2025, Volume 12
- 1-18 Spillover effects of public capital stock: A case study for Ecuador
by Roberto Zurita & Víctor Morales-Oñate - 19-45 Spatial Inequality
by Sergio Rey - 47-71 Do local attitudes change with the exposure and the status of the migrants?
by Bianca Biagi & Dionysia Lambiri & Marta Meleddu
2024, Volume 11
- 1-26 Labour Market Effects of Trade in a Small Open Economy
by Agnes Kügler & Klaus Friesenbichler & Cornelius Hirsch - 1-26 Interdependence Between the Tourist Regions of Sergipe, Brazil
by Luiz Carlos de Santana Ribeiro & Daniel Silva Antunes de Carvalho & Thiago Henrique Carneiro Rios Lopes & José Firmino de Sousa Filho - 27-41 China's Impact on Sustainable Economic Growth in Central Asian Countries in the Context of the Silk Road Economic Belt
by Bin Zhang & Sheripzhan Nadyrov & Stepanov Anatoly - 27-53 The influence of underlying conditions of countries on the COVID-19 lethality rate
by Grace Carolina Guevara Rosero & Eymy Coralia Illescas Navarrete - 43-62 Positive Outcomes of Cross-Border Tourism Development Cooperation: A Case of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
by Imanaly Akbar & Akmaral Tazhekova & Zabira Myrzaliyeva & Bauyrzhan Pazylkhaiyr & Serik Mominov - 55-78 Bioeconomy firms and where to find them
by Lukas Kriesch & Sebastian Losacker - 63-97 Varying size and shape of spatial units: Analysing the MAUP through agglomeration economies in the case of Germany
by Rozeta Simonovska & Egle Tafenau - 79-109 Exploring economic activity from outer space: A Python notebook for processing and analyzing satellite nighttime lights
by Ayush Patnaik & Carlos Mendez - 99-117 The Impact of Education (Level of Knowledge) on the Prevalence of Obesity in Different Urban Environments
by Yuval Arbel & Yifat Arbel & Amichai Kerner & Miryam Kerner - 119-147 A spatial and demographic analysis of cycling safety perceptions: A case study in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
by Matthew Haffner & Nathan Walker & Savanna Grunzke & Matthew St. Ores
2023, Volume 10
- 1-5 Territorial marginality: causes, methods and policies: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Bruna Vendemmia & Agim Enver Kerucku & Giovanni Vecchio - 1-18 Productivity, Smart Specialisation, and Innovation:: Empirical findings on EU macro-regions
by Mirko Kruse & Cristina Somcutean & Jan Wedemeier - 1-18 Credit market development and agricultural production in selected African countries: Climate change perspective
by Zewdie Shikur - 19-30 Spatial Economics and Totalitarian Temptations: The Complex Biography of August Lösch (1906-1945)
by Gunnar Take - 19-44 A Blockchain-Based Welfare Distribution Model for Digital Inclusivity
by Chloe Tartan - 31-44 COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality Factors: An International Comparison
by Yuval Arbel & Chaim Fialkoff & Amichai Kerner & Miryam Kerner - 45-57 Relating Sustainable Development Goals in a Conceptual Integrated Model of Growth and Welfare
by Karina Simone Sass & Tomás Lopes Cavalheiro Ponce Dentinho - 45-66 Territorial Infrastructure Support Index (ISIT): A theoretical and empirical contribution to the analysis of lag zones in Chile
by Arturo Orellana Ossandón & Ricardo Truffello & Daniel Moreno & Héctor Altamirano & Mónica Flores & Isidro Puig - 59-81 Bridging the evidence gap in spatial planning: Lessons from assessing the impact of transport infrastructure
by Grigoris Kafkalas & Magda Pitsiava - 67-88 Defining marginality in the periurban areas of Quito: A descriptive approach based on empirical and spatial data
by Riccardo Porreca & Nadia Rodriguez.Pazmiño & Vasiliki Geropanta & Paola Bracchi - 83-104 The Rise of Bitcoin, Economic Inequality and the Ecology
by Gal Benshushan - 89-112 Italia di mezzo: The emerging marginality of intermediate territories between metropolises and inner areas
by Agim Kercuku & Francesco Curci & Arturo Lanzani & Federico Zanfi - 105-136 Quantifying the Circular Economy in European Regions: a Bridge towards Smart Specialisation?
