- 2003-25 A hybrid scatter search / electromagnetism meta-heuristic for project scheduling
by Dieter Debels & Bert de Reyck & Roel Leus & Mario Vanhoucke - 2003-24 The debt-maturity structure of small firms in a creditor-oriented environment
by Dries Heyman & Marc Deloof & Hubert Ooghe - 2003-23 Future challenges for human resource development professionals in european learning-oriented organisations
by Dirk Buyens & Karen Wouters & Koen Dewettinck - 2003-22 Starting resource configurations of research-based start-ups and the interaction with technology, institutional background, and industrial dynamics
by Ans Heirman & Bart Clarysse & Vicky Van Den Haute - 2003-21 Thinking back on where we're going :a methodological assessment of five decades of research in negotiation behavior. Some preliminary findings..
by Steven Mestdagh & Marc Buelens - 2003-20 The impact of foreign-based competition on firm diversification: a resource-based perspective
by Harry Bowen & Margarethe F. Wiersema - 2003-19 The internationalization of small and medium-sized firms: the role of organizational learning effort and entrepreneurial orientation
by Dirk De Clercq & Harry J. Sapienza & Hans Crijns - 2003-18 Human capital, social capital, and innovation: a multi-country study
by Mourad Dakhli & Dirk De Clercq - 2003-17 The relationship between consumers unethical behavior and customer loyalty in a retail environment
by Kristof De Wulf & Patrick Van Kenhove & Sarah Steenhaut - 2003-16 The influence of topic involvement on mail survey response behavior
by Kristof De Wulf & Patrick Van Kenhove & Katrien Wijnen - 2003-15 Is gender stereotyping in advertising more prevalent in masculine countries? A cross-national analysis
by Kristof De Wulf & Gaby Odekerken-Schrder & Natascha Hofstee - 2003-14 Psychological contract development during organizational socialization: adaptation to reality and the role of reciprocity
by Ans De Vos & Dirk Buyens & Ren Schalk - 2003-13 Integrated performance management: adding a new dimension
by Kurt Verweire & Lutgart Van den Berghe - 2003-12 Profile Of Multiple Versus Single Acquirers And Their Targets: A Research Note
by Hubert Ooghe & Tine De Langhe & Jan Camerlynck - 2003-11 Initial returns: underpricing or overvaluation ? Evidence from easdaq and euronm
by Sophie Manigart & Wouter De Maeseneire - 2003-10 Making competencies cross business unit boundaries: the interplay between inter-unit coordination, trust and knowledge transferability
by Annick Willem & Marc Buelens - 2003-9 Linking cognitive styles and values
by Herman Van den Broeck & Karlien Vanderheyden & Eva Cools - 2003-8 Changes in the industrial and geographical diversification of leading firms in European manufacturing
by Laura Rondi & Leo Sleuwaegen & Davide Vannoni - 2003-7 A classification of programmes and its managerial impact
by Ann Vereecke & Marleen Stevens & Els Pandelaere & Dirk Deschoolmeester - 2003-6 Openness to organizational change:the contribution of content, context, and process
by Geert Devos & Marc Buelens - 2003-5 International strategic alliances: stock market responses from dutch firms partnering with EU, US and Japanese firms
by Leo Sleuwaegen & Krijn Schep & Gijs Den Hartog & Harry Commandeur - 2003-4 Assessing the impact of offline URL advertising
by Maggie Geuens & Delphine Vantomme & Bert Weijters - 2003-3 Segmenting the senior market: professional and social activity level
by Bert Weijters & Maggie Geuens - 2003-2 International plant configuration strategies: a structured decision making approach and product level test
by Ren Belderbos & Leo Sleuwaegen - 2003-1 Response preference in organizational behavior research: do respondents to classical and internet surveys possess different psychological characteristics?
