2014, Volume 122, Issue 3
- 301-320 The democratic firm and "passive revolution"
by Bruno Jossa - 321-330 Capital investment and managerial efficiency A simple model for sport clubs
by Dimitri Paolini & Juan de Dios Tena - 331-348 Economic crises, what we learn from history and economic theory
by Gabriella Chiesa & Luigi Filippini
2014, Volume 122, Issue 2
- 133-138 Introduction
by Evandro Botto - 139-160 Maurice Potron and his times: state, catholicism and economic modelling
by Christian Bidard - 161-178 On the interpretation of Potron’s equations as translations of the social doctrine of the Church
by Guido Erreygers - 179-194 Necessary prices and necessary income distribution in classical political economy. A bridge with the notions ‘just’ prices and ‘just’ wage
by Enrico Bellino - 195-216 A fair price for goods: a food policy problem of the modern age
by Alberto Cova - 217-236 The just price doctrine and contemporary contract law: some introductory remarks
by Andrea Perrone
2014, Volume 122, Issue 1
- 3-18 Industrial Agglomeration: Economic Geography, Technological Spillover And Policy Incentives
by Emanuele Bracco - 19-36 The Joint-Stock Company As A Springboard For Socialism
by Bruno Jossa - 37-84 Structural Determinants Of Income Inequality In The European Union: Evidence From A Panel Analysis
by Giuseppina Malerba & Marta Spreafico - 85-102 The Idea Of ‘‘Common Good’’ And The Role Of The State In Present Day Social Economics
by Giuseppe Mastromatteo & Stefano Solari - 103-130 Building Trust In Italian Tax Authority. An Ethnographic Approach
by Pierluigi De Rosa
2013, Volume 121, Issue 3-4
- 275-302 Introduction. The ‘Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Ssociali’ in the Post-War Years (1945-1960)
by Sebastiano Nerozzi & Daniela Parisi - 303-320 A leap forward over the wall: Italian economy and economic thought in the Fifties
by Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini - 321-330 Structural reforms in enterprises and the tasks of the works councils
by Francesca Duchini - 331-352 Purposes and limitations of econometric analysis according to recent approaches
by Siro Lombardini - 353-372 The employment policy in Italy
by Francesco Vito - 373-386 The current state of the theory of cycles
by Vittorio Marrama - 387-404 A few remarks on monopoly and monopsony
by Paolo Sylos Labini - 405-424 The matrix of the Italian economy and developmens in structural interdependence analysis
by Luigi Fabbrini - 425-436 Corporate self-financing and the theory of the business cycle
by Giancarlo Mazzocchi - 437-448 The economic integration of Europe and the problem of international specialized communities
by Francesco Vito - 449-460 Corporate saving in the United States: about a recent publication
by Giancarlo Mazzocchi - 461-464 References
by Autori vari
2013, Volume 121, Issue 2
- 137-170 Profitability and innovation: new empirical findings based on italian data 1996-2003
by Eleonora Bartoloni - 171-210 Career or family? The choice of working in the public versus private sector for italian women and their fertility plan
by Laura Cavalli - 211-232 Economic and political implications of the Poladn’s accession to the European fiscal union
by Grzegorz Libor & Jolanta Galuszka & Ireneusz Galuszka - 233-256 Growth and financial frictions
by Giulio Piccirilli - 257-270 Can personalism inspire economics?
by Luca Sandonà - 271-272 Recensione di Macroeconomia. La teoria essenziale di Alessandro Morselli
by Bruno Amoroso
2013, Volume 121, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introduction
by Maurizio Baussola & Chiara Mussida - 5-30 A macro-micro econometric model for the italian labour market
by Maurizio Baussola & Laura Barbieri & Chiara Mussida - 31-62 Stepping stones versus dead end jobs: exits from temporary contracts in Italy after the 2003 reform
by Giovanni S.F. Bruno & Floro E. Caroleo & Orietta Dessy - 63-86 Youth and total unemployment rate: the impact of policies and institutions
by Enrico Marelli & Misbah T. Choudhry & Marcello Signorelli - 87-110 The efficiency of matching in Portuguese public employment service
by Massimiliano Agovino & Antonio Gomes de Menezes & Dario Sciulli - 111-134 James Buchanan and the Economics of Constitutions
by Andrea Villani
2012, Volume 120, Issue 4
- 371-398 The discrepancy between "ideal" and "real world" international tax rules. What drives politicians when making the rules?
