- 2007-19 Spatial Equilibrium in a State Space Approach to Demand Uncertainty
by Kieron J. Meagher & Klaus G. Zauner - 2007-18 Partial Equilibrium and Marshall
by Peter Kriesler - 2007-17 The Effect of Maternal Employment on the Likelihood of a Child Being Overweight
by Anna Zhu - 2007-16 Dynamic Adjustments to Terms of Trade Shocks: The USA Productivity Boom and Australia
by Richard G. Harris & Peter E. Robertson - 2007-15 Tariffs and Technology Transfer through an Intermediate Product
by Eiji Horiuchi & Jota Ishikawa - 2007-14 Confidentially is Not Enough: Framing Effects in Student Evaluation of Economics Teaching
by Kieron J. Meagher - 2007-13 Bayesian Covariance Matrix Estimation using a Mixture of Decomposable Graphical Models
by Helen Armstrong & Christopher K. Carter & Kevin K. F. Wong & Robert Kohn - 2007-10 A discrete choice model with misclassification and multiple recall periods
by Rochelle Belkar & Waranya Pim Chanthapun & Denzil G. Fiebig
- 2019-06 Planar Beauty Contests
by Mikhail Anufriev & John Duffy & Valentyn Panchenko - 2019-05 Optimal Taxation with Risky Human Capital and Retirement Savings
by Radoslaw Paluszynski & Pei Cheng Yu - 2019-04 Political Capital
by Gabriele Gratton & Richard Holden & Barton E. Lee