1993, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 362-365 Sweden
by Sven-Arne Nilsson & Martin Smiciklas - 366-369 Switzerland
by Ann-Kristin Koberg - 370-375 Uk
by Christopher Napier - 379-386 The Spanish accounting framework
by Begona Giner Inchausti - 387-396 Harmonization of accounting standards in the EC
by K. Van Hulle - 397-402 The new Austrian Financial Reporting Act
by Dieter Mandl - 403-410 International accounting principles and auditing standards
by Stephen Zeff - 412-413 The Limperg Instituut
by Roel Soeting - 427-429 Management control in public service corporations
by Claes Charpentier - 430-431 On the desirability of insider trading regulations in financial markets
by Kjell Henry Knivsfla - 432-436 The use of cost information by managers when making short-term decisions
by Marc Wouters
1993, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-16 The evolution of auditing and the independent auditor in France
by Alain Mikol - 17-46 A European true and fair view?
by David Alexander - 49-58 Introduction: the true and fair view in British accounting
by Peter Walton - 59-80 A European true and fair view?
by David Alexander - 81-90 True and fair view
by Dieter Ordelheide - 91-94 Commentaires sur l'article de David Alexander 'A European true and fair view?'
by Alain Burlaud - 95-98 Commentary on the article by David Alexander 'A European true and fair view'
by Alain Burlaud - 99-104 Truth and untruth about true and fair: a commentary on 'A European true and fair view' comment
by K. Van Hulle & K. U. Leuven - 107-114 The new British accounting recommendation on segmental reporting by banks: a model for Europe?
by Neil Garrod - 115-126 Changing rules of accounting in Poland
by Alicja Jaruga - 127-136 Book Reviews
by John Flower - 141-144 Policy making and accounting change:influence on the choice of measurement principles in Swedish accounting
by Kristina Artsberg - 145-147 Accounting information and its use in a number of Belgian coal mines during the first half of the twenieth century
by Igance De Beelde - 147-150 The consolidation of groups of companies: an examination of some accounting and tax aspects of the parent-subsidiary relationship
by Joël Branson - 151-151 Finalcial analysis of the Greek air transport and railroad companiesx
by John Lazaridis
1992, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 229-254 Funds-flow statements and cash-flow accounting in France
by Daniel Boussard & Bernard Colasse - 255-275 A history of Philips' accounting policies on the basis of its annual reports
by H. L. Brink - 277-301 Big players and small players
by Merete Christiansen & Anne Loft - 303-331 Beyond the audit expectations gap
by Maria Antonia Garcia-Benau & Christopher Humphrey - 333-348 State of the art in audit market research
by Peter Moizer - 349-392 Audit policy making in the UK
by Prem Sikka - 401-406 New European insurance accounting rules
by Leo van der Tas - 407-412 Changes in university-level accounting education in Poland
by Clare Grant - 413-420 Reforming Finnish accounting legislation
by Paivi Raty - 421-425 Goodwill accounting in the UK
by Linda Kirkham & John Arnold - 427-436 Financial reporting in Ireland
by Gerard McHugh & Billy Stamp - 437-443 The environment and the audit profession
by J. H. Blokdijk & F. Drieënhuizen - 444-446 Auditors in Fokus!
by T. Flemming Ruud - 447-452 Audit implication in early warning systems
by Lionel Collins - 453-454 The 1992 DRT Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting
by Jeremy Dent - 454-457 Accountability and legitimation
by W. Aerts - 457-458 Accounting choice and its economic effects: empirical contrasts in the banking sector in Spain
by Maria Jose Arcas - 458-459 The use of accounting information in the valuation of equity securities
by Apostolos Ballas - 459-462 Economic effects of Dutch accounting regulation
by Steven Maijoor - 462-464 An analysis of the subsidiarization process of multidivisional companies
by Yves De Ronge - 465-469 Accounting for a theatre: implementing a management accounting system in a cultural institution
by Peter Skaerbaek - 469-473 Harmonization of financial reporting — with a special focus on the European Community
by Leo van der Tas - 474-477 Financial reporting by Dutch banks
by F. van der Wel
1992, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-26 Management accounting systems in Spanish firms
by Joan M. Amat Salas - 27-38 Relationships between financial accounting research, standards setting and practice in Germany
by Walther Busse von Colbe - 39-68 The politics of brand accounting in the United Kingdom
by Michael Power - 69-104 Evidence of EC financial reporting practice harmonization
by Leo van der Tas - 105-122 Developments in the structure of financial reporting regulation in the United Kingdom
by Stuart Turley - 125-143 Accounting calculation and the shifting sphere of the economic
by Anthony Hopwood - 145-160 Accounting as the master metaphor of economics
by Arjo Klamer & Donald McCloskey - 161-172 Harmonization of accounting standards A view from the European community
by K. Van Hulle - 173-177 The establishment of a Centre for Research in European Accounting
by John Flower - 179-187 Book Review
by John Flower - 189-193 A report on the 1991 EEA Doctoral Colloquium and the AAA Doctoral Consortium
by Seppo Ikaheimo - 195-201 Workshop on Accounting in its Organizational and Social Contexts
by Keith robson - 201-205 BAA European Accounting Research Workshop
by Elin Sundgaard - 205-207 The XIIth Congress of the 'Association Francaise de Comptabilite' (The French Accounting Association)
by Helene Loning - 207-208 The Third Interdiscriplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference
by Richard Boland - 208-211 Research Issues in Accounting and Business Administration: A European Colloquium
by Stefano Zambon - 211-211 Second Seminar on Financial Statement Analysis in Spain
by Begona Giner Inchausti - 212-212 Fourth Meeting of University Teachers of Accounting in Spain
by Begona Giner Inchausti - 212-213 Sixth Congress of the Spainsh Association of Accounting and Business Administration (AECA)
by Begona Giner Inchausti