by Julia Braun - 399-412 Interest rate in an "econom-ethic" perspective
by Giuseppe Garofalo - 413-428 Distributional consequences of capital tax coordination
by Martin ZAGLER - 429-476 What do we know about the link between growth and institutions?
by Marta Spreafico - 477-479 Sommario generale dell’annata
by Autori varii
2012, Volume 120, Issue 3
- 241-262 "The whole breadth of reason": a step towards rethinking economics and rationality
by Simona Beretta & Mario A. Maggioni - 263-268 The good reasons for a broader reason
by Angelo Scola - 269-288 The superfluous postulate of human rationality
by Etienne Mullet - 289-294 Rationality and uncertainty
by Andrew Postlewaite & David Schmeidler - 295-312 Foundations of trust, interpersonal relationships and communities
by Guido Merzoni & Federico Trombetta - 313-324 A brief intellectual history of the lesser depression
by Edward Hadas - 325-340 Back to the future? Georg Simmel and C.S. Lewis revisited
by Mario Maggioni & Simona Beretta - 341-356 The search of virtue and the communitarian story. Conceptions of justice in Michael Sandel
by Andrea Villani - 357-368 Review of Economia come scienza sociale. Teoria, istituzioni, storia. Studi in onore di Alberto Quadrio Curzio
by Mauro Leo Baranzini
2012, Volume 120, Issue 2
- 129-148 Markets, Science and Social Changes. Proudhon and the legacy oF Enlightenment
by Gioia Vitantonio & Emiliano Bevilacqua - 149-180 Public Capital, Private Capital and Economic Growth
by Alberto Bucci - 181-200 School Tracks, College Performance and Early Labour Market Outcomes
by Lorenzo Cappellari - 201-214 Co-Production and Reversed Cream-Skimming in Quasi-markets
by F. Delbono & D. Lanzi - 215-224 Regulation of Banks: Moving Targets
by Carsten Nielsen - 225-237 Social Justice and Capability Approach. A note on theses of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum about the importance of pursuing goals of social justice through the capability approach
by Andrea Villani
2012, Volume 120, Issue 1
- 3-24 Employment of Disabled People According to Law 68/1999. A Multidimensional Analysis at Regional Level
by Massimiliano AGOVINO & Agnese RAPPOSELLI - 25-44 To Stay or to Move? Freshmen and University Accessibility in Italy
by Carmen AINA & Eliana BAICI - 45-58 To Stay or to Move? Freshmen and University Accessibility in Italy
by Gian Carlo Blangiardo - 59-106 The costs of rebalancing the China-US co-dependency
by Luigi Bonatti & Andrea Fracasso - 107-116 Matching survey and administrative data for studying poverty at the local level
by Alessandra Coli - 117-126 Social Rules and Agreements Besides the ‘Invisible Hand’ A note on Carlo Beretta, «Non di solo mercato... Ruolo e ragioni di accordi, regole e istituzioni»
by Andrea Villani
2011, Volume 119, Issue 3/4
- 237-267 Introduction
by Sebastiano Nerozzi & Daniela Parisi - 269-274 Notes on the North-American Expansion in the Investment Market (1)
by Fausto R. Pitigliani - 275-281 Notes on the North-American Expansion in the Investment Market (2)
by Fausto R. Pitigliani - 283-295 Notes on the North-American Expansion in the Investment Market (2)
by Giovanni Demaria - 297-308 Notes and Discussions - The Issue of the Stability of Capitalism in Recent Literature
by Francesco Vito - 309-318 Notes and Discussions - The Question of High Wages and a Proposal by J.M. Keynes
by Francesco Vito - 319-331 Notes and Discussions - Some Remarks on British Monetary Policy
by Guido Tagliabue - 333-347 The English Crisis and the Gold Standard
