January 2014, Volume 82, Issue 1
- 137-196 The Elite Illusion: Achievement Effects at Boston and New York Exam Schools
by Atila Abdulkadiroğlu & Joshua Angrist & Parag Pathak - 197-228 Short‐Run Subsidies and Long‐Run Adoption of New Health Products: Evidence From a Field Experiment
by Pascaline Dupas - 229-269 Islamic Rule and the Empowerment of the Poor and Pious
by Erik Meyersson - 271-314 Competition for a Majority
by Paulo Barelli & Srihari Govindan & Robert Wilson - 315-344 Identification in Auctions With Selective Entry
by Matthew Gentry & Tong Li - 345-385 Entropic Latent Variable Integration via Simulation
by Susanne M. Schennach - 387-413 Asymptotically Efficient Estimation of Models Defined by Convex Moment Inequalities
by Hiroaki Kaido & Andres Santos - 415-423 Comment on “The Law of Large Demand for Information”
by Yaron Azrieli
November 2014, Volume 82
- 2005-2039 The Intrinsic Value of Decision Rights
by Björn Bartling & Ernst Fehr & Holger Herz - 2041-2083 Information Frictions in Trade
by Treb Allen - 2085-2129 Inferring Labor Income Risk and Partial Insurance From Economic Choices
by Fatih Guvenen & Anthony A. Smith - 2131-2165 Forced Coexistence and Economic Development: Evidence From Native American Reservations
by Christian Dippel - 2167-2196 Structural Change and the Kaldor Facts in a Growth Model With Relative Price Effects and Non‐Gorman Preferences
by Timo Boppart - 2197-2223 What Explains the 2007–2009 Drop in Employment?
by Atif Mian & Amir Sufi - 2225-2255 Survival versus Profit Maximization in a Dynamic Stochastic Experiment
by Ryan Oprea - 2257-2294 Bounded Memory and Biases in Information Processing
by Andrea Wilson - 2295-2326 Robust Nonparametric Confidence Intervals for Regression‐Discontinuity Designs
by Sebastian Calonico & Matias D. Cattaneo & Rocio Titiunik - 2327-2370 Fixed‐Smoothing Asymptotics in a Two‐Step Generalized Method of Moments Framework
by Yixiao Sun - 2371-2393 Implementation With Contingent Contracts
by Rahul Deb & Debasis Mishra
September 2014, Volume 82
- 1557-1614 Fiscal Rules and Discretion Under Persistent Shocks
by Marina Halac & Pierre Yared - 1615-1670 Experimental Games on Networks: Underpinnings of Behavior and Equilibrium Selection
by Gary Charness & Francesco Feri & Miguel A. Meléndez‐Jiménez & Matthias Sutter - 1671-1748 Underinvestment in a Profitable Technology: The Case of Seasonal Migration in Bangladesh
by Gharad Bryan & Shyamal Chowdhury & Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak - 1749-1797 Identification in Differentiated Products Markets Using Market Level Data
by Steven T. Berry & Philip A. Haile - 1799-1851 Identification Using Stability Restrictions
by Leandro M. Magnusson & Sophocles Mavroeidis - 1853-1872 Mechanism Design With Ambiguous Communication Devices
by Subir Bose & Ludovic Renou - 1873-1912 Random Choice as Behavioral Optimization
by Faruk Gul & Paulo Natenzon & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1913-1943 Consistency of Higher Order Risk Preferences
by Cary Deck & Harris Schlesinger - 1945-1978 Perceived Ambiguity and Relevant Measures
by Peter Klibanoff & Sujoy Mukerji & Kyoungwon Seo - 1979-2002 A Practical Two‐Step Method for Testing Moment Inequalities
by Joseph P. Romano & Azeem M. Shaikh & Michael Wolf