1975, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 460-476 Polish postwar economic growth
by H. Flakierski - 477-481 Comment on ‘a suggested model of USSR defence expenditures’
by A. B. Bark - 482-516 Book reviews
by Marshall Goldman & Heinrich Vogel & Roger Clarke & John Waller & B. V. Kousseff & Michael Ellman & Philip Hanson & Sheila Fitzpatrick & Stanislav Andreski & George Ginsburgs & R. Beermann & Roger Kanet & Michael Parrish & Dana Dalrymple & Morris Rothenberg & Walter Newey & Paul Dukes & Antony Polonsky & Jan Perkowski & Michael Rowe & Paul Fletcher - 516-519 Book notices
by The Editors - 519-520 Books received
by The Editors - 521-521 List of contributors
by The Editors
1975, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 161-177 Alcohol in the USSR: A fiscal dilemma
by Vladimir Treml - 178-195 The missing revolutionary war
by Norman Davies - 196-219 Preobrazhensky and the theory of the transition period
by Richard Day - 220-244 Soviet agricultural policy in the twenties: The failure of cooperation
by Robert Miller - 245-264 Red army doctrine and training on the eve of the second world war
by Amnon Sella - 265-287 Bank control of the wage fund in Poland: 1950–70
by John Farrell - 288-305 Soviet policy in the Middle East: Problems of analysis
by Hannes Adomeit - 306-309 Stalin and soviet development: Some recent books
by R. W. Davies
1975, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-26 Income distribution in Soviet agriculture
by Karl‐Eugen Wädekin - 27-45 The Soviet debate on strategic arms limitation: 1968–72
by Samuel Payne - 46-70 The functions of the Supreme Soviet organs, and problems of their institutional development
by Shugo Minagawa - 71-85 Some indirect estimates of Eastern European capital stocks and factor productivity
by Paul Gregory - 86-108 Soviet students‐some sociological perspectives
by Mervyn Matthews - 109-127 The end of the Russian peasantry?
by Ian Hill - 129-133 An Encyclopaedic treatment of Soviet law
by John Hazard
1974, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 473-501 The hunting of the hierarchy: RSFSR Obkom first secretaries and the central committee
by Mary McAuley - 502-521 The Soviet military and soviet policy in the Middle East 1970–73
by Ilana Dimant‐Kass - 522-539 Proletarian theory and peasant practice: Lenin 1901–04
by Esther Kingston‐Mann - 540-567 The Bolsheviks and working women, 1905–20
by Anne Bobroff - 568-590 Atomic energy for peaceful purposes in the Warsaw pact countries
by Jozef Wilczynski - 591-603 Measurement of aggregate efficiency in the Czechoslovak economy
by Jaroslav Krejci - 604-609 The influence of different economic systems on detailed technology
by C. C. Gallagher
1974, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 305-321 Soviet long‐term consumption planning: Distribution according to rational need
by Phillip Weitzman - 322-343 Soviet sport and Soviet foreign policy
by James Riordan - 344-362 Causes and consequences of disguised industrial unemployment in a socialist economy
by George Feiwel - 363-379 The price level of Soviet machinery in the 1960s
by Abraham Becker - 380-395 Plekhanov, Trotsky, and the development of Soviet historiography
by Samuel Baron - 396-416 Aspects of the RKP(B) secretariat, March 1919 to April 1922
by Janice Ali - 417-440 The Soviet Union and international terrorism
by Leon Romaniecki - 441-445 Once more: Economic growth, US defence expenditures and the Soviet defence budget
by Franz Walter - 446-449 A behavioural symposium
by T. H. Rigby - 449-453 Using the sources
by John Long
1974, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial advisory board
by The Editors - 157-180 The reliability of Russian prewar grain output statistics
by S. G. Wheatcroft - 181-204 The first and the Russian Marxist tradition
by James White - 205-223 The orthodox model of the socialist enterprise in the light of Romanian experience
by David Granick - 224-238 An empirical analysis of the structure and stability of communist foreign trade 1960–68
by C. W. Lawson - 239-259 Stalinist ideology: The case of the Stalinist interpretation of monopoly capitalist politics
by Richard Nordahl - 260-271 The fate of modern man