by Francesco Vito - 349-356 World Depression and the Crisis of Economic Theory
by Francesco Vito - 357-368 The Nationalization of Currencies in the Gold Standard System
by Carlo Comaschi - 369-380 Notes and Discussions - The Memorable Events of the "Sterling Standard"
by Serafino MAJEROTTO - 381-397 The New Trends in Economic Policy in the USA
by Francesco Vito - 399-404 Industrial Recovery in the Years 1935-36
by Alexander ARGULLOS
2011, Volume 119, Issue 2
- 85-108 The Determinants of Success and Failure of Italian University Students. Evidence from administrative data
by Carmen Aina - 109-142 The Analysis of Determinants of Public Transport Demand in the City of Perugia
by Simona Bigerna & Paolo Polinori - 143-166 Water and common goods: community management asa a possible alternative to the public-private model
by Alba Distaso & Margherita Ciervo - 167-190 Adverse Selection in the Private Health Insurance Markets: a Two-Step Approach
by Cinzia Di Novi - 191-234 The Italian Pension System from the Firs Oil Shock to the Treaty of Maastricht: Facts and Debate at the Origin of the 1990s Reforms
by Luca Spataro
2011, Volume 119, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introduction
by Luigi Campiglio - 5-12 The Global Financial Crisis and Its Ramifications
by Robert Rubin - 13-22 Policy Formation for Managing Inherently Failing Markets
by Mordecai Kurz - 23-40 Means and Ends in the New Financial Regulation
by Gaetano Presti - 41-60 Managing the Leverage Cycle
by John Geanakoplos - 61-80 Towards Financial Stability: A European Perspective
by Paul De Grauwe - 81-82 Sovereign Wealth Funds. A complete guide to state-owned investment funds
by Alberto Quadrio Curzio & Valeria Miceli
2010, Volume 118, Issue 4
- 401-416 On the Production Function for Italy
by Giuseppe Albanese & Marco M. Sorge - 417-432 Education and Second Birth Risks in Italy
by Luigi ALDIERI & Adriana BARONE & Concetto Paolo VINCI - 433-448 A Note on Consumer Price Dynamics for Subpopulations in Italy
by Matteo Della Valle - 449-474 Relational Goods and the Well-being of People Working in Italian Social Cooperatives
by Nunzia Nappo - 475-496 In Search of Good Economics. A note on Luigi Lodovico Pasinetti, «Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians»
by Andrea Villani
2010, Volume 118, Issue 3
- 283-333 On Labour Shares in Recent Decades: A Survey
by Luciano BOGGIO & Vincenzo DALL’AGLIO & Marco MAGNANI - 335-354 The Democratic Road to Socialism
by Bruno Jossa - 355-378 Environmental Labelling: Issues of Enforcement and Approval of Uniform Standards
by Laura Meraviglia - 379-396 Individual Rights and Duties in Health Policy
by Gilberto Muraro & Vincenzo Rebba - 397-398 Il pendolo italiano. Note fra economia e politica (R. TARGETTI LENTI)
by Silvio Beretta
2010, Volume 118, Issue 2
- 155-197 Distribution and Growth, Technology and Development. Reflections on Nino Andreatta’s Theoretical Analysis
by Alberto Quadrio Curzio & Piercarlo Nicola & Claudia Rotondi - 199-223 On Some «Dimensions» of the Theory of the Firm
by Annamaria Stramaglia - 225-262 Unemployment and Full Employment. A Retrospective View
by Maurizio Zenezini - 263-274 An Empirical Note on Government Expenditure and Imports: an ARDL Cointegration Investigation
by Constantinos Alexiou - 275-277 Israele e Palestina: la forza dei numeri. Il conflitto mediorientale fra demografia e politica (F. MARONE)
by Sergio Della Pergola
2010, Volume 118, Issue 1
- 3-25 Why Do Italian Joint Stock Companies Adopt One or Two-Tier Board?
