- 2008-05 Utilization of Infertility Treatments: The Effects of Insurance Mandates
by Marianne Bitler & Lucie Schmidt - 2008-04 Cosigners as Collateral
by Stefan Klonner & Ashok Rai - 2008-03 Borrower Runs
by Philip Bond & Ashok Rai - 2008-02 Extreme Returns without News: A Microstructural Explanation
by Carol Osler & Tanseli Savaser - 2008-01 How Does Charitable Giving Respond to Incentives and Income? New Estimates from Panel Data
by Jon Bakija & Bradley Heim
- 2007-07 Micro-Perspectives on 19th-century Russian Living Standards
by Steven Nafziger & Tracy Dennison - 2007-06 Only Twice As Much: A Rule for Regulating Lenders
by Mandar Oak & Anand Swamy - 2007-05 Do Markets Care Who Chairs the Central Bank?
by Kenneth Kuttner & Adam Posen - 2007-04 Why Do Firms Offer Risky Defined Benefit Pension Plans?
by David Love & Paul Smith & David Wilcox - 2007-03 Risk Preferences and the Timing of Marriage and Childbearing
by Lucie Schmidt - 2007-02 Exchange Rate Response to Macro News: Through the Lens of Microstructure
by Tanseli Savaser - 2007-01 Adverse Selection in Credit Markets: Evidence from a Policy Experiment
by Ashok Rai & Stefan Klonner
- 2006-06 Gender, Marriage, and Asset Accumulation in the United States
by Lucie Schmidt & Purvi Sevak - 2006-05 Contracts, Hold-Up, and Exports: Textiles and Opium in Colonial India
by Anand V. Swamy & Rachel E. Kranton - 2006-04 Health disparities and infertility: impacts of state-level insurance mandates
by Marianne Bitler & Lucie Schmidt - 2006-03 Reconciling the Returns to Education in Off-FarmWage Employment in Rural China
by Alan de Brauw & Scott Rozelle - 2006-02 Documentation for a Comprehensive Historical U.S. Federal and State Income Tax Calculator Program
by Jon Bakija - 2006-01 Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action and the Theory of Social Capital
by Roger Bolton
- 2005-08 Timing vs. Long-run Charitable Giving Behavior: Reconciling Divergent Approaches and Estimates
by Jon Bakija & Robert McClelland - 2005-07 Effects of Infertility Insurance Mandates on Fertility
by Lucie Schmidt - 2005-06 Stemming the Tide? The Effect of Expanding Medicaid Eligibility on Health Insurance
by Lara D. Shore-Sheppard - 2005-05 Migrant Opportunity and the Educational Attainment of Youth in Rural China
by Alan de Brauw & John Giles - 2005-04 Robust Unit Root and Cointegration Rank Tests for Panels and Large Systems
by Peter Pedroni & Tim Vogelsang - 2005-03 Regional Income Divergence in China
by Peter Pedroni & James Yudong Yao - 2005-02 Public Health Investments and the Infant Mortality Gap: Evidence from Federal Sanitation Interventions on U.S. Indian Reservations
by Tara Watson - 2005-01 System Design, User Cost and Electronic Usage of Journals
by Robert S. Gazzale & Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason
- 2004-17 Capitalising the Value of Free Schools: The Impact of Supply Characteristics and Uncertainty
by Paul Cheshire & Stephen Sheppard - 2004-16 Conservation Behavior: From Voluntary Restraint to a Voluntary Price Premium
by Matthew J. Kotchen & Michael R. Moore - 2004-15 Panel Cointegration: Asymptotic and Finite Sample Properties of Pooled Time Series Tests with an Application to the PPP Hypothesis
by Peter Pedroni - 2004-14 Working Until Dropping: Employment Behavior of the Elderly in Rural China
by Lihua Pang & Alan de Brauw & Scott Rozelle - 2004-13 Do Maternal Investments in Human Capital Affect Childrens' Academic Achievement?
