2002, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 149-155 Accounting history research in Spain, 1996-2001: an introduction
by Trevor Boyns & Salvador Carmona - 157-185 Mechanisms for controlling expenditure in the Spanish Royal Household, c.1561-c.18081
by Jose Jurado-Sanchez - 187-202 Esteban Hernandez Esteve: an appreciation
by Salvador Carmona - 203-229 The 'Hojas de Ganado' of the Monastery of Guadalupe, 1597-1784: an accounting instrument for fundamental economic decisions
by Enrique Llopis & Esther Fidalgo & Teresa Mendez - 231-251 Early cost management practices, state ownership and market competition: the case of the Royal Textile Mill of Guadalajara, 1717-44
by Eva Carmona & Donato Gomez - 253-273 Accounting and quality control in the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville, 1744-90: an historical perspective
by Maria Alvarez & Fernando Gutierrez & Domi Romero - 275-315 Organizational change and accounting: the gunpowder monopoly in New Spain, 1757-87
by Miriam Nunez - 317-345 Ownership structure and accountability: the case of the privatization of the Spanish tobacco monopoly, 1887-96
by Marta Macias - 347-368 Fuerzas Motrices del Valle de Lecrin, 1936-9: accounting reports and ideological struggles in time of civil war
by Luis Fernandez-Revuelta & Donato Gomez & Keith Robson
2002, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-24 An analysis of the first ten volumes of research in Accounting, Business and Financial History
by Malcolm Anderson - 25-42 Foreign-currency transactions and the recovery of German industry in the aftermath of the First World War: the case of Schering AG
by Christopher Kobrak - 43-72 'Specialities still continue to increase amazingly': division of labour among building-related firms
by Christopher Powell - 73-94 UK immigrants and the foundation of the US public accountancy profession
by T. A. Lee - 95-111 An Italian forerunner of modern cost allocation concepts: Lorenzo De Minico and the logic of the 'flows of services'
by Lino Cinquini & Alessandro Marelli - 113-129 The use of the postal questionnaire in accounting history research
by Derek Matthews
2001, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 265-267 Editorial
by Junichi Chiba & Terry Cooke - 269-281 Cost accounting standard and cost accounting systems in Japan. Lessons from the past - recovering lost traditions
by Takeo Yoshikawa - 283-292 Asset valuation and accounting strategy within the Japanese shipping industry c.1876-c.1950
by Fujio Yamaguchi - 293-309 The historical significance of the revaluation of fixed assets in Japan's state-owned railway system, 1955-6
by Shigeto Sasaki - 311-330 The designing of corporate accounting law in Japan after the Second World War
by Junichi Chiba - 331-348 The development of the group accounts disclosure system in Japan
by Jun Kawamoto - 349-368 International harmonization of Japanese accounting standards
by Masato Kikuya - 369-382 Dutch accounting in Japan 1609-1850: isolation or observation?
by Kees Camfferman & Terry Cooke
2001, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 99-115 The case for management history
by Andrew Thomson - 117-143 'A vast aggregate of avaricious and flagitious jobbing'? George Hudson and the evolution of early notions of directorial responsibility
by Sean McCartney & A. J. Arnold - 145-170 The evolution of the Australian life insurance industry
by Monica Keneley - 171-191 English commercial bank liquidity, 1860-1913
by Michael Collins & Mae Baker - 193-223 The deliberation around accounting techniques: accounting for depreciation and foreign exchange in an Indian jute company, 1870-1900
by Ross Stewart - 225-251 Accounting issues and the measurement of profits - English banks 1920-68
by Forrest Capie & Mark Billings
2001, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction
by Trevor Boyns & Marc Nikitin - 7-27 The development of professional associations: the experience of French accountants from the 1880s to the 1940s
by Claude Bocqueraz - 29-42 Accounting and management in the social dialogue: the experience of fifty years of works councils in France
by Michel Capron - 43-58 Berliet, the obstructed manager: too clever, too soon?