by Carlo BELLAVITE PELLEGRINI, & Laura PELLEGRINI & Emiliano SIRONI - 27-45 Overt and Underlying Games: The Case of the Centipede
by Carlo Beretta - 47-76 Spillovers, Disclosure Lags, and Incentives to Innovate: Do Oligopolies Over-Invest in R&D?
by Gianluca Femminis & Gianmaria Martini - 77-105 Is Long-Term Unemployment Unaffected by Flexible Labour Market Legislation?
by Chiara Mussida - 107-112 Con tutta l’energia possibile (A. VILLANI)
by L. Maugeri
2009, Volume 117, Issue 3
- 361-363 Introducion
by J.J. Heckman - 365-386 Lectio magistralis. Investing in our Young People: Lessons from Economics and Psychology
by James J. HECKMAN - 387-418 Investing in our Young People
by Flavio Cunha & James J. HECKMAN - 419-444 Exploring the Interface Between Personality Psychology and Economics
by Gian Vittorio CAPRARA & Eugenia SCABINI - 445-475 High School Graduates, Skill Formation and Labour Demand
by Gilberto Antonelli & Roberto Antonietti & Giovanni Guidetti - 477-492 Investing in the Human Potential: Improving Cognitive Life Skills in Young People
by Alessandro Antonietti - 493-512 Young People in the XXI Century
by Gian Carlo Blangiardo & Stefano Montrasio & Stefania Rimoldi - 513-528 From the Welfare State to the Social Investment State
by Maurizio Ferrera - 529-538 ''Human Resources'': Economics and Organization
by Cesare Kaneklin - 539-570 Investing in our Young People: Family Lives, Reconciliation Policies and Social Capital
by Giuseppina Malerba - 571-592 Early Childhood and Disability, Some Preliminary Reflections
by Giuliana Parodi - 593-630 Eliciting Risk and Time Preferences in Field Experiments: Are They Related to Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Outcomes? Are Circumstances Important?
by Martina MENON & Federico PERALI - 631-654 Are Children Human Beings or Human Becomings? A Critical Assessment of Outcome Thinking
2009, Volume 117, Issue 2
- 199-233 La stima dello stock di beni durevoli delle famiglie
by Carolina COREA & Incoronata DONNARUMMA & Antonio FRENDA - 235-250 Una teoria istituzionalista dell’impresa sociale capitalistica
by Pier Angelo Mori - 251-272 Reciprocita' e free riding: un’analisi evolutiva
by Camilla Sandri & Luca Zarri - 273-306 Democrazia e sviluppo: una relazione complessa
by Renata Targetti Lenti
2009, Volume 117, Issue 1
- 3-22 Social justice and different views of natural law among XIX century economis
by Daniele CORRADO & Stefano SOLARI - 23-59 Offerta di attivita` gratuita in Italia: un’analisi micro-econometrica
by Damiano Fiorillo - 61-84 Is the pendulum swinging back? Policy and politics in the return of big government
by Marco MAGNANI & Gilberto SERAVALLI - 85-111 Hours and Employment in a Stochastic Model of the Firm
by Giulio PICCIRILLI - 113-124 Classical versus VAR econometrics: the Janus head effect in economic dynamic modelling
by Maria Grazia Zoia - 125-134 La crisi finanziaria globale 2008-2009
by Carlo D’ADDA - 135-168 I mercati del microcredito: tendenze internazionali e caso italiano. Una rassegna
by Veronica POLIN
2008, Volume 116, Issue 4
- 379-385 Small Area Estimation and Economic Policy
by Maurizio BAUSSOLA & Enrico FABRIZI - 387-405 Some Methods for Small Area Estimation
