- 9410 Trade balances: do exchange rates matter?
by Rodrigo Peruga - 9409 Distribución de la renta y resdistribución a través del IRPF en España
by Rafael Salas del Marmol - 9408 Una nota sobre la estimación eficiente de modelos con parámetros cambiantes
by Sonia Sotoca López - 9407 Money demand instability and the performance of the monetary model of exchange rates
by Rodrigo Peruga - 9403 Estadísticos para la detección de observaciones anómalas en modelos de elección binaria: una aplicación con datos reales
by Gregorio R. Serrano García - 9401 Contrastes de momentos y de la matriz de información
by Teodosio Pérez Amaral
- 9318 Business Telephone Traffic Demand in Spain; 1980-1991, An econometric Approach
by Teodosio Pérez Amaral & Francisco Alvarez González & Bernardo Moreno Jiménez - 9317 The exact likelihood function for the vector ARMA model
by José Alberto Mauricio Arias - 9316 Exact Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Stationary Vector ARMA Models
by José Alberto Mauricio Arias - 9315 Monetary policy with private information: a role for monetary targets
by José I. García de Paso - 9314 Central Bank Structure and monetary policy uncertainty
by José I. García de Paso - 9313 Public Capital and Aggregate Growth in the United States: Is Public Capital Productive?
by Rafael Flores de Frutos & Alfredo M. Pereira - 9312 Further evidence on forecasting international GNP growth rates using unobserved components transfer function models
by Antonio García Ferrer & Juan del Hoyo Bernat & Peter C. Young & Alfonso Novales Cinca - 9311 General dynamics in overlapping generations models
by Carmen Carrera Calero & Manuel Morán Cabré - 9310 Recursive identification, estimation and forecasting of nonstationary economic time series with applications to GNP international data
by Antonio García Ferrer & Juan del Hoyo Bernat & Peter C. Young & Alfonso Novales Cinca - 9308 Testing theories of economic fluctuations and growth in early development. (The case of the Chesapeake tobacco economy)
by Rafael Flors de Frutos & Alfredo M. Pereira - 9307 Teorías del tipo de cambio: una panorámica
by Oscar Bajo-Rubio & Simón Sosvilla Rivero - 9306 Price Volatility Under Alternative Monetary Instruments
by Alfonso Novales Cinca - 9305 El tipo de cambio propio: reformulación del concepto y estimación para el caso español
by Jose de Hevia Payá - 9304 Tax analysis in a limit pricing model
by Felix Marcos - 9303 Cambios de estructuras de Gasto y de Consumo en el Cálculo del IPC
by Antonio Abadía Caselles - 9302 Sobre la Estimación de Primas por Plazo dentro de la Estructura Temporal de Tipos de Interes
by Rafael Flores de Frutos - 9301 Análisis del comportamiento de las cotizaciones reales en la bolsa de Madrid bajo la hipótesis de eficiencia
by Rafael Flores de Frutos
- 2015-07 Portfolios in the Ibex 35 index: Alternative methods to the traditional framework, a comparative with the naive diversification in a pre- and post- crisis context
by Víctor M. Adame-García & Fernando Fernández-Rodríguez & Simón Sosvilla-Rivero - 2015-06 International Technology Diffusion of Joint and Cross-border Patents (Revised version)
by Chia-Lin Chang & Michael McAleer & Ju-Ting Tang - 2015-01 Quality Weighted Citations Versus Total Citations in the Sciences and Social Sciences, with an Application to Finance and Accounting
by Chia-Lin Chang & Michael McAleer