February 2018, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 316-318 The New Russia
by Ankur Yadav - 318-319 Debating Regime Legitimacy in Contemporary China. Popular Protests and Regime Performances
by Claudia Zanardi - 320-320 Books Received
by The Editors
January 2018, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Topography of Sino–Romanian Relations in the Post-Cold War Era (1990–2015)
by Rudolf Eduard Roth - 26-52 A Very Ambiguous Empire: Russia’s Hybrid Exceptionalism
by Kevork K. Oskanian - 53-74 Between Regionalisation and Centralisation: The Implications of Russian Education Reforms for Schooling in Tatarstan
by Dilyara Suleymanova - 75-89 Russian Energy Policy and Structural Power in Europe
by Filippos Proedrou - 90-107 Explaining the 2014 Sino–Russian Gas Breakthrough: The Primacy of Domestic Politics
by Morena Skalamera - 108-129 The Chinese Political Opposition in Exile: A Chequered Development
by Jie Chen - 130-131 The Soviet Mind. Russian Culture under Communism
by Riccardo Mario Cucciolla - 132-133 Agents of Terror. Ordinary Men and Extraordinary Violence in Stalin’s Secret Police
by Samuel Casper - 133-134 Russia. What Everyone Needs to Know
by Burcu Degirmen-Dysart - 135-136 A Prison Without Walls? Eastern Siberian Exile in the Last Years of Tsarism
by James M. White - 136-137 Eastern Europe and the Challenges of Modernity, 1800–2000
by Sabrina P. Ramet - 138-139 Challenges to Democracies in East Central Europe
by Dragomir Stoyanov - 139-140 Trouble on the Far Right. Contemporary Right-Wing Strategies and Practices in Europe
by Marcin Roman Czubala Ostapiuk - 140-141 The New Geopolitics of Natural Gas
by Agha Bayramov - 142-143 Practicing Islam. Knowledge, Experience, and Social Navigation in Kyrgyzstan
by Edward Lemon - 143-144 Afghanistan and Its Neighbors after the NATO Withdrawal
by Tony Tai-Ting Liu - 145-146 The Origins of the Civil War in Tajikistan. Nationalism, Islamism, and Violent Conflict in Post-Soviet Space
by Eren Tasar - 146-148 China’s Innovation Challenge. Overcoming the Middle-Income Trap
by Voicu Ion Sucală - 148-149 China’s Twentieth Century. Revolution, Retreat and the Road to Equality
by Woyu Liu - 150-150 Books Received
by The Editors - 151-153 Acknowledgement of Reviewers
by The Editors
November 2017, Volume 69, Issue 10
- 1499-1525 Self-organisation and Development: A Comparative Approach to Post-communist Transformations from the Perspective of Social Systems Theory
by Tea Golob & Matej Makarovič - 1526-1556 ‘Russian Spring’ or ‘Spring Betrayal’? The Media as a Mirror of Putin’s Evolving Strategy in Ukraine
by Tomila Lankina & Kohei Watanabe - 1557-1583 Privileged Exclusion in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Ethnic Return Migration, Citizenship, and the Politics of (Not) Belonging
by Cynthia Ann Werner & Celia Emmelhainz & Holly Barcus - 1584-1600 Files, Folders, and Special Folders: A Research Note on Stalinist Document Secrecy
by J. Arch Getty - 1601-1625 Railway Development and the Economic and Political Integration of the Balkans, c. 1850–2000
by Kaloyan Stanev & Eduard Josep Alvarez-Palau & Jordi Martí-Henneberg - 1626-1661 Political Mobilisation and Discourse Networks: A New Youth and the Breakdown of the Soviet Union
by Félix Krawatzek - 1662-1663 Integration in Energy and Transport. Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey
by Ekaterina Tarasova - 1663-1665 Development Cooperation of the ‘New’ EU Member States. Beyond Europeanization
by Asligul Sarikamis Kaya - 1665-1666 Europeanization of the Western Balkans. Environmental Governance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia
by Alper Almaz - 1666-1667 China’s Future
by Ronald Torrance - 1668-1669 Lithuanian Nationalism and the Vilnius Question, 1883–1940
by Martin J. Kozon - 1669-1670 Fascism in Manchuria. The Soviet–China Encounter in the 1930s
by Avital Avina - 1670-1672 The Right to Be Helped. Deviance, Entitlement, and the Soviet Moral Order
by Alfiya Battalova - 1672-1673 Kazakhstan in the Making. Legitimacy, Symbols, and Social Changes
by Victoria Hudson - 1674-1675 Protest in Putin’s Russia
by Islam Jusufi - 1675-1676 Russia’s Far East. New Dynamics in Asia Pacific & Beyond
by Wonhee Lee - 1677-1678 Russia in the Arctic. Hard or Soft Power?