by Mirko Kruse & Jan Wedemeier - 113-132 Prediction models and testing of resilience in regions: Covid19 economic impact in USA counties study case
by Charalampos Manousiadis & Eleni Gaki - 133-145 Economic impact of hotels and similar establishments in Veszprém District
by Alishan Karimov & Petra Gyurácz-Németh & Dirk-Jan Kamann - 147-158 Between leading and lagging: Interregional migration, unemployment and over-education among college graduates in the aftermath of the 2008 recession
by Miguel González-Leonardo - 159-181 Economy and creativity multiparametric clustering: Regional comparisons and new perspectives for Ukraine
by Svitlana Slava - 183-197 The geographical dimension of income and consumption inequality: Evidence from the Attica Metropolitan Region of Greece
by Yannis Psycharis & Thomas Georgiadis & Panagiotis Nikolopoulos - 199-213 Financial Development and Human Development in Nigeria
by Mutiu Adeniyi Afolabi & Bosede Akanbi & Onifade Emmanuel Olayinka
2022, Volume 9
- 1-2 A Major Uplift: Recent Developments in REGION
by Francisco Rowe - 1-6 Labour Market Areas and cluster subdivision for Spain 2011
by Lucas Martínez-Bernabéu & José Manuel Casado-Díaz - 1-7 Editorial for the Special Issue “Spatial and regional aspects of health”
by Anna-Theresa Renner & Rita Santos & Benedetta Pongiglione & Roman Hoffmann - 1-15 An introduction to pspatreg: A new R package for semiparametric spatial autoregressive analysis
by Román Mínguez & Roberto Basile & María Durbán - 1-23 Your Air Pollution Makes Me Sick! Estimating the Spatial Spillover Effects of PM2.5 Emissions on Emergency Room Visits in Chile
by Mauricio Sarrias & Anita Molina-Varas - 1-27 Estimating Determinants of Transportation and Warehousing Establishment Locations Using U.S. Administrative Data
by Craig Carpenter & Rebekka Dudensing & Anders Van Sandt - 25-44 Assessing press releases as a data source for spatial research
by Burcu Ozgun & Tom Broekel - 29-49 EU funds as a catalyst of change for the Slovak healthcare system?
by Jan Fidrmuc & Kristína Gardoňová & Martin Hulényi & Lukáš Sekelský & Veronika Zlaczká - 45-66 Academic Tourism in Barcelona (Spain) in the COVID-19 Era
by Carlota Culubret & Ane González & Montserrat Iglesias & Sara Moreno & Víctor Roigé - 51-67 The fiscal capacity of local government versus government expenditure, and its impact on eliminating interregional social inequalities in Poland
by Małgorzata Gałecka & Leszek Patrzałek & Ireneusz Kuropka & Ewa Szabela-Pasierbińska - 67-86 Ageing, therefore marginal: demographic trends and institutional capacity in marginal Chilean municipalities
by Giovanni Vecchio - 69-82 Sustainability of the community-based ecotourism development in the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve, Kazakhstan: An evaluation through local residents' perception
by Imanaly Akbar & Sergeyeva Aigul Maksatovna & Myrzaliyeva Zabira Kazbekkyzy & Tazhekova Akmaral Zhaksybekkyzy & Saulembaev Altynbai Tagabayevich & Mominov Serik Abdukarimovich - 83-100 Economic security of regions: A methodological approach to assessment, management, and legal regulation
by Ohla Ovcharenko & Larysa Korotka & Viktoriia Smiesova & Ohla Kuchkova & Roman Karpenko - 87-107 Remote and connected: Negotiating marginality in rural coworking spaces and “tiers-lieux” in France
by Aurore Flipo & Patricia Lejoux & Nicolas Ovtracht - 101-114 Municipal amalgamations and local housing prices
by Vífill Karlsson & Grétar Thór Eythórsson - 109-129 The THEMA tool to support heritage-based development strategies for marginal areas: Evidence from an Italian inner area in Campania Region
by Marco Rossitti & Francesca Torrieri - 115-133 Adapting the Singapore Model to Nigeria’s Urban Management: Possibilities and Challenges
by Adaku Jane Echendu - 131-148 Redefining marginality on Italian Apennines: An approach to reconsider the notion of basic needs in low density territories
by Bruna Vendemmia & Giovanni Lanza - 135-146 Territorial cohesion, the COVID-19 crisis and the urban paradox: Future challenges in urbanization and economic agglomeration
by Panagiotis Artelaris & George Mavrommatis - 147-163 Investment in digital infrastructure: Why and for whom?
