pressure on European trade policy
by Hilpert, Hanns Günther - 50/2015 Blocked for good by the threat of treaty change? Perspectives for reform in the European Union
by von Ondarza, Nicolai - 49/2015 Perspectives for NATO-Russia relations: Forms of confrontation dominate - but dialogue not excluded
by Klein, Margarete & Major, Claudia - 48/2015 Russia's military intervention in Syria: Its operation plan, objectives, and consequences for the West's policies
by Kaim, Markus & Tamminga, Oliver - 47/2015 The West's darling in Syria: Seeking support, the Kurdish Democratic Union Party brandishes an anti-jihadist image
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 46/2015 Moroccan foreign fighters: Evolution of a phenomenon, promotive factors, and the limits of hardline policies
by Masbah, Mohammed - 45/2015 Organised crime in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development": Indicators and measurements for international and national implementation
by Vorrath, Judith & Beisheim, Marianne - 44/2015 Regional security and cooperation in the Arctic and Baltic: Destabilisation follows Ukraine crisis
by Etzold, Tobias & Steinicke, Stefan - 43/2015 The European Union's digital assertiveness
by Bendiek, Annegret & Berlich, Christoph & Metzger, Tobias - 42/2015 Cameroon and Boko Haram: Time to think beyond terrorism and security
by Tull, Denis - 41/2015 Repressing Egypt's civil society: State violence, restriction of the public sphere, and extrajudicial persecution
by Grimm, Jannis - 40/2015 Potential for Nordic-Baltic security cooperation: Shared threat perception strengthens regional collaboration
by Opitz, Christian - 39/2015 Backbone of the Syrian revolt: Inclusion of rural Sunnis key for international efforts to end conflict
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 38/2015 The return of the Kurdish question: On the situation of the Kurds in Iraq, Syria and Turkey
by Seufert, Günter - 37/2015 Eritrea - paths out of isolation
by Weber, Annette - 36/2015 Supporting stabilization in Libya: The challenges of finalizing and implementing the Skhirat agreement
by Lacher, Wolfram - 35/2015 New Centre-Right government in Finland: Economic and European challenges and perspectives
by Etzold, Tobias & Tokarski, Paweł - 34/2015 New European Security Strategy: The transatlantic factor
by Bendiek, Annegret & Kaim, Markus - 33/2015 Geoeconomics meets geopolitics: China's new economic and foreign policy initiatives
by Hilpert, Hanns Günther & Wacker, Gudrun - 32/2015 EU options on Russia and the Eastern partners: "Cooperative confrontation" as the guiding principle beyond the Riga Summit
by Lang, Kai-Olaf & Lippert, Barbara - 31/2015 From Yemen war to joint army? Egyptian-Saudi differences over Arab military cooperation
by Noll, Jessica & Roll, Stephan - 30/2015 Ensuring the quality of scientific climate policy advice: In an increasingly pragmatic policy environment, advisors should take a step away from politics
by Geden, Oliver - 29/2015 The EU and the Paris Climate Agreement: Ambitions, strategic goals, and tactical approaches
by Dröge, Susanne & Geden, Oliver - 28/2015 Limits of an "Energy Union": Only pragmatic progress on EU energy market regulation expected in the coming months
by Fischer, Severin & Geden, Oliver - 27/2015 Fifty years of German-Israeli diplomatic relations: Whither the miracle of reconciliation?