by Diana Burgin - 272-273 A note on defence aspects of the Ural‐Kuznetsk combine
by R. W. Davies - 274-275 General Kornilov and the land of Kashgar: A note
by D. N. Collins - 276-282 Soviet aid and trade with the developing world
by R. P. Sinha - 282-298 Book reviews
by Brian Silver & Peter Frank & A. H. Brown & Edith Frankel & Hannes Adomeit & Arthur Klinghoffer & Leslie Symons & Roger Pethybridge & Jack Miller & A. Nove & E. Koutaissoff - 299-300 Books received
by The Editors - 301-301 List of contributors
by The Editors - 301-301 Errata
by The Editors
1974, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-27 The Soviet economic associations
by Alice Gorlin - 28-40 The status of national minority languages in Soviet education: An assessment of recent changes
by Brian Silver - 41-55 Contradiction and change in state socialism
by Stephen White - 56-71 Taxation of the population in Czechoslovakia
by Jan Adam - 72-80 Economic growth, US defence expenditures and the Soviet defence budget: A suggested model
by Paul Gregory - 81-97 The Soviet ‘new method’ pricing formulae
by S.J. Michael J. Lavelle - 98-119 Economic policy and economic reform
by Antoni Chawluk - 120-123 A case of publication standards: M. Ferro's book in translation
by D. A. Longley
1973, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial advisory board
by The Editors - 167-169 The origins of A personal note
by Jack Miller - 170-195 Criticism from afar: A reply
by Alexander Gerschenkron - 196-212 Patterns of deputy selection to local Soviets
by Ronald Hill - 213-228 Regional economic development in Yugoslavia
by Mary Gregory - 229-243 Some observations on the concept of ‘socialism’ in contemporary economic theory
by Steven Rosefielde - 244-270 The political economy of socialism‐orthodoxy and change in Polish texts
by Domenico Nuti - 271-273 Soviet periodical prices 1964–73
by J. A. Newth - 274-275 Restructuring versus reform
by Henry Schaefer - 276-282 How dead is the GDR new economic system?
by Jacob Naor - 283-298 A document on the Kornilov affair
by N. Ukraintsev - 299-306 Tsarist labour policy
by Madhavan Palat - 306-332 Book reviews
by Ivan Rudnytsky & Avril Pyman & Marshall Goldman & W. Klatt & A. Nove & David Benn & Philippa Lewis & Vladimir Kusin & A. McAuley & Everett Jacobs & R. A. Clarke & A. Kiralfy & David Law & T. M. Podolski & Jaroslav Krejci & Z. A. Jordan & Alan Ryan - 333-335 Books received
by The Editors - 336-336 List of contributors
by The Editors
1973, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial advisory board
by The Editors - 3-27 The supreme economic council 1917–21
by Samuel Oppenheim - 28-50 Officers and men. A study of the development of political attitudes among the sailors of the Baltic Fleet in 1917
by D. A. Longley - 51-65 The Lake Khasan affair of 1938: Overview and lessons
by Alvin Coox - 66-76 Inefficiency and reform in the Soviet economy
by Alan Abouchar - 77-87 Dr. Abouchar and levels of inefficiency
by Roger Clarke - 88-101 The role of economic experiments in improving the economic management mechanism
by Janusz Zielinski - 102-124 Some aspects of the Czechoslovak economic reform and the working class in 1968
by Alex Pravda - 125-129 Typology of opposition
by Vladimir Kusin - 130-153 Book reviews
by R. W. Davies & James Millar & Roy Laird & Ronald Amann & Leslie Dienes & W. E. Butler & Albert Kiralfy & Beryl Williams & George Brinkley & L. Hirszowicz & Barry Hollingsworth & Peter Brock & B. Vago - 153-155 Correspondence
by Wayne Limberg - 155-157 Conferences
by The Editors - 157-159 Books received
by The Editors - 160-160 List of contributors
by The Editors
1973, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 477-490 American capital in the contest for Soviet oil, 1920–23
by Philip Gillette - 491-505 Lenin's decision to seize power: The influence of events in Finland
by Norman Saul - 506-521 The Baltic Fleet and the Kronstadt mutiny
by Evan Mawdsley - 522-532 Soviet specialization and trade in manufactures
by C. H. McMillan - 533-549 Polish postwar economic growth from the viewpoint of Soviet experience
by John Whalley - 550-553 A note on Pilnyak's ‘tale of the unextinguished Moon’
by Edith Frankel - 554-587 The new economic system in the GDR: An obituary
