September 1994, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-40 The physical environment as a global economic concern
by Thomas Nitsch - 41-50 The war mentality
by James Horner - 51-65 The moral meaning of money
by Timothy Sullivan - 66-73 Book reviews
by William Waters & Rita Maldonado-Bear
March 1994, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 1-5 The Clinton Administration and Big Business
by Walter Adams & James Brock - 6-9 President Clinton’s first year
by Wallace Peterson - 10-20 A realistic budget: What Clinton and Congress Leave Out
by William Dugger - 21-28 Employment in the U.S.: Public discourse and longterm trends
by Daniel Finn - 29-47 The ethical dimensions of quality and productivity improvement
by Edward O’Boyle - 48-52 Science as a philosophical basis for economic ethics
by Lewis Hill - 53-64 A social economist’s search for justice: Comment
by Steven Pressman - 65-68 A social economist’s search for justice: Reply
by Wallace Peterson - 69-73 Economic Justice in American Society. By Robert E. Kuenne
by David George
September 1993, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-12 Social economics and economics imperialism
by Mark Lutz - 13-32 Social economics and the new world order: A roman-catholic perspective
by Thomas Nitsch - 33-34 A comment on social economics and the new world order: A roman catholic perspective
by William Waters - 35-48 The meaning and validity of East Germany’s demise
by Siegfried Karsten - 49-58 Effective government intervention in the market for children
by L. Couvillion & Scott Meyer - 59-75 InterpretingEconomic Justice for all as a pre-economic essay on merit wants
by George Ladd - 76-77 Antitrust, the market, and the State: The Contributions of Walter Adams. Edited by James W. Brock and Kenneth G. Elzinga
by Peter Zaleski
March 1993, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 1-21 The hierarchy of need and moral economics
by Roger McCain - 22-29 Can rawls' vision of justice provide a preferential option for the poor of the third world?
by John Abell - 30-44 Catholic school education, catholic social teaching, and American business: Is there a link in practice?
by M. Celeste Boda & Marcia Agee - 45-60 Bernard Lonergan's contribution to social economics
by Eugene Donahue - 61-70 Economic selection and the role of government: Some lessons from evolutionary biology
by John Gowdy - 71-75 Scully, Gerald W. Constitutional environments and economic growth
by Timothy Brennan
March 1992, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-11 A social economist’s search for justice
by Wallace Peterson - 12-21 What Adam Smith really meant
by Arnold McKee - 22-34 Centesimus Annus: John Paul II’s encyclical on the centenary of rerum novarum
by Richard Coronado - 40-47 The epitaph for state socialism: Views of Bartlomiej Kaminski and of Peter Murrell
by Miron Wolnicki - 48-59 Prices, income and the economic status of older, single women: Implications for health care and housing policies
by Roberta Walsh & Jane Kolodinsky - 60-70 Problems solved and problems unaddressed by the Civil Rights Act of 1991 with respect to the use of statistical evidence in the proof of discrimination
by Janice Madden - 71-73 Are “good samaritan” laws desirable? A note
by Elias Khalil
September 1991, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-17 Centesimo Anno: The social encyclical of May 1991
by Thomas Nitsch - 18-21 Traditional supply-side economics: J. R. McCulloch on the stimulating effect of a tax increase
by James Henderson - 22-34 Was neo-classical economics composed backwards?
by David Martin - 35-42 John Maynard Keynes and Alvin Hansen: Contrasting methodologies and policies for social economics
by Lewis Hill - 43-50 Varieties of institutional economics: The theory of the firm
by John Tiemstra - 51-58 Schumpeter the sociologist—A review article
by William Waters
March 1991, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 1-1 Introduction
by Edward O’Boyle - 1-2 A glimpse of father becker in action in a government setting
by George Rohrlich - 3-7 The problem of abuse in unemployment benefits: A study in limits
by Andrew Hau - 8-15 Shared government in employment security: A study of advisory councils
by Patrick Welch - 16-32 In aid of the unemployed
by Bryce Jones - 33-41 Experience rating in unemployment insurance
by Gladys Gruenberg - 42-49 Guaranteed income for the unemployed
by Peter Danner - 50-56 Looking back from the last turn in the road
by Joseph Becker
September 1990, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-15 The structure of American economic policy: An exploration
by William Waters - 16-32 Competing perspectives on the formulation and thrust of public policy targeted at African Americans or did they come to bury gunnar myrdal—or to praise him?