by Asseburg, Muriel - 26/2015 Sieges and ceasefires in Syria's civil war: Lessons learned as regional players undermine new approach by UN mediator
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 25/2015 Between military non-alignment and integration: Finland and Sweden in search of a new security strategy
by Etzold, Tobias & Opitz, Christian - 24/2015 Balancing on the brink: Lebanon, tangled up in the Syrian war, struggles to maintain its stability
by Wimmen, Heiko - 23/2015 Trade policy options for Sub-Saharan Africa: TTIP, EPAs, WTO and African integration
by Schmieg, Evita - 22/2015 A hybrid security policy for Europe: Resilience, deterrence, and defense as leitmotifs
by Major, Claudia & Mölling, Christian - 21/2015 Nigeria: Boko Haram and the regionalization of terrorism
by Tull, Denis & Weber, Annette - 20/2015 Japan after two years of "Abenomics": Monetary illusions, timid reforms. So far, Prime Minister Abe's economic policy has missed its mark
by Hilpert, Hanns Günther - 19/2015 Identity and violence in Ukraine: Societal developments since the Maidan protests
by Halling, Steffen & Stewart, Susan - 18/2015 The pan-European order at the crossroads: Three principles for a new beginning
by Kaim, Markus & Maull, Hanns W. & Westphal, Kirsten - 17/2015 European Union sanctions against Russia: Objectives, impacts and next steps
by Fischer, Sabine - 16/2015 NATO's strategic adaptation: Germany is the backbone for the alliance's military reorganisation
by Major, Claudia - 15/2015 Built on sand: Egypt's questionable strategy for growth and development
by Roll, Stephan & Sailer, Matthias - 14/2015 India's position in international climate negotiations: No shift under Modi
by Dröge, Susanne & Wagner, Christian - 13/2015 The politics of protest in Tunisia: Instrument in parties' competition vs. tool for participation
by Boubekeur, Amel - 12/2015 #We are not Charlie: Muslims' differentiated reactions to the Paris Attacks, and the dangers of indiscriminate finger-pointing
by Grimm, Jannis - 11/2015 Egypt's Nile water policy under Sisi: Security interests promote rapprochement with Ethiopia
by von Lossow, Tobias & Roll, Stephan - 10/2015 Seas of trouble: Enduring territorial conflicts in East and Southeast Asia
by Heiduk, Felix & Paul, Michael - 9/2015 Russia's new military doctrine: NATO, the United States and the "colour revolutions"
by Klein, Margarete - 8/2015 The battle for Benghazi: The limits of stabilization by military means
by Sarieldin, Nizar - 7/2015 Asia-Pacific Free Trade Talks nearing the finish line: Setting the agenda in the struggle for regional markets, multilateral rules and geopolitical leadership
by Hilpert, Hanns Günther - 6/2015 The failure of the transitional process in Yemen: The Houthi's violent rise to power and the fragmentation of the state
by Transfeld, Mareike - 5/2015 The last bastion of the Syrian revolt: Southern Syria offers non-military venues to strengthen moderates
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 4/2015 Train + equip = peace? Stabilization requires more than capacity building
by Major, Claudia & Mölling, Christian & Vorrath, Judith - 3/2015 Collateral damage from ECB strategy: Ultra-loose monetary policy has little benefit - and harms many
by Dieter, Heribert - 2/2015 Illegal fishing and maritime security: Towards a land- and sea-based response to threats in West Africa
by Lewerenz, Catharina & Vorrath, Judith - 1/2015 Egypt's upcoming parliamentary elections: Weakened parliament, weakened parties
by Sika, Nadine
- 55/2014 The EU's new energy and climate policy framework for 2030: Implications for the German energy transition
by Fischer, Severin - 54/2014 Power shift in Tunisia: Electoral success of secular parties might deepen polarization
by Wolf, Anne - 53/2014 Post-election Tunisia: Security issues as a threat to democratisation. Germany should help reform and strengthen the security sector
by Mölling, Christian & Werenfels, Isabelle - 52/2014 The Framework Nations Concept: Germany's contribution to a capable European defence
by Major, Claudia & Mölling, Christian - 51/2014 Islamist and secular forces in Morocco: Not a zero-sum game
by Masbah, Mohammed - 50/2014 The EU in the Middle East and North Africa: Helpless bystander rather than effective democracy promoter or stabilizing force
by Asseburg, Muriel - 49/2014 Food standards in trade agreements: Differing regulatory traditions in the EU and the US and tips for the TTIP
by Rudloff, Bettina - 48/2014 The networking of European foreign policy: From cacophony to choir?
by Bendiek, Annegret - 47/2014 Turkey's policy toward Syrian refugees: Domestic repercussions and the need for international support
by Ahmadoun, Souad - 46/2014 Fragile alliances in Egypt's post-revolutionary order: The military and its partners
by Dine, Chérine Chams el- - 45/2014 Support for Syria's civil society - misguided and ineffective: Without military action, international support will continue to be of no avail
by Becker, Petra - 44/2014 Erdoğans "New Turkey": Restoring the authoritarian state in the name of democracy
by Seufert, Günter - 43/2014 U.S.-led bombardement challenges Islamic State's hold on eastern Syria: But without addressing the roots of the conflict, the group will remain hard to beat
by Oweis, Khaled Yacoub - 42/2014 Greece: Light at the end of the tunnel
by Bastian, Jens