Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- tep0125 Monetary Policy Tightening and SME Bank-Credit Demand Substitution
by Supriya Kapoor & Michael Mahony & Anuj Pratap Singh
- tep1124 Fiscal Dominance, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates: Lessons from Early-Modern Venice
by Donato Masciandaro & Davide Romelli & Stefano Ugolini - tep1124 Navigating the Rise in Non-Institutional Digital Fraud: An Experiment with Micro Enterprises in Nigeria
by Michael King & Daniel Putman & Shane Byrne & Chaning Jang - tep1024 Gender-Based Violence in Schools and Girls' Education: Experimental Evidence from Mozambique
by Sofia Amaral & Aixa Garcia-Ramos & Selim Gulesci & Sarita Oré & Alejandra Ramos & Maria Micaela Sviatschi - tep0924 Judge for Yourself? The Impact of Controls on Rents in Interwar New York
by Ronan Lyons & Maximilian Guennewig-Moenert - tep0824 Fiscal policy and redistribution in Ireland
by Barra Roantree - tep0724 Housing policy, homeownership, and inequality
by Simone Cima & Joseph Kopecky - tep0624 The Supply Side Effects of Rent Controls: Evidence from Ireland
by Tom Gillespie & Janez Kren & Ronan C. Lyons & Conor O'Toole - tep0524 Monetary policy shocks and their effects across the wealth distribution: evidence from new European data
by Marco Moreno & Simone Cima - tep0424 Using role models to inspire marginalized groups: A cautionary tale
by Gaia Narciso & Carol Newman & Finn Tarp - tep0324 Domestic Violence Laws and Social Norms: Evidence from Pakistan
by Selim Gulesci & Marinella Leone & Sameen Zafar - tep0224 Stereotypical Selection
by Martina Zanella - tep0124 Equivalisation (once again)
by Karina Doorley & Luke Duggan & Theano Kakoulidou & Barra Roantree
- tep1523 On Finance's Heterogeneous Labor Share Dynamics: A Neoclassical Perspective
by Adnan Velic - tep1423 A Model of Greedflation
by Paul Scanlon - TEP1323 Mental Accounting, Spousal Control and Intra-Household Communication: Evidence from an Experiment in India
by Tara Bedi & Anu Jose & Michael King - tep1223 The Long and the Short of it: Inheritance and Wealth in Ireland
by Simone Arrigoni & Laura Boyd & Tara McIndoe-Calder - tep1123 Women and Governance: Central Bank Boards and Monetary Policy
by Donato Masciandaro & Paola Profeta & Davide Romelli - TEP1023 Monetary policy and financial markets: evidence from Twitter traffic
by Donato Masciandaro & Davide Romelli & Gaia Rubera - tep0923 Trade diversion and labor market adjustment: Vietnam and the U.S.-China trade war
by Karin Mayr-Dorn & Gaia Narciso & Duc Anh Dang & Hien Phan - tep0823 Perpetual Motion: High-Frequency Human Mobility in Three African Countries
by Paul Blanchard & Douglas Gollin & Martina Kirchberger - tep0723 Factor Substitution Possibilities, Labor Share Dynamics, and Inequality in an Age of Intangibles
by Adnan Velic - tep0623 Consolidated Foreign Wealth of Nations: Nationality-based measures of international exposure
by Andre Sanchez Pacheco - tep0526 Population age structure and secular stagnation: Evidence from long run data
by Joseph Kopecky Author-1-Name-First: Joseph Author-1-Name-Last: Kopecky - tep0423 Growing older and growing apart? Population age structure and trade
by Joseph Kopecky Author-1-Name-First: Joseph Author-1-Name-Last: Kopecky - tep0323 Wages and the Role of Intangibles in Finance
by Adnan Velic - tep0223 Political Campaigning, and Racial Discrimination in Arrests for Drugs
by Francesco Barilari & Diego Zambiasi - tep0123 Conscientiousness and Labor Market Returns: Evidence from a Field Experiment in West Africa
by Mathias Allemand & Martina Kirchberger & Sveta Milusheva & Carol Newman & Brent Roberts & Vincent Thorne
- tep0722 The Elusive Link Between FDI and Economic Growth