by Quinn Moore & Lucie Schmidt - 2004-12 Do the Rich Flee from High State Taxes? Evidence from Federal Estate Tax Returns
by Jon Bakija & Joel Slemrod - 2004-11 Transmission of External and Internal Shocks In Argentina During the Convertibility Period: Some Empirical Findings From VARs
by Chris Geirgat - 2004-10 Seasonal Migration and Improving Living Standards in Vietnam
by Tomoko Harigaya & Alan de Brauw - 2004-09 Are the new and old EU countries financially integrated?
by Tomas Dvorak & Chris R. A. Geiregat - 2004-08 Cosigned Or Group Loans
by Philip Bond & Ashok S. Rai - 2004-07 Private Provision of Environmental Public Goods: Household Participation in Green-Electricity Programs
by Matthew J. Kotchen & Michael R. Moore - 2004-06 Explaining The Appearance and Success of Voter Referenda For Open-Space Conservation
by Matthew J. Kotchen & Shawn M. Powers - 2004-05 The Impact of Rent Controls in Non-Walrasian Markets: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
by Ralph Bradburd & Stephen Sheppard & Joseph Bergeron & Eric Engler - 2004-04 The Effect of Infrastructure on Long Run Economic Growth
by Peter Pedroni & David Canning - 2004-03 Social Capital, Barriers to Production, and Capital Shares: Implications for the Importance of Parameter Heterogeneity from a Nonstationary Panel Approach
by Peter Pedroni - 2004-02 When Does Learning in Games Generate Convergence to Nash Equilibria? The Role of Supermodularity in an Experimental Setting
by Yan Chen & Robert S. Gazzale - 2004-01 Improving Learning Performance by Applying Economic Knowledge
by Christopher H. Brooks & Jeffrey K. MacKie Mason & Robert S. Gazzale & Edmund H. Durfee
- 2003-18 Charitable Bequests and Taxes on Inheritance and Estates: Aggregate Evidence from Across States and Time
by Jon Bakija & William Gale & Joel Slemrod - 2003-17 Mega-Sporting Events in Developing Nations : Playing the Way to Prosperity?
by Victor A. Matheson & Robert A. Baade - 2003-16 In Search of a Fair Bet in the Lottery
by Victor A. Matheson & Kent R. Grote - 2003-15 Super Bowl or Super (Hyper)Bole? Assessing the Economic Impact of America's Premier Sports Event
by Victor A. Matheson & Robert A. Baade - 2003-14 Research Note : Contrary Evidence on the Economic Impact of the Super Bowl on the Victorious City
by Victor A. Matheson - 2003-13 The Paradox of Championships "Be Careful, Sports Fans, What You Wish For"
by Victor A. Matheson & Robert A. Baade - 2003-12 The "Death-Effect" on Collectible Prices
by Victor A. Matheson & Robert A. Baade - 2003-10 The Effect of Medicaid Expansions for Low-Income Children on Medicaid Participation and Private Insurance Coverage : Evidence from the SIPP
by Lara D. Shore-Sheppard & John C. Ham - 2003-09 Using Discontinuous Eligibility Rules to Identify the Effects of the Federal Medicaid Expansions on Low Income Children
by David Card & Lara D. Shore-Sheppard - 2003-08 Did Expanding Medicaid Affect Welfare Participation?
by John C. Ham & Lara D. Shore-Sheppard - 2003-07 Sometimes Close is Good Enough: The Value of Nearby Environmental Amenities
by Lucie Schmidt & Paul N. Courant - 2003-06 Impure Public Goods and the Comparative Statics of Environmentally Friendly Consumption
by Matthew J. Kotchen - 2003-05 Green Markets and Private Provision of Public Goods
by Matthew J. Kotchen - 2003-04 The Character and Determinants of Corporate Capital Gains
by Mihir A. Desai & William M. Gentry - 2003-03 What Can We Learn About the Sensitivity of Investment to Stock Prices with a Better Measure of Tobin's q?
by William M. Gentry & Christopher J. Mayer - 2003-02 Are Women Taking over the Farm in China?
