January 2014, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 44-59 ICT Capacity as the Investment and Use of ICT: Exploring its Antecedents in Africa
by Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo & Babajide Osatuyi & K. Niki Kunene - 60-77 Information and Communications Technology Development and the Digital Divide: A Global and Regional Assessment
by Anteneh Ayanso & Danny I. Cho & Kaveepan Lertwachara - 78-91 Egypt's Ongoing Uprising and the Role of Social Media: Is there Development?
by Sherif H. Kamel
October 2013, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 267-270 In the Age of Popular Uprisings, what is the Role of Public Access Computing and Social Media on Development?
by Sajda Qureshi - 271-295 Relationships and Connectedness: Weak Ties that Help Social Inclusion Through Public Access Computing
by Luis Fernando Baron & Ricardo Gomez - 296-318 Collisions between the Worldviews of International ICT Policy-Makers and a Deep Rural Community in South Africa: Assumptions, Interpretation, Implementation, and Reality
by Kirstin Krauss - 319-346 A Comparative Study on the Implementation Inhibitors and Facilitators of Management Information Systems and Integrated Decision Support Systems: A Perception of IT Practitioners in Mexico
by Manuel Mora & Fen Wang & Ovsei Gelman - 347-356 A Cuban Spring? The Use of the Internet as a Tool of Democracy Promotion by United States Agency for International Development in Cuba
by Pamina Firchow
July 2013, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 189-192 Information and Communication Technologies in the Midst of Global Change: How do we Know When Development Takes Place?
by Sajda Qureshi - 193-214 IT Cultural Enclaves and Social Change: The Interplay Between Indian Cultural values and Western Ways of Working in an Indian IT Organization
by Gurpreet Singh Suri & Pamela Yvette Abbott - 215-229 Challenges in Moving to "Health Information for Action": An Infrastructural Perspective From a Case Study in Tajikistan
by Murodillo Abdusamadovich Latifov & Sundeep Sahay - 230-248 Toward Entrepreneurial Behavior in Underserved Communities: An Ethnographic Decision Tree Model of Telecenter Usage
by Arlene Bailey & Ojelanki Ngwenyama - 249-263 The Effects of Mobile Phone on the Socio-economic Life of the Rural Dwellers in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
by Ebikabowei Emmanuel Baro & Benake-ebide Christy Endouware - 264-266 Integrated health information architecture: power to the users
by Geoff Walsham
April 2013, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 97-99 Networks of change, shifting power from institutions to people: how are innovations in the use of information and communication technology transforming development?
by Sajda Qureshi - 100-111 Information technology and development: the Internet and the mobile phone in Haiti
by Michel S. Laguerre - 112-132 Hybridity, consulting and e-development in the making: inscribing new practices of impact assessment and value management
by Martin Brigham & Niall Hayes - 133-150 Communities in control of their own integrated technology development processes
by Johan Breytenbach & Carina De Villiers & Martina Jordaan - 151-175 Does a government web presence reduce perceptions of corruption?
by Martha Garcia-Murillo - 176-187 Frugal information systems (IS)
by Richard T. Watson & K. Niki Kunene & M. Sirajul Islam
January 2013, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-4 What is the role of mobile phones in bringing about growth?
by Sajda Qureshi - 5-23 Telecommunications development and economic growth in Africa
by Hopestone Kayiska Chavula - 24-39 A knowledge economy or an information society in Africa? Thintegration and the mobile phone revolution
by Pádraig Carmody - 40-61 Investigating factors associated with the spillover effect of investments in telecoms: Do some transition economies pay too much for too little?
by Sergey Valery Samoilenko - 62-85 On the endogeneity of telecommunications and economic growth: evidence from Asia
by John Levendis & Sang H. Lee - 86-96 Harnessing information and communication technologies (ICTs) to address urban poverty: Emerging open policy lessons for the open knowledge economy
by Duncan Wambogo Omole