2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 75-89 Host-country policy – commitment or no-commitment: a theoretical analysis
by Arijit Mukherjee
2000, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 301-326 Disinflation, switching nominal anchors and twin crises: The irish experience
by Philip R. Lane - 327-352 The 1994 currency crisis in Turkey
by Fatih Özatay - 353-372 The myth of large farm superiority: Lessons from agricultural transition in poland
by Johan Van Zyl & Andrew N. Parker & Bill R. Miller - 373-392 Capital flows in a transitional economy and the sterilization dilemma: The hungarian experience, 1992–97
by Pierre L. Siklos
1999, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 195-227 School reforms and school spending growth
by Torberg Falch & Jorn Rattso - 229-254 Toward state funding of elections in india? a comparative perspective on possible options
by E. Sridharan - 255-299 The economics of korean unification
by Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Ligang Liu
1999, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 97-119 Water pricing and water allocation in israel
by Richard E. Just & Sinaia Netanyahu & John K. Horowitz - 121-137 The relationship between economic growth and the speed of liberalization during transition
by Berta Heybey & Peter Murrell - 139-156 Unemployment and the dynamics of political support for economic reforms
by Jan Fidrmuc - 157-193 Spatial price dynamics and integration in russian food markets
by Barry K. Goodwin & Thomas J. Grennes & Christine McCurdy
1999, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 1-28 Labor market regulations, trade liberalization and the distribution of income in bangladesh
by Shantayanan Devarajana & Hafez Ghanem & Karen Thierfelder - 29-52 Foreign exchange bottlenecks, devaluation and inflation
by Edward F. Buffie - 53-66 The implications of private tutoring on the school education in LDCs
by Bagala P. Biswal - 67-80 The choice of trade regime: delayed reform under productivity fluctuations and cost of structural change
by Karen Helene Midelfart Knarvik & Jostein Tvedt - 81-96 Exchange market reform, inflation, and fiscal deficits
by Pierre-Richard Agénor & Murat Ucer
1998, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 301-335 Mass politics or elite politics? india's economic reforms in comparative perspective
by Ashutosh Varshney - 337-367 The regionalization of indian politics and its implications for economic reform
by Myron Weiner - 369-402 Economic reforms of agriculture and rural growth
by Ashok Kotwal & Bharat Ramswami - 403-426 Labor and india's economic reforms
by Roberto Zagha
1998, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 195-221 Current account and public debt implications of market distortions under structural rigidities
by Amartya Lahiri - 223-246 Increasing school quantity versus quality in kenya: impact on children from low-and high-income households
by Anil B. Deolalikar - 247-267 Georgia's economic collapse, 1991-1994: the role of state orders and inflation
by George Fane & John Nash - 269-280 Regret theory and policy reform
by Joshua Aizenman & Sang-Seung Yi - 281-299 Adjustment, trade policy and investment slumps: evidence from east asia
by David Fielding
1998, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 115-133 Banking reform in transition countries
by Stijn Claessens - 135-150 On the choice of international joint venture: the role of policy moral hazard
by Satya P. Das - 151-168 Trade reorientation and post-reform productivity growth in Bulgarian enterprises
by Simeon Djankov & Bernard Hoekman - 169-193 Western aid conditionality and the post-communist transition 1990-1994
by Marek Dabrowski
1998, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 1-46 Theories of “bad policy”
by James A. Robinson - 47-71 From macroeconomic stabilization to medium-term growth in sub-saharan africa: some lessons from world bank-supported adjustment programs
by Ibrahim A. Elbadawi - 73-87 An efficient privatization mechanism
by Nejat Anbarcia & Mehmet E. Karaaslanb - 89-113 The effectiveness of conditionality and the political economy of policy reform: is it simply a matter of political will?
by Graham Bird
1996, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 335-355 Income distribution, fiscal policy, and delays in stabilization
by Roberto Perotti - 357-387 Politics, institutions, and outcomes: Electricity regulation in Argentina and Chile
by William B. Heller & Mathew D. McCubbins - 389-412 The incidence of import liberalization with and without a value added tax: an application to bangladesh
by Farida C. Khan - 413-440 The sustainability of economic transformation
by Joshua Aizenman & Peter Isard
1996, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 239-258 Unemployment and the economics of gradualist policy reform
by Michael Gavin - 259-277 Capital flight from the countries in transition: Some empirical evidence
by Nathan Sheets - 279-298 Currency substitution and seignorage in eastern europe
by Bas Van Aarle & Nina Budina - 299-334 The role of government aid to firms during the transition to a market economy: Russia 1992-1994
by Jacques Mélitz & Claire Waysand
1996, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 135-147 Central bank independence, inflation and political instability in developing countries
by Jakob De Haan & Clemens L.J. Siermann - 149-185 China's transition to markets: market-preserving federalism, chinese style
by Yingyi Qian & Barry R. Weingast - 187-238 Where are we in the political economy of reform?
by Mariano Tommasi & Andrés Velasco
1996, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editors’ introduction
by Arvind panagariya & Dani Rodrik - 3-24 Monetary policy and interenterprise arrears in post-communist economies: Theory and evidence
by Guillermo A. Calvo & Fabrizio Coricelli - 25-46 The political economy of delayed reform
by Allan Drazen - 47-73 The feasibility of low inflation: theory with an application to the argentine case
by Ricardo López Murphy & Federico Sturzenegger - 75-108 Inflation and stabilization in transition economies: An analytical interpretation of the evidence
by Ratna Sahay & Carlos A. Végh - 109-134 Regulating the banking industry in transition economies: Exploring interactions between capital and reserve requirements
by Roque B. Fernandez & Pablo E. Guidotti