by Alan de Brauw - 2003-01 Household Investment through migration in Rural China
by Alan de Brauw & Scott Rozelle
- 2003-11 The Measurement of Medicaid Coverage in the SIPP : Evidence from a Comparison of Matched Records
by David Card & Andrew K.G. Hildreth & Lara D. Shore-Sheppard - 2002-09 The Role of Agriculture in Development
by Douglas Gollin & Stephen Parente & Richard Rogerson - 2002-07 The Green Revolution: An End of Century Perspective
by R.E. Evenson & Douglas Gollin - 2002-05 Sequencing and the Success of Gradualism: Empirical Evidence from China's Agricultural Reform
by Alan de Brauw & Jikun Huang & Scott Rozelle - 2002-04 Taxes Versus Regulation: The Welfare Impacts of Policies for Containing Sprawl
by Paul Cheshire & Stephen Sheppard - 2002-02 The Welfare Implications of Increasing Disability Insurance Benefit Generosity
by John Bound & Julie Berry Cullen & Austin Nichols & Lucie Schmidt - 2002-01 Model Selection in an Information Economy : Choosing what to Learn
by Christopher Brooks & Robert Gazzale & Rajarshi Das & Jeffrey Kephart & Jeffrey MacKie-Mason & Edmund Durfee - 2001-08 Latifundia Economics
by Jonathan H. Conning - 2001-06 Reform and Growth in Latin America: All Pain, No Gain?
by Eduardo Fernández-Arias & Peter Montiel
- 2002-08 Farm Work, Home Work and International Productivity Differences
by Douglas Gollin & Stephen Parente & Richard Rogerson - 2001-15 Carbon Taxation When Climate Affects Productivity
by William K. Jaeger - 2001-14 Economic Growth and Environmental Resource Allocation
by William K. Jaeger & Van Kolpin - 2001-13 Setting Environmental Taxes in a Second-best World
by William K. Jaeger - 2001-12 Environmental and Distortionary Taxes: Comment
by William K. Jaeger - 2001-11 Getting Income Shares Right
by Douglas Gollin - 2001-10 Land Reform and the Political Organization of Agriculture
by Jonathan H. Conning & James A. Robinson - 2001-07 Gross Capital Flows and Asymmetric Information
by Tomas Dvorak - 2001-05 Post-Crisis Exchange Rate Policy in Five Asian Countries: Filling in the "Hollow Middle"?
by Leonardo Hernández & Peter Montiel - 2001-04 Do Domestic Investors Have an Information Advantage? Evidence from Indonesia
by Tomas Dvorak - 2001-03 The Welfare Economics of Land Use Planning
by Paul Cheshire & Stephen Sheppard - 2001-02 The Impact of Public Health Insurance on Labor Market Transitions
by John C. Ham & Lara D. Shore-Sheppard - 2001-01 Purchasing Power Parity Tests in Cointegrated Panels
by Peter Pedroni - 2000-08 Of Pirates and Moneylenders: Product Market Competition and the Depth of Lending relationships in a rural market in Chile
by Jonathan Conning
- 2002-03 AFDC, SSI, and Welfare Reform Aggressiveness: Caseload Reductions vs. Caseload Shifting
by Lucie Schmidt & Purvi Sevak - 2001-09 Managing Economic Insecurity in Rural El Salvador: The role of asset ownership and labor market adjustments
by Jonathan H. Conning & Pedro Olinto & Alvaro Trigueros - 2000-11 Taxation by Auction: Fund-Raising by 19th Century Indian Guilds
by Arijit Sen & Anand V. Swamy - 2000-10 Gender and Corruption
by Anand V. Swamy & Stephen Knack & Young Lee & Omar Azfar - 2000-09 Community Based Targeting for Social Safety Nets
by Jonathan Conning & Michael Kevane - 2000-07 Monitoring by Peers or by Delegates? Joint Liability Loans under Moral Hazard
by Jonathan Conning - 2000-06 Distinguishing Transitory and Permanent Price Elasticities of Charitable Giving with Pre-Announced Changes in Tax Law
by Jon Bakija - 2000-05 The Effect of Taxes on Portfolio Choice: Evidence from Panel Data Spanning the Tax Reform Act of 1986
by Jon Bakija - 2000-04 The Effect of Local Fiscal Policies on Urban Wage Structure
by Patricia Beeson & Lara Shore-Sheppard & Christopher Briem - 2000-03 Fully Modified OLS for Heterogeneous Cointegrated Panels
by Peter Pedroni
- 2000-02 Critical Values for Cointegration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels with Multiple Regressors
by Peter Pedroni
- 184 American Business Cycle Volatility in Historical Perspective: Revised Estimates of Real GDP, 1869-1913
by Siegler, M.V. - 183 It Pays to Value Family: Work and Family Tradeoffs Reconsidered
by Cappelli, P. & Constantine, J. & Chadwick, C.