by Tiziana Melchiorre - 1678-1680 Brothers Armed. Military Aspects of the Crisis in Ukraine. Second Edition
by Glen Grant & Roman Horbyk & Olena Podolian - 1681-1682 Making Uzbekistan. Nation, Empire, and Revolution in the Early USSR
by Luca Anceschi - 1683-1684 Books Received
by The Editors
October 2017, Volume 69, Issue 9
- 1337-1345 Activist Citizenship in Southeast Europe
by Adam Fagan & Indraneel Sircar - 1346-1361 Reshaping Citizenship through Collective Action: Performative and Prefigurative Practices in the 2013–2014 Cycle of Contention in Bosnia & Hercegovina
by Chiara Milan - 1362-1382 Between Europe and the Past—Collective Identification and Diffusion of Student Contention to and from Serbia
by Astrid Reinprecht - 1383-1400 From Protest to Party: Horizontality and Verticality on the Slovenian Left
by Alen Toplišek & Lasse Thomassen - 1401-1429 Contesting Neoliberal Urbanism on the European Semi-periphery: The Right to the City Movement in Croatia
by Danijela Dolenec & Karin Doolan & Tomislav Tomašević - 1430-1454 ‘We Are All Beranselo’: Political Subjectivation as an Unintended Consequence of Activist Citizenship
by Bojan Baća - 1455-1472 Post-Yugoslav Everyday Activism(s): A Different Form of Activist Citizenship?
by Piotr Goldstein - 1473-1498 The Role of the Feminist Movement Participation during the Winter 2012 Mobilisations in Romania
by Alexandra Ana
September 2017, Volume 69, Issue 8
- 1145-1152 Conservative Jurisprudence and the Russian State
by Marianna Muravyeva - 1153-1162 The Concepts of State and Society in Defining Russia’s Domestic Political Unity: A Research Note
by Katja Ruutu - 1163-1183 A Solution to the Crimean Crisis: Egalitarian Shared Sovereignty Applied to Russia, Ukraine and Crimea
by Jorge Emilio Núñez - 1184-1200 International Criminal Law and Russia: From ‘Nuremberg’ Passion to ‘The Hague’ Prejudice
by Gennady Esakov - 1201-1221 In the Shadow of the Ombudsman: Civil Society and the Struggle for an Independent Human Rights Institution in St Petersburg, Russia
by Freek van der Vet - 1222-1241 Queer Coalitions: An Examination of Political Resistance to the Russian Migration Law
by Alexander Kondakov - 1242-1256 Criminalisation of Free Speech in Russia
by Gleb Bogush - 1257-1279 Transitional Politics of Memory: Political Strategies of Managing the Past in Post-communist Romania
by Mihai Stelian Rusu - 1280-1309 Corruption and Popular Support for Democracy and Government in Transitional Contexts: The Case of Kyrgyzstan
by Kathleen Collins & Robert Gambrel - 1310-1316 Assessing the Politics of Fear and Power in Contemporary Russia
by Branislav Radeljić - 1317-1318 The Biopolitics of Stalinism. Ideology and Life in Soviet Socialism
by Zhen Wei - 1318-1320 Europe Since 1989. A History
by Quincy Cloet - 1320-1321 Whose Memory, Which Future? Remembering Ethnic Cleansing and Lost Cultural Diversity in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe
by Tanya Narozhna - 1322-1323 Celebrating Borderlands in a Wider Europe. Nations and Identities in Ukraine, Georgia and Estonia
by Alina Zubkovych - 1323-1325 Priests of Prosperity. How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World
by Vera Šćepanović - 1325-1326 The New Arctic Governance. SIPRI Annual Report No.25
by Steven J. Main - 1326-1328 Kyiv as Regime City. The Return of Soviet Power after Nazi Occupation
by Christopher Gilley - 1328-1329 ‘City of the Future’. Built Space, Modernity and Urban Change in Astana
by Alina Jašina - 1329-1331 ‘When Salary is not Enough …’. Private Households in Central Asia