by Agust n S. B n trix & Hayley Pallan & Ugo Panizza - tep0622 Intra-financial assets and the intermediation role of the financial sector
by Daniel Carvalho - tep0522 The Rise & Fall of Urban Concentration in Britain: Zipf, Gibrat and Gini across two centuries
by Ronan Lyons & Elisa Maria Tirindelli - tep0422 Gender Gaps in the Labor Market Effects of COVID-19: Evidence for Mexico
by Juan Duran-Vanegas - tep0322 Who Gets the Flow? Financial Globalisation and Wealth Inequality
by Simone Arrigoni - tep0122 QE: Implications for Bank Risk-Taking, Profitability, and Systemic Risk
by Supriya Kapoor & Adnan Velic
- tep1621 The Age for Austerity? Population Age Structure and Fiscal Multipliers
by Joseph Kopecky - tep1521 Putting a new 'spin' on energy labels: measuring the impact of reframing energy efficiency on tumble dryer choices in a multi-country experiment
by Stefano Ceolotto & Eleanor Denny - tep1421 A consolidated-by-nationality approach to Irish foreign exposure
by Andre Sanchez Pacheco - tep1321 Automatic for the (tax) people: information sharing and cross-border investment in tax havens
by Agust n B n trix & Lorenz Emter & Martin Schmitz - tep1221 Household Behaviour in Ireland, Sweden, the US and the UK Under Rationing
by John Fitzgerald & Se n Kenny & Alexandra Lopez Cermeno - tep1121 Investment Response to Monetary Policy in a Low Interest Rate Environment: Evidence from the ECB's Corporate QE
by Guillaume Horny & Supriya Kapoor - tep1021 Disagreement inside the FOMC: New Insights from Tone Analysis
by Davide Romelli & Hamza Bennani - tep0921 Taming the "Capital Flows-Credit Nexus": A Sectoral Approach
by Daniel Carvalho & Etienne Lepers & Rogelio Jr Mercado - tep0821 Manhattan Transfer: Productivity effects of agglomeration in American authorship
by Lukas Kuld & Sara Mitchell & Christiane Hellmanzik - tep0721 Okay Boomer... Excess Money Growth, Inflation, and Population Aging
by Joseph Kopecky - tep0621 Concrete Thinking About Development
by Martina Kirchberger & Keelan Beirne - tep0521 Good Reverberation? Teacher Influence in Music Composition since 1450
by Karol J. Borowiecki - tep0421 The shock absorbing role of cross-border investments: net positions versus currency composition
by Agustin S. Benetrix & Beren Demirolmez & Martin Schmitz - tep0321 Corporate Taxation and International Financial Integration: U.S. evidence from a consolidated perspective
by Agustin S. Benetrix & Andre Sanchez Pacheco - tep0221 Capital Misallocation, Agricultural Subsidies and Productivity: A European Perspective
by Bruno Morando & Carol Newman - tep0121 Concentration in Asia s Cross-border Banking: Determinants and Impacts
by Ana Kristel Lapid & Rogelio Jr Mercado & Peter Rosenkranz
- tep1620 Information Matters: Evidence from flood risk in the Irish housing market
by Tom Gillespie & Ronan C. Lyons & Thomas K. J. McDermott - tep1520 Better energy cost information changes household property investment decisions: Evidence from a nationwide experiment
by James Carroll & Eleanor Denny & Ronan C. Lyons - tep1420 Can labor market institutions mitigate the China syndrome? Evidence from regional labor markets in Europe
by Jan-Luca Hennig - tep1320 Desired hours worked over the business cycle: stylised facts for European countries
by Dora Tuda - tep1220 The Murder-Suicide of the Rentier: Population Aging and the Risk Premium
by Joseph Kopecky & Alan M. Taylor - tep1120 Leverage Cycles, Growth Shocks, and Sudden Stops in Capital Inflows
by Lorenz Emter - tep1020 Policy Uncertainty Shocks and Small Open Economies in Monetary Union: a Case Study of Ireland
by Jonathan Rice - tep0920 Uncertainty Shocks and the Cross-Border Funding of Banks: Unmasking Heterogeneity
by Agustin Benetrix & Michael Curran - tep0820 Auditors conflict of interest: does random selection work?