by J.N.K. Rao - 407-417 Small Area Estimation: a Practitioner’s Appraisal
by Dan HEDLIN - 419-442 Small Area Estimation Methods for Socio-Economic Indicators in Household Surveys
by Michele D'ALO' & Loredana DI CONSIGLIO & Stefano FALORSI & Fabrizio SOLARI - 443-464 Labour Force Estimates for Small Geographical Domains in Italy: Problems, Data and Models
by Nicola TORELLI & Matilde TREVISANI - 465-493 How Good is a Map? Putting Small Area Estimation to the Test
by Gabriel DEMOMBYNES & Chris ELBERS & Jean O. LANJOUW & Peter LANJOUW - 495-497 Biografie degli autori
by Editorial Staff - 499-501 Sommario generale dell’annata
by Editorial Staff
2008, Volume 116, Issue 3
- 271-287 Neoclassical versus Technological Convergence: Some Evidence from the Recent Experience of the Italian Regions
by Carluccio Bianchi & Mario Menegatti - 289-304 Aspettando il 2011: riflessioni su qualita` e uso dei risultati del Censimento demografico
by GianCarlo Blangiardo - 305-320 Measuring poverty within and between population subgroups
by Massimo Civardi & Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti - 321-331 Human Development in the EU
by Diego LANZI & Flavio DELBONO - 333-340 A closed form Ramsey path
by Massimiliano FERRARA & Luca GUERRINI - 341-364 Concorrenza di prezzo, essenzialita` ed esternalita` di rete in presenza di beni complementari: nuove soluzioni alla 'Tragedia degli Anticommons'
by Matteo Alvisi - 365-372 Social Pacts, Employment and Growth. A reappraisal of Ezio Tarantelli’s thought
by Giulio Piccirilli & Nicola ACOCELLA & Riccardo LEONI - 372-375 Valorizzare un'economia forte. L'Italia ed il ruolo della sussidiarieta'
2008, Volume 116, Issue 2
- 137-158 Il sistema dei permessi negoziabili per la gestione dell’acqua: un’analisi dei principali casi di studio
by Simone Borghesi - 159-177 Complementarities and Substitutabilities in Matching Models
by Gabriele Cardullo - 179-209 Valore aggiunto comunale: integrazione tra fonti e approccio bottom-up
by Alessandro FARAMONDI - 211-233 Human Capital and Productivity Growth in Italian Regional Economies: A Sectoral Analysis
by Sergio Lodde - 235-261 Part-time Work and Wage Penalty Trend among Italian Women
by Dario SCIULLI & Giuliana PARODI - 263-267 Recensione
by R. Targetti Lenti
2008, Volume 116, Issue 1
- 3-36 Panel Cointegration Tests: A Survey
by Laura Barbieri - 37-61 Innovazione, mercati e occupazione nel dibattito economico degli anni Venti dell’Ottocento
by Giuseppe Curreri - 63-75 Hasse Diagrams, Poset Theory and Fuzzy Poverty Measures
by Marco Fattore - 77-97 Voluntary Work and Reciprocity: A Normative Approach
by Marco MUSELLA & Nunzia NAPPO - 99-126 Innovation and the Nordic Erythropoietin Market
by Enrico Sorisio & Steinar STRØM - 127-133 Recensione
by A. Quadrio Curzio
2007, Volume 115, Issue 4
- 477-502 Central Bank Independence and Democracy: Does Corporatism Matter?
by Sergio DESTEFANIS & Maria Olivella RIZZA - 503-524 National Economic Performance and Public Support for the EU
by Marco MONTANARI - 525-546 Providing Content for ECB Announcements
by Carlo ROSA - 547-562 How Does Information Affect the Comovement Between Interest Rates and Exchange Rates?
