1993, Volume 2, Issue 12
- y:1993:v:2:i:12:tt6.2 Duxbury Press looking for courseware authors
by Stan Loll - y:1993:v:2:i:12:tt6 Courseware
by William Gould & William Rogers - y:1993:v:2:i:12:sqv7 Cusum plots and tests for binary variables
by Patrick Royston
1993, Volume 2, Issue 11
- y:1993:v:2:i:11:sbe10 An improvement to poisson
by German Rodriguez - y:1993:v:2:i:11:sg15 Sample size determination for means and proportions
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:11:sg16 Generalized linear models
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:11:an27 Pagno and Gauvrequ text available
by Ted Anderson - y:1993:v:2:i:11:an28 Spanish analysis of biological data text published
by Isaias Salgado-Ugarte - y:1993:v:2:i:11:ip3.1 Stata programming
by William Gould - y:1993:v:2:i:11:os7.1 Stata and windowed interfaces
by William Rising - y:1993:v:2:i:11:sbe7.1 Hyperbolic regression correction
by Paul Geiger - y:1993:v:2:i:11:os7.2 Response
by William Gould - y:1993:v:2:i:11:sed7.2 Twice reroughing procedure for resistant nonlinear smoothing
by I. Salgado-Ugarte & Patrick Royston - y:1993:v:2:i:11:os7.3 CRC committed to Stata's command language
by William Gould - y:1993:v:2:i:11:smv6 Identifying multivariate outliers
by William Gould & Ali S. Hadi
1993, Volume 2, Issue 10
- y:1993:v:2:i:10:sg12 Extended tabulate utilities
by Dean H. Judson - y:1993:v:2:i:10:sg13 Is a transformation of the dependent variable necessary?
by Richard Goldstein - y:1993:v:2:i:10:sg14 Is a transformation of the dependent variable necessary?
by Richard Goldstein - y:1993:v:2:i:10:srd14 Cook-Weisberg test of heteroscedasticity
by Richard Goldstein - y:1993:v:2:i:10:srd15 Restricted cubic spline functions
by Richard Goldstein - y:1993:v:2:i:10:an24 Stata for the Macintosh ships
by G. Edward Anderson - y:1993:v:2:i:10:an25 Complementary STB subscription for school libraries
by Patricia Branton - y:1993:v:2:i:10:an26 Request for data management problems
by J. Theodore Anagnoson - y:1993:v:2:i:10:sg9.1 Additional statistics to similari output
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:10:ip3 Stata programming
by William Gould - y:1993:v:2:i:10:sqv6 Smoothed partial residual plots for logistic regression
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:10:os7 Stata and windowed operating systems
by William Gould - y:1993:v:2:i:10:sbe9 Brier score decomposition
by William Rogers
1993, Volume 2, Issue 9
- y:1993:v:2:i:9:sg11.1 Quantile regression with bootstrapped standard errors
by William Gould - y:1993:v:2:i:9:dm10 Infiling data: Automatic dictionary creation
by William Gould - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sg10 Confidence limits in bivariate linear regression
by Paul Geiger - y:1993:v:2:i:9:gr11 Using CorelDraw as a Stata graphics editor
by Marc Jacobs - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sg11 Quantile regression standard errors
by William Rogers - y:1993:v:2:i:9:srd13 Maximum R-squared and pure error lack-of-fit test
by Richard Goldstein - y:1993:v:2:i:9:an23 CPS labor extracts available
by Daniel Feenberg - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sqv3.1 Graphical display of Atkinson's R values
by Marc Jacobs - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sqv4.1 Correction to Idev command output
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sg8.1 Huber exponential regression
by William Rogers - y:1993:v:2:i:9:ip2 A keyboard shortcut
by Peter A. Lachenbruch - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sqv5 Univariate log-likelihood tests for model identification
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sbe7 Hyperbolic regression analysis in biomedical applications
by Paul Geiger - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sbe8 Left-censored survival data
by William Rogers - y:1993:v:2:i:9:sg9 Similarity coefficients for 2 x 2 binary data
by Joseph Hilbe
1993, Volume 2, Issue 8
- y:1993:v:2:i:8:sg1.3 Nonlinear regression command
by Patrick Royston - y:1993:v:2:i:8:an20 Stata UK Distributor
by Charles Fox - y:1993:v:2:i:8:an21 Stata for Apple Macintosh
by Ted Anderson - y:1993:v:2:i:8:an22 Stata for IBM RS/6000 workstation
by Ted Anderson - y:1993:v:2:i:8:smv5.1 Loglinear analysis of cross classifications, update