by Don J. Webber & Ellen Hughes & Gail Pacheco & Glenn Parry - 149-160 The Asymmetric Impacts of Fiscal Consolidation on Poverty and Social Exclusion: Regional Perspective
by Vít Pošta - 161-181 Smart Specialisation in less-developed regions of the European Union: A Systematic Literature Review
by Eristian Wibisono - 183-199 Development of a Quantitative Model in Land Use Planning Using GIS: A Case Study of Zarrin Dasht County, Iran
by Masoud Masoudi & Parviz Jokar
2021, Volume 8
- 1-14 Factors Supporting or Hindering the Place-based Structure of Commons in Local Productive Systems
by Marco Bellandi - 1-27 Spatial Shopping Behavior in a Multi-Channel Environment: A Discrete Choice Model Approach
by Thomas Wieland - 15-32 Gating as exclusionary commoning in a post-socialist city: Evidence from Gdańsk, Poland
by Maja Grabkowska & Magdalena Szmytkowska - 29-56 The Pandemic Economy: Exploring the change in new business license activity in Chicago, USA from March – September, 2020
by Kevin Credit & Emma van Lieshout - 33-51 Outflow of Talents or Exodus? Evidence on youth emigration from EU’s peripheral areas
by Piotr Maleszyk - 53-73 Spatial Health Inequality and Regional Disparities: Historical Evidence from Malaria in Italy
by Marco Percoco - 57-81 Regional Innovation Systems of Medical Technology: A knowledge production function of cardiovascular research and funding in Europe
by Rucha Vadia & Katharina Blankart - 75-95 Destination management and sustainable development through the common lens of the Commons
by João Romão & Mayumi Okada & Kazuo Machino & Peter Nijkamp - 83-97 Isolation and well-being in the time of lockdown
by Lise Bourdeau Lepage & Balázs Kotosz - 97-117 Linking the Performance of Entrepreneurial Universities to Technoparks and University Characteristics in Turkey
by Tuzin Baycan & Gokcen Arkali Olcay - 99-120 The promise of endogenous potential in times of crisis: Analysis of the effects of the Corona pandemic on the socio-economic embeddedness in Local Economies
by Anna Herzog & Marieke Vomberg - 119-134 Analysing Higher Educational Institutions' Role in Fulfilling their Third Mission
by Samuel Amponsah Odei & Henry Junior Anderson - 121-145 Antibiotic Self-Medication and Antibiotic Resistance: Multilevel Regression Analysis of Repeat Cross-Sectional Survey Data in Europe
by Alistair Anderson - 135-152 The Efficiency of Tourism Sector in EU Mediterranean Coastal Regions: The Effects of Seasonality and Spatiality on Demand
by Spyros Niavis & Dimitris Kallioras - 147-165 Spatial Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hungary: Changing Epidemic Waves in Time and Space
by Annamaria Uzzoli & Sándor Zsolt Kovács & Attila Fábián & Balázs Páger & Tamás Szabó - 153-180 The Bias of avoiding Spatial Dynamic Panel Models: A Tale of two Research Teams
