- 9924 The Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevention and Care Project, Zimbabwe
by World Bank - 9923 Guinea - The Equity and School Improvement Project
by World Bank - 9922 Rural Development, Poverty Reduction and Environmental Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Kevin Cleaver - 9921 Best Practice in Public Expenditure Reviews Togo : A Participatory Approach
by World Bank - 9920 Mali - A Participatory Approach to Livestock Development
by Jeffrey Metzel & N. Menudier - 9919 Sector Investment Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa : Issues and Recommendations
by Stehen Jones - 9918 Action Research for Better Health in Cote d’Ivoire
by World Bank - 9917 Village Immersion : Mandaka, Cameroon
by World Bank - 9916 Early Childhood Development in Sub-Saharan Africa : Issues and Strategies
by Nat J. Colletta & Jayshree Balachander & Xiaoyan Liang - 9915 Benin - Improving Budget Systems To Increase Poverty Alleviation Impact
by World Bank - 9914 Mauritania - Improving the Management of Public Resources : Innovative Approaches
by World Bank - 9913 Action Research : Building Networks for Improved Delivery of Financial Services to the Poor
by Shimwaayi Muntemba & James Coates & William Steel & Alex Amuan - 9912 Best Practice in Prevention of HIV
by World Bank - 9911 Early Childhood Development in Sub-Saharan Africa : Policy and Programs
by Nat J. Colletta & Amy Jo Reinhold - 9910 Promoting Policy Reforms for Effective Transport Services in COMESA Countries
by World Bank
- 11640 Finding Real Owners : Lessons from Estonia's Privatization Program
by John Nellis - 11639 Regulating Telecommunications : Lessons from U.S. Price Cap Experience
by Jeffrey H. Rohlfs - 11638 Reflections from the Participation Sourcebook
by World Bank - 11637 Involving Farmers : Social Assessment in the Estonia Agriculture Project
by World Bank - 11636 Emerging Markets and Financial Volatility-Beyond Mexico
by Gary L. Perlin - 11635 Mitigating Commercial Risks in Project Finance
by World Bank - 11634 Are Bank Interest Rate Spreads Too High? A Simple Model for Decomposing Spreads
by Fernando Montes-Negret & Luca Papi - 11633 The Privatization Dividend : A Worldwide Analysis of the Financial and Operating Performance of Newly Privatized Firms
by William L. Megginson & Robert C. Nash & Matthias van Randenborgh - 11632 Pension Funds and Capital Markets : Investment Regulation, Financial Innovation, and Governance
by Dimitri Vittas - 11631 Designing Mandatory Pension Schemes : Some Lessons from Argentina, Chile, Malaysia, and Singapore
by Dimitri Vittas - 11630 Franchising Telecom Service Shops : Meeting Demand from Nonsubscribers in Indonesia
by Rajesh Pradhan & Peter Smith - 11629 The Political Economy of Corruption : Causes and Consequences
by Susan Rose-Ackerman - 11628 The Net, Cybermoney, and Credit Risks : New Technologiy, and Payment System Risks
by Cathy E. Minehan - 11627 Redesigning the State to Fight Corruption : Transparency, Competition and Privatization
by Susan Rose-Ackerman - 11626 Regulating Water Companies
by Michael Klein & Timothy Irwin - 11625 The Guinea Water Lease : Five Years On - Lessons in Private Sector Participation
by Penelope J. Brook Cowen - 11624 Mitigating Project Risks World Bank : Support for Government Guarantees
by Philippe Benoit - 11623 Sydney's Water-A Suitable Case for Private Treatment?
by Ross Chapman & Sandy Cuthbertson - 11622 Money Laundering and International Efforts to Fight It
by David Scott - 11621 Privatizing Airports-Options and Case Studies
by Ellis J. Juan - 11620 Private Infrastructure-A Bibliography : A Guide to World Bank Publications on Private Participation in Infrastructure
by Omer Karasapan - 11619 The Dynamics of Independent Power : IPPs Seed Top-to-Bottom Reform
by Elliot Roseman & Anil Malhotra - 11618 The England and Wales Electricity Model : Option or Warning for Developing Countries?
