May 2018, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 59-82 Collaborative housing and blockchain
by Nasarre-Aznar Sergio - 83-108 Regulation of housing quality in Ireland: What can be learned from food safety?
by Fhloinn Deirdre Ní - 109-132 The limited rights of residential licensees in Ireland: A case for carefully targeted legal reform
by Skeffington Patricia Sheehy - 135-152 Service charge collection in multi-unit developments
by McKeown Adele & Sirr Lorcan - 153-177 Demography is destiny: Strategic planning and housing in Ireland
by Hughes Brian - 179-191 Market-led housing supply and the lure of demand stimulants in the UK
by Bentley Daniel
February 2018, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-8 Political developments, 2017
by O’Donnell Hugh - 9-16 Civil service, 2017
by Shannon Laura - 17-23 Local government, 2017
by Quinn Bríd - 25-30 Health services, 2017
by O’Riordan Joanna - 31-46 Justice, 2017
by Black Lynsey - 47-57 Education, 2017
by O’Donnell Orla - 59-68 State-owned enterprise sector, 2017
by Palcic Dónal & Reeves Eoin - 69-81 European Union, 2017
by Malone Margaret Mary - 85-87 Introduction: Rethinking Irish Economic Development
by O’Leary Eoin & Egeraat Chris van - 89-105 Planning Ireland to 2040: How to address our economic development policy weaknesses
by O’Leary Eoin - 107-128 Rethinking Irish cluster policy
by Egeraat Chris van & Doyle Eleanor - 129-146 Reflections on rent-seeking in Ireland and its bus industry
by Barrett Sean - 149-154 The official history of the cabinet secretaries. The cabinet office, 1916–2016: The birth of modern government
by McCarthy Dermot - 155-158 Public sector reform in Ireland: Countering crisis
by Adshead Maura
December 2017, Volume 65, Issue 4
- 1-9 Introduction
by Murphy Mary P. - 11-20 Examining emerging new employment forms and potential positive and negative effects on working and employment conditions
by Mandl Irene - 21-30 Digital economy and the future of social security
by Konkolewsky Hans-Horst - 31-38 Ireland’s low learning trap
by Riain Seán Ó - 41-71 Measuring the Sustainable Development Goals: What does it mean for Ireland?
by MacFeely Steve - 73-82 The Central Bank’s harmonised competitiveness indicators: Users beware
by Barry Frank - 83-99 The Patient Survey Programme: Transforming the patient experience in Irish healthcare
by Byers Vivienne & Fahey Daragh & Mullins Carol & Roe Carol - 103-106 Towards the era of lifelong learning: A history of Irish education 1800–2016
by Curry John - 107-110 Austerity and recovery in Ireland: Europe’s poster child and the great recession
by Eaton David - 111-114 Theory and practice of public sector reform
by Lughmani Sheema
August 2017, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 1-13 How policy and budget proofing can advance human rights and equality in Ireland
by Murphy Mary P. - 17-39 Gender budgeting in Scotland: A work in progress
by O’Hagan Angela - 41-58 Learning lessons from local social/poverty impact assessment
by McInerney Chris - 59-80 Maximising available resources: Equality and human rights proofing Irish fiscal policy
by Murphy Mary P. - 83-99 Human rights and fiscal oversight: A case study of the Northern Ireland 2011–15 budget
by O’Connell Rory - 101-121 Gender budgeting in Europe: What can we learn from best practice?
by Quinn Sheila - 123-139 Poverty proofing – An evolutionary process towards poverty reduction
by Johnston Helen - 141-158 A duty to value: Implementing the public sector equality and human rights duty
by Crowley Niall
May 2017, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 1-12 Democratic revolution? Evaluating the political and administrative reform landscape after the economic crisis
by Reidy Theresa & Buckley Fiona - 15-35 The Irish legislative gender quota: The first election
by Brennan Mary & Buckley Fiona - 37-57 Dáil reforms since 2011: Pathway to power for the ‘puny’ parliament?
by Lynch Catherine & O’Malley Eoin & Reidy Theresa & Farrell David M. & Suiter Jane - 59-87 The effect of parliamentary reforms (2011–16) on the Oireachtas committee system
by Lynch Catherine - 89-107 ‘Insufficient critique’ – The Oireachtas Banking Inquiry and the media
by Rafter Kevin - 109-126 Reforming local government: Must it always be democracy versus efficiency?
by Quinlivan Aodh - 127-144 Lobbying regulation in Ireland: Fool’s errand or finest hour?
by Murphy Gary - 145-164 Reforming the Irish public service: A multiple streams perspective
by MacCarthaigh Muiris - 165-182 Political-administrative relations: The role of political advisers
by Connaughton Bernadette
February 2017, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-8 Political developments, 2016
by O’Donnell Hugh - 9-17 Civil service, 2016
by Shannon Laura - 19-27 Local government, 2016
by Quinn Bríd - 29-34 Health services, 2016
by O’Riordan Joanna - 35-48 Justice, 2016
by Black Lynsey - 49-61 Education, 2016
by Curry John - 63-66 State agencies and enterprises, 2016
by MacCarthaigh Muiris - 67-79 European Union, 2016
by Malone Margaret Mary - 83-96 Court-directed mediation in the Irish High Court: Compelling voluntary processes
by Corry Micheál - 107-113 The civil service and development
by Whitaker T. K.
