2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 325-344 The Comeback of National Housing Policy in Australia: First Reflections
by Vivienne Milligan & Simon Pinnegar - 345-347 A Review of “Housing Markets & Planning Policy”
by Katrin Anacker - 347-349 A Review of “Family and Housing: Recent Trends in France and Southern Europe”
by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway - 350-352 A Review of “Management of Privatised Housing: International Policies & Practice”
by Marja Elsinga
2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 105-131 Consumption and Tenure Choice of Multiple Homes in Transitional Urban China
by Youqin Huang & Chengdong Yi - 133-154 Limiting Possessions? Managing Mortgage Arrears in a New Era
by Alison Wallace & Janet Ford - 155-171 Damned by Place, then by Politics: Spatial Disadvantage and the Housing Policy-research Interface
by Rowland Atkinson & Keith Jacobs - 173-189 ‘Sustainability versus Liveability’: An Exploration of Central City Housing Satisfaction
by Peter Howley - 191-208 Housing Markets in Brazil: Recent Trends and Governmental Responses to the 2008 Crisis
by Adauto Cardoso & José Leal - 209-211 A Review of “Moving Homes: The Housing Corporation 1964–2008”
by Gerard van Bortel - 211-214 A Review of “Homes, Cities and Neighbourhoods: Planning and the Residential Landscapes of Modern Britain”
by Peter Malpass - 214-216 A Review of “Housing, Care and Inheritance”
by Maren Godzik - 216-219 A Review of “Sense of Place, Health and Quality of Life”
by Roderick Lawrence - 219-221 A Review of “Decline, Renewal and the city in Popular Music Culture: Beyond the Beatles”
by Ton van Rietbergen
2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Suzanne Fitzpatrick & Richard Ronald & Roland Goetgeluk - 3-18 The Modernisation of Social Housing in England
by Peter Malpass & Ceri Victory - 19-40 Tax Incentives and Demand for Mortgage Debt: Evidence from the Finnish 1993 Tax Reform
by Tuukka Saarimaa - 41-61 ‘Buy Your Home and Feel in Control’ Does Home Ownership Achieve the Empowerment of Former Tenants of Social Housing?
by Reinout Kleinhans & Marja Elsinga - 63-87 Housing Context and Social Transformation Strategies in Neighbourhood Regeneration in Western European Cities
by W. Van Gent - 89-91 A Review of “Securing an Urban Renaissance: Crime, Community and British Urban Policy” and “Whose Urban Renaissance: An International Comparison of Urban Regeneration Strategies”
by Rob Imrie - 92-94 A Review of “The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”
by Rhys Evans - 94-97 A Review of “The New Economy of the Inner City, Restructuring, Regeneration and Dislocation in the Twenty-first-century Metropolis”
by Frank Van Oort - 97-100 A Review of “Shanghai Pudong: Urban Development in an Era of Global–Local Interaction”
by Hyun Shin - 100-102 A Review of “Community Cohesion in Crisis? New Dimensions of Diversity and Difference”
by Mike Raco - 102-104 A Review of “Mass Appraisal Methods: An International Perspective for Property Valuers”
by Martin Hoesli