by Paolo Sorbello - 1331-1333 Kyrgyzstan beyond ‘Democracy Island’ and ‘Failing State’. Social and Political Changes in a Post-Soviet Society
by Aijan Sharshenova - 1333-1334 Population in China
by Chi Zhang - 1334-1335 The Cultural Revolution on Trial. Mao and the Gang of Four
by Matthew Wills - 1336-1336 Books Received
by The Editors
August 2017, Volume 69, Issue 7
- 1009-1026 Searching for Exits from the Great Recession: Coordination of Fiscal Consolidation and Growth Enhancing Innovation Policies in Central and Eastern Europe
by Erkki Karo & Rainer Kattel & Ringa Raudla - 1027-1046 Two Ways of Influence-building: The Eurasian Economic Union and the One Belt, One Road Initiative
by Marcin Kaczmarski - 1047-1069 The Rise and Fall of Ethnoterritorial Federalism: A Comparison of the Soviet Union (Russia), China, and India
by Kimitaka Matsuzato - 1070-1089 ‘No one is Forgotten, Nothing is Forgotten’: Duty, Patriotism, and the Russian Search Movement
by Johanna Dahlin - 1090-1105 Bearing Truthiness: Russia’s Cyclical Legitimation of its Actions
by Nelli Babayan - 1106-1125 Urbanisation and the Shifting of Boundaries: Contemporary Transformations in Kinship and Child Circulation amongst the Sakha
by Zoya Tarasova & Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill & Oktyabrina Tuprina & Vladimir Skryabin - 1126-1127 The Battle for Moscow
by Michael Jabara Carley - 1128-1129 Trading Worlds. Afghan Merchants across Modern Frontiers
by Henryk Alff - 1129-1130 Memory is Our Home. Loss and Remembering: Three Generations in Poland and Russia 1917–1960s
by Tanya Narozhna - 1130-1131 The Peasant in Postsocialist China. History, Politics, and Capitalism
by Gareth Davey - 1132-1133 ‘Enemies of the People’ Under the Soviets. A History of Repression and its Consequences
by Samantha Lomb - 1133-1135 Migrant Friendships in a Super-Diverse City. Russian-Speakers and their Social Relationships in London in the 21st Century
by Alin Croitoru - 1135-1136 The High Title of a Communist. Postwar Party Discipline and the Values of the Soviet Regime
by Nikos Christofis - 1136-1137 Gender (In)equality and Gender Politics in Southeastern Europe. A Question of Justice
by Tamara Pavasović Trošt - 1138-1138 De-Stalinising Eastern Europe. The Rehabilitation of Stalin’s Victims after 1953
by Christina Baxter - 1139-1140 European Legal Cultures in Transition
by Liviu Damsa - 1140-1142 Black Square. Adventures in Post-Soviet Ukraine
by Julia Sinitsky - 1143-1143 Books Received
by The Editors
July 2017, Volume 69, Issue 6
- 855-878 Between Fiscal, Ideological, and Social Dilemmas: The Soviet ‘Bachelor Tax’ and Post-war Tax Reform, 1941–1962
by Kristy Ironside - 879-896 Popular Punitiveness? Punishment and Attitudes to Law in Post-Soviet Georgia
by Gavin Slade & Alexander Kupatadze - 897-920 ‘Shaking Hands with Money’: The Phenomenon of in Modern Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
by Timur Alexandrov - 921-939 Conflicting Patterns of Thought in the Russian Debate on Modernisation and Innovation 2008–2013
by Joachim Zweynert & Ivan Boldyrev - 940-960 Pressure, Favours, and Vote-buying: Experimental Evidence from Romania and Bulgaria
by Isabela Mares & Aurelian Muntean & Tsveta Petrova - 961-988 Political Rivalry and Conflict in Putin’s Russia
by Joel Moses - 989-990 Thinking through Transition. Liberal Democracy, Authoritarian Pasts, and Intellectual History in East Central Europe after 1989
by Rafał Riedel - 990-991 International Communism and the Spanish Civil War. Solidarity and Suspicion
by Oleksa Drachewych - 992-993 Atheist Secularism and its Discontents. A Comparative Study of Religion and Communism in Eurasia