by James Stewart - 33-39 Environmental policy assessment in the 1990s
by Joel Scheraga & Anne Smith - 40-44 On the usefulness of the Contingent Valuation Method for resource damage assessments and ecosystem valuation
by William O'Neil - 45-58 The environmental imperative of socio-economics
by James Swaney
March 1990, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 1-7 The new unionism: A report from Detroit
by Michael Whitty & Marc Stepp - 8-16 The new unionism: A report from Detroit
by Mike Whitty - 17-23 The new union—Management—Employee relations
by Reverend Dempsey - 24-30 Industrial democracy: The promise denied
by Kim Moody - 32-44 Homelessness: A critical aspect of unmet physical need
by Edward O’Boyle - 45-54 Adam Smith on colonies: An analytical and historical interpretation
by Lewis Hill & Betsy Clary - 55-67 Global capitalism: A perspective of convergence
by Constantine Polychroniou - 68-77 Reflections about India
by Siegfried Karsten - 78-87 Humanistic economics again
by Roger McCain - 88-92 Humanistic economics: The mondo continues
by Mark Lutz & Kenneth Lux
September 1989, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-6 Explicating the normative content of economic theory
by John Davis - 7-19 Etzioni’s “deontological paradigm”: A new direction for social economics?
by Stephen Worland - 20-29 The noisy crisis and all those trade-offs
by Madalene Curie - 30-40 Teaching in China
by Siegfried Karsten - 41-54 Principles, rules and ideology
by Elias Khalil - 55-72 The American catholic bishops’ pastoral letter on the economy: Statist or not?
by Richard Coronado - 73-88 Why bishops and CEO’s do not agree on economics
by T. Martin & Gene Laczniak - 89-95 Macroeconomic stability and economic justice
by Thomas Havrilesky - 96-99 McCain’s humanistic economics: A commentary
by Mark Lutz & Kenneth Lux - 100-101 Howard, M. C., and J. E. King. A history of marxian economics: Volume 1, 1883–1929
by Richard DuBoff
March 1989, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-6 Explicating the normative content of economic theory
by John Davis - 7-19 Etzioni’s “deontological paradigm”: A new direction for social economics?
by Stephen Worland - 20-29 The noisy crisis and all those trade-offs
by Madalene Curie - 30-40 Teaching in China
by Siegfried Karsten - 41-54 Principles, rules and ideology
by Elias Khalil - 55-72 The American catholic bishops’ pastoral letter on the economy: Statist or not?
by Richard Coronado - 73-88 Why bishops and CEO’s do not agree on economics
by T. Martin & Gene Laczniak - 89-95 Macroeconomic stability and economic justice
by Thomas Havrilesky - 96-99 McCain’s humanistic economics: A commentary
by Mark Lutz & Kenneth Lux - 100-101 Howard, M. C., and J. E. King. A history of marxian economics: Volume 1, 1883–1929
by Richard DuBoff
September 1988, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-25 The preferential option for the poor and the Marxian-Christian perspective on distributive justice
by Stephen Worland - 27-38 Religion, economics and politics: The Bishops and Keynes in the post-Keynesian ERA
by Thomas Nitsch - 39-55 Maximization principle and economists’ “black boxes”: A search for a more universal principle of economic behavior
by Eleg Zinam - 57-66 Humanistic economics: The new Challenge: A review essay
by Roger McCain
March 1988, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-12 Goals, values, and community in the social economy: Some of the implications from the social theories of Aristotle, Toennies, and Scheler
by Kenneth Stikkers - 13-22 Looking backward: Looking forward
by J. Davis - 23-39 On the morality of capitalism: In light of the market socialist alternative
by James Yunker - 41-50 Conflict between the efficiency and equity goals of manpower policies
by Masudul Choudhury - 51-52 Franz Mueller, eminent social economist
by William Waters
September 1987, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-19 Social catholicism, Marxism and solidarism: Views on human nature and values
by Thomas Nitsch - 21-25 Business ethics: How much can be left to the market?
by Almarin Phillips - 27-42 Economic self-sufficiency: Defined and measured in relation to economic proverty
by Edward O’Boyle - 43-58 An economic response to the threat of nuclear war
by Jon Wisman
September 1987, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-12 Wieser and the Austrian connection to social economics
by Robert Ekelund & Mark Thornton - 13-25 Reciprocity: Anthropological and economic theoretic perspectives
by Roger McCain - 27-44 Capitalism and consumption vs. competruism and conservation
by Bruce Gunn - 45-58 Islamic economics — A new economics or an old dogma?
