December 1969, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-21 On the distribution of the latent roots of a positive definite random symmetric matrix I
by Takesi Hayakawa - 23-32 Non-central distributions ofith largest characteristic roots of three matrices concerning complex multivariate normal populations
by C. Khatri - 33-48 Testing for equality of means, equality of variances, and equality of covariances under restrictions upon the parameter space
by Leon Gleser & Ingram Olkin - 49-66 Power comparisons of tests of two multivariate hypotheses based on individual characteristic roots
by K. Sreeharan Pillai & Charles Dotson - 67-71 A note on the non-null distribution of the Wilks statistic in MANOVA
by Y. Asoh & Masashi Okamoto - 73-87 Nonparametric estimation in Markov processes
by George Roussas - 89-106 On some model of queueing system with state-dependent service time distributions
by Tosio Uematu - 107-116 Estimators for the parameters of a finite mixture of distributions
by Keewhan Choi - 117-125 Empirical Bayes procedure for (pattern) classification with stochastic learning
by Keewhan Choi - 127-136 Power function of the likelihood ratio test when range depends upon the parameter
by M. Jaiswal & C. Khatri - 137-148 On testing the equality of parameters ink triangular populations with unequal observations
by C. Khatri & M. Jaiswal - 149-161 Procedures for a best population problem when the criterion of bestness involves a fixed tolerance region
by Irwin Guttman & Roy Milton - 163-173 On the asymptotic theory of rank order tests for experiments involving paired comparisons
by Madan Puri & Pranab Sen - 175-183 On ergodic probability measures
by Nozomu Matubara - 185-193 Finite and infinite invariant measures for a measurable transformation
by Yoshihiro Kubokawa - 195-200 Remarks on finite invariant measures for one-parameter group of measurable transformations
by Yoshihiro Kubokawa - 201-210 Distribution of product and quotient of Bessel function variates
by Samuel Kotz & R. Srinivasan - 211-213 Fixed precision estimation in the class of IFR distribution
by J. Blum & Judah Rosenblatt - 215-218 The calculation of cumulants via conditioning
by David Brillinger - 219-220 A note on exponential bounds for binomial probabilities
by Olaf Krafft - 221-221 On the distribution of the maximum latent root of a positive definite symmetric random matrix
by Takesi Hayakawa - 223-223 Corrections to “On the empirical Bayes procedure (1)”
by Hirosi Hudimoto - 225-242 A method of statistical identification of discrete time parameter linear systems
by Hirotugu Akaike - 243-247 Fitting autoregressive models for prediction
by Hirotugu Akaike - 249-255 On the estimation of the population mean based on ordered samples from an equicorrelated multivariate distribution
by Koiti Takahasi - 257-263 The asymptotic joint distribution of an increasing number of sample quantiles
by Lionel Weiss - 265-275 Monotonicity of rank order likelihood ratio
by K. Lal Saxena & I. Savage - 277-285 A generalized monotone character of d.f.’S and moments of statistics from some well-known populations
by Govind Mudholkar - 287-289 Asymptotic independence between largest and smallest of a set of independent observations
by John Walsh - 291-308 A representation of Bayes invariant procedures in terms of Haar measure
by James Zidek - 309-320 On the moments of elementary symmetric functions of the roots of two matrices
by K. Sreedharan Pillai & Gary Jouris - 321-327 Non-central distributions of the largest latent roots of three matrices in multivariate analysis
by K. Pillai & T. Sugiyama - 329-333 On nonparametricT-method of multiple, comparisons for randomized blocks
by Pranab Sen - 335-342 Some non-orthogonal unsaturated main effect and resolution V plans derived from a one-restrictional lattice
by B. Raktoe & W. Federer - 343-346 A note on weighing designs
by A. Dey - 347-356 On the ε-entropy of diffusion processes
by Kimio Kazi - 357-366 Investigation of the mean waiting time for queueing system with many servers
by Toji Makino - 367-371 A queueing system with several types of customers
by D. Shanbhag - 373-376 On the significance level of preliminary tests in some “TE” procedures
by A. Gun - 377-390 On the stability of multisectoral growth equilibrium
by Ken-ichi Inada - 391-405 Characteristic functions satisfying a functional equation (II)
by Ryoichi Shimizu - 407-419 Power spectrum estimation through autoregressive model fitting
by Hirotugu Akaike - 421-456 Toward the mathematics of a general theory of behavior, 1 The lattice צ 0
by Edward Barankin - 457-469 Locally averaged risk
by Khursheed Alam & James Thompson - 471-488 Optimality of unbiased predictors
by Goro Ishii - 489-506 Partial orderings of permutations and monotonicity of a rank correlation statistic
by Takemi Yanagimoto & Masashi Okamoto - 507-514 On the costwise optimality of hierarchical multiresponse randomized block designs under the trace criterion
by J. Srivastava & L. McDonald - 515-528 Optimum stratification
by Ravindra Singh & B. Sukhatme - 529-532 A characterization of the normal law
by R. Pakshirajan & N. Mohan - 533-536 A remark on the incomparability of two criteria for a uniform convergence of probability measures
by Sadao Ikeda - 537-540 Boundedness of a measurable transformation and a weakly wandering set
by Yoshihiro Kubokawa - 541-545 Some known results concerning zero-one sets
by Morris Skibinsky - 547-550 A note on limiting distributions of some Rényi-type statistics
by B. Lientz - 551-556 Some distribution problems of order statistics from discrete populations
by D. Kabe
