Jan.-Feb. 1970, Volume 78, Issue 1
- 137-138 Consumer's Surplus and Micro-Macro: Comment on Piron and Lerner
by Johnson, Harry G - 138-139 Consumer's Surplus and Micro-Macro: Methodological Epilogue
by Lerner, Abba P - 140-151 Flexible Exchange Rates and Oligopoly Pricing: A Study of Canadian Markets
by Dunn, Robert M, Jr - 152-157 The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal
by Sen, Amartya - 158-164 Factor Prices, Factor Proportions, and Regional Factor Endowments
by Moroney, J R - 165-174 On the Economics of Law and Order
by Harris, John R - 175-177 Criteria for Public Investment: A Comment
by Oakland, William H - 178-180 Criteria for Public Investment: A Reply
by Mishan, E J - 181-184 Some Observations on the Causes and Consequences of the Shortage of Change in Northeast Brazil
by Daly, Herman E
Nov./Dec. 1969, Volume 77, Issue 6
- 873-891 Measuring Equilibrium in the Balance of Payments
by Kindleberger, Charles P - 892-896 Savings Deposits in the Definition of Money
by Laumas, Gurcharan S - 897-915 Adam Smith's Theory of Inquiry
by Lindgren, J Ralph - 916-920 Investing and Protesting
by Scott, Anthony - 921-931 On the Long-Run and Short-Run Demand for Money: Some Further Evidence
by Chetty, V Karuppan - 932-936 Reply: A Note on the Estimation of Long-Run Relationships in Stock Adjustment Models
by Chow, Gregory C - 937-952 On the Regulation of Industry: A Note
by Telser, Lester G - 953-956 "The Galbraithian System"-Rejoinder
by Gordon, Scott - 957-971 The Effects of Property Taxes and Local Public Spending on Property Values: An Empirical Study of Tax Capitalization and the Tiebout Hypothesis
by Oates, Wallace E - 972-975 Substitution and the Effective Rate of Protection
by Finger, J M - 976-1004 The Empirical Content of Economic Rationality: A Test for a Less Developed Economy
by Wise, John & Yotopoulos, Pan A - 1005-1010 Domestic Distortions, Tariffs, and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy: Some Further Results
by Bhagwati, Jagdish N & Ramaswami, V K & Srinivasan, T N - 1011-1013 Domestic Distortions, Tariffs, and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy
by Kemp, Murray C & Nagishi, Takashi - 1014-1027 Productivity and the Price of Medical Services
by Barzel, Yoram - 1028-1035 The Minimum Covered Interest Differential Needed for International Arbitrage Activity
by Branson, William H - 1036-1039 Mishan on Progress: A Rejoinder
by Weisskopf, Walter A
Sept./Oct. 1969, Volume 77, Issue 5
- 721-754 Real Wages, Employment, and Inflation
by Lucas, Robert E, Jr & Rapping, Leonard A - 755-764 The Effects on Taxation on Risk Taking
by Feldstein, Martin S - 765-777 A Short-Run Demand Function for Higher Education in the United States
by Galper, Harvey & Dunn, Robert M, Jr - 778-794 Some Welfare Aspects of International Migration
by Berry, R Albert & Soligo, Ronald - 795-816 A Model of the Canadian Housing and Mortgage Markets
by Smith, Lawrence B - 817-826 The Consumer's Demand for Money: A Neoclassical Approach
by Motley, Brian - 827-833 Further Remarks on the Theory of Product Differentiation
by Schuster, Helmut - 834-844 Measuring the Effective Rate of Protection: Direct and Indirect Effects
by Humphrey, David B - 845-850 Estimating Permanent Income: A Note
by Wright, Colin - 851-856 On the Long-Run and Short-Run Demand for Money: A Comment