by Michael Keren - 588-593 The bureaucrat and the
by James McClelland - 593-626 Reviews
by Robert Campbell & Philip Hanson & Alex Pravda & J. Birch & Thomas Donovan & James Seymour & James Millar & Samuel Lieberstein & Zvi Halevy & L. Sinclair & Nancy Heer & Elisabeth Elliot & Colin O'Riordan & Andrew Threipland & W. Klatt & Robert Maguire - 626-627 Correspondence
by Paul Gregory - 627-630 Books received
by The Editors - 632-632 List of contributors
by The Editors
1973, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 329-347 The economic burden of Soviet involvement in the Middle East
by Gur Ofer - 348-363 The USSR and developing countries: Politics and export prices, 1955–69
by William Moskoff & G. William Benz - 364-373 Prices and the conservation of natural resources in the Soviet Union
by John Kramer - 374-386 Khrushchev's anti‐religious policy and the campaign of 1954
by Joan Grossman - 387-401 Khrushchev remembered: On the theory of Soviet statehood
by George Brinkley - 402-410 The new Soviet standard methodology for investment allocation
by Alan Abouchar - 411-413 The socialist revolutionaries on ‘permanent revolution’
by Maureen Perrie - 414-420 Moscow, Petersburg and the Russian industrialists. In reply to Ruth Amende Roosa
by James White - 421-425 ‘United’ Russian industry
by Ruth Roosa - 426-430 The new Soviet politics
by Mary McAuley - 462-466 Fifteenth list of soviet statistical abstracts
by Paul Fletcher - 467-468 Correspondence
by James Millar & N. Lampert - 468-469 Conference report
by The Editors - 470-470 Availability of materials
by The Editors - 471-472 Books received
by The Editors - 474-474 List of contributors
by The Editors
1972, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial advisory board
by The Editors - 171-199 Soviet Northern development: The case of NW Siberia
by Robert North - 200-222 The 1970 Soviet census
by J. A. Newth - 223-250 The social composition and structure of the socialist‐revolutionary party before 1917
by Maureen Perrie - 251-269 Populists and workers
by Reginald Zelnik - 270-280 A note on the numerical strength of the Russian red guard in October 1917
by D. N. Collins - 281-284 The beginnings of planning
by Alfred Zauberman - 284-318 Reviews
by John Keep & Michael Ellman & V. V. Kusin & Cyril Black & Isabel de Madariaga & Beryl Williams & Lewis Siegelbaum & Robert Olby & Michael Nicholson & Elisabeth Elliot & George Avis & John Bowlt & Eleonore Breuning & Evan Mawdsley & Norman Luxenburg & C. G. Jacobsen & Ljubo Sirc - 318-320 Correspondence
by Peter Wiles & Raymond Hutchings - 320-324 Conference of national association for Soviet and East European studies—April 1972
by The Editors - 324-325 Books received
by The Editors - 326-326 List of contributors
by The Editors
1972, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-23 The Soviet politburo: A comparative profile 1951–71
by T. H. Rigby - 24-40 Career development in the Soviet Obkom elite: A conservative trend
by Robert Blackwell - 41-60 Soviet parliamentary committees after Khrushchev: Obstacles and opportunities
by D. Richard Little - 61-76 The divisions in the Bolshevik party in march 1917
by D. A. Longley - 86-90 Bukharin in England
by Colin Holmes - 139-143 Religion in the USSR
by W. H. C. Frend
1972, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 519-553 The Soviet response to surprise attack: Three directives, 22 June 1941
by J. Erickson - 554-572 Japanese foreknowledge of the Soviet‐German war, 1941
by Alvin Coox - 573-585 The Soviet command and the battle of Warsaw
by Norman Davies - 586-607 Management spillovers from Soviet space and military programmes
by Robert Campbell - 608-618 Soviet computer centres: Network or tangle?
by Kathryn Bartol - 629-658 The strategy and tactics of economic decentralization
by Richard Portes
1972, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 345-372 Kirov before the revolution
by John Biggart - 373-394 A Journeyman for the revolution: Stalin and the labour movement in Baku, June 1907‐May 1908
by Ronald Suny - 395-417 Russian industrialists and ‘state socialism’, 1906–17
by Ruth Roosa - 418-434 Economic growth and structural change in Tsarist Russia: A case of modern economic growth?
