- 2010-32 Option data and modeling BSM implied volatility
by Matthias Fengler - 2010-31 Sharp IV bounds on average treatment effects under endogeneity and noncompliance
by Martin Huber & Giovanni Mellace - 2010-30 How to control for many covariates? Reliable estimators based on the propensity score
by Martin Huber & Michael Lechner & Conny Wunsch - 2010-29 Labor Market Policy Instruments and the Role of Economic Turbulence
by Philip Schuster - 2010-28 The Estimation of Causal Effects by Difference-in-Difference Methods
by Michael Lechner - 2010-27 "Who's the thief?": Asymmetric Information and the Creation of Property Rights
by Philipp Denter & Dana Sisak - 2010-26 Direkte Demokratie
by Gebhard Kirchgässner - 2010-25 A Theory of Taxation and Incorporation
by Christian Keuschnigg & Peter Egger & Hannes Winner - 2010-24 The Virgin HIV Puzzle: Can Misreporting Account for the High Proportion of HIV Cases in Self-Reported Virgins?
by Eva Deuchert - 2010-23 Loss aversion with a state-dependent reference point
by Enrico G. De Giorgi & Thierry Post - 2010-22 Identification of average treatment effects in social experiments under different forms of attrition
by Martin Huber - 2010-21 Combining Matching and Nonparametric IV Estimation: Theory and an Application to the Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies
by Michael Lechner & Markus Froelich - 2010-20 Mutual Fund Style, Characteristic-Matched Performance Benchmarks and Activity Measures: A New Approach
by Daniel Buncic & Jon E. Eggins & Robert J. Hill - 2010-19 Clothes for the Emperor or Can Graduate Schools Learn From Undergraduate Macroeconomics?
by Manfred Gärtner & Florian Jung - 2010-18 Testing for covariate balance using quantile regression and resampling methods
by Martin Huber - 2010-17 Tax Morale, Tax Evasion, and the Shadow Economy
by Gebhard Kirchgässner - 2010-16 Demand-Enhancing Investment in Mixed Duopoly
by Stefan Bühler & Simon Wey - 2010-15 Die Schweiz als Vorbild? Bemerkungen zur Diskussion um eine Reform des deutschen Gesundheitswesens
by Gebhard Kirchgässner - 2010-14 Selling When Brand Image Matters
by Stefan Bühler & Daniel Halbheer - 2010-13 Möglichkeiten der Konjunktursteuerung: Grundsätzliche Überlegungen für die Schweiz
by Gebhard Kirchgässner - 2010-12 Evaluating Nationwide Health Interventions When Standard Before-After Doesn't Work: Malawi's ITN Distribution Program
by Eva Deuchert & Conny Wunsch - 2010-11 Flexicurity and Job Reallocation
by Christian Keuschnigg & Thomas Davoine - 2010-10 Transition Strategies in Fundamental Tax Reform
by Christian Keuschnigg & Mirela Keuschnigg - 2010-09 Bond Risk Premia Forecasting: A Simple Approach for Extracting¨Macroeconomic Information from a Panel of Indicators
by Francesco Audrino & Fulvio Corsi & Kameliya Filipova - 2010-08 Innovation, Trade and Finance
by Christian Keuschnigg & Peter Egger - 2010-07 Dual representation of choice and aspirational preferences
by Enrico G. De Giorgi & David B. Brown & Melvyn Sim - 2010-06 Payouts in Switzerland: Explaining Developments in Annuitization
by Monika Bütler & Stefan Staubli - 2010-05 The Role of the Annuity’s Value on the Decision (Not) to Annuitize: Evidence from a Large Policy Change
by Monika Bütler - 2010-04 Business Taxation, Corporate Finance and Economic Performance
by Christian Keuschnigg & Evelyn Ribi - 2010-03 Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Accounting
by Christian Keuschnigg - 2010-02 Redistribution in Switzerland: Social Cohesion or Simple Smoothing of Lifetime Incomes?
by Monika Engler - 2010-01 Profit Taxation, Innovation and the Financing of Heterogeneous Firms
by Christian Keuschnigg & Evelyn Ribi - 1132 A dynamic copula approach to recovering the index implied volatility skew
by Matthias Fengler & Helmut Herwartz & Christian Werner