October 1961, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 209-226 Estimates from censored samples
by Charles Clark & G. Williams - 227-236 A multi-decision procedure related to the analysis of single degrees of freedom
by Allan Birnbaum - 237-248 Model for the estimation of the size of a population by using capture-recapture method
by Koiti Takahasi - 249-256 The return period of order statistics
by E. Gumbel - 257-271 A statistical study of random packing of unequal spheres
by Isao Higuti - 273-278 A note on the testing of homogeneity ofk binomial experiments based on the range
by Goro Ishii & Mitsuru Yamasaki - 279-279 Corrections to “Intraclass contingency tables.” The same annals Vol., XII, No. 2
by Goro Ishii - 280-280 Errata
by Keiiti Isii
June 1960, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 91-118 Sufficient parameters: Solution of the minimal dimensionality problem
by Edward Barankin - 119-134 The extrema of probability determined by generalized moments (I) bounded random variables
by Keiiti Isii - 135-141 Determination of optimum spacings for the estimation of the scale parameter of an exponential distribution based on sample quantiles
by Junjiro Ogawa - 143-145 Probabilities for Cramér-von Mises-Smirnov test using grouped data
by John Walsh - 147-149 A note on the interval estimation related to the regression matrix
by Minoru Siotani - 151-159 Cutting out procedures for material with Poisson defects
by Masaaki Sibuya - 161-207 Intraclass contingency tables
by Goro Ishii - 208-208 Errata
by Goro Ishii & Reiko Hayakawa
February 1960, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-5 On a min-max theorem and some of its applications
by Hirotugu Akaike & Yaeko Saigusa - 7-11 On a limiting process which asymptotically produces f −2 spectral density
by Hirotugu Akaike - 13-26 Empirical examination of Edgeworth series
by J. Crawford & John Walsh - 27-35 On a coefficient of unidimensional ordering for the individuals' attitudes
by Hirosi Hudimoto - 37-61 Diffusion process corresponding to $$\frac{1}{2}\sum {\frac{{\partial ^2 }}{{\partial x^{i2} }}} + \sum {b^i (x)\frac{\partial }{{\partial x^i }}} $$
by Minoru Motoo - 63-67 Remarque sur la répartition faible dans un espace localement convexe (I)
by Zyunsirô Higuti - 69-80 On the compound binomial distribution
by Goro Ishii & Reiko Hayakawa - 81-88 A remark on the convergence of Kullback-Leibler's mean information
by Sadao Ikeda
June 1959, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 145-165 Effect of timing-error on the power spectrum of sampled-data
by Hirotugu Akaike - 167-182 Notes on multivariate confidence bounds
by Minoru Siotani - 183-188 Nonparametric tests for median by interpolation from sign tests
by John Walsh - 189-193 Estimation in the Poisson distribution when sample values ofc+1 are sometimes erroneously reported asc
by A. Cohen - 195-210 Bivariate extreme statistics, I
by Masaaki Sibuya - 211-219 A two-sample rank test on location
by Toshiro Haga - 220-220 Errata
by Minoru Siotani & Masaru Ozawa & Masashi Okamoto
February 1959, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-16 On a successive transformation of probability distribution and its application to the analysis of the optimum gradient method
by Hirotugu Akaike - 17-24 On the exact probabilities of Renyi's tests
by Goro Ishii - 25-43 On a stochastic model concerning the pattern of communication
by Yasushi Taga & Keiiti Isii - 45-48 Coefficients for the determination of one-sided tolerance limits of normal distribution
by Miloš Jílek & Otakar Líkař - 49-54 Some evaluations for continuous Monte Carlo method by using Brownian hitting process
by Minoru Motoo - 55-68 Tables of the cumulative distribution functions of samples from symmetrically truncated normal distributions
by Om Aggarwal & Irwin Guttman - 69-69 Notice
by I. Savage - 70-70 Errata
by John Walsh & Hirotugu Akaike & Sigeki Sakino & Chikio Hayashi - 107-112 A convergence theorem for discrete probability distributions
by Masashi Okamoto
September 1959, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 183-208 The extreme value of the generalized distances of the individual points in the multivariate normal sample
by Minoru Siotani - 223-232 Large sample nonparametric rejection of outlying observations
by John Walsh - 233-259 On the statistical control of the gap process
by Hirotugu Akaike - 261-275 On the analysis of epidemic model I (theoretical approach)
by Sigeki Sakino & Chikio Hayashi
March 1959, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 47-63 Tables for testing the homogeneity ofk independent binomial experiments on a certain event based on the range
by Minoru Siotani & Masaru Ozawa
March 1949, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-77 On an analytical method in the theory of independent random variables
by K. Kunisawa - 79-82 Note on the independence of certain statistics
by Kameo Matusita - 83-108 On the independence of bilinear and quadratic forms of a random sample from a normal population
by Junjiro Ogawa - 109-122 On the criteria of the independence and the degrees of freedom of statistics and their applications to the analysis of variance
by Heihachi Sakamoto - 123-124 A survey method using two kinds of surveys
by Hiroshi Midzuno - 125-130 Fragments of a new test formula of normality
by Chikio Hayashi - 131-139 Representation of a function by the Fourier-Stieltjes integral
by Tatsuo Kawata - 141-148 A remark to the Wald's theory of statistical inference
by Kameo Matusita - 149-156 An outline of the theory of sampling systems
by Hiroshi Midzuno - 157-160 On a limit distribution
by Tadashi Ugaheri