- 91 The Use of Game Theoretical Models for Structure Performance Research
by Karl Aiginger - 90 Multinational Firms, Trade and Growth. A Simple Model with a Trade-off between Proximity to the Market and Plant Set-up Costs under International Trade in Assets
by Michael Pfaffermayr - 89 Austria's Road to Full Employment
by Ewald Walterskirchen
- 88 The Austrian Economy in the European Union. A First Assessment
by Heinz Handler & Eduard Hochreiter - 87 Ausbildung und Erwerbstätigkeit der Frauen in Österreich
by Gudrun Biffl - 86 Die Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Abschluß oder Ende der Europäischen Integration?
by Fritz Breuss - 85 Fiscal Policy in the Czech Republic in 1989–1994. Main Budget Developments and an Estimation of the Fiscal Stance
by Vít Bárta
- 84 Income and Price Elasticities of Foreign Trade in Finland and Austria
by Seppo Leppänen & Marjo Pyy - 83 Wachstumsrate, Profitrate und Zins
by Hans Seidel - 82 Opening Up of Eastern Europe and EU's Eastern European Enlargement. The Impact on the Austrian Economy
by Fritz Breuss & Fritz Schebeck - 81 Central Europe as an Economic Area? Prospects for Further Economic Integration from an Austrian Perspective
by Klaus Gugler & Heinz Handler & Manfred Schekulin - 80 Cluster Techniques as a Method to Analyse Industrial Competitiveness
by Michael Peneder - 79 The Usefulness of Oligopoly Models for Explaining Firm Differences in Profitability
by Karl Aiginger - 78 Cost and Benefits of EU's Eastern European Enlargement
by Fritz Breuss - 77 Modeling a Linear Dynamic System for Consumption, Income and Inflation Rate in Austria
by Gerhard Thury - 76 Identifying Common Fluctuations in Europe
by Christian Helmenstein & Thomas Url - 75 The Austrian Labor Market. Analysis – Institutions – Regulations – Policies
by Gudrun Biffl & Wolfgang Pollan - 74 Jugendliche. Berufsqualifikation und Arbeitsmarkt
by Gudrun Biffl - 73 Institutionenökonomie. Ein Überblick
by Norbert Geldner - 72 Macroeconomic and Sectoral Effects of the Uruguay Round in Austria as an EU Member
by Fritz Breuss & Kurt Kratena & Fritz Schebeck - 71 The Impact of the Uruguay Round on Austria. A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Fritz Breuss
- 70 Consumer Expenditure on Nondurables and Services
by Gerhard Thury & Michael Wüger - 69 Wachstum und Arbeitslosigkeit. Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Wachstumstheorie
by Franz R. Hahn - 68 EU-Beitritt Österreichs. Zollunion und Gemeinsame Handelspolitik
by Jan Stankovsky - 67 Konjunktur und Wachstum. Neuere Entwicklungen in der Makroökonomie
by Franz R. Hahn - 66 Testing for Seasonal Integration and Seasonal Cointegration
by Gerhard Thury - 65 Calendar Effects in Austrian Industrial Production
by Gerhard Thury
- 64 Forecasting Performance of Structural Time Series Models. A Case Study for Austrian and German Industrial Production
by Gerhard Thury - 63 Modeling Economic Time Series Via State Space Approach
by Liang Wang & Gerhard Thury - 62 A General Equilibrium Evaluation of Trade and Industrial Policy Changes in Austria and Hungary
by Fritz Breuss & Jean Tesche - 61 Forecasting International Tourism Using ARIMA Models
by Egon Smeral - 60 Theoriegrundlagen moderner Industriepolitik
by Franz R. Hahn - 59 Restructurisation of Some Western Australian Industries
by Gudrun Biffl
- 58 Stylized Facts der Konjunkturschwankungen in Österreich, Deutschland und den USA
by Franz R. Hahn & Ewald Walterskirchen - 57 An Outline of Austria's Collective Bargaining System
by Wolfgang Pollan - 56 Collusion, Concentration and Profits. An Empirical Confrontation of an Old Story and a Supergame Implication
by Karl Aiginger - 55 Capital Needs and Investment Financing in Eastern Countries
by Heinz Handler & Alfred Steinherr - 54 Die Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Implikationen für die makroökonomische Stabilität in der EG und in Österreich
by Fritz Breuss - 53 Cross-Country Evidence on the Predictability of Consumption Growth
by Albert Jaeger - 52 Foreign Trade in East-Central Europe and in Austria: Retrospective and Perspective
by Jan Stankovsky - 51 External Shocks and Long-term Patterns of Economic Growth in East-Central Europe
by Felix Butschek - 50 Statische und dynamische Effekte der bisherigen Europa-Integration Österreichs
by Fritz Breuss - 49 Structural Time Series Models for the Austrian and German Industrial Production
by Franz R. Hahn & Gerhard Thury - 48 The Yield Spread and Macroeconomic Forecasts as Predictors of Real Output Growth
by Albert Jaeger - 47 Linear versus Non-linear Dependence
by Franz R. Hahn & Gerhard Thury - 46 The Slope of the Yield Curve as a Predictor of Business Cycle Fluctuations
by Albert Jaeger
- 45 Equilibrium Dynamics and Chaos. A Textbook Approach
by Franz R. Hahn - 44 Hungary in Transition. A CGE Model Comparison with Austria
by Fritz Breuss & Jean Tesche - 43 Exchange Rate Policy of Austria and Finland
by Eduard Hochreiter & Adalbert Knöbl - 42 Women in Austria. Their Work in the Labour Market and in the Household
by Gudrun Biffl - 41 A CGE Model for Austria. Some Implications of Trade Liberalization
by Fritz Breuss & Jean Tesche
- 40 Business Cycles in Open Economies. Stylized Facts for Austria and Germany
by Peter Brandner & Klaus Neusser - 39 Allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodelle als Instrument der wirtschaftspolitischen Analyse
by Peter Brandner - 38 Europe. Why Does Unemployment Differ?