by Lorenz Benedikt Fischer - 167-186 Approximating the impact of COVID–19 on regional production in countries with scarce subnational data: A proposal and application for Argentina during the first wave
by Andrés Niembro & Carla Daniela Calá - 181-198 The Importance of Location Factors in Determining Land Prices: The Evidence from Bratislava Hinterland
by Martin Mariš - 187-199 Urban tourism and Covid-19 in Poland
by Karolina Józefowicz - 199-219 The determinants of Covid-19 mortality rates across Europe: Assessing the role of demographic and socioeconomic factors during the first wave of the pandemic
by Yannis Psycharis & Cleon Tsimbos & Georgia Verropoulou & Leonidas Doukissas
2020, Volume 7
- 1-5 The Potential of Notebooks for Scientific Publication, Reproducibility and Dissemination
by Francisco Rowe & Gunther Maier & Daniel Arribas-Bel & Sergio Rey - 1-7 Risky move: New evidence on the determinants of the willingness to migrate
by Geraint Johnes - 1-8 Macroeconomic determinants of Port and Douro wine exports: An econometric approach
by Anthony Macedo & Sofia Gouveia & João Rebelo - 1-13 A classification for English primary schools using open data
by Stephen Clark & Nik Lomax & Mark Birkin - 1-19 Random Parameters and Spatial Heterogeneity using Rchoice in R
by Mauricio Sarrias - 1-19 Random Parameters and Spatial Heterogeneity using Rchoice in R
by Mauricio Sarrias - 1-57 REAT: A Regional Economic Analysis Toolbox for R
by Thomas Wieland - 9-27 Strengthening local economy – an example of higher education institutions’ engagement in “co-creation for sustainability”
by Anna Bogedain & Rüdiger Hamm - 15-46 A reproducible notebook to acquire, process and analyse satellite imagery: Exploring long-term urban changes
by Dominik Fahrner & Meixu Chen & Daniel Arribas-Bel & Francisco Rowe - 15-46 A reproducible notebook to acquire, process and analyse satellite imagery: Exploring long-term urban changes
by Dominik Fahrner & Meixu Chen & Daniel Arribas-Bel & Francisco Rowe - 17-37 Demonstrating the utility of machine learning innovations in address matching to spatial socio-economic applications
by Sam Comber - 21-34 Teaching on Jupyter: Using notebooks to accelerate learning and curriculum development
by Jonathan Reades - 21-34 Teaching on Jupyter: Using notebooks to accelerate learning and curriculum development
by Jonathan Reades - 29-42 Non-Employed People in the Westpfalz Region (Germany) as Target Group of Continuing Higher Education: Potentials of a regional demand-orientation
by Jessica Neureuther - 35-48 The Impact of Migration on a Regulated Rental Market
by Adam Alexander Tyrcha - 39-51 Urban Street Network Analysis in a Computational Notebook
by Geoff Boeing - 43-83 Flatten the Curve! Modeling SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Growth in Germany at the County Level
by Thomas Wieland - 49-70 Measures of labour market accessibility. What can we learn from observed commuting patterns?