by Guglielmo Barone & Laura Conti & Gaia Narciso & Marco Tonello - tep0720 Who Watches the Watchmen? Local News and Police Behavior in the United States
by Nicola Mastrorocco & Arianna Ornaghi - tep0620 Site-Specific Agronomic Information and Technology Adoption: A Field Experiment from Ethiopia
by Hailemariam Ayalew & Chamberlin Jordan & Carol Newman - tep0320 Firm or bank weakness? Access to finance since the European sovereign debt crisis
by Donata Faccia & Giuseppe Corbisiero - tep0220 The long-run impact of historical shocks on the decision to migrate: Evidence from the Irish Migration
by Gaia Narciso & Battista Severgnini & Gayane Vardanyan - tep0120 Cross-Border Currency Exposures. New evidence based on an enhanced and updated dataset
by Agustin S. Benetrix & Deepali Gautam & Luciana Juvenal & Martin Schmitz
- tep1119 Financial Flows Centrality: Empirical Evidence using Bilateral Capital Flows
by Rogelio Mercado Jr. & Shanty Noviantie - tep1019 Group incentives for the public good: a field experiment on improving the urban environment
by Carol Newman & Tara Mitchell & Marcus Holmlund & Chloe Fernandez - tep0919 Vertical Integration in the presence of a Cost-Reducing Technology
by Benoit Voudon - tep0819 Technology Adoption under Asymmetric Market Structure
by Benoit Voudon - tep0619 The Northern Ireland Economy: Problems and Prospects
by John Fitzgerald & Edgar Morgenroth - tep0520 The Rise and Fall of Social Democracy, 1918-2017
by Nicola Mastrorocco & Simon Hix & Giacomo Benedetto - tep0519 Revisiting external imbalances: Insights from sectoral accounts
by Cian Allen - tep0419 Debt and Taxes: The Sale-Rent Housing Price Ratio in Dublin since 1945
by Richard Keely & Ronan C Lyons - tep0319 Introducing a development policy perspective into CAP Strategic Plans
by Alan Matthews - tep0219 The Origins of Creativity: The Case of the Arts in the United States since 1850
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0119 Immigrant Artists: Enrichment or Displacement?
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI & Kathryn GRADDY
- tep1319 Rise and Fall of Social Democracy , 1918-2017
by Nicola Mastrorocco & Giacomo Benedetto & Simon Hix - tep1218 Micro-insurance at Scale: Evidence on Impact from Rwanda
by Anuj Pratap Singh - tep1118 Conned by a Cashback? Disclosure, Nudges and Consumer Rationality in Mortgage Choice
by Michael King & Anuj Singh - tep0918 The political economy of reforms in central bank design: evidence from a new dataset
by Davide Romelli - tep0818 Bilateral Capital Flows: Gravity, Push, and Pull
by Rogelio Mercado Jr. - tep0718 The Triple Trigger? Negative Equity, Income Shocks and Institutions as Determinants of Mortgage Default
by Andrew Linn & Ronan C Lyons - tep0618 The CAPM, National Stock Market Betas, and Macroeconomic Covariates: A Global Analysis
by Michael Curran & Adnan Velic - tep0518 Picture or Playground: Valuing Coastal Amenities
by Tom Gillespie & Stephen Hynes & Ronan C Lyons - tep0420 Organised Crime, Captured Politicians and the Allocation of Public Resources
by Nicola Mastrorocco & Marco Di Cataldo - tep0418 National Accounts for a Global Economy: the Case of Ireland
by John Fitzgerald - tep0318 Implications of Brexit for developing countries agri-food trade
by Alan Matthews - tep0218 Bilateral Capital Flows: Transaction Patterns and Gravity
by Rogelio Mercado Jr. - tep0118 Managing a Century of Debt
by John Fitzgerald & Se n Kenny
- tep2117 Till Debt Do Us Part :Financial Implications of the Divorce of the Irish Free State from the UK, 1922-6
by John Fitzgerald & Se n Kenny - tep2017 Inspiring women: Experimental evidence on sharing entrepreneurial skills in Uganda
by Patrick Lubega & Frances Nakakawa & Gaia Narciso & Carol Newman & Cissy Kityo - tep1917 The Silent Treatment: LGBT Discrimination in the Sharing Economy
by Rishi Ahuja & Ronan C. Lyons - tep1817 Toxic roads: Unearthing hazardous waste dumping
by Caterina Gennaioli & Gaia Narciso - tep1717 Financial deglobalisation in banking?