by Taylor, Lester D & Newhouse, Joseph P - 857-861 A Test of the Permanent Income Hypothesis
by Laumas, Prem S - 862-862 Why It Is Cheap, Not Dear, to Marry a Ph.D
by Bernardo, Robert M - 863-863 Opportunity Cost of Marriage: Comment
by Stigler, George J
Part II, July/Aug. 1969, Volume 77, Issue 4
- 575-585 Rational Choice and Patterns of Growth
by Sidrauski, Miguel - 586-627 The Implications of Alternative Saving and Expectations Hypotheses for Choices of Technique and Patterns of Growth
by Cass, David & Stiglitz, Joseph E - 628-652 Time Preference and the Penrose Effect in a Two-Class Model of Economic Growth
by Uzawa, H - 653-664 Sequential Planning and Continual Planning Revision
by Goldman, Steven M - 665-683 Optimal Accumulation in a Two-Sector Neoclassical Economy with Non-Shiftable Capital
by Ryder, Harl E, Jr - 684-697 Optimal Capital Accumulation by an Economy Facing an International Capital Market
by Hamada, Koichi - 698-719 Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Growth
by Foley, Duncan K & Shell, Karl & Sidrauski, Miguel
Part I, July/Aug. 1969, Volume 77, Issue 4
- 453-470 Expectations and Interest Rates: A Cross-sectional Test of the Error-learning Hypothesis
by Malkiel, Burton G & Kane, Edward J - 471-477 Student Family Size in Relation to Current and Expected Income
by Stafford, Frank P - 478-483 Utility Maximization Sufficient for Competitive Survival
by Ladd, George W - 484-486 The Social Costs of the Discovery and Suppression of the Clandestine Distribution of Heroin
by Erickson, Edward - 487-488 The Clandestine Distribution of Heroin, Its Discovery and Suppression: A Comment
by Fernandez, Raul A - 489-493 The Demand for Money by Households in South Vietnam: The Evidence from Cross-Section Data
by Stroup, Robert H & Frazer, William J, Jr - 494-503 Professor Gordon on "The Close of the Galbraithian System."
by Galbraith, John Kenneth - 504-511 The Neoclassical Dichotomy as a Controlled Experiment
by Niehans, Jurg - 512-523 A Stock-Adjustment Analysis of Capital Movements: The United States-Canadian Case
by Lee, C H - 524-527 Buse on Meiselman-A Comment
by Wallace, Neil - 528-531 A Note on Arrow's Postulates for a Social Welfare Function-A Comment
by Majumdar, Tapas - 532-544 An Economic Analysis of the Concept of Freedom
by Moore, Thomas Gale - 545-558 Writing and Reading in Economics
by Salant, Walter S
May/June 1969, Volume 77, Issue 3
- 295-305 The Case against Infant-Industry Tariff Protection
by Baldwin, Robert E - 306-328 A Model for the Explanation of Industrial Expansion during the Nineteenth Century: With an Application to the American Iron Industry
by Fogel, Robert W & Engerman, Stanley L - 329-348 The Relationship between Joint Products, Collective Goods, and External Effects
by Mishan, E J - 349-362 Risk and the Valuation of Common Stock
by Bower, Richard S & Bower, Dorothy H - 363-391 An Analysis of the Canadian Money Supply: 1925-1934
by Courchene, Thomas J - 392-398 Patent Statistics as a Measure of Technical Change
by Comanor, William S & Scherer, Frederic M - 399-407 Structural Unemployment in a Neoclassical Framework
by Akerlof, George A - 408-417 Automobiles and Hedonic Quality Measurement
by Triplett, Jack E - 418-429 The Short-Run Stability of Velocity and the Autonomous Spending Multiplier, 1946-1962
by Phillips, Keith E - 430-433 Irving Fisher and the Red Guards
by Cheung, Steven N S