by D.H. Judson - y:1993:v:2:i:8:sed7.1 Resistant nonlinear smoothing using Stata
by William Gould - y:1993:v:2:i:8:ssi3 Continuous dynamic system modeling and simulation with Stata
by Francesco Danuso - y:1993:v:2:i:8:sqv4 Calculation of the deviance goodness-of-fit statistic after logistic
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:8:os5 Running Stata under OS/2 2.0
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:8:os6 Importing and exporting text files with Stata
by Phil Goldberg - y:1993:v:2:i:8:sg7 Centile estimation command
by Patrick Royston - y:1993:v:2:i:8:sg8 Probability weighting
by William Rogers
1993, Volume 2, Issue 7
- y:1993:v:2:i:7:gr10.1 Printing graphs and creating WordPerfect graph files
by Marc Jacobs - y:1993:v:2:i:7:sg1.2 Nonlinear regression command
by Patrick Royston - y:1993:v:2:i:7:an17 Stata seminars announced
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:7:an18 STB-1 through STB-6 available in bound format
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:7:an19 Stand-alone statistical tools
by Gerard Dallal - y:1993:v:2:i:7:sts2 Using Stata for time series analysis
by Sean Becketti - y:1993:v:2:i:7:sqv3 Wald and Atkinson's R extensions to logistic
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:7:os4 Stata icon for Microsoft Windows 3.1
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:7:tt4 Teaching ecology with Stata
by James Taylor - y:1993:v:2:i:7:sbe5 Calculating person-years and incidence rates
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:7:tt5 Simple chemical equilibrium
by Paul Geiger - y:1993:v:2:i:7:sbe6 3x3 matched case-control tests
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:7:dm7 Utility to reverse variable coding
by Marc Jacobs - y:1993:v:2:i:7:sed7 Resistant smoothing using Stata
by Isaias H. Salgado-Ugarte & Jaime Curts Garcia - y:1993:v:2:i:7:dm8 Command to unblock data sets
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1993:v:2:i:7:dm9 An ANOVA blocking utility
by Peter A Lachenbruch
1992, Volume 1, Issue 6
- y:1992:v:1:i:6:an16.1 Implications for the STB
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:6:srd11 Generating ordered (“cascading”) dummy variables
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:6:srd12 Some model selection statistics
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:6:an16 Stata 3.0 released
by Ted Anderson - y:1992:v:1:i:6:dm2.2 Stat/Transfer 2.0 review update
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:6:sqv2 A graphical method for assessing the goodness of fit of logit models
by D. H. Judson - y:1992:v:1:i:6:tt3 Teaching biochemistry and chemistry with Stata: Understanding buffer solutions
by Paul Geiger - y:1992:v:1:i:6:smv4 Oneway multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:6:smv5 Performing loglinear analysis of cross-classifications
by D. H. Judson - y:1992:v:1:i:6:sed6 Quartiles, outliers, and normality: Some Monte Carlo results
by Lawrence C. Hamilton
1992, Volume 1, Issue 5
- y:1992:v:1:i:5:gr10 Printing graphs and creating WordPerfect graph files
by Thomas R. Saving & Jeff Montgomery - y:1992:v:1:i:5:srd10 Maximum-likelihood estimation for Box-Cox power transformation
by Patrick ROyston - y:1992:v:1:i:5:sg3.7 Final summary of tests of normality
by William Gould - y:1992:v:1:i:5:ip1 Customizing a Stata menu system
by Mark Jacobs - y:1992:v:1:i:5:sts1 Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation graphs
by Sean Becketti - y:1992:v:1:i:5:ssa2 Tabulating survival statistics
by Wim van Putten - y:1992:v:1:i:5:sbe4 Further aspects of RIA analysis
by Paul Geiger - y:1992:v:1:i:5:sg5 Correlation coefficients with significance levels
by Sean Becketti - y:1992:v:1:i:5:dm6 A utility to document beginning and ending variable dates
by Sean Becketti - y:1992:v:1:i:5:sg6 Regression switching models
by Daniel Benjamin & William Gould - y:1992:v:1:i:5:srd8 Interpretations of dummy variables in regressions with log dependent variables
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:5:gr9 Partial residual graphs for linear regression
by Joe Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:5:srd9 Box-Cox statistics for help in choosing transformations
by Richard Goldstein
1992, Volume 1, Issue 4