by John E. Besant-Jones - 11617 Reshaping Power Markets-Lessons from Chile and Argentina
by R. Peter Lalor & Hernán García - 11616 Participation and Local Government
by World Bank - 11615 Kenya : Participatory Poverty Assessment
by World Bank - 11614 Reinventing Government in New Zealand : How Core Government Functions Benefited from Market-Type Measurement
by Tony Dale & Ian Ball - 11613 Revitalizing Low-Income Public Housing Through Community Participation in the UK
by World Bank - 11612 Railway Concessions : Heading Down the Right Track in Argentina
by José Carbajo & Antonio Estache - 11611 Venture Capital Funds in Emerging Markets : Lessons from IFC's Investments
by Teresa Barger & Laurence Carter & Irving Kuczynski - 11610 Regulating Water Concessions : Lessons from the Buenos Aires concession
by Claude Crampes & Antonio Estache - 11609 Regulatory Lessons from Argentina's Power Concessions
by Antonio Estache & Martin Rodriguez-Pardina - 11608 Leasing in Emerging Markets : A Potent Instrument for Financing Small Business?
by Teresa Barger & Laurence Carter & Irving Kuczynski - 11607 Portfolio Investment Funds : Assessing the Impact on Emerging Markets
by Teresa Barger & Laurence Carter & Irving Kuczynski - 11606 Regulating Banks through Public Disclosure-The Case of New Zealand
by Peter Nicholl - 11605 Transaction Costs in Private Infrastructure Projects - Are They Too High?
by Michael Klein & Jae So & Ben Shin - 11604 Privatizing Infrastructure : Capital Market Pressures and Management Incentives
by Ian Alexander & Timothy Irwin - 11603 Competition in Telecoms-Implications for Universal Service and Employment
by Ben A. Petrazzini - 11602 Regulating Market Risk in Banks : The Options
by Constantinos Stephanou - 11601 Designing Toll Road Concessions : Lessons from Argentina
by Antonio Estache & Jose Carbajo - 11600 Competing Private Ports : Lessons from Argentina
by Antonio Estache & Jose Carbajo - 9980 Assessing Poverty in Kenya
by World Bank - 9979 Girls and Schools in Sub-Saharan Africa : From Analysis to Action
by World Bank - 9978 Best Practice in Gender
by Wendy Roseberry - 9977 Sub-Saharan Africa : Into the Next Millennium
by World Bank - 9976 Sub-Saharan Africa - Improving Institutional and Economic Performance
by World Bank - 9975 Best Practice in AIDS Prevention and Mitigation
by World Bank - 9974 Schools Count : World Bank Project Designs and the Quality of African Primary Education
by Ward Heneveld & Helen Craig - 9973 Sub-Saharan Africa : Assessing Technological Capabilities and Firm Productivity
by World Bank - 9972 Example of Best Practice in Improving the Quality of Primary : Education Regional Study On Managing Schools For Effectiveness
by World Bank - 9971 Strengthening Auditing and Accounting Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa : The Education and Training Factors
by Sonia R. Johnson - 9970 Office du Niger : Ensuring Food Security for Mali
by Dibril Aw & Chantel Dejou - 9969 Accounting : The Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
by World Bank - 9968 Restoring Urban Infrastructure and Services in Nigeria
by World Bank - 9967 Cost Sharing : Towards Sustainable Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa
by R. Paul Shaw & Charles C. Griffin - 9966 Improving the Commercial Practices of an Electrical Utility : Electricity Dispenser System in Tanzania - A Component of the Tanzania Power VI Project
by World Bank - 9965 Africa Can Compete in Europe
by World Bank - 9964 Special Program for African Agricultural Research (SPAAR) : Frameworks for Action - An Initial Review
by World Bank - 9963 Environment I Project (EPI) in Madagascar (1991-1995)
by World Bank - 9962 Impact of the Uruguay Round on Sub-Saharan Africa
by Peter Harrold - 9961 Financing the Rural Poor : Savings and Loan Network in Benin
by Luciano Mosele - 9960 Reforming State-Dominated Banking Systems in Africa : Financial Adjustment and Technical Assistance Programs
by World Bank - 9959 Nigeria - Targeting Communities for Effective Poverty Alleviation
by World Bank - 9958 Wildlife Economics : Case Studies from Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, and Zimbabwe
by Jan Bojo - 9957 Kenya - A Micro-Finance Scheme for Women
by Washington K. Kiiru & Glenn D. Pederson - 9956 Natural Resources Management