by Henri Zimnovitch - 59-77 Environmental turbulence and the functions of budgetary control
by Nicolas Berland - 79-97 The British aluminium industry, 1945-80s: chronicles of a death foretold?
by Ludovic Cailluet
2000, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 259-291 Accountability vs privacy, 1844-1907: the coming of the private company
by A. C. Storrar & K. C. Pratt - 293-316 George Hudson's financial reporting practices: putting the Eastern Counties Railway in context
by Sean McCartney & A.J. Tony Arnold - 317-346 The rise and rise of the share premium account
by M. V. Pitts - 347-369 Specialty production, personal capitalism and auditors' reports: Mintons Ltd., c.1870-1900
by Andrew Popp - 371-383 The life and career of John Spence Ogilvy (1805-71), the first chartered accountant to emigrate to Australia
by Garry Carnegie & Robert Parker & Roy Wigg - 385-393 Accounting History Publications 1999
by Malcolm Anderson
2000, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 91-95 Introduction
by Thomas Tyson & Richard Fleischman - 97-128 Accounting practices of the St. Joseph Lead Company: 1864-1900
by Glenn Vent & Ronald Milne - 129-168 In search of E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Company: the perils of archival research
by Roxanne Johnson - 169-190 The changing genderization of the accounting workforce in the US, 1930-90
by Charles Wootton & Barbara Kemmerer - 191-212 Parallels between US and UK cost accountancy in the World War I era
by Richard Fleischman & Thomas Tyson - 213-243 The foundations of modern cost management: the life and work of Albert Fink
by Jan Richard Heier - 245-258 T. Coleman Andrews: crusader for accountability in government
by Susan Morecroft & Edward Coffman & Daniel Jensen
2000, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-12 The 'particular gain or loss upon each article we deal in': an aspect of mercantile accounting, 1300-1800
by Basil Yamey - 13-36 No value in par: a history of the no par value debate in the United Kingdom
by Christopher Noke - 37-56 Banking merchants and banking houses: the hidden key to the workings of the Spanish banking system in the nineteenth century
by Jose Ramon & Garcia Lopez - 57-83 Oral history, accounting history and an interview with Sir John Grenside
by Derek Matthews
1999, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 265-290 Accounting in the late medieval town: the account books of the stewards of Southampton in the fifteenth century
by Anne Thick - 291-306 The accounting practices of a sixteenth-century pastel merchant from the French region of Toulouse
by Michele Lacombe-Saboly - 307-323 Economic prosperity of the gold-mining industry in Australia and the consequent gold tax
by Reza Mohammed Monem - 325-347 Did Gladstone make a difference? Rhetoric and reality in mid-Victorian finance
by Christine Gunter & John Maloney - 349-373 Privatizing the statutory auditing services in Greece
by Apostolos Ballas - 375-384 Accounting History Publications 1998
by Malcolm Anderson
1999, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 157-174 McKesson & Robbins: a milestone in auditing
by W. T. Baxter - 175-201 Through a glass clearly: management practice on the Bowes family estates c.1700-70 as revealed by the accounts
by David Oldroyd - 203-223 Engineering culture and accounting development at Albion Motors, 1900-c.1970
by Sam Mckinstry - 225-254 Introducing double-entry bookkeeping in public finance: a French experiment at the beginning of the eighteenth century
by Yannick Lemarchand
1999, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction
by Stephen Walker - 7-28 The Institute of Accounts: a community of the competent
by Keith Mcmillan - 29-50 'A sort of guide, philosopher and friend': the rise of the professional auditor in Britain
by Josephine Maltby - 51-75 Opportunity lost? Chances for cost accountants' professionalization under the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933
by Richard Fleischman & Thomas Tyson - 77-102 Accountants and Empire: the case of co-membership of Australian and British accountancy bodies, 1885 to 1914
by Garry Carnegie & Robert Parker - 103-133 Importing accounting: the case of Trinidad and Tobago
by Marcia Annisette - 135-156 Gender segregation in Scottish chartered accountancy: the deployment of male concerns about the admission of women, 1900-25