by Steven Mestdagh & Marc Buelens
- 2002-22 Evaluation of age-related labels by senior citizens
by Bert Weijters & Maggie Geuens - 2002-21 The reorganization decisions of troubled firms: exit, downscale or relocate
by Leo Sleuwaegen & Enrico Pennings - 2002-20 Why do European Venture Capital Companies syndicate?
by Sophie Manigart & Andy Lockett & Miguel Meuleman & Mike Wright & Hans Landstrm & Hans Bruining & Philippe Desbrieres & Ulrich Hommel - 2002-19 Optimal due date assignment in project scheduling
by Mario Vanhoucke - 2002-18 New computational results for the discrete time/cost trade-off problem with time-switch constraints
by Mario Vanhoucke - 2002-17 Value-based management control processes to create value through integration: a literature review
by Anne Ameels & Werner Bruggeman & Geert Scheipers - 2002-16 Financing and investment interdependencies in unquoted Belgian companies: the role of venture capital
by Sophie Manigart & Katleen Baeyens & Ilse Verschueren - 2002-15 Venture capitalists in Asia: a comparison with the U.S. and Europe
by Gary D. Bruton & Sophie Manigart & Vance Fried & Harry J. Sapienza - 2002-14 Does foreign direct investment crowd out domestic entrepreneurship?
by Koen De Backer & Leo Sleuwaegen - 2002-13 Foreign ownership and productivity dynamics
by Koen De Backer & Leo Sleuwaegen - 2002-12 Retrospective insights from Real Options in R&D
by Onno Lint - 2002-11 A framework for assessing commitment to change. Process and context variables of organizational change
by Geert Devos & Karlien Vanderheyden & Herman Van den Broeck - 2002-10 The option value of developing two product standards simultaneously when the final standard is uncertain
by Onno Lint & Enrico Pennings - 2001-12 Are acquisitions worhtwhile? An empirical study of the post-acquisition performance of privately held Belgian companies involved in take-overs
by Tine De Langhe & Hubert Ooghe - 2001-10 Pre-acquisition profile of privately held companies involved in takeovers: an empirical study
by Hubert Ooghe & Jan Camerlynck - 2002-9 Is design-manufacturing integration that important?
by Anneke Vandevelde & Roland Van Dierdonck & Bart Clarysse - 2002-8 Managing the design-manufacturing interface
by Anneke Vandevelde & Roland Van Dierdonck & Bart Clarysse - 2002-5 The V-shaped value evolution of R&D-projects
by Onno Lint & Enrico Pennings - 2002-4 Employment implications of downsizing strategies and reorientation practices: an empirical exploration
by Koen Dewettinck & Dirk Buyens - 2002-3 Are failure prediction models transferable from one country to another? An empirical study using financial statements
by Hubert Ooghe & Sofie Balcaen - 2002-2 What drives consumer participation to loyalty programs? A conjoint analytical approach
by Kristof Dewulf & Gaby Odekerken-Schr der & Marie de Cannire & Claudia Van Oppen - 2002-1 The impact of trust on private equity contracts
by Sophie Manigart & M. Audrey Korsgaard & Robert Folger & Harry J. Sapienza & Katleen Baeyens - 2001-9 The Ooghe-Joos-De Vos failure prediction models: a cross-industry validation
by Hubert Ooghe & Jan Camerlynck & Sofie Balcaen
- 2002-7 The role of physical prototyping in the product development process
by Anneke Vandevelde & Roland Van Dierdonck & Bart Clarysse - 2002-6 Practitioner's view on project performance: a three-polar construct
by Anneke Vandevelde & Roland Van Dierdonck & Koen Debackere - 2001-7 Globalisation and the definition of the relevant geographic market in antitrust practice
by Leo Sleuwaegen & Isabelle De Voldere - 2001-6 The Anglo-Saxon versus the Continental European Corporate Governance Model: Empirical Evidence of Board Composition in Belgium
by Hubert Ooghe & Veerle De Vuyst - 2001-2 Adding value through integration and involvement: a qualitative study about management s perception of the added value of the HR function
by Dirk Buyens & Ans de Vos