- 201006 Adam Smith’s Newtonianism
by Fiori Stefano - 201005 Making Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach Operational: A Random Scale Framework for Empirical Modeling
by Dagsvik John K. - 201004 Perceived health status and environmental quality in the assessment of external cost of waste disposal facilities. An empirical investigation
by Giaccaria Sergio & Frontuto Vito - 201003 Socio-economic drivers of biological invasions. A worldwide, bio-geographical analysis of trade flows and local environmental quality
by Giaccaria Sergio & Dalmazzone Silvana - 201002 Who’s afraid of power lines? Merging survey and GIS data to account for spatial heterogeneity
by Giaccaria Sergio & Frontuto Vito & Dalmazzone Silvana - 201001 Child Poverty and Child Well-Being in Italy
by Del Boca Daniela
- 200912 Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Propagation Mechanisms: An Agent-Based Simulation Model
by Sella Lisa - 200911 Choosing the Scope of Trade Secret Law when Secrets Complement Patents
by Ottoz Elisabetta & Cugno Franco - 200910 Local environmental accounting: Methodological lessons from the application of NAMEA tables at sub-national levels"
by Dalmazzone Silvana & La Notte Alessandria - 200909 Central Command, Local Hazard and the Race to the Top
by Di Porto Edoardo & Revelli Federico - 200908 A Political Economy Perspective of the Chinese Government Tactical Behavior
by Guggiola Gabriele - 200907 Structural Change and Economic Development in China and India
by Donatella Saccone & Valli Vittorio - 200906 Indian multinationals in the automotive and the pharmaceutical sectors: competitive advantages and strategies
by Balcet Giovanni & Bruschieri Silvia - 200905 The three waves of the fordist model of growth and the case of China
by Valli Vittorio - 200904 Supporting the Free and Competitive Market in China and India: Differences and Evolution Over Time
by Migheli Matteo - 200903 Gradualism and the Evolution of the Financial Structure in China
by Sau Lino - 200902 Decentralization, competition and the local tax mix: Evidence from Flanders
by Geys Benny & Revelli Federico - 200901 Generic substitution. Micro evidence from register data in Norway
by Dalen Gag Morten & Furu Kai & Locatelli Marilena & Strom Steinar
- 200813 Economic openness, skill demand and skill supply in three archetypes of developing countries: a theoretical and empirical investigation
by Saccone Donatella - 200812 Economic growth and environmental pressure: a worldwide panel analysis
by Bagliani Marco & Bravo Giangiacomo & Dalmazzone Silvana & Giaccaria Sergio & Golia Silvia - 200810 Hybrid Licensing of Product Innovations
by Ottoz Elisabetta & Cugno Franco - 200809 Old and New Spectral Techniques for Economic Time Series
by Sella Lisa - 200808 Educational Inequality and Educational Poverty. the Chinese Case in the Period 1975-2004
by Saccone Donatella - 200807 La struttura del sistema finanziario in Cina
by Sau Lino - 200806 Behavioural and Welfare Effects of Basic Income Policies: An A Simulation for European Countries
by Colombino Ugo & Locatelli Marilena & Narazani Edlira & O'Donoghue Cathal & Isilda Shima - 200805 Environmental input-output analysis and life cycle assessment applied to the case of hydrogen and fuel cells buses
by Cantono Simona - 200804 Spend more, get more? An inquiry into English local government performance
by Revelli Federico - 200803 Proposte metodologiche per la valutazione dei danni economici derivanti da siccità, irregolarità meteorica e desertificazione
by Bianco Gianni - 200802 Diversification strategies and scope economies: Evidence from a sample of Italian regional bus transport Pproviders
by Ottoz Elisabetta & Di Giacomo Marina - 200801 Performance Competition in Local Media Markets
by Revelli Federico
- 200710 GIS and Geographically Weighted Regression in stated preferences analysis of the externalities produced by linear infrastructures
by Giaccaria Sergio & Frontuto Vito - 200708 La produzione ed erogazione di acqua potabile
by Bianco Gianni & Cecati Pierluigi - 200707 Patent-Secret Mix in Complex Product Firms
by Ottoz Elisabetta & Cugno Franco - 200706 Evaluation of tax reforms when workers have preferences over job attributes and face latent choice restrictions
by Dagsvik John K & Locatelli Marilena & Steinar Strom - 200705 A Structural Analysis of Growth and Poverty in the Short-Term
by Verme Paolo - 200704 Nurses Wanted. Is the Job Too Harsh or is the Wage Too Low?