by Ken Shackleton
1998, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 239-260 Accounting and control in Barclays Bank (DCO): the lending to Africans episode
by Chibuike Uche - 261-301 Budgets and budgetary control in British businesses to c.1945
by Trevor Boyns - 303-329 The availability of information and the accumulation of experience as motors for the diffusion of budgetary control: the French experience from the 1920s to the 1960s
by Nicolas Berland - 331-349 Is management accounting just what management accountants do? Implicit cost analysis on Britain's railways c.1923-1939
by R. A. Edwards - 351-369 Window-dressing in German inter-war balance sheets
by Mark Spoerer - 371-382 Accounting History Publications 1997
by Malcolm Anderson
1998, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 137-164 'More a national asset than an investor's paradise': financial management and the British Motor Corporation, 1952-68
by Sue Bowden & Josephine Maltby - 165-174 Agricultural cost accounting development in Britain: the contributions of three men from Wye - a review note
by Roger Juchau & Paul Hill - 175-189 A short review of the historical critique of usury
by Wayne Visser & Alastair Macintosh - 191-209 Review and extension of Bhattacharyya's Modern Accounting Concepts in Kautilya's Arthasastra
by Richard Mattessich - 211-229 Mercantilism, management accounting or managerialism? Cost accounting in early nineteenth-century US textile mills
by Thomas Tyson
1998, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-11 Business ethics: A 3000-year-old orthodox perspective which impinges on contemporary business decisions
by Roger Lister - 13-31 A case of an early 1900s principal-agent relationship in the Mississippi lumber industry
by Timothy McCoy & Dale Flesher - 33-52 Victorian share-pricing - a problem in thin trading
by Marianne Pitts - 53-72 Ferranti and the accountant, 1896-1975: The struggle between priorities and reality
by John Wilson - 73-103 The life and death of the Australian permanent building societies
by Dianne Thomson & Malcolm Abbott - 105-124 Accounting History Publications, 1995/6
by Malcolm Anderson
1997, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 251-257 Introduction
by R. H. Parker & Y. Lemarchand & T. Boyns - 259-280 Hospital accounts and accounting systems: a study in the French region of Toulouse from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century
by Miche 'Le Lacombe-Saboly - 281-294 Accounting and financial policy at Schneider (1837-75)
by Laurent Batsch - 295-314 Accounting and accountants as essential elements in the development of central administration during the inter-war period: management ideology and technology at Alais, Froges et Camargue (AFC-Pechiney)
by Ludovic Cailluet - 315-343 Management accounting in its social context: Rimailho revisited
by Henri Bouquin - 345-365 The development of standard costing at SaintGobain, 1920-60: forty years of quarantine?
by Henri Zimnovitch - 367-380 The development of discounted cash flow and profitability of investment in France in the 1960s
by Anne Pezet
1997, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 143-173 'Publishing your private affairs to the world': corporate financial disclosures in the UK 1900-24
by A. J. Arnold - 175-194 The internationalization of British professional accounting: the role of the examination exporting bodies
by R. J. Briston & M. J. M. Kedslie - 195-232 Firm structure and financial performance: the Lancashire textile industry, c.1884 - c.1960
by David Higgins & Steven Toms - 233-242 The professional background of company law pressure groups
by Stewart Jones
1997, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-30 'Balancing the books': funding provincial hospitals in eighteenth-century England
by Amanda Berry - 31-59 Progenitors of modern management accounting concepts and mensurations in pre-industrial England
by Michael Scorgie - 61-80 Annual reporting disclosures 1970-90: an exemplification
by Susan Bartlett & Michael John Jones - 81-104 The financial performance of the East African Development Bank: a retrospective analysis
by Victor Murinde & Joram Kariisa-Kasa - 105-136 An overview of recent Dutch-language publications in accounting, business and financial history in the Netherlands
by Kees Camfferman