by Paul Gregory - 435-449 A sectoral analysis of efficiency under market and plan
by Earl Brubaker - 450-464 The factor proportions problem in Soviet internal trade
by Roger Skurski - 465-473 Supervision and efficiency in socialized agriculture
by Michael Bradley & M. Gardner Clark - 474-483 Macrostructural and microstructural performance of the economy
by Béla Csikós‐Nagy
1971, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 177-185 The decisions of the CPSU and the great purge
by Robert McNeal - 186-200 The revolution in Lithuania 1918–19
by J. D. White - 201-215 The Russian revolution of 1917–18 in Transbaikalia
by Russell Snow - 216-221 The 1970 Soviet census: Fusion or crystallization of nationalities?
by Rein Taagepera - 222-235 Socio‐economic mobility and the rural history of Russia 1905–30
by Teodor Shanin - 236-253 The emergence of Glaviskusstvo. Class war on the cultural front, Moscow, 1928–29
by Sheila Fitzpatrick - 254-281 Yury Tynyanov's A political interpretation
by D. G. B. Piper - 309-317 Discounting methods in polish planning
by D. M. Nuti
1971, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-25 Information and incentives in planning Soviet investment projects
by Marvin Jackson - 26-58 Issues in Soviet energy policy and conflicts over fuel costs in regional development
by Leslie Dienes - 59-77 Soviet imports of primary products: A case‐study of cocoa
by Philip Hanson - 78-95 The German independent socialists at the second Comintern congress
by Dan Morrill - 96-102 Marx's classification of economic systems and the soviet economy
by Paul Roberts - 109-119 The role of prices in a command economy
by Jean Marczewski - 120-148 Policy‐making in the Soviet union
by A. H. Brown
1971, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 487-511 Income distribution under communism and capitalism. Some Facts about Poland, the UK, the USA and the USSR
by P. J. D. Wiles & Stefan Markowski - 512-538 Soviet rural society. A descriptive stratification analysis
by Karl‐Eugen Wädekin - 539-555 Managerial incentives in soviet collective agriculture during the Khrushchev Era
by Robert Stuart - 556-561 Soviet mass‐political work in residential areas
by A. L. Unger - 562-574 A medium for the masses: Agitation in the Soviet civil war
by Richard Taylor - 575-594 Russian art in the nineteen twenties
by John Bowlt - 609-622 Recent discussion on consumption planning in Poland
by Bogdan Mieczkowski - 623-630 The trials: Czechoslovak experience
by Vladimír Kusín
1971, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 327-343 East‐west comparisons and comparative economic systems
by Philip Hanson - 344-369 Income distribution under communism and capitalism. Some facts about Poland, the UK, the USA and the USSR
by P. J. D. Wiles & Stefan Markowski - 370-375 Gross national product in the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia. A comparative analysis
by Jaroslav Krejčí - 376-393 Municipal administrations, departments, commissions and organizations
by B. M. Frolic - 406-432 On the effectiveness of the polish economic reforms
by Janusz Zieliński - 433-446 Planning versus competition
by G. B. Richardson
1970, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 167-191 The Soviet leadership: Towards a self‐stabilizing oligarchy?
by T. H. Rigby - 192-221 Leonid Krasin: The years before 1917 an outline
by Michael Glenny - 222-254 Decentralizing the Soviet economy: Legal regulation of price and quality
by Martin Spechler - 255-261 Some notes on over‐full employment planning, short‐run balance, and the Soviet economic reforms
by Franklyn Holzman - 262-294 Back on the grain front
by Jerzy Karcz - 295-297 Pokrovsky's rehabilitation: A reply to Bernard W. Eissenstat
by George Enteen - 298-307 Soviet history: Three reviews
by S. G. Checkland - 307-322 Reviews
by D. J. R. Scott & J. F. N. Bradley & V. Swoboda & Antony Polonsky & K. M. Gwilliam & George Gömöri & Ivo Lapenna & Alastair McAuley & Ljubo Sirc & Stanislaw Wasowski & Lionel Kochan & L. Sinclair - 322-324 Books received
by The Editors - 324-324 List of contributors
by The Editors
1970, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial advisory board
by The Editors - 3-23 The February revolution in the Russian army
by Allan Wildman - 24-36 The economics of pure communism
by Howard Sherman - 37-43 A comment but not a rejoinder
by P. J. D. Wiles - 44-60 The Soviet Union and World shipping
by Philip Hanson - 61-76 Soviet local elections: What they are, and what they are not
by Everett Jacobs - 77-93 Soviet rapid development and the agricultural surplus hypothesis
by James Millar