by Hamid Hosseini - 59-61 First Annual Divine Award presented to Dr. William R. Waters
by William Waters - 63-66 Economists’ evaluation of the economics of the bishops
by Joseph Guerin
December 1986, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-15 Keynesian economics and Economists’ views on the state
by Jon Wisman - 17-28 Should labor hire capital? an essay on the democratization of the workplace
by Peter Lichtenstein - 29-43 Critical notes on the ‘free rider problem’ in collective action
by Paul Burkett - 45-58 Pastoral economics within the framework of a social economy
by Siegfried Karsten - 59-63 Evolution of science in general and economics in particular
by William Waters
September 1986, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-12 Wieser and the Austrian connection to social economics
by Robert Ekelund & Mark Thornton - 13-25 Reciprocity: Anthropological and economic theoretic perspectives
by Roger McCain - 27-44 Capitalism and consumption vs. competruism and conservation
by Bruce Gunn - 45-58 Islamic economics — A new economics or an old dogma?
by Hamid Hosseini - 59-61 First Annual Divine Award presented to Dr. William R. Waters
by William Waters - 63-66 Economists’ evaluation of the economics of the bishops
by Joseph Guerin
March 1986, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-17 Socialism and its future
by John Elliott - 19-33 The Trojan horse: Workers' democracy in the citadel of capitalism
by George Galster - 35-62 A conceptual context for collective bargaining
by Larry Donnelly - 63-73 The nature and implications of a process conception of rationality based on social learning
by Charles Fischer
September 1985, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 21-30 Controlling power in the social economy: A socialist approach
by E. Hunt - 31-41 The wage system and the distribution of power
by Warren Samuels
December 1985, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-19 Industrial policy and ‘participation’: The perspective of the Bishops’ pastoral letter
by Stephen Worland - 43-61 Power and decision making in health care
by Rose Rubin - 63-66 An alternative to economic retrenchment William M. Dugger
by Charles Zech - 67-69 Capitalism, competition and economic crisis: Structural changes in advanced industrialized countries, Y.S. Brenner
by William Dugger - 71-73 Social viewpoint
by George Rohrlich
September 1985, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-19 Industrial policy and ‘participation’: The perspective of the bishops’ pastoral letter
by Stephen Worland - 63-66 An alternative to economic retrenchment
by Charles Zech - 67-69 Capitalism, competition and economic crisis: structural changes in advanced industrialized countries
by William Dugger - 71-73 Social viewpoint
by George Rohrlich - 79-81 Announcements
by Charles Britton
March 1985, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-17 Capitalist morality and social justice: A marxist critique
by Rudy Fichtenbaum & Gordon Welty - 19-27 Reflections on the ethics of capitalism
by Lewis Hill - 29-59 A broad utilitarian theory of value and moral value
by James Yunker - 61-63 A note on an anniversary
by Joseph Flubacher
March 1984, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-1 A word from the editor
by Robert Deans - 1-33 New directions in humanistic economics or How to overcome the utility monster
by Mark Lutz & Kenneth Lux - 35-44 Not by bread alone A comment on “new directions in humanistic economics” by Mark A. Lutz and Kenneth Lux
by Y. Brenner - 45-54 Stabilization policy and long-term goals
by Spiro Patton - 55-62 Remarks on the epistemological and methodological bases of economics
by Franz Mueller - 63-83 Early years of the Association for Social Economics
by Louis Buckley - 84-84 Editor’s comment
by Robert Deans - 88-88 Temperance and economic assumptions
by Ira Goldberg
September 1983, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 51-66 Reaganomics and the two-fold effect
by Thomas Nitsch
February 1979, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-35 The Association for Social Economics Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il., August 28–30, 1978
by George Rohrlich - 37-60 Values and economic values
by Peter Danner - 61-63 The 1979 ASE convention program
by R. Faulhaber - 64-68 Social economist’s bookshelf
by J. Stanfield & Kendall Cochran & Rose Rubin & Ronnie Phillips
September 1975, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-4 The second crisis of economic theory
by Josef Solterer & Heinrich Pesch & Oswald Nell-Breuning & Bernard Dempsey - 5-20 Classical economists’ normative interpretations of competitive equilibrium
by Leonard Elzie - 21-26 Origins and implications of the “aging” of western society
by Franz Mueller - 27-31 The five phases of the demographic cycle, including decline: Their relation to socio-economic forces, and the implications for policy implementation
by Albert Kapusinski - 32-33 Bibliography on world hunger problem and the United States
by John Killeen - 34-35 Decision making and art institutes — a note
by S. Kinory - 35-35 The present inflation — a note
by John King - 36-36 Doctoral programs in social economics and political economy — a note
by Stephen Worland