March/April 1969, Volume 77, Issue 2
- 153-180 An Economic Model of Family Planning and Fertility
by Schultz, T Paul - 181-198 On Models of Commercial Fishing
by Smith, Vernon L - 199-218 On Two Foundation Concepts of the Theory of Political Economy
by Vining, Rutledge - 219-236 Monopoly Pricing of Afghan Karakul in International Markets
by Kayoumy, Abdul Hay - 237-241 The Optimal Provision of Public Goods: A Comment
by Brennan, Geoffrey - 242-244 A Note on Simon Patten's Contribution to the Concept of Consumer's Surplus
by Stephenson, Matthew A - 245-248 A Note on the Optimal Rate of Growth of International Reserves
by Olivera, Julio H G - 249-273 On the Interindustry Wage and Hours Structure
by Rosen, Sherwin - 274-285 Three Elucidations of the Ricardo Effect
by Hayek, F A
Jan./Feb. 1969, Volume 77, Issue 1
- 1-20 Paretian Welfare Theory: Some Neglected Aspects
by Tarascio, Vincent J - 21-34 Elementary Geometric/Arithmetic Series and Early Production Theory
by Lloyd, Peter J - 35-48 Economic Growth and the Balance of Payments: A Monetary Approach
by Komiya, Ryutaro - 49-59 Monopolistic Behavior in a Market for Durable Goods
by Douglas, A J & Goldman, Steven M - 60-65 A Theorem on Returns to Scale and Steady-State Growth
by Levhari, David & Sheshinski, Eytan - 66-84 A Physiocratic Model of Dynamic Equilibrium
by Eagly, Robert V - 85-98 The Welfare Costs of Content Protection: The Automotive Industry in Latin America
by Munk, Bernard - 99-117 The Precautionary Demand for Money: An Inventory Theoretical Analysis
by Tsiang, S C - 118-121 The Invalidity of the Dichotomy in the Pure Inside-Money Model
by Gupta, Suraj B - 122-129 The Relative Decline of Commercial Banks: A Note
by Burns, Joseph M - 130-137 The Substitution Effects of Transportation Costs
by Gould, John P & Segall, Joel - 138-140 Mishan on Progress: A Review Note
by Weiss, Roger W - 141-147 The "Taxicab Problem": A Proposed Solution
by Orr, Daniel
1968, Volume 76, Issue 5
- 953-953 Sources of Productivity Change in Ocean Shipping, 1600-1850
by Douglass C. North - 971-971 Problems of Efficiency in Monetary Management
by Harry G. Johnson - 991-991 The Uniqueness of Commercial Banks
by Jack M. Guttentag & Robert Lindsay
1968, Volume 76, Issue 4
- 507-507 The Economics of Fair Employment Laws
by William M. Landes - 569-569 Optimal Subsidies and Taxes When Some Factors Are Traded
by V. K. Ramaswami & T. N. Srinivasan - 583-583 How to Co-operate in Business without Really Trying: A Learning Model of Decentralized Decision Making
by Richard H. Day & E. Herbert Tinney - 601-601 The Scientific Opportunities Foregone because of More Readily Available Federal Support for Research in Experimental than Theoretical Physics
by Barry Castro - 615-615 An Empirical Test of Oligopoly Theories
by David R. Kamerschen - 635-635 The Close of the Galbraithian System
by Scott Gordon - 645-645 Drewnowski's Economic Theory of Socialism
by Paul Craig Roberts - 651-651 Causes of the Rise in Prices since the War
by Mentor Bouniatian - 661-661 Introduction
by Allan H. Meltzer - 664-664 The International Monetary Problem
by Lord Robbins - 678-678 Money-Wage Dynamics and Labor-Market Equilibrium
by Edmund S. Phelps - 712-712 The Trade-Off between Inflation and Unemployment
by Frank Brechling - 738-738 Comment: Is There a Meaningful Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment?