by Liv Osland & Arnstein Gjestland & Inge Thorsen - 53-69 Exploring long-term youth unemployment in Europe using sequence analysis: a reproducible notebook approach
by Nikos Patias - 85-106 Does the Crisis Change the Nature of Agglomeration Economies in Indonesia? : A Productivity Analysis of Pre-Post 1997-1998 Financial Crisis
by Khoirunurrofik
2019, Volume 6
- 1-2 Fueling Research Transparency: Computational Notebooks and the Discussion Section
by Sierdjan Koster; Francisco Rowe - 1-5 Why a multidisciplinary agenda for Southern Europe? Introduction to the Special Issue
by Teresa de Noronha & Eric Vaz - 1-6 Cities in the 21st century: a view from the developing world
by David Castells & Paula Herrera - 1-16 Integrated local development in Mediterranean marginal territories: The case study of Casentino (Italy), Algarve (Portugal) and Corse (France)
by Andrea Ricci & Mario Biggeri & Andrea Ferrannini - 1-16 Business travel decisions and high-speed trains: an ordered logit approach
by Federica Rossi & Rico Maggi - 1-21 The future of European communication and transportation research: a research agenda
by Karst Geurs & Cathy Macharis - 1-57 REAT: A Regional Economic Analysis Toolbox for R
by Thomas Wieland - 17-24 Agglomeration economies and urban productivity
by Tania Paola Torres Gutierrez & Jessica Andrea Ordóñez - 17-37 Demonstrating the utility of machine learning innovations in address matching to spatial socio-economic applications
by Sam Comber - 25-44 Similitudes and singularities of higher education systems in the Mediterranean countries: Historical construction, policy and evolution of key indicators
by Cláudia Urbano - 39-51 Urban Street Network Analysis in a Computational Notebook
by Geoff Boeing - 45-53 The role of the European Union on immigration. An anthropological approach to the treaties that have been carried out in Europe in order to manage diversity
by Carmen Clara Bravo Torres - 53-69 Exploring long-term youth unemployment in Europe using sequence analysis: a reproducible notebook approach
by Nikos Patias
2018, Volume 5
- 1-3 Editorial Special Issue: Urban Freight, land use planning and public administration strategies
by Valerio Gatta & Edoardo Marcucci & Laetitia Dablanc - 1-4 Social Progress for Resilient Regions: Speech of the EIB Vice President Pim van Ballekom - ERSA Congress 2017
by Pim van Ballekom - 1-5 Quality and Inequality in Urban and Regional Systems
by Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp & Roger Reece Stough - 1-16 A Spatial Analysis of Tourism Infrastructure in Romania: Spotlight on Accommodation and Food Service Companies
by Daniela Luminita Constantin & Adriana Elena Dardala - 1-19 Effectiveness of EU Regional Policy: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Finland
by Ville Vehkasalo - 5-12 The US Census Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Datasets
by Robert Manduca - 13-18 Spatial Econometrics and GIS YouTube Playlist
by Mark L. Burkey - 17-32 An Index to Characterize the Multi-Dimensional Nature of Land Use Regulations in the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area
by Luis Estevez - 21-38 The Mediterranean Variety of Capitalism, Flexibility of Work Schedules, and Labour Productivity in Southern Europe
by Alberto Vallejo-Peña & Sandro Giachi - 33-51 Towards an Integrated Evaluation Approach for Cultural Urban Landscape Conservation/Regeneration
by Francesca Nocca - 39-48 An Overview of Urbanization in Ecuador under Functional Urban Area Definition
by Moises Obaco Alvarez & Juan Pablo Diaz Sanchez - 49-73 Governance of metropolitan areas for delivery of public services in Latin America
by Alejandra Berenice Trejo Nieto - 53-71 European urban freight transport policies and research funding: are priorities and H2020 calls aligned?
by Giacomo Lozzi & Valerio Gatta & Edoardo Marcucci - 73-89 Barriers of Culture, Networks, and Language in International Migration: A Review
by Zhiling Wang & Thomas de Graaff & Peter Nijkamp - 75-96 Regional dynamics of economic performance in the EU: To what extent do spatial spillovers matter?