by Robert N. McCauley & Agust n S. B n trix & Patrick M. McGuire & Goetz von Peter - tep1617 The development-related impacts of EU agricultural policy
by Alan Matthews - tep1517 The Trade Impacts of the Naming and Shaming of Forced and Child Labor
by Margaryta Klymak - tep1417 Current Account Imbalances, Real Exchange Rates, and Nominal Exchange Rate Variability
by Adnan Velic - tep1317 The Role of Stock-Flow Adjustment during the Global Financial Crisis
by Katharina Bergant - tep1217 Automation, New Technology, and Non-Homothetic Preferences
by Clemens Struck & Adnan Velic - tep1117 Economic Convergence, Capital Accumulation, and Income Traps: Empirical Evidence
by Cyn-Young Park & Rogelio Mercado Jr. - tep1017 The Currency Composition of International Portfolio Assets
by Vahagn Galstyan & Caroline Mehigan & Rogelio Mercado - tep0917 Real Exchange Rate Persistence and Country Characteristics
by Michael Curran & Adnan Velic - tep0817 On the Factor Content of Trade
by George Sorg-Langhans & Clemens Struck & Adnan Velic - tep0717 Credit conditions and the housing price ratio: evidence from Ireland's bubble and crash
by Ronan C Lyons - tep0617 A local idea space: the value of personal and thematic proximity in academic research
by Lukas Kuld - tep0417 The Impact of Employment on Housing Prices: Detailed Evidence from FDI in Ireland
by Kerri Agnew & Ronan Lyons - tep0317 Cross-Border Banking and Macroeconomic Determinants
by Mary Everett & Vahagn Galstyan - tep0217 International Investment Patterns: The Case of German Sectors
by Vahagn Galstyan & Adnan Velic - tep0117 To Augment Or Not To Augment? A Conjecture On Asymmetric Technical Change
by Clemens Struck & Adnan Velic
- tep2216 The Deep Roots of Rebellion: Evidence from the Irish Revolution
by Gaia Narciso & Battista Severgnini - tep2116 Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary in the Philippines?
by Rogelio Mercado Jr. - tep2016 Not All Surges of Gross Capital Inflows Are Alike
by Rogelio Mercado Jr. - tep1916 Domestic Factors and Episodes of Gross Capital Inflows
by Rogelio Mercado Jr. - tep1816 May I have this dance? Dance participation and attendance in Denmark
by Karol Jan Borowiecki & Catarina - tep1716 Changes in Cultural Consumption: Ethnographic Collections in Wikipedia
by Trilce Navarrete & Karol Jan Borowiecki - tep1616 Digitization of heritage collections as indicator of innovation
by Karol Jan Borowiecki & Trilce Navarrete - tep1516 Relative Prices, Non-Homothetic Preferences, and Product Quality
by Clemens Struck & Adnan Velic - tep1416 The Old Connection Sundered? Ireland and the UK since 1916
by Patrick Honohan - tep1316 Quality Observability and the Structure of Agricultural Supply Chains
by Tara Mitchell - tep1216 Factors Influencing the Diffusion of Information and Communications Technology: Are Developing Countries Different?
by Tara Mitchell - tep1116 Competing Gains From Trade
by Clemens Struck & Adnan Velic - tep1016 Taxation, Debt and Relative Prices in the Long Run: The Irish Experience
by Vahagn Galstyan & Adnan Velic - tep0916 The Holders and Issuers of International Portfolio Securities
by Vahagn Galstyan & Philip R. Lane & Caroline Mehigan & Rogelio Mercado - tep0816 Public Debt and Relative Prices in a Cross-Section of Countries
by Vahagn Galstyan & Adnan Velic - tep0716 Foreign Bank Identity: Does it Matter for Credit Growth?