- 180 Enforcement Frictions, Enduring Relations, and Credit Market Equilibrium
by Schulz, E - 179 Ongoing Relations, Money and Credit
by Schulz, E - 178 Better Salmon Management in the Pacific Northwest by Combining Technical and Institutional Innovations
by Jaeger, W-K - 177 Liberalism and the Case for the Democratic Entreprise: A Comment on Bowles and Gintis
by Corbett, D. - 176 Marriage and Divorce in the U.S. : Testing for Cohort Size Effects
by Macunovich, D.J. - 175 Do Young Women Trade Jobs for Marriage: A Skeptical View: A Response
by Macunovich, D.J. - 174 Relative Income and Price of Time: Exploring their effcts on U.S. Fertility and Female Labor Force Participation, 1963-1993
by Macunovich, D.J. - 173 Optimal Environmental Taxation
by Jaeger, W.K. - 172 Training and the Growth in Wage Inequality
by Constantine, J. & Neumark, D. - 171a Classroom Computer Simulation of the Alonso Model of the Household's Residential Location
by Bolton, R.E.
- 171 Radical Subjectivism and Prediction
by Burczak, T.
- 169 Regional Science and Regional Practice
by Bolton, R. & Jensen, R.C.
- 167 Sector Specific Skills and the Returns to Senority: Evidence from Reemployment Following Job Displacement
by Kletzer, L.G. - 166 Land Tenure Reform in East Africa: Good, Bad, or Unimportant?
by Pickney, T.C. & Kimuyu, P.K. - 165 The Missing Factor: Variations in the Income Effect of the Female Wage on Fertility in the U.S
by Macunovich, D.J. - 164 A Review of Recent Developments in the Economics of Fertility
by Macunovich, D.J. - 163 The Welfare Cost of Global Carbon Tax when Tax Revenues Are Recycled
by Jaeger, W.K. - 162 What Power on Earth? Arthur Latham Perry's Reaction to Henry George
by Bolton, R.
- 159 Gender Issues in labor Markets and Household Behavior
by Behrman, J.R. - 158 Political Economy and Civil Society
by Goodwin, C. - 157 "Place Prosperity VS. People Prosperity" Revisited : an Old Issue with a New Angle
by Bolton, R.
- 156 An Evaluation Of The Butz-Ward Hypothesis On Countercyclical Fertility: Technical Documentation
by Macunovich, D.J. - 155 An Evaluation Of The Butz-Ward Hypothesis Of Contercyclical Fertility
by Macunovich, D.J. - 154 The Wealth Model: Efficiency In Education And Distribution In The Family
by Berhman, J.R. & Pollak, R.A. & Taubman, P. - 153 The Drawbacks Of Export Drawbacks
by Berhman, J. & Levy, S. - 152 The Poor And The Social Sectors During A Period Of Macroeconomic Adjustment: Empirical Evidence For Jamaica
by Berhman, J.R. & Deolaikar, A.B. - 151 Unobserved Household And Community Heterogeneity And The Labour Market Impact Of Schooling: A Case Study For Indonesia
by Berhman, J.R. & Deolaikar, A.B. - 150 The Synthesis Economic Fertility Model: A Latent Variable Investigation Of Some Critical Attributes
by Wolfe, B.L. & Behrman, J.R. - 149 Nutrient Intake Demand Relations: Income, Prices, Schooling
by Berhman, J.R. - 148 School Repetition, Dropouts And The Returns To School: The Case Of Indonesia
by Behman, J.R. & Deolaikar, A.B. - 147 Women'S Schooling And Nonmarket Productivity: A Survey And A Reappaisal
by Berhman, J.R. - 146 The Debt Crisis, Stuctural Adjustment And The Rural Poor
by Behrman, J.R. - 145 Macroeconomic Policies And Rural Poverty: Issues And Research Strategies
by Behrman, J.R. - 144 Job Displacement, 1919-1986: How Have Black Workers Fared Relative To White Workers ?