by Axel Leijonhufvud - 743-743 Money-Wage Dynamics and Labor-Market Equilibrium and The Trade-Off between Inflation and Unemployment: Comment
by David Meiselman - 750-750 Comment: The Specification and Stability of Estimated Price-Wage-Unemployment Adjustment Relationships
by Grant L. Reuber - 755-755 Cross-Section Analysis and Bank Dynamics
by Donald D. Hester & James L. Pierce - 777-777 Comment: The Contribution of Macro and Micro Studies to Policy Making
by Karl Brunner - 786-786 The Effects of Monetary and Credit Policies on the Structure of the Economy
by Oswald Brownlee - 796-796 The Effects of Monetary Policy on Expenditures in Specific Sectors of the Economy
by Sherman J. Maisel - 815-815 Comment: The Effects of Monetary and Credit Policies on the Structure of the Economy
by Charls E. Walker - 818-818 Comment: The Effects of Monetary Policy on Specific Sectors of the Economy
by Geoffrey L. Bell - 821-821 Comment: The Impact of Monetary Policy in 1966
by David I. Fand - 830-830 Comment: Effects of Monetary Policy on Expenditures in Specific Sectors of the Economy
by Henry C. Wallich - 833-833 Notes on Optimal Monetary Growth
by James Tobin - 860-860 The Optimal Rate of Growth of Money
by Alvin L. Marty - 874-874 Comment: Optimum Monetary Growth
by Martin J. Bailey - 876-876 Comment: The Optimal Growth Rate of Money
by Robert W. Clower - 881-881 Notes on Optimal Monetary Growth and The Optimal Rate of Growth of Money: Comment
by Edmund S. Phelps - 885-885 Notes on Optimal Monetary Growth and The Optimal Rate of Growth of Money: Comment
by Boris P. Pesek - 893-893 Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Open Economies under Fixed Exchange Rates: An Optimizing Approach
by Jurg Niehans - 921-921 Monetary and Fiscal Policy for an Economy with Fixed Exchange Rates
by Ronald W. Jones - 944-944 Comment: Monetary and Fiscal Policy for an Economy with Fixed Exchange Rates
by Paul Wonnacott - 946-946 Comment: Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Open Economies under Fixed Exchange Rates
by Richard E. Caves - 951-951 Comment: Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Open Economies under Fixed Exchange Rates
by Henry C. Wallich
1968, Volume 76, Issue 3
- 327-327 Resources for Higher Education: An Economist's View
by Theodore W. Schultz - 348-348 Effective Tariffs, Domestic Cost of Foreign Exchange, and the Equilibrium Exchange Rate
by Bela Balassa & Daniel M. Schydlowsky - 361-361 Adam Smith, Consumer Tastes, and Economic Growth
by Nathan Rosenberg - 375-375 Congestion, Tolls, and the Economic Capacity of a Waterway
by Lester B. Lave & Joseph S. DeSalvo - 392-392 On Economics as a Life Science
by Herman E. Daly - 407-407 Man-Hour Behavior in U.S. Manufacturing: A Neoclassical Interpretation
by Roger N. Waud - 428-428 Bimetallism in the United States before 1850
by David A. Martin - 443-443 The Effective Rate of Protection and the Question of Labor Protection in the United States
by William P. Travis - 462-462 Jules Dupuit and the Early Theory of Marginal Cost Pricing
by R. B. Ekelund & Jr. - 472-472 The Sensitivity of Interest Rates to Changes in Money and Income
by William E. Gibson & George G. Kaufman - 479-479 Stigler on the Relationship between Industry Profit Rates and Market Concentration
by Robert W. Kilpatrick - 489-489 Alternative Maximization Policies for Developing-Country Exports of Primary Products
by Harry G. Johnson - 494-494 Education and Productivity in U.S. Manufacturing: Some Cross-Section Evidence
by Stanley M. Besen - 498-498 [Questions] ... And a Paradox
by Jaques Hadamard
1968, Volume 76, Issue 2
- 169-169 Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach
by Gary S. Becker - 218-218 An Economic Analysis of Internal Migration in Brazil
by Gian S. Sahota - 246-246 Interregional Factor Transfers and Regional Unemployment
by Ronald B. Gold - 252-252 Factor Substitutability and Comparative Advantage
by Kanji Haitani - 257-257 The Economic Consequences of the Bank War
by Peter Temin - 275-275 Federal Reserve Defensive Operations and Short-Run Control of the Money Stock
by Leonall C. Andersen - 292-292 The Determinants of Industrial Research and Development: A Study of the Chemical, Drug, and Petroleum Industries
by Henry G. Grabowski - 307-307 Transitivity of Preference: A Comparison Among Age Groups
by Arnold A. Weinstein - 312-312 Monopolistic Competition: Any Impact Yet?
by Lester G. Telser - 316-316 The Dual of Duopoly Is Complementary Monopoly: or, Two of Cournot's Theories Are One
by Hugo Sonnenschein - 319-319 The Problem of Auto-Prognosis
by Frederick K. Richter
1968, Volume 76, Issue 1
- 1-1 Liquidity Traps for Money, Bank Credit, and Interest Rates
by Karl Brunner & Allan H. Meltzer - 101-101 Peak-Load Pricing
by Ralph Turvey - 114-114 Slutsky Equations for Assets
by G. O. Bierwag & M. A. Grove - 128-128 Ricardo's 93 Per Cent Labor Theory of Value: A Final Comment
by George W. Wilson & James L. Pate - 137-137 Why Does Marxian Exploitation Theory Require a Labor Theory of Value?