by Paula Borowska - 993-995 Boris Yeltsin. The Decade that Shook the World
by Carolina De Stefano - 995-996 Political Elites and Decentralization Reforms in the Post-Socialist Balkans. Regional Patronage Networks in Serbia and Croatia
by Tena Prelec - 996-998 The State as Investment Market. Kyrgyzstan in Comparative Perspective
by Anvar Rahmetov - 998-999 Ghost Cities of China. The Story of Cities Without People in the World’s Most Populated Country
by Kai Chen - 999-1000 Life Writing and Politics of Memory in Eastern Europe
by Tanya Narozhna - 1000-1001 Human Rights in Russia. Citizens and the State from Perestroika to Putin
by Ghasem Torabi - 1001-1002 New Europe’s New Development Aid
by Stefan Gänzle - 1003-1004 Demobilized Veterans in Late Stalinist Leningrad. Soldiers to Civilians
by Steven J. Main - 1004-1005 Party and State in Post-Mao China
by Falk Hartig - 1006-1007 Books Received
by The Editors
May 2017, Volume 69, Issue 5
- 709-727 Local Nomenklatura in Communist Poland: The Case of the Warsaw Voivodship (1956–1970)
by Maciej Tymiński - 728-753 Between Core and Peripheral Politics: Opposing the EU in the Western Balkans
by Marko Stojić - 754-770 ‘It all does not matter that much in the European Union’—Migrant Transnationalism and the Transformation of Post-Communist Citizenship Discourse
by Mari-Liis Jakobson - 771-793 Demobilisation and its Consequences: After the Russian Movement Za chestnye vybory
by Virginie Lasnier - 794-818 Ideological Recycling of the Socialist Legacy. Reading Townscapes of Minsk and Astana
by Nelly Bekus - 819-837 Praying Under Restrictions: Islam, Identity and Social Change in Azerbaijan
by Vahram Ter-Matevosyan & Nelli Minasyan - 838-839 Peasants, Power, and Place. Revolution in the Villages of Kharkiv Province, 1914–1921
by Geoffrey Swain - 839-841 Historical Dictionary of the Russian Civil Wars, 1916–1926. Volumes 1 & 2
by James White - 841-842 Holy Legionary Youth. Fascist Activism in Interwar Romania
by Mihai Stelian Rusu - 843-844 The Great Fear. Stalin’s Terror of the 1930s
by Steven J. Main - 844-845 Socialist Fun. Youth, Consumption, and State-Sponsored Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1945–1970
by Kristiina Silvan - 846-847 Remembrance, History, and Justice. Coming to Terms with Traumatic Pasts in Democratic Societies
by Jelena Đureinović - 847-849 The New Russian Nationalism. Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism 2000–2015
by Richard Arnold - 849-850 Transnational Gas Markets and Euro–Russian Energy Relations
by Marco Siddi - 850-852 The Development of Russian Environmental Thought. Scientific and Geographical Perspectives on the Natural Environment
by Natalya Yakusheva - 853-854 Books Received
by The Editors
April 2017, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 553-570 Legislative Turnover and Executive Control in Russia’s Regions (2003–2014)
by Grigorii V. Golosov - 571-593 In the Shadow of Nikolai Danilevskii: Universalism, Particularism, and Russian Geopolitical Theory
by Andrei P. Tsygankov - 594-613 Informal Institutions in Azerbaijan: Exploring the Intricacies of
by Huseyn Aliyev - 614-641 The Legislative Logic of Electoral Reform in Ukraine
by Frank C. Thames - 642-667 The Fortress and the Frontier: Mobility, Culture, and Class in Almaty and Astana
by Alima Bissenova - 668-692 ‘Recovering’ Territories: The Use of History in the Integration of the New Polish Western Borderland after World War II
by Marta Grzechnik - 693-694 The Gumilev Mystique. Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in Modern Russia