by Kletzer, L.G. - 143 Complex Demoeconomic Dynamics
by Day, R.H. & Kim, K.H. & Macunovich, D. - 142 Application Of Granger-Sims Causality Tests To Monthly Fertility Data, 1958-1984
by Macunovich, D.J. & Easterlin, R.A. - 141 Money-Back Warranties Vs. Replacement Warranties: A Simple Comparaison
by Mann, D.P. & Wissink, J.P. - 139 Performance In Intrductory Courses: A Production Function Analysis
by Sabot, R. & Wakeman-Linn, J. - 138 Wages And The Intensity Of Labor Effort: Efficiency Wages Versus Compensating Payments
by Fairris, D. & Alston, L.J.
- 136 The Costs Of Mismanaging Commodity Booms And The Optimal Policies Given Uncertainty
by Hill, C.B. - 135 Recent Trends In U.S. Higher Education Costs And Prices: The Role Of Government Funding
by Mcpherson, M.S. & Schapiro, M.O. & Winston, G.C. - 134 Compensating Payments And Hazardous Work In Union And Nonunion Settings
by Fairris, D. - 133 Hidden Actions And Hidden Characteristics In Warranty Markets
by Mann, D.P. & Wissink, J.P. - 132 Money-Back Contracts With Double Moral Hazard
by Mann, D.P. & Wissink, J.P. - 131 Earnings After Job Displacement: Job Tenure, Industry, And Occupation
by Kletzer, L.G. - 130 An Economic Interpretation Of A Sense Of Place
by Bolton, R.
- 129 Returns To Seniority After Permanent Job Loss
by Kletzer, L. - 128 Shopfloor Relations In The Postwar Capital-Labor Accord
by Fairris, D. - 127 Grade Inflation And Course Choice
by Wakeman-Linn, J. & Sabot, R. - 126 Integrating Economic And Environmental Models: Some Preliminary Considerations
by Bolton, R. - 125 Quality Discrimination And Bidirectional Quality Distorsion Generating The Dupuit Outcome
by Srinagesh, P. & Bradburd, R. - 124 Different Types Of Commercial Policies, Employment And The Current Account Assuming Optimizing Behavior In An Intertemporal Framework
by Hill, C.B. - 123 The Effects Of Different Trade Policies In Open Economy Macroeconomic Models
by Hill, C.B. - 122 Myopic Discounting: Empirical Evidence
by Winston, G.C. & Woodburry, R.G. - 121 Monetary Policy And Endogenous Credit Rationing
by Wakeman-Linn, J. - 120 Determinants Of The Re-Employment Probabilities Of Displaced Workers: Do Workers Displaced From High-Wage Industries Have Longer Durations Of Unemployment?
by Gladstein Kletzer, L. - 119 Alternative Notions Of Credit Market Equilibrium: Their Significance For Monetary Policy
by Wakeman-Linn, J. - 118 Profits, Concentration And Raw Materials-Based Manufacturing
by Ross, D.R. - 117 Quality Distorsion By A Discriminating Monopolist
by Srinagesh, P. & Bradburd, R.M. - rp-116 On The Applicatibility Of Shephard'S Lemma When Capital Is Optimally Idle
by Srinagesh, P. & Ross, D.R. & Winston, G.C. - 115 Family Ability To Pay: A Lifetime Pespective
by Mcpherson, M.S. - 114 How Can We Tell If Federal Student Aid Is Working?
by Mcpherson, M.S. - 113 Socio-Economic Effects Of Relative Income And Relative Cohort Size
by Schapiro, M.O.
- 2000-01 Pricing and Bundling Electronic Information Goods: Field Evidence
by Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason & Juan F. Riveros & Robert S. Gazzale