by Scott Gordon - 141-141 The Transactions Demand for International Means of Payments
by H. Robert Heller - 146-146 Do Competition and Monopolistic Competition Differ?
by Harold Demsetz - 149-149 Price and Non-Price Competition
by George J. Stigler
1967, Volume 75, Issue 6
- 779-779 James Laurence Laughlin (1850-1933)
by John U. Nef - 782-782 Laissez Faire: Pro and Con
by Frank H. Knight - 796-796 Inflation and Economic Growth
by Miguel Sidrauski - 811-811 Empirical Evidence on the Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax
by John G. Cragg & Arnold C. Harberger & Peter Mieszkowski - 822-822 Wesley Clair Mitchell, J. Laurence Laughlin, and the Quantity Theory of Money
by Abraham Hirsch - 844-844 Futures Markets, Buffer Stocks, and Income Stability for Primary Producers
by Ronald I. McKinnon - 862-862 Costs and Returns for Two Years of Postsecondary Technical Schooling: A Pilot Study
by Adger B. Carroll & Loren A. Ihnen - 874-874 Marshall on Human Capital: A Note
by Richard Blandy - 876-876 Primary Products and Economic Growth: A Comment
by John H. Dales & John C. McManus & Melville H. Watkins - 881-881 Primary Products and Economic Growth: Rejoinder
by Edward J. Chambers & Donald F. Gordon - 886-886 A More Conclusive Regional Test of the Heckscher-Ohlin Hypothesis
by Edwin F. Estle - 889-889 Free Reserves, Vault Cash, and the Portfolio Behavior of Banks
by Roy J. Ruffin - 893-893 The Annual Meetings
by Harry G. Johnson
1967, Volume 75, Issue 5
- 655-655 Market Socialism Revisited
by Abram Bergson - 674-674 Calculation of Optimal Product and Retailer Characteristics: The Abstract Product Approach
by William J. Baumol - 686-686 The Purchasing-Power-Parity Theory: In Defense of Gustav Cassel as a Modern Theorist
by James M. Holmes - 696-696 The Generalized von Neumann Model and International Comparisons of Productivity
by Roman L. Weil & Jr. - 706-706 Sociological Aspects of British Economic Thought (ca. 1880-1930)
by A. W. Coats - 730-730 Samuelson Collected
by Kenneth J. Arrow - 738-738 Non-economic Objectives and the Efficiency Properties of Trade
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 743-743 On the Desirability of Discretionary Policy
by Rudolph G. Penner - 750-750 The Three-Year Horizon: An Analysis of the Evidence
by Robert S. Holbrook - 755-755 Entry and Monopoly Pricing
by John T. Wenders - 761-761 The R & D Factor in United States Trade--a Comment
by S. F. Kaliski - 763-763 The Pure Consumption Loan Model Once More
by A. Asimakopulos - 765-765 Cardinal Welfare, Individualistic Ethics, and Interpersonal Comparison of Utility: Comment
by Peter A. Diamond - 767-767 A Comment on "Real Assets and the Theory of Interest"
by James G. Witte & Jr. - 769-769 Real Assets and the Monetary-Interest-Rate Mechanism: A Reply
by George Horwich - 772-772 Corporate Management, National Interest, and Behavioral Theory
by Fritz Machlup
1967, Volume 75, Issue 4
- 321-321 Adjustment Costs and the Theory of Supply
by Robert E. Lucas & Jr. - 335-335 The Importance of Wealth in the Consumption Function
by Michael K. Evans - 352-352 The Production of Human Capital and the Life Cycle of Earnings
by Yoram Ben-Porath - 366-366 A Study of Production and Factor Shares in the Halibut Fishing Industry
by Salvatore Comitini & David S. Huang - 373-373 Economies of Scale in Industrial Plants
by John Haldi & David Whitcomb - 386-386 Wicksell's Theory of Circulation
by Edward J. Nell - 395-395 A Note on the History of Perfect Competition
by Paul J. McNulty - 400-400 Potential Entrants Discourage Entry
by Roger Sherman & Thomas D. Willett - 404-404 The Demand for International Reserves
by T. J. Courchene & G. M. Youssef