December 2016, Volume 64, Issue 3-4
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by O’Riordan Joanna - 5-21 The National Spatial Strategy: Lessons for implementing a National Planning Framework
by Ó’Riordáin Sean & Egeraat Chris van - 23-43 Taking national planning seriously: A challenged planning agenda in the Netherlands
by Janssen-Jansen Leonie - 45-58 Place leadership, governance and power
by Sotarauta Markku - 61-89 The development of conflict resolution practices in Irish workplaces
by Roche William K. - 93-116 Survey of PAYE taxpayers, 2015
by Kennedy Seán & McGuinness Gerry & Shirran Martina - 119-122 Gombeens at the gate: Renewing the Rising through ideals, character and place
by Doyle Daniel - 123-125 Advanced introduction to public management and administration
by Mendez Daniel - 126-128 Public administration in contested societies
by McMahon Denis
August 2016, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 1-6 Introduction: Reflections on the provision, organisation and management of social care in Ireland
by McSweeney Fiona & Smith Karen & Williams David - 9-29 Ready or not? Statutory registration, regulation and continuing professional development for social care workers in Ireland
by Byrne Catherine - 33-59 Going to market! An exploration of markets in social care
by Mulkeen Majella - 61-83 Lessons from abroad: Rebalancing accountability and pedagogy in the Irish social care sector through the use of effective leadership
by Jones Cathy & Smey Carston Catherine - 85-108 Governance of the table: Regulation of food and eating practices in residential care for young people
by Byrne Deirdre - 109-136 Towards a more person-centred home care service: A study of the preferences of older adults and home care workers
by Dempsey Catherine & Normand Charles & Timonen Virpi - 137-155 Interfacing informal and formal help systems: Historical pathways to the Meitheal model
by Cassidy Anne & Devaney Carmel & McGregor Caroline & Landy Fergal - 157-177 Addressing barriers to healthcare access for Roma: A community development approach
by Kirwan Gloria & Jacob Deirdre
May 2016, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-27 Benchmarking the financial performance of local councils in Ireland
by Robbins Geraldine & Turley Gerard & McNena Stephen - 29-60 Analysis of recent property price developments and implications for Local Property Tax liabilities and revenue yield
by O’Connor Brendan & Lynch Donal - 63-74 From public enterprise through privatisation to public–private mixing – An important Irish contribution
by Wettenhall Roger - 77-81 EU Social Security Law: A Commentary on EU Regulations 883/2004 and 987/2009
by Mangan Gerry
February 2016, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 1-9 Political developments, 2015
by O’Donnell Hugh - 11-24 Civil service, 2015
by O’Donnell Orla - 25-36 Local government, 2015
by Quinn Bríd - 37-50 Health services, 2015
by O’Sullivan Tim - 51-62 Justice, 2015
by Black Lynsey - 63-75 Education, 2015
by Curry John - 77-79 State agencies and state enterprises, 2015
by MacCarthaigh Muiris - 81-94 European Union, 2015
by Malone Margaret Mary
December 2015, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 1-1 Note from the Editor
by Boyle Richard - 5-25 Place-based collaboration: Leadership for a changing world
by Hambleton Robin - 27-40 Shared services – shared necessity: Austerity, reformed local government and reduced budgets
by Lloyd Greg - 41-64 Emergency management on the island of Ireland – Recent cross-border developments
by Joyce Finian & McCaffrey Joan - 67-77 Five challenges for public administrations in Europe
by Ongaro Edoardo - 81-89 The 1916 Rising and the revolutionary origins of the Irish Department of Finance
by Tobin Gary - 93-96 Leading the Inclusive City: Place-Based Innovation for a Bounded Planet
by Quill Eoin - 97-100 Tackling Wicked Government Problems: A Practical Guide for Developing Enterprise Leaders
by Allex Ariane
August 2015, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 1-4 Introduction
by Quinlivan Aodh - 7-29 Local government reform – Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose?
by Quinn Bríd - 31-57 Local government reform: Community planning and the quality of life in Northern Ireland
by Knox Colin & Carmichael Paul - 59-77 An evolving political landscape: Political reform, boundary changes and the 2014 local elections
by Kavanagh Adrian P. - 79-99 Women in local government: Moving in from the margins
by Buckley Fiona & Hofman Caroline - 101-117 The development of the Irish management system and the move towards directly elected mayors
by Quinlivan Aodh - 119-145 Baby steps: The expanding financial base of local government in Ireland
by Considine John & Reidy Theresa - 149-176 City regions and the changing role of local government in supporting their economic growth potential
by Cudden Jamie - 177-190 A case study of the Tipperary County Council merger
by O’Riordan Joanna - 191-197 A commentary on localism, place and identity following the abolition of town councils
by D’Alton Marcia
May 2015, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by O’Riordan Joanna - 5-14 Thirty years of the Ombudsman: Impact and the future
by Tyndall Peter - 15-25 The changing role of the Ombudsman
by Wakem Dame Beverley A. - 27-37 Holding to account: Some reflections on civil service reform
by Rafter Kevin - 41-70 The statistical treatment of government interventions in the banking sector during the financial crisis
by Quill Patrick - 73-77 The Value(s) of Civil Leaders: A Study into the Influence of Governance Context on Public Value Orientation
by Finn Cian