by Prasad C. Mohan - 9955 Governance and Public Administration (Botswana)
by World Bank - 9954 Sustainable Development of Africa's Water Resources
by Narenda P. Sharma - 9953 Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa : Issues and Recommendations
by World Bank - 9952 Privatization in Africa : The Zambian Example
by Emile Sawaya - 9951 Best Practice in Labor-Based Contracting in the Road Sector
by World Bank - 9950 Monitoring Poverty Over Time : Some Lessons from Cote d'Ivoire
by Christine Jones & Xiao Ye - 9949 Best Practice In Sector Investment Programs
by World Bank - 9948 Population Programs : Facilitating Implementation at the Grassroots
by World Bank - 9947 West Central Africa : Building Ownership for Environmentally Sustainable Development
by T. Swayze
- 11677 Franchising and Privatization
by Antony W. Dnes - 11676 Cash Constraints and Credit Corsets : The Chimera of Interenterprise Credit
by Timothy Condon & S. Ramachandran - 11675 International Power Interconnections : Moving from Electricity Exchange to Competitive Trade
by J. P. Charpentier & K. Schenk - 11674 The Power of Collateral : How Problems in Securing Transections Limit Private Credit from Movable Property
by Heywood Fleisig - 11673 The Right to Borrow : Legal and Regulatory Barriers that Limit Access to Credit by Small Farms and Businesses
by Heywood Fleisig - 11672 Competitive Contracting for Privately Generated Power : What to Do in the Absence of Competition in the Market
by Robert Bacon - 11671 Fiscal Systems for Oil : The Government "Take" and Competition for Exploration Investment
by Chakib Khelil - 11670 Gender Issues in Participation
by World Bank - 11669 Participation in Agricultural Extension
by World Bank - 11668 Participation in Forest and Conservation Management
by World Bank - 11667 Participation and Intermediary NGOs
by World Bank - 11666 Participation and Indigenous Peoples
by World Bank - 11665 Participation in Poverty Assessments
by World Bank - 11664 Participation in Social Funds
by Mary Schmidt & Alexandre Marc - 11663 Participation in Country Economic and Sector Work
by Dan R. Aronson - 11662 Designing Community Based Development
by Deepa Narayan - 11661 Participation in the Irrigation Sector
by Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Richard Reidinger & Andrew Manzardo - 11660 Participation in the Water and Sanitation Sector
by Gabrielle Watson & N. Vijay Jagannathan - 11659 Participation in the Education and Training Sector
by Nat Colletta & Gillian Perkins - 11658 The Real World of Power Sector Regulation
by Bernard Tenenbaum - 11657 Social Assessment and the El Salvador Basic Education Modernization Project
by World Bank - 11656 Social Assessment and the Baku Water Supply Project
by World Bank - 11655 Bankruptcy Reform-Breaking the Court Logjam in Colombia
by Izak Atiyas - 11654 To Buy or Lease? Farm Revival in Eastern and Central Europe
by Omar Razzaz - 11653 Subscribing to Monopoly : The Telecom Monopolist's Lexicon-Revisited
by Peter Smith - 11652 A Template for Power Reform
by David M. Newbery - 11651 Lessons from Power Sector Reform in England and Wales
by Robert Bacon - 11650 Restructuring Regulation of the Railroad Industry
by Ioannis N. Kessides & Robert D. Willig - 11649 State-Owned Enterprise Restructuring : Better Performance Through the Corporate Structure and Competition
by Russell Muir & Joseph Soba - 11648 Concessions - The Way to Privatize Infrastructure Sector Monopolies
by Michel Kerf & Pierre Guislain - 11647 Post-Privatization Performance-Regulating Telecommunications in the U.K : Testing for Regulatory Capture
by Antony Dnes - 11646 The Private Infrastructure Industry : Company Approaches
by Jae So & Ben Shin - 11645 The World Bank Contribution to Private Participation in Infrastructure
by Omer Karasapan - 11644 Private Power Financing : From Project Finance to Corporate Finance
by Karl G. Jechoutek & Ranjit Lamech - 11643 The Macedonian Gambit : Enterprise cum Bank Restructuring
by Joseph Pernia & S. Ramachandran - 11642 A Pre-export Guarantee Facility in Moldova : Mitigating Political Risk in Transition
by Onno Rühl & Alfred Watkins - 11641 End of the Line for the Local Loop Monopoly? Technology, Competition, and Investment in Telecom Networks