by Andrew Foxall - 694-695 Imperial Overstretch: Germany in Soviet Policy from Stalin to Gorbachev. An Analysis Based on New Archival Evidence, Memoirs, and Interviews. 2nd edition
by Roger E. Kanet - 696-697 Classics for the Masses. Shaping Soviet Musical Identity under Lenin and Stalin; Stalin’s Music Prize. Soviet Culture and Politics
by Sabrina P. Ramet - 698-699 Student Politics in Communist Poland. Generations of Consent and Dissent
by Anthony Kemp-Welch - 699-700 The Silk Roads. A New History of the World
by Paul van Dijk - 700-702 New Mobilities and Social Changes in Russia’s Arctic Regions
by Andrey N. Petrov - 702-702 Burnt by the Sun. The Koreans of the Russian Far East
by Ellen S. Hurwitz - 703-704 Russia’s Long Twentieth Century. Voices, Memories, Contested Perspectives
by Olga Kuznetsova - 704-706 Explaining Russian Foreign Policy Behavior. Theory and Practice
by Ohannes Geukjian - 706-707 Unified Military Industries of the Soviet Bloc. Hungary and the Division of Labor in Military Production
by Stefano Ricci - 708-708 Books Received
by The Editors
March 2017, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 379-400 The Struggle for Meaning of Obshchestvennyi Kontrol’ in Contemporary Russia: Civic Participation between Resistance and Compliance after the 2011–2012 Elections
by Catherine Owen - 401-425 Making Baikal Russian: Imperial Politics at the Russian–Qing Border
by Ivan Sablin - 426-457 A Spatial Analysis of Czech Parliamentary Elections, 2006–2013
by Pavel Maškarinec - 458-482 Policy Diffusion, Policy Learning and Local Politics: Macroprudential Policy in Hungary and Slovakia
by Katalin Mérő & Dóra Piroska - 483-507 Images of Populism and Producerism: Political Cartoons from Serbia’s ‘Anti-Bureaucratic Revolution’
by Marko Grdešić - 508-531 How Soviet is the Religious Revival in Georgia: Tactics in Everyday Religiosity
by Ketevan Gurchiani - 532-533 Authoritarian Russia. Analyzing Post-Soviet Regime Changes
by Simon Cosgrove - 533-535 The ‘Russian’ Civil Wars 1916–1926. Ten Years That Shook the World
by Natalia Kovalyova - 535-536 Transnationalization and Regulatory Change in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood. Ukraine between Brussels and Moscow
by Nataliya Muzyka - 536-537 The Crimean Tatars. From Soviet Genocide to Putin’s Conquest
by Ghasem Torabi - 537-539 European Identity in the Context of National Identity. Questions of Identity in Sixteen European Countries in the Wake of the Financial Crisis
by Zerrin Torun - 539-540 The Hungarian Patient. Social Opposition to an Illiberal Democracy
by Theresa Gessler - 541-542 Russia’s Security Policy under Putin. A Critical Perspective
by Raymond Taras - 542-543 A ‘Macro-regional’ Europe in the Making. Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Evidence
by Gabriele Abels - 544-545 Germany, Russia, and the Rise of Geo-Economics
by Hannes Adomeit - 545-547 Pluralism by Default. Weak Autocrats and the Rise of Competitive Politics
by Ben Noble - 547-548 Living Soviet in Ukraine from Stalin to Maidan. Under the Falling Red Star in Kharkiv
by Christopher Gilley - 549-550 Contemporary Russian Cinema. Symbols of a New Era
by Christine Engel - 550-551 An Agenda for the Western Balkans. From Elite Politics to Social Sustainability
by Davide Denti - 552-552 Books Received
by The Editors
February 2017, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 195-201 Popular Geopolitics in Russia and Post-Soviet Eastern Europe
by Joanna Szostek - 202-221 The Production of ‘Novorossiya’: A Territorial Brand in Public Debates