by Di Tommaso Maria Laura & Strom Steinar & Saether Erik Magnus - 200703 As Bad as it Gets: Well Being Deprivation of Sexually Exploited Trafficked women
by Di Tommaso Maria Laura & Shima Isilda & Steinar Strom & Bettio Francesca - 200702 New Pecking Order Financing for Innovative Firms: an Overview
by Sau Lino - 200701 Relative Deprivation in the Labour ‘Space
by verme Paolo
- 200610 Costi di produzione ed erogazione di acqua potabile. Il caso ATO 3 Torino
by Bianco Gianni & Cesati Pierluigi - 200609 How Italian electors react to gender quotas? A random utility model of voting behaviour
by Bonomy Genny & Brosio Giorgio & Di Tommaso Maria Laura - 200608 The Impact of Institutions on Motherhood and Work
by Del Boca Daniela & Pasqua Silvia & Pronzato Chiara - 200607 Remittances and the Dynamics of Human Capitalin the Recipient Country
by Bertoli Simone - 200606 Static Inefficiency of Compulsory Licensing: Quantity vs. Price Competition
by Cugno Franco & Ottoz Elisabetta - 200605 Declared vs. revealed yardstick competition:Local government efficiency in Norway
by Revelli Federico & Tovmo Per - 200604 Beating the Tit for Tat: Using a Genetic Algorithm to Build an Effective Adaptive Behavior
by Ferraris Gianluigi & Fontana Magda - 200603 Managing Knowledge in Agent-based Models: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
by Ferraris Gianluigi & Fontana Magda - 200602 Decentralization and the Environment
by Dalmazzone Silvana - 200601 A Consumption-based Approach to Environmental Kuznets Curves Using the Ecological Footprint Indicatory
by Bagliani Marco & Bravo Giangiacomo & Dalmazzone Silvana
- 200503 Downward Wage Rigidity in Italy : Micro-based Measures and Implications
by Devicenti francesco & Maida Agata & Sestito Paolo - 200502 The Resurrection of the Italian Wage Curve
by Devicenti francesco & Maida Agata & Pacelli Lia - 200501 Unemployment Today in the light of Malinvaud’s theory
by Fubini Lia
- 200404 Scrapping old cars for reducing air pollution: an environmental evaluation of the Italian 1997-1998 incentive policy
by Garrone Giovanna - 200403 Politiche economiche per l'emersione del lavoro irregolare nel caso piemontese
by Bianco Giovanni - 200402 Aspetti delle nuove tendenze nel sommerso economico. Una microanalisi socioeconomica
by Bianco Giovanni - 200401 Fondamenti di una teoria dell'evoluzione della produzione e prime sue periodizzazioni"
by Ferrari Francesco
- 200208 Lavoro nero ed imprese in nero: analisi del comportamento di imprese e famiglie
by Bianco Giovanni - 200207 Measuring quantity-constrained and maximum prices consumers are willing to pay for quality improvements: the case of organic beef meat
by Corsi Alessandro & Novelli Silvia - 200206 Neighborhood effects in social service provision. Competition or reflection?
by Revelli Federico - 200205 Politiche di emersione per il nero nel lavoro e nelle imprese in Italia
by Bianco Giovanni - 200204 I cambiamenti della politica economica italiana: DPEF 2001-2004 e DPEF 2002-2006 a confronto
by Garbero Piero - 200203 A monopolist supplier and learning effects in technology adoption
by Ottoz Elisabetta - 200202 Reaction or interaction? Spatial process identification in multi-tiered government structures
by Revelli Federico - 200201 Situazioni di sussistenza ed al di sopra della sussistenza. Una rivisitazione della teoria Malthusiana
by Ferrari Francesco
- 202502 Working longer, feeling worse? How job quality shapes the mental health toll of delayed retirement
by Lugova, Alexandra & Belloni, Michele & Legendre, Bérangère & Tanguy, Jeremy - 202501 Two Decades On: Assessing the Impact of the Copenhagen Criteria on Environmental Performance in the 2004 EU Accession Countries
by Canepa, Alessandra