by Peter Smith - 10004 Land Degradation and Population Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa : The Machakos Experience
by John English & Mary Tiffen & Michael Mortimore - 10003 Macroeconomic Risk Management in Nigeria : Dealing with External Shocks
by Santiago Montenegro & Constantjin Claessens & Sudarshan Gooptu & Mudassar Imran & Andrew Powell - 10002 Adjustment in Africa : Update on Reversing Economic Decline in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Christine W. Jones - 10001 Empowering Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa : Best Practices
by Elaine Beaudoux & Andre Bourque & Marie-Helene Collion & Jean Delion & Dominique Gentil & Charles Kabuga & Jurgen Schwettman & Ashih Shah - 10000 Commercializing Africa's Roads : Transforming the Role of the Public Sector
by Ian G. Heggie - 9999 Designing for Community Participation in Procurement and Disbursement
by Gita Gopal & Alexandre Marc - 9998 The Many Faces of Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
by World Bank - 9997 Ghana : Bringing Savers and Investors Together
by Hans-Martin Boehmer & Deborah Wetzel & Arvind Gupta - 9996 Mauritius : Sustaining the Competitive Edge
by Simon Gray - 9995 Pastoral Rangelands in Sub-Saharan Africa : Strategies for Sustainable Development
by W. J. Lusigi & John Buursink - 9994 Retaining Teaching Capacity in African Universities : Problems and Prospects
by Robert Blair & Josephine Jordan - 9993 Small Enterprise Responses to Liberalization in Five African Countries
by Ronald L. Parker & Randall Riopelle & William F. Steel - 9992 Improving Financial Management in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Sonia R. Johnson - 9991 Environmental Economics in Sub-Saharan Africa : Towards Sustainable Development
by Frank J. Convery - 9990 Health Care in Zambia : Reforming the System
by Julie McLaughlin - 9989 Rural Women and Agricultural Extension in the Sahel
by Daphne Spurling - 9988 Madagascar : Increasing Food Security and Nutrition
by Eileen Murray - 9987 South Africa : Reducing Financial Constraints to Emerging Enterprises
by Thyra A. Riley - 9986 Nigeria - Towards the Improved Delivery of Social Services
by Josephine Woo - 9985 Promoting Private Agribusiness Activity in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Steven Jaffee & John Morton - 9984 African Development Indicators 1994-95
by World Bank - 9983 Integrating Gender into Extension Services : Rural Women in the Sahel
by Daphne Spurling - 9982 Ghana - Promoting Growth, Reducing Poverty
by Asad Alam - 9981 The Niger Delta : A Stakeholder Approach to Environmental Development
by J. Singh & D. Moffat & O. Linden
- 11679 Privatization by Capitalization : The Case of Bolivia - A Popular Participation Recipe for Cash-Starved SOEs
by Andrew Ewing & Susan Goldmark - 11678 Developing Long-Term Finance in Emerging Markets : Using Bank Debentures - Lessons from Japan
by Masakazu Watanabe - 10024 Cultural Property Conservation and the Development Process
by June Taboroff & Cynthia C. Cook - 10023 African Universities: The Way Forward
by William S. Saint - 10022 Economic Reforms and the Poor : Social Action Programs and Social Funds in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Carol Graham & Alexandre Marc & Mark Schacter - 10021 Agricultural Research in the Sahel : Challenge and Response
by Jan Weijenberg - 10020 Transport and Economic Performance : Linkages and Implications for Sector Policy
by Cavelle D. Creightney - 10019 Educational Quality : Defining What's Important
by Ward Heneveld - 10018 Building Capacity for Decentralization and Local Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa : The Municipal Development Program
by M. Sevilla - 10017 Information Bank on African Development Studies (IBADS)
by Ghazali Raheem - 10016 Gender and Economic Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Margaret Grieco - 10015 Managing Forest Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa : Issues and Challenges
by Narenda P. Sharma & Simon Reitbergen & Claude R. Heimo & Joti Patel - 10014 South Africa : Stimulating Economic Growth
by Peter Fallon & Luiz A. Pereira de Silva - 10013 Governance and Civil Service Reform : A Regional Program