- y:1992:v:1:i:4:an12 CRC has new area code
by Charles Fox - y:1992:v:1:i:4:an13 TCL is now marketing Stata in the UK
by Ana Timberlake - y:1992:v:1:i:4:sqv1.3 An enhanced Stata logistic regression program
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:4:an14 SAS's new technical journal
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:4:an15 Regression with Graphics released
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:4:os2.1 Questions and answers about Stat/Transfer - an addendum
by Ted Anagnoson - y:1992:v:1:i:4:os3.1 Comment on os3: using Intercooled Stata within DOS 5.0
by Marc Jacobs - y:1992:v:1:i:4:os3.2 A follow-up question to os3: using Intercooled Stata withing DOS 5.0
by Arnold Katz - y:1992:v:1:i:4:sg3.6 A response to sg3.3: comment on tests of normality
by Patrick Royston - y:1992:v:1:i:4:smv1 Single factor repeated measures ANOVA
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:4:tt1 Teaching beginning students with Stata
by Ted Anagnoson & Richard DeLeon - y:1992:v:1:i:4:smv2 Analyzing repeated measurements - some practical alternatives
by William H. Rogers - y:1992:v:1:i:4:ssi2 Bootstrap programming
by Lawrence C. Hamilton - y:1992:v:1:i:4:tt2 Using “front ends” for Stata
by Michael Macy - y:1992:v:1:i:4:dm3 Automatic command logging for Stata
by D.H. Judson - y:1992:v:1:i:4:dm4 A duplicated value identification program
by Marc Jacobs - y:1992:v:1:i:4:gr8 Printing a series of Stata graphs
by John A. Anderson
1992, Volume 1, Issue 3
- y:1992:v:1:i:3:an10 Stata Available for DECstation
by Ted Anderson - y:1992:v:1:i:3:an11 Stata X-Window Driver Available for SPARCstation
by Ted Anderson - y:1992:v:1:i:3:os1.1 Update on Gphpen and Color Postscript Use
by R. Allan Reese - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sg1.1 Correction to the Nonlinear Regression Program
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sqv1.2 Additional logit regression diagnostic - Cook's distance
by Joe Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:3:dm2.1 Vendors' Response to Review
by Steven Dubnoff - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sg3.2 Shapiro-Wilk and Shapiro-Francia Tests
by Patrick Royston - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sg3.3 Comment on Tests of Normality
by Ralph B. D'Agostino & Albert J. Belanger & Ralph B. D'Agostino Jr - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sg3.4 Summary of Tests of Normality
by William Gould & William Rogers - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sg3.5 Comment on sg3.4 and an Improved D'Agostino Test
by Patrick Royston - y:1992:v:1:i:3:dm2 Data Format Conversion Using DBMS/COPY and STAT/TRANSFER
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:3:snp2 Friedman's ANOVA & Kendall's coefficient of concordance
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:3:os3 Using Intercooled Stata within DOS 5.0
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sbe3 Biomedical Analysis with Stata: Radioimmunoassay Calculations
by Paul J. Geiger - y:1992:v:1:i:3:snp3 Phi Coefficient (fourfold correlation)
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:3:qs4 Request for Additional Smoothers
by Isaias H. S. Ugarte - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sed4 Resistant Normality Check and Outlier Identification
by Lawrence C. Hamilton - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sg4 Confidence Intervals for t-test
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:3:sed5 Enhancement of the Stata Collapse Command
by Paul Banens - y:1992:v:1:i:3:gr6 Lowess Smoothing
by Patrick Royston - y:1992:v:1:i:3:gr7 Using Stata Graphs in the Windows 3.0 Environment
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:3:an9 Change in Associate Editors
by Joseph Hilbe
1992, Volume 1, Issue 2
- y:1992:v:1:i:2:sqv1.1 Correction to Logit Regression Extensions
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:2:ssa1.1 Menu Interface to Life-Table Command
by William Gould - y:1992:v:1:i:2:sg3.1 Tests for Departure from Normality
by Patrick Royston - y:1992:v:1:i:2:dm1 Data Calculator
by Manuelita Ureta - y:1992:v:1:i:2:snp1 Kolmogorov-Smirnov One and Two Variable Tests
by Lawrence L. Giventer - y:1992:v:1:i:2:srd1 How Robust is Robust Regression?