by Selin Ozyurt - 91-100 Urbanisation in Developing Economies: building cities that work
by Anthony J Venables - 97-109 Market Access and the Concentration of Economic Activity in a System of Declining Cities
by Luis Eduardo Quintero & Paula Restrepo - 101-112 The Mediterranean Diet and the Increasing Demand of the Olive Oil Sector: Shifts and Environmental Consequences
by Bruno Neves & Iva Miranda Pires - 113-137 Rehabilitation and Renewal of Mediterranean Structures. The Utopic Landscape of Algarve
by Carlos Bragança dos Santos
2017, Volume 4
- 1-5 Well-being in cities and regions: measurement, analysis and policy practices
by Paolo Veneri & Arjen J E Edzes - 1-5 Special Issues at REGION
by Vicente Royuela - 1-6 The CHilean Internal Migration (CHIM) database: Temporally consistent spatial data for the analysis of human mobility
by Francisco Rowe - 1-16 The effect of house prices on business start-ups: A review and analysis using Swedish regional data
by Mats Håkan Wilhelmsson - 1-17 Territory and Sustainable Tourism Development: a Space-Time Analysis on European Regions
by João Romão & João Guerreiro & Paulo M. M. Rodrigues - 7-9 Functional Labour Market Areas for Chile
by Francisco Rowe - 17-30 Analysis of Freight Trip Generation Model for Food and Beverage in Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
by Leise Kelli de Oliveira & Rodrigo Affonso de Albuquerque Nóbrega & Daniel Gonçalves Ebias & Bruno Gomes e Souza Corrêa - 19-38 A Tale of Hidden Cities
by Anastasia Panori - 31-49 Creativity, Community, & Growth: A Social Geography of Urban Craft Beer
by Neil Reid & Jay D. Gatrell - 39-63 Effective Clusters as Territorial Performance Engines in a Regional Development Strategy - A Triple-Layer DEA Assessment of the Aviation Valley in Poland
by Karima Kourtit - 51-70 Critical Performance Factors for Large World Cities - In Search of Qualitative Causal Patterns by means of Rough Set Analysis
by Karima Kourtit - 65-76 Panel Data Models of New Firm Formation in New England
by Jitendra Parajuli & Kingsley E. Haynes - 71-92 Potentials and limitations for the use of accessibility measures for national transport policy goals in freight transport and logistics: evidence from Västra Götaland County, Sweden
by Anders Larsson & Jerry Olsson - 77-86 Urban Concentration and Spatial Allocation of Rents from natural resources. A Zipf's Curve Approach
by Tomaz Ponce Dentinho - 87-118 Built environment, creativity, social art. The recovery of public space as engine of human development
by Anna Onesti - 93-107 Logistics sprawl in monocentric and polycentric metropolitan areas: the cases of Paris, France, and the Randstad, the Netherlands
by Adeline Heitz - 109-127 Revisiting the Boston data set - Changing the units of observation affects estimated willingness to pay for clean air
by Roger Bivand - 119-131 Research infrastructure, networks of science and regional development - the case of Oskarshamn
by Folke Valfrid Snickars & Ulf Karlsson - 129-146 Regional Public Stock Reductions in Spain: Estimations from a Multiregional Spatial Vector Autorregressive Model
by Miguel A Márquez & Julian Ramajo & Geoffrey Hewings - 133-151 Social networks, social satisfaction and place attachment in the neighborhood
by Minou Weijs-Perrée & Pauline Van den Berg & Theo Arentze & Astrid Kemperman - 153-173 Regional Spanish Tourism Competitiveness. A DEA-MONITUR approach
by Juan Carlos Martin - 175-200 Spatial mismatch, wages and unemployment in metropolitan areas in Brazil
by Ana Maria Bonomi Barufi & Eduardo Amaral Haddad
2016, Volume 3
- 1-2 Editorial: Regional Science debates take place in REGION
by Vicente Royuela - 1-9 LaTeX - Know what you are missing
by Gunther Maier - 1-16 Towards A Regional Science Academy: A Manifesto
by Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp - 1-22 Life satisfaction in Romanian cities on the road frompost-communism transition to EU accession