by Mamadou Dia & Rogerio Pinto & Angelous Mrope - 10012 Africa Can Compete
by Tyler Biggs & Gail R. Moody & Jan-Hendrik Van Leeuwen & E. Diane White - 10011 Environmental Information Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Investing in the Future
by Jean-Michel Pavy - 10010 Partners in Reform : The Special Program of Assistance for Africa (SPA)
by Katz Jeffrey & Rosenberg Alison - 10009 Towards Better Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
by R. Paul Shaw & Edward Elmendorf - 10008 Sustainable Seed Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
by V. Venkatesan - 10007 Small Enterprise Finance under Liberalization in Ghana
by Ernest Aryeetey & Amoah Baah-Nuakoh & Tamara Duggleby & Hemamala Hettige & William F. Steel - 10006 Improving Madagascar's Primary Education : A Focus on Schools
by Ward Heneveld - 10005 Fighting the Population/Agriculture/Environment Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Kevin Cleaver & Gotz Schreiber
- 10032 Property Tax in Anglophone Africa : Issues and Constraints
by Simon Keith - 10031 Global Coalition for Africa (GCA) Meets in Cotonou, Benin June 9-11, 1993
by Tesfaye Dinka - 10030 Developing Financial Mechanisms for Long-Term Funding of Biodiversity Conservation
by Jeri Larsen - 10029 Making Government an Effective Partner : Civil Service Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Mamadou Dia - 10028 Managing Urban Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Akin L. Mabojunye - 10027 Measuring the Gap : Female Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Teresa Hartnett & Ward Heneveld - 10026 The Social Dimensions of Adjustment : A General Assessment
by World Bank - 10025 Putting the Private Sector on Track
by World Bank
- 10034 T&V Has a High Payoff
by World Bank - 10033 Petroleum Supply Reforms Could Yield Huge Savings
by World Bank
- 42094 State and Trends of Carbon Pricing: International Carbon Markets 2024
by World Bank - 42075 Finance and Prosperity 2024
by World Bank - 42002 South Asia Development Update, October 2024: Women, Jobs, and Growth
by World Bank - 42001 Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Review, October 2024: Taxing Wealth for Equity and Growth
[Informe Económico América Latina y el Caribe, Octubre 2024: Impuestos a la riqueza para la equidad y el crecimiento]
by William Maloney & Jorge Andres Zambrano & Guillermo Vuletin & Guillermo Beylis & Pablo Garriga - 42000 MENA Economic Update, October 2024: Growth in the Middle East and North Africa
[Bulletin d’information économique de la région MENA, octobre 2024 : Croissance au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord]
by Roberta Gatti & Jesica Torres & Nelly Elmallakh & Gianluca Mele & Diego Faurès & Mennatallah Emam Mousa & Ilias Suvanov - 41999 Africa's Pulse, No. 30, October 2024: Transforming Education for Inclusive Growth
[Africa's Pulse, No. 30, Octobre 2024: Transformer l'éducation pour une croissance inclusive]
by World Bank - 41998 World Bank East Asia and the Pacific Economic Update, October 2024: Jobs and Technology
by World Bank - 41997 Europe and Central Asia Economic Update, Fall 2024: Better Education for Stronger Growth
by Ivailo Izvorski & Sergiy Kasyanenko & Michael M. Lokshin & Iván Torre - 41544 State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2024
by World Bank - 41230 Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Review, April 2024 - Competition: The Missing Ingredient for Growth?
[Informe Económico América Latina y el Caribe, Abril 2024: Competencia: ¿el ingrediente que falta para crecer?]
by William Maloney & Pablo Garriga & Marcela Meléndez & Raúl Morales & Charl Jooste & James Sampi & Jorge Thompson Araujo & Ekaterina Vostroknutova - 41214 Europe and Central Asia Economic Update, Spring 2024: Unleashing the Power of the Private Sector
by World Bank - 41213 Africa's Pulse, No. 29, April 2024: Tackling Inequality to Revitalize Growth and Reduce Poverty in Africa
[Africa's Pulse, No. 29, Avril 2024: Lutter contre les inégalités pour revitaliser la croissance et réduire la pauvreté en Afrique]
by World Bank - 41212 South Asia Development Update, April 2024: Jobs for Resilience
by World Bank - 41211 World Bank East Asia and the Pacific Economic Update, April 2024: Firm Foundations of Growth
by World Bank