by Mikhail Suslov - 222-241 ‘Europe’ as a Normative Model in the Mediatised Discourse of Ukrainian Political Elites
by Dariya Orlova - 242-261 Constructed ‘Otherness’? Poland and the Geopolitics of Contested Belarusian Identity
by Nelly Bekus - 262-283 Rebuilt Empire or New Collapse? Geopolitical Visions of Russian Students
by Valeria Kasamara & Anna Sorokina - 284-302 News Consumption and Anti-Western Narratives in Russia: A Case Study of University Students
by Joanna Szostek - 303-324 The Popular Geopolitics Feedback Loop: Thinking Beyond the ‘Russia against the West’ Paradigm
by Robert A. Saunders & Vlad Strukov - 325-347 Communist-forgiving or Communist-purging?: Public Attitudes towards Transitional Justice and Truth Revelation in Post-1989 Poland
by Aleks Szczerbiak - 348-366 Russian Neo-patrimonialism and Putin’s ‘Cultural Turn’
by Neil Robinson - 367-368 The BRICS and the Future of Global Order
by João Mourato Pinto - 368-370 Theorizing Chinese Citizenship
by Catherine Owen - 370-371 The Politics of War Commemoration in the UK and Russia
by Steven J. Main - 371-372 From Conflict to Autonomy in the Caucasus. The Soviet Union and the Making of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh
by Ohannes Geukjian - 373-374 A Socio-Political Model of Lies in Russia. Putin Against the Personal
by Melissa-Ellen Dowling - 374-375 Russian Electricity and Energy Investment Law
by Yulia Yamineva - 376-377 Books Received
by The Editors
January 2017, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-7 Economic Inequality and Political Stability in Russia and China
by Stephen White & Ian McAllister & Neil Munro - 8-26 The Social Contract Revisited: Evidence from Communist and State Capitalist Economies
by Linda J. Cook & Martin K. Dimitrov - 27-52 Actual and Perceptual Social Inequality under Transformative Change in Russia and China
by Elena Danilova - 53-75 Predictors of Support for State Social Welfare Provision in Russia and China
by Neil Munro - 76-91 Economic Change and Public Support for Democracy in China and Russia
by Ian McAllister & Stephen White - 92-109 Why do Authoritarian Regimes Provide Public Goods? Policy Communities, External Shocks and Ideas in China’s Rural Social Policy Making
by Jane Duckett & Guohui Wang - 110-156 The Architecture of Alignment: The Russia–China Relationship and International Agreements
by Thomas Ambrosio - 157-170 The Emerging Hydrocarbon Interdependence between Russia and China: Institutional and Systemic Implications
by Catherine Locatelli & Mehdi Abbas & Sylvain Rossiaud - 171-172 Democracy, Civic Culture and Small Business in Russia’s Regions. Social processes in comparative historical perspective
by Raymond Taras - 172-174 Crossing Borders. Modernity, Ideology, and Culture in Russia and the Soviet Union
by Pınar Üre - 174-175 The Dark Side of European Integration. Social Foundations and Cultural Determinants of the Rise of Radical Right Movements in Contemporary Europe
by Zerrin Torun - 176-177 Hunger and War. Food Provisioning in the Soviet Union during World War II
by Steven J. Main - 177-178 The Depths of Russia. Oil, Power, and Culture after Socialism
by Olga Kuznetsova - 179-180 Serbia and the Balkan Front, 1914. The Outbreak of the Great War
by Quincy Cloet - 180-181 Helsinki Revisited. A Key U.S. Negotiator’s Memoirs on the Development of the CSCE into the OSCE
by Stefan Gänzle - 181-183 Informal Economies in Post-Socialist Spaces. Practices, Institutions and Networks
by Ilona Baumane-Vītoliņa - 183-184 Power, Politics and Confrontation in Eurasia. Foreign Policy in a Contested Region
by Matthew Frear