by Camilla Lenzi & Giovanni Perucca - 1-24 Social Capital and Economic Well-Being in Germany's Regions: An Exploratory Spatial Analysis
by Katrin Botzen - 11-23 A primer for working with the Spatial Interaction modeling (SpInt) module in the python spatial analysis library (PySAL)
by Taylor M Oshan - 23-45 Tree-based approaches for understanding growth patterns in the European regions
by Paola Annoni - 25-42 Increasing innovativeness of SMEs in peripheral areas through international networks? The case of Southern Italy
by Giuseppe Calignano & Robert Hassink - 43-69 Subjective Wellbeing Impacts of National and Subnational Fiscal Policies
by Arthur Grimes & Judd Ormsby & Anna Robinson & Siu Yuat Wong - 47-60 Cities and Inequality
by Alessandra Michelangeli & Eugenio Peluso - 61-69 Regional Science in a time of uncertainty
by Bernard Fingleton - 71-87 Regional Energy Efficiency Programs in Russia: The Factors of Success
by Svetlana Valerievna Ratner & Pavel Dmitrievich Ratner - 71-102 Identifying Clusters of Regions in the European South, based on their Economic, Social and Environmental Characteristics
by Vasilis Angelis & Athanasios Angelis-Dimakis & Katerina Dimaki - 89-106 Population Structures in Russia: Optimality and Dependence on Parameters of Global Evolution
by Yuri Yegorov - 103-124 Pride and the city
by Philip S. Morrison - 125-140 The Role of Institutional Environment in International Trade. The Case of Spanish Regions
by Laura Marquez-Ramos
2015, Volume 2
- 1-2 Why you should publish open access
by Gunther Maier - 1-2 Capital stock in Spain and its distribution by territories (1964-2012)
by Matilde Mas & Francisco Perez & Ezequiel Uriel - 1-2 WooW-II: Workshop on open workflows
by Daniel Arribas-Bel & Thomas de Graaff - 1-16 Regional determinants of residential energy expenditures and the principal-agent problem in Austria
by Daniel R. Hill - 1-26 Regional quality of living in Europe
by Piet Lagas & Frank van Dongen & Frank van Rijn - 1-31 Uncovering Norway’s regional disparities with respect to natural riches
by Sevil Acar & Burhan Can Karahasan - 3-4 Human capital in Spain and its distribution by provinces (1964-2013)
by Lorenzo Serrano & Ángel Soler - 3-10 Making Educational and Scholarly Videos with Screen Capture Software
by Mark L. Burkey - 5-6 Personal Income and its Distribution in Spanish municipalities
by Miriam Hortas-Rico & Jorge Onrubia - 17-25 Concentration of Resources and Economic Growth
by david castells-quintana - 27-45 Do we follow the money? The drivers of migration across regions in the EU
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Tobias Ketterer - 33-53 Agglomeration effects on labor productivity: An assessment with microdata
by Stephan Brunow & Uwe Blien - 55-66 A multilevel path analysis of social networks and social interaction in the neighbourhood
by Pauline van den Berg & Harry Timmermans - 67-93 Forecasting jobs location choices by Discrete Choice Models: A sensitivity analysis to scale and implications for LUTI models
by Jonathan Jones & Isabelle Thomas & Dominique Peeters
2014, Volume 1
- 1-1 Spatial data, analysis, and regression - a mini course
by Daniel Arribas-Bel - 1-3 Editorial: REGION - the online open-access journal of ERSA
by Julia Koschinsky & Sierdjan Koster & Roberto Patuelli & Vicente Royuela & Vassilis Tselios - 1-7 The use of combination forecasting approach and its application to regional market analysis
by Arvydas Jadevicius - 3-10 OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia Map
by Gunther Maier - 5-6 REGION, the new OPEN ACCESS ERSA journal
by Jouke van Dijk - 7-7 REGION, powered by WU
by Christoph Badelt - 9-24 Climate change in Lebanon: Higher-order regional impacts from agriculture
by Eduardo A. Haddad & Nadim Farajalla & Marina Camargo & Ricardo L. Lopes & Flavio V. Vieira - 25-64 Infrastructure and Trade: A Meta-Analysis
by Guney Celbis & Peter Nijkamp & Jacques Poot