by Caroline Mehigan - tep0616 Bilateral Adjustment of Bank Assets: Boom and Bust
by Caroline Mehigan - tep0516 The Effect of Energy Efficiency Labeling: Bunching and Prices in the Irish Residential Property Market
by Marie Hyland & Anna Alberini & Se n Lyons - tep0416 Debt Thresholds and Real Exchange Rates: An Emerging Markets Perspective
by Vahagn Galstyan & Adnan Velic - tep0316 LIML Estimation of Import Demand and Export Supply Elasticities
by Vahagn Galstyan - tep0216 Fiscal Policy and Financial Distress: A Balance Sheet Perspective
by John FitzGerald & Philip Lane
- tep0815 Financial Cycles and Fiscal Cycles
by Agust n S. B n trix & Philip R. Lane - tep0715 Impact of EU's agricultural and fisheries policies on the migration of third country nationals to the EU
by Alan Matthews - tep0615 Macro-Financial Stability under EMU
by Philip R. Lane - tep0515 The Funding of the Irish Domestic Banking System During the Boom
by Philip R. Lane - tep0415 The Price Effect of Building Energy Ratings in the Dublin Residential Market
by Ronan C. Lyons & Sean Lyons & Sarah Stanley - tep0315 Will Economic Partnership Agreements increase poverty? The case of Uganda
by Ole Boysen & Alan Matthews - tep0215 Implications of British exit from the EU for the Irish agri-food sector
by Alan Matthews
- tep0414 MATLAB for Economics and Econometrics A Beginners Guide
by John C Frain - tep0314 The Drivers of Long-run CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective since 1800
by Sofia Teives HENRIQUES & Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0214 Applied LATEX for Economists, Social Scientists and Others
by John C Frain - tep0114 How Are You, My Dearest Mozart? Well-being and Creativity of Three Famous Composers Based on their Letters
- tep0613 Price signals in illiquid markets:The case of residential property in Ireland, 2006-2012
by Ronan C. Lyons - tep0513 Inside a bubble and crash: Evidence from the valuation of amenities
by Ronan C. Lyons - tep0413 Video Games Playing: A substitute for cultural consumptions?
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI & Juan PRIETO-RODRIGUEZ - tep0313 Reducing Electricity Demand through Smart Metering: The Role of Improved Household Knowledge
by James Carroll & Se n Lyons & Eleanor Denny - tep0213 Agglomeration Economies in Classical Music
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0113 Do decoupled payments affect investment financing constraints? Evidence from Irish agriculture
by Conor O'Toole & Thia Hennessy
- tep0312 History Matters: The Origins of Cultural Supply in Italy
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0212 Cultural Participation and Tourism Flows in Italy
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKi & Concetta CASTIGLIONE - tep0112 Rationally Expected Externalities: The Implications for Optimal Waste Discharge and Recycling
by R.A. Somerville
- tep2211 Home Bias and Prediction Markets: Evidence from the Racetrack
by Paul Scanlon - tep2111 The effect of mafia on public transfers
by Guglielmo Barone & Gaia Narciso - tep2011 Innovation versus Imitation: Intellectual Property Rights in a North-South Framework
by Michael Wycherley - tep1911 A Site Value Tax for Ireland: Approach, Design and Implementation
by Micheal L. Collins & Adam Larragy - tep1811 An Economic Evaluation of Incineration as a Residual Municipal Solid Waste Management Option in Ireland
by Erik O'Donovan & Miche l L. Collins - tep1711 War and Individual Creativity: Tentative Evidence in Relation to Composers
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI & John W. O'HAGAN - tep1611 Delegation and Motivation
by Lukas ANGST & Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep1511 Immigration and the demand for life insurance: Evidence from Canada, 1911
by Alan de BROMHEAD & Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep1411 Historical Patterns Based on Automatically Extracted Data: the Case of Classical Composers
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI & John W. O'HAGAN - tep1311 Emigration and Wages: The EU Enlargement Experiment
by Benjamin Elsner - tep1211 Tax Expenditures: Revenue and Information Forgone - the experience of Ireland
by Miche l L. Collins & Mary Walsh - tep1111 Does Competition Kill? The Case of Classical Composers
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI & Georgios KAVETSOS - tep1011 Dynamics of a Protected Housing Market: The Case of Switzerland
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0911 The Demand for Theatre. A Microeconomic Approach to the Italian Case
by Concetta Castiglione - tep0811 Are Composers Different? Historical Evidence on Conflict-induced Migration (1816-1997)