by Marcelo SANCHEZ - 563-578 Macroeconomia e Autorganizzazione: un nuovo contributo. Nota di discussione a: MASANAO AOKI - HIROSHI YOKISHAWA, Reconstructing Macroeconomics – A Perspective from Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorial Stochastic Processes
by Marco Arnone - 579-581 Tra economia, politica e impegno civile: Gerolamo Boccardo e il suo tempo (1829-1904) (D. PARISI)
by M. Augello & G. Pavanelli - 583-585 Sommario generale dell’annata
by Editorial Staff
2007, Volume 115, Issue 3
- 292-292 Foreword - Special Issue on Rational Beliefs Theory
by Maurizio Motolese & Carsten Krabbe Nielsen - 293-326 Rational Beliefs Theory: A Review
by Maurizio Motolese & Carsten Krabbe Nielsen - 327-364 The Role of Endogenous Uncertainty in the Forward Discount Bias
by Stanley Wilkes Black - 365-402 The Ability to ''Outperform the Market'': Logical Foundations based on the Theory of Rational Beliefs
by Horace W. Brock - 403-442 Nominal Interest Rate Rules under Heterogeneous Beliefs
by Hehui JIN - 443-469 Communication, correlation of beliefs and asset price fluctuations
by Hiroyuki NAKATA - 471-474 Rational Beliefs and Bayesian Learning: A Note
by Carsten Krabbe NIELSEN
2007, Volume 115, Issue 2
- 161-185 History: Sunk Cost, or Widespread Externality?
by P.J. Hammond - 187-213 External Debt Sustainability and Domestic Debt in Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
by M. Arnone & A. F. Presbitero - 215-241 Sulle distribuzioni dei tassi di crescita dell’output aggregato: un’analisi per Stati Uniti e Italia
by G. Fagiolo & M. Napoletano & A. Roventini - 243-263 Ranking Quality of Life in the European Union
by M. Grasso & S. Pareglio - 265-284 Addiction and Alcohol Consumption: Evidence from Italian Data
by P. Pierani & S. Tiezzi - 285-287 Recensioni
by A. Contini & D. Sornette
2007, Volume 115, Issue 1
- 29-47 The Dynamics of a Small Open Economy in a Ricardian Model with a Market for Land under Equilibrium Expectations
by Carlo BERETTA - 49-80 L’emergere della cooperazione in un mondo eterogeneo. Un approccio evolutivo
by Luigino BRUNI & Alessandra SMERILLI - 81-104 Innovation by Leaders II: Schumpeterian Growth with Endogenous Persistence of Leadership
by Federico ETRO - 109-125 Patterns of Non-exponential Growth of Macroeconomic Models: Two-Parameter Poisson-Dirichlet Models
by Masanao AOKI - 127-153 Gli economisti, la distribuzione, la giustizia: Milton Friedman
by Andrea VILLANI - 155-158 Recensione
by Paolo GHINETTI & Claudio LUCIFORA
2006, Volume 114, Issue 4
- 505-524 Il lavoro adulto femminile tra due fuochi
by Giuseppe A. Micheli & Alessandro Rosina - 525-543 Disuguaglianza e crescita: un’analisi empirica applicata all’esperienza recente delle regioni italiane
by Carluccio BIANCHI & Mario MENEGATTI - 544-560 An Exercise on the Optimal Use of Groundwater Resources
by Laura CASTELLUCCI & Alessio D’AMATO - 561-595 Administered Prices and Consumer Price Index: the Influence of Government’s Decisions on Network Industries and Rental Market Prices
by Luca GATTINI - 597-612 Exogenous and Endogenous Set-up Costs in Markets with Customized Products
by Marcella SCRIMITORE - 613-621 Recensioni
by Various Authors
2006, Volume 114, Issue 3
- 389-416 Public Policy Evaluation, Social Risk and Pension Capital
by Mordecai KURZ - 417-432 Freedoms, institutions and sustainable human development according to Sen’s capability approach
by Marco GRASSO & Stefano PAREGLIO - 433-458 Food Safety and Governance Choices
by Gaetano MARTINO & Cristiano PERUGINI - 459-490 Mercato del credito e imprese in un modello con agenti eterogenei
by Pietro A. VAGLIASINDI & Giovanni VERGA & Pasquale CIRILLO - 491-501 Recensioni
by Various Authors