by Adalbert Knöbl - 37 Economic Policy Making With An Econometric Decision Model. Practical Experiences for Austria
by Bernhard Böhm & Peter Brandner - 36 Corporatism. Success or Failure? Austrian Experiences
by Alois Guger
- 35 The Distribution of Household Income in Germany
by Alois Guger - 34 The Size of Firms and Economic Performance. Industrial Economics in between Renaissance of Small Firms and Merger-Mania
by Karl Aiginger & Gunther Tichy - 33 How Efficient is the Market for Corporate Control as an Incentive Mechanism? An Evaluative Survey of the Literature
by Kurt Bayer - 32 Internationale Investitionen. Verflechtung der österreichischen Wirtschaft
by Claudia Pichl - 31 The Completion of EC's Internal Market and its Impact on the Austrian Economy. Macroeconomic Model Simulations
by Fritz Breuss & Fritz Schebeck - 30 Neuere Entwicklungen im Rahmen der Gleichgewichtskonjunkturtheorie
by Gunther Tichy - 29 A Statistical Analysis of the Operation of the Law of Value under Modern Capitalism. An Application to Austria
by Alexander V. Ryzhenkov - 28 Einkommens- und Preiselastizitäten für Nahrungsmittel in Österreich. Ein Vergleich verschiedener Schätzansätze
by Michael Wüger
- 25 Unvollkommener Wettbewerb, Strukturwandel und Wachstum
by Claudia Pichl - 24 Economic Models of Tourism
by Egon Smeral - 23 Wage Inflation and Trade Union Policy
by Wolfgang Pollan - 22 Umstrukturierung und CMS-Analyse
by Fritz Breuss & Claudia Pichl - 21 "Fundamentals" als Orientierungshilfe für die Wechselkurspolitik
by Fritz Breuss - 20 The Wage Choice of the Dynamic Monopsonist and the New Microeconomics of Inflation
by Wolfgang Pollan
- 19 Some Reasons for Low Unemployment in Austria
by Gudrun Biffl & Alois Guger & Wolfgang Pollan - 18 On Stochastics and Non-Linearity in Macroeconomics – Some Comments
by Franz R. Hahn - 17 Zur Frage: Ökonomische Auswirkungen von Änderungen der Ladenöffnungszeiten
by Michael Wüger - 16 Homogeneity of Price Development Within Commodity Groups and By Demand Components
by Jiri Skolka - 15 A Generalization of the Phillips Curve
by Fritz Breuss
- 14 Barriers to Employment Policy – Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Keynes-Kalecki Tradition
by Alois Guger & Ewald Walterskirchen - 13 Generalized Robinson and Marshall-Lerner Conditions With Positive Import Content of Exports. The Case of Two Countries
by Fritz Breuss - 12 Ökonomische Erklärungsfaktoren der langfristigen Entwicklung der touristischen Nachfrage
by Egon Smeral - 11 Stochastik und Nichtlinearität in der Modellökonomie – demonstriert am Kaldor'schen Konjunkturmodell
by Franz R. Hahn - 10 Errors and Omissions in the Treatment of Backlogged Orders in Management Science Literature
by Karl Aiginger - 9 The Reduction of the Work Week. An International Comparison of Macro-economic Model Simulations
by Fritz Breuss
- 8 Die Arbeitszeitverkürzung – ein neuer Produktivitätsfaktor?
by Wolfgang Pollan - 7 Aspekte ausländischer und geldpolitischer Einflüsse auf das österreichische Zinsniveau
by Peter Mooslechner & Peter Szopo - 6 Macroeconomic Forecasting in Austria. An Analysis of Accuracy
by Gerhard Thury - 5 Heckscher-Ohlin-Güter und Schumpeter-Güter im österreichischen Außenhandel
by Helmut Kramer - 4 The Impact of Uncertainty on the Optimal Decision of Risk Neutral Firms
by Karl Aiginger - 3 Zur strukturellen Instabilität eines nichtlinearen Kreditmarktmodells
by Franz R. Hahn - 2 Die "Stylized Facts" in der modernen Konjunkturdiskussion
by Fritz Schebeck & Gunther Tichy - 1 Robinson and Marshall-Lerner Conditions with Positive Import Content of Exports
by Fritz Breuss