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0719 Investment in Education and Economic Growth on the Island of Ireland
by John Fitzgerald - tep0711 War and Creativity: Solving the War-Art Puzzle for Classical Music Composition
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0611 Geographic Clustering and Productivity: An Instrumental Variable Approach for Classical Composers
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0511 Conflict-induced Migration of Composers: An Individual-level Study
by Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0412 Telecracy: Testing for Channels of Persuasion
by Guglielmo Barone & Francesco D'Acunto & Gaia Narciso - tep0411 CAP Reform and Its Impact on Structural Change and Productivity Growth: A Cross Country Analysis
by Andrius Kazukauskas & Carol Newman & Johannes Sauer - tep0311 The role of fundamental Q and financing frictions in agricultural investment decisions: an analysis pre and post financial crisis
by Conor M. O'Toole & Carol Newman & Thia Hennessy - tep0211 Political Institutions, Voter Turnout and Policy Outcomes
by Eileen Fumagalli & Gaia Narciso - tep0111 Rule of law and the Environmental Kuznets Curve: evidence for carbon emissions
by Concetta Castiglione & Davide Infante & Janna Smirnova
- tep0310 Seller Concentration in Irish Services: Evidence from the Annual Services Inquiry
by Patrick McCloughan & Conor M. O'Toole - tep0210 Introduction to STATA with Econometrics in Mind
by John C Frain - tep0110 An Introduction to Matlab for Econometrics
by John C Frain
- tep0209 Economies of Scale in Production versus Diseconomies in Transportation: On Structural Change in the German Dairy Industry
by Ole Boysen & Carsten Schr der - tep0115 Birth Location, Migration and Clustering of Important Composers: Historical Patterns
by John O'Hagan & Karol Jan BOROWIECKI - tep0109 The Role of Technology, Investment and Ownership Structure in the Productivity Performance of the Manufacturing Sector in Vietnam
by Carol Newman & Gaia Narciso & Finn Tarp & Vu Xuan Nguyet Hong
- tep0408 ICT Investments and Technical Efficiency in Italian Manufacturing Firms: The Productivity Paradox Revisited
by Concetta Castiglione - tep0308 Value at Risk (VaR) and the alpha-stable distribution
by John C. Frain - tep0208 Trade and Empire, 1700-1870
by Kevin H. O'Rourke & Leandro Prados de la Escosura & Guillaume Daudin - tep0108 Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Regression Coefficients with alpha-stable residuals and Day of Week effects in Total Returns on Equity Indices
by John C. Frain
- tep1207 Land Titles and Rice Production in Vietnam
by Katleen Van den Broeck & Carol Newman & Finn Tarp - tep1107 Do Employers Support Immigration?
by Yuji Tamura - tep1007 Sector Switching: An Unexplored Dimension of Firm Dynamics in Developing Countries
by Carol Newman & John Rand & Finn Tarp - tep0907 A Comparison of Stochastic Frontier Approaches to Estimating Inefficiency and Total Factor Productivity: An Application to Irish Dairy Farming
by James Carroll & Carol Newman & Fiona Thorne - tep0807 Economic Base Multipliers Revisited
by Derek Bond & Michael J. Harrison & Edward J. O'Brien - tep0707 Understanding Production in the Performing Arts: A Production Function for German Public Theatres
by Marta Zieba & Carol Newman - tep0607 Do fiscal rules cause budgetary outcomes?
by Signe Krogstrup & S bastien W lti - tep0507 Risk, Government and Globalization: International Survey Evidence
by Anna Maria Mayda & Kevin H. O'Rourke & Richard Sinnott - tep0407 Globalization, Growth and Distribution in Spain 1500-1913
by Joan R. Ros s & Kevin H. O'Rourke & Jeffrey G. Williamson - tep0207 Small sample power of tests of normality when the alternative is an alpha-stable distribution
by John C. Frain - tep0107 Power and Plenty: Trade, War and the World Economy in the Second Millennium (Preface)
by Ronald Findlay & Kevin H. O'Rourke
- tep200615 Purchasing Power Parity: The Irish Experience Re-visited
by Derek Bond & Michael J. Harrison & Edward J. O'Brien - tep200611 Reference Dependent Financial Satisfaction over the Course of the Celtic Tiger: A Panel Analysis Utilising the Living in Ireland Survey 1994-2001
by Liam Delaney & Carol Newman & Brian Nolan - tep2009 Measuring the Benefits of Mobile Number Portability
by Sean Lyons - tep2008 War and Welfare: Britain, France and the United States 1807-14
by Kevin H. O'Rourke - tep2007 Did Vasco da Gama Matter for European Markets? Testing Frederick Lane's Hypotheses Fifty Years Later
by Kevin H. O'Rourke & Jeffrey G. Williamson