by Lawrence C. Hamilton - y:1992:v:1:i:2:gr2 Importing Stata's Graphs Into MS-Word or Wordperfect
by Richard E. Deleon & J. Theodore Anagnoson - y:1992:v:1:i:2:os2 Questions and Answers about Stat/Transfer
by Steven Dubnoff - y:1992:v:1:i:2:qs2 Why is the Cubic Spline So-Called?
by Ted Anagnoson - y:1992:v:1:i:2:sbe2 Bailey-Makeham Survival Model
by William Rogers - y:1992:v:1:i:2:sed2 Ladder-of-Powers Variable Transformation
by William Gould - y:1992:v:1:i:2:srd2 Test for Multivariate Normality
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:2:gr3 Crude 3-Dimensional Graphics
by William Gould - y:1992:v:1:i:2:qs3 Request for Confidence Intervals for Proportions
by Ivan Zavala - y:1992:v:1:i:2:sed3 Variable Transformation and Evaluation
by Thomas Findley - y:1992:v:1:i:2:srd3 One Step Welsch Bounded-Influence Estimator
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:2:gr4 3-Dimensional Contour Plots using Stata & Stage
by Gerard van de Kuilen - y:1992:v:1:i:2:srd4 Test for General Specification Error in Linear Regression
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:2:gr5 Triangle Graphic for Soil Texture
by Francesco Danuso - y:1992:v:1:i:2:srd5 Ramsey Test for Heteroscedasticity and Omitted Variables
by Richard Goldstein - y:1992:v:1:i:2:srd6 A Randomization Test for the Equality of Two Groups
by Richard Goldstein
1992, Volume 1, Issue 1
- y:1992:v:1:i:1:gr1 Enhancing Visual Display Using Stem and Leaf
by Paul Geiger - y:1992:v:1:i:1:os1 Gphpen and Colour Postscript
by R. Allan Reese - y:1992:v:1:i:1:sbe1 Poisson Regression with Rates
by William Rogers - y:1992:v:1:i:1:sed1 Stata and the four r's of EDA
by R. E. DeLeon & J. T. Anagnoson - y:1992:v:1:i:1:sg1 Nonlinear Regression Command
by Francesco Danuso - y:1992:v:1:i:1:sqv1 Additional Logistic Regression Extensions
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:1:ssa1 Actuarial or Life-Table Analysis of Time-to-Event Data
by Henry Krakauer & John Stewart - y:1992:v:1:i:1:ssi1 Monte Carlo Simulation
by Lawrence C. Hamilton - y:1992:v:1:i:1:an1 STB Overview
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:1:sg2 Exact and Cumulative Poisson Probabilities
by Joseph Hilbe - y:1992:v:1:i:1:sg3 Skewness and Kurtosis Tests of Normality
by William Gould - y:1992:v:1:i:1:an7 Psychiatric Research Supplement Available
by Thomas Findley - y:1992:v:1:i:1:an8 Stata-based Instructional Software for